The intro is a fast rythmic tremolo on B7sus4. I play it with a bar
the seventh fret: 797977 and afterwards slide the pointer finger
quickly on the E-string from 7 down to 0 to play the Em: 022000
Intro: Bsus2
Em A Em A
A goddess on a mountain top
Em A Em A
burning like a silver flame,
Em A Em A
Summit of beauty and love,
Em A Em (single notes: E E G A B B A G)
and Venus was her name.
Am D Am D Em A Em A
She's got it, yeah baby, she's got it.
C7 B7 Em A Em A
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire at your desire.
Her weapon's are her crystal eyes
making every man mad.
Black as the dark night she was,
got what no one else had.
She's got it, yeah baby, she's got it.
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire at your desire.
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire at your desire.
(repeat intro)
(repeat verse 1)
Популярность: 38, Last-modified: Thu, 06 Jun 1996 05:48:14 GmT