Оглавление файла ( /SONGS/whaits/waits83.txt )

  • 1. Underground ++-
  • 2. Shore leavе
  • 3. Dave the butcher (Instrumental)
  • 4. Johnsburg, Illinois
  • 5. 16 shells from a 30.6 +/-
  • 6. Town with no cheer
  • 7. In the neighborhood +/-
  • 8. Just another sucker on the vine (Instrumental)
  • 9. Frank's wild years (For Frankie Z.)
  • 10. Swordfishtrombone ++-
  • 11. Down, down, down +--
  • 12. Soldier's things
  • 13. Gin soaked boy
  • 14. Тrouble's braids
  • 15. Rainbirds (Instrumental)

  • Size: 15109 bytes
    Last-modified: Tue, 05 Nov 1996 06:17:23 GmT

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