For answers to questions such as why your favorite server isn't here or how we collected this information, see our FAQ.
This chart is up to date as of December 4, 1996. It has five elements on each server:
Looking for more comparative information on these servers? Our features table shows more details and which servers support which features. For more specific information, check the links to each server on the first column.
If you are looking for information on relative web server market share, here are two places that collect this kind of information: Netcraft and WebCrawler.
Full name | Vendor | Operating Systems | Price Range | Version |
AB Software HTTPd for OS/2 | AB Software | OS/2 | Free | 1.1 |
Alibaba | Computer Software Manufaktur | Win | 99 | 2 |
Amiga Web Server | Mike Meyer | Amiga | Free | 2 |
AOLserver | America Online | Unix, Win | Free | 2.1 |
Apache | Apache | Unix, OS/2 | Free | 1.1.1 |
Basis Web | Basis | Win | $?? | ?? |
Boulevard | ResNova | Mac | $0 - $395 | 1.0 beta |
CERN httpd | CERN | Unix | Free | 3.0A |
Cheetah | Cisco/TGV | Win, Unix, VMS | $?? | 1 |
Clearway FireSite | Clearway Technologies | Mac | $499 - $1199 | 1.0.1 |
Commerce Builder | Internet Factory | Win | 495 | 2 |
Common Lisp Hypermedia Server (CL-HTTP) | MIT | Unix, Mac | Free | 60.17 |
COSMOS Web Server | RIS Technologies | Unix | $2000 - $20,000 | 1 |
CyberPresence | CyberPresence | Win | $0 - $99 | 1.02 |
DECthreads server | OhioState University | VMS | Free | 2.1 |
EasyServe | Jason Linhart | Mac | Free | 0.2 |
EMWAC HTTPS | EMWAC | Win | Free | 0.991 |
EnterpriseWeb | Beyond Software | VM | $0-$55,000 | 1.1 |
Esplanade Secure Edition | FTP Software | Win | DISC | 1.2 |
Esplanade | FTP Software | Win | DISC | 1.2 |
ExpressO HTTP Server | Capital City | Unix, Win, Mac | $69-$195 | 1 |
Fnord Server | Fnord | Win | Free | |
FolkWeb | ILAR Concepts | Win | $0 - $120 | 1.2 |
FTP Web Server | FTP Software | Unix | DISC | 1.1 |
GLACI-HTTPD | Great Lakes Area Commercial Internet | NetWare | 475 | 3 |
GLACI-Secure Serv | Great Lakes Area Commercial Internet | NetWare | 975 | 3 |
GN | John Franks | Unix | Free | 2.24 |
GNNserver | America Online/GNN | Unix, Win | DISC | 2.02 |
GoServe for OS/2 | IBM | OS/2 | Free | 2.48 |
httpd4Mac | BillMelotti | Mac | Free | 1.3b |
HypeIt | Cykic Software, Inc. | DOS | $549 - $1995 | 1000 |
IBM Internet Connection Secure Server | IBM | Win, Unix, OS/2 | $0 - $295 | 4.1 |
IBM Internet Connection Server | IBM | Win, Unix, OS/2, MVS, AS/400 ?? | $0 - $99 | 4.1 |
Internet Genie | FrontierTechnologies | Win | ?? | 1 |
InterServer Publisher | Intercon Systems Corp. | Mac | $198 - $495 | 1.2.1 |
InterWare | Consensys | Win | 1495 | 2.1 |
INTRAnet Jazz Server | JSB | Unix | $ ?? | 2 |
Jigsaw | W3 Consortium | Win, Unix, OS/2, Mac | Free | 1.0 alpha 3 |
LanWeb | WonLoo Technologies, Inc. | NetWare | $0 - $395 | 1.8 |
MacHTTP | Quarterdeck/StarNine | Mac | $0 - $95 | 2.2 |
Microsoft Internet Information Server | Microsoft | Win | Free (1.0 only) | 2 |
NetAlly | Delphic Software | Mac | $295-1995 | 1 |
N.E.T. Web Server | Network Engineering Technologies | Win, Unix | $495 - $4995 | ?? |
NCSA HTTPd | NCSA | Unix | Free | 1.5.2 |
NetBasic for Internet | Tools that Work | NetWare | $?? | 5 |
NetManage IntraNet Server | NetManage | Win | 995 | 5.1 |
NetPresenz | Stairways | Mac | $10- $2000 | 4.0.1 |
Netscape Enterprise Server | Netscape | Win, Unix | $0 - $995 | 2.0 |
Netscape FastTrack Server | Netscape | Win, Unix | $0 - $295 | 2.0 |
NetWare Web Server | Novell | NetWare | $995 | 2.5 |
NetWings Internet Server | NetWings | Mac | $495 - $595 | 1 |
NovaServer | ResNova Software, Inc. | Mac | $119 - $2200 | 4.04 |
OmniHTTPd | Garrick Lau | Win | Free | Alpha 7 (1.0a7) |
Open Market Secure WebServer | Open Market | Win, Unix | $1495 | 2 |
Open Market WebServer | Open Market | Win, Unix | $0 - $?? | 1.1 |
Oracle WebServer | Oracle | Win, Unix | $2495 | 3 |
OS2HTTPD | Frankie Fan | Os/2 | Free | 1.04 |
Phttpd | Signum Support AB | Unix | Free | ?? |
Pictorius Net Server | Pictorius | Mac | free | 1.0.1 |
Plexus | Tony Sanders | perl | Free | 3.0m |
Power MachTen | Tenon Intersystems | Mac | 694 | 4.0.3 |
PowerWeb Server | CompuSource | OS/2 | $0 - $295 | 3.01 |
Purveyor Encrypt WebServer | Process Software | Win | 895 | 1.2 |
Purveyor WebServer | Process Software | Win, NetWare, VMS | $295 - $495 | 1.2 |
Quarterdeck WebServer | Quarterdeck | Win | DISC | 1 |
SAIC-HTTP | Science Applications International | Win | Free | 1.1 |
SCO OpenServer | Santa Cruz Operation | Unix | 995 | ?? |
Sioux | Thawte | Unix | $0- $550 | 1.0.1 |
Sitebuilder | American Internet Corp. | NetWare | DISC | ?? |
SoftNet WebServ Enterprise | SoftNet/Puzzle Systems | NetWare | $1499 - $2499 | 1.02 |
Sonic Web Server | Sonic Systems | Mac | 495 | 1 |
Spinnaker Web Server | Searchlight | Win | $0- $495 | 2 |
Spinner | Spinner | Unix | Free | 1.0b13 |
Spry SafetyWeb Server | Compuserve/Spry | Win | 895 | 1,1 |
Spry Web Server | Compuserve/Spry | Win | 245 | 1.2 |
Squid | Squid | Unix | Free | 1.1 alpha 7 a |
Stairways Web Server | Stairways | Be OS | $?? | 1.0d2 |
Stronghold | C2Net | Unix | $0 - $495 | 1.3.2 |
SU/httpd | SUnet | Unix | Free | 1 |
SuperWeb Secure Server | FrontierTechnologies | Win | DISC | 1.2 |
TECWeb Server | TECS | Unix | $?? | 1.1 |
TeleFinder Internet Server | Spider Island | Mac | 0 | 5.1 |
thttpd | thttpd | Unix | Free | 1 |
VBServer | VB | Win | $75 - $150 | 2 |
Viking Server | Robtex | Win | Free | 0.919 |
W4-Server | Antelope | Win | Free | 2.4 |
Web Commander | Luckman Interactive | Win | $129 - $249 | 1 |
Web for One | ResNova | Mac | $0 - $?? | beta |
Web Server 4D | MDG Computer Systems | Mac | $395 - $995 | 1.00fc1 |
Web Server/400 | I/Net,Inc. | AS/400 | 2995 | 1.3 |
WebCenter | Chris Hawk | Mac | Free | ?? |
WebDisk | Ararat Software | Win | $30 | 1.0b |
WebQuest | Questar | Win | $295 - $495 | 2.1 |
Webshare | BeyondSoftware | VM | Free | 1.2.3 |
WebSite Pro | O'Reilly & Assoc. | Win | 499 | 1.1F |
WebSite | O'Reilly & Assoc. | Win | $0 - $249 | 1.1E |
WebStar (Mac) | Quartedeck/StarNine | Mac | $0 - $499 | 1.3.1 |
WebStar 95/NT | Quarterdeck | Win | DISC | 2 |
WebStar/SSL (Mac) | Quartedeck/StarNine | Mac | 599 | 1.3.1 |
Webware Commercial Edition | Edime | NetWare | $350 - $1550 | 1.4 |
WN | John Franks | Unix | Free | 1.13 |
Wsplug | Pascal Urien | Win | Free | 3.2 |
WWWServer | Dynamic Solutions | Win | Free | 1.0 beta |
YAWN | CPU s.c | NetWare | $197 - $295 | 1.03b |
ZBServer | ZBSoft | Win | $25 - $759 | 1.5 |
Zeus Server | Zeus | Unix | 900 | 1.0.1 |
Популярность: 35, Last-modified: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 21:48:57 GmT