From: Christopher Mosher 

"About a Girl"
Bleach (SP34a)
Copyright 1989 Sub Pop
Transcribed by Chris Mosher 

This is a close approximation of the way I play Nirvana's
"About a Girl", which is a close approximation of how
Nirvana plays it on their Bleach album.

The chords are generally 5's (i.e., no 3rd),
not minor or major, except for the open G in the verse
(but even that omits the 3rd usually played on the
5th string and has only the 3rd on the 2nd string).

The chords played during the chorus are "power chords"
in the true sense on the phrase. In the second measure
(during "...vantage while."), note that the F#5 is
strummed twice and then the strings are muffled with the
palm of the picking hand on the second count, during
which time there is feedback. This is cool.

There are two different forms of the E5 chord played one
after the other in the chorus (during "I can't see you").
First is the "open" E5 (022xxx). He then slides up to the
alternate E5' at the 7th fret (x799xx). This is really cool.
I play the A5 at the 5th fret (577xxx). This is what it
sounds like to me on the album, although I know Kurt seems
to play an open A (x022xx) often, so it may be that way
instead. Also, I think it's easier to play (577xxx).

This stuff can all be heard clearly after the lead, when
there's no singing over top of it.

The first note in the lead is an open E (6th string) held
for a full count. There are two slides-up. The first slide,
from 7 to 9, is "slow"; play the 7, but don't slide up to
9 until the next beat. The second slide, from 9 up to 12,
is "fast"; play the 9 and slide up to the 12 right away
during that beat. On the next beat, play the 12 on the
3rd string (letting both notes ring). Play 12 on 4th string
and 12 on 3rd string again, letting them ring, and then
slide both notes down on the last up-beat in the measure.

Just before the lead starts, he turns up the distortion, and
seemingly leaves it up during the remainder of the song.

I lifted the lyrics from some other messages posted
to A.G.T. They're the best I can do; I never could
understand what Kurt was saying!

Thank you and have fun.


part A (verse):
beat|  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |
 crd|  E5          G          |  E5          G          |

beat|  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |
 crd|  E5          G          |  E5          G          |

part B (chorus):
beat|  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |
 crd|  C#5         G#5        |  F#5                    |

beat|  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |
 crd|  C#5         G#5        |  F#5                    |

beat|  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |
 crd|  E5          E5'        |  A5       C5            |

part C (lead):
beat|  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |  1  +  2  +      3  +  4  +  |
 crd|  E5          G          |  E5              G           |
    (turn up distortion just before lead)

part D (coda):
beat|  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |
 crd|  E5          E5'        |  A5       C5            |

beat|  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |  1  +  2  + |
 crd|  C5                     |             |
                      (slows down a bit here)

part E (coda):
beat|  1  +  2  +  3  +  4  + |
 crd|  E5
   D|--2--h--h--h--h--h--h--h-| (hold for about four measures total)

TAB Legend:
  h    = hold fretted note (or let open note ring), do not pick
  m/(n)= pick note at fret m, slide up to fret n (do not pick twice)
  n\   = pick note at fret n, slide down (to wherever)
  x    = pick string, but muffle with finger so note doesn't sound

CRD chart
      E A D G B E
E5:   0 2 2 x 0 0
G:    3 x 0 0 0 3
C#5:  x 4 6 6 x x
G#5:  4 6 6 x x x
F#5:  2 4 4 x x x
E5':  x 7 9 9 x x
A5:   5 7 7 x x x
C5:   x 3 5 5 x x

verse 1:
| 1 +  2   + 3     +   4 + | 1    +   2  +     3 + 4 +   |
| I          need  an      | ea---sy     friend    I     |
| do         with  a       | hand to     lend      I     |
| do         think you     | fit  this   shoe      I     |
| do         what  you     | have a      clue            |

verse 2:
| 1 +  2   + 3     +   4 + | 1    +   2  +     3 + 4 +   |
| I'm        stand-ing     | in   your   light     I     |
| do         hope  you     | have the    time      I     |
| do         pick  up      | num--ber    two       I     |
| do         keep  a       | date with   you             |

| 1 +  2   + 3     +   4 + | 1    +   2  +     3 + 4 +   |
|      I'll  take  a---ad--|-van--tage   while           |
|      You   hang  me      | out      to dry         But |
| I    can't see       you | ev'--ry     night           |
| Free                     |                      (I     |
| do)                      |                             |

| 1 +  2   + 3     +   4 + | 1    +   2  +     3 + 4 +   |
|      I'll  take  a---ad--|-van--tage   while           |
|      You   hang  me      | out      to dry         But |
| I    can't see       you | ev'--ry     night       No  |
| I    can't see       you | ev'--ry     nigh------------|

| 1 +  2   + 3     +   4 + | 1   +    2  +  |
| ----------(t)            |                |

| 1 +  2   + 3     +   4 + | 1   +    2  +     3 + 4 +   |
| Free                     |                       I     |
| do                       |                       I     |
| do                       |                       I     |
| do                       |                       I     |
| do                       |                             |

             LYR       TAB part
             ---       --------
intro         -        A A
verse        verse 1   A A
chorus       chorus    B A
verse        verse 2   A A
chorus       chorus    B A
lead          -        C C C C
chorus        -        B A
verse        verse 1   A A
chorus/coda  coda      B D A A E

From: (Peter Salzman)
Subject: CRD: About A Girl

If someone emails me the lyrics, I'll turn this into a really nice TAB
(instead of a spartan CRD).  I don't want to offend anyone, but I can't
imagine this taking someone more than 2 min to strumm out, unless they
don't have the album I guess.  Oh well.  Have no clue to the lyrics,
sorry.   There doesn't seem to be any chorus.

Song: About A Girl
Artist: Nirvana    written by Kurt Cobain
CRD'er: Peter Jay Salzman

cut time                 <----
E-G back and forth 8 times   |
drum roll on 4; enter on 5   |
E-G back and forth 8 times   |
lyrics start on 1            |
                             |  back to here
C# G# F#  2 times            |
E  A  C   1 time  ------------

This loop is done 4 times, then the E-G thing back and forth 8 times
while he sings (what I think is) Adieu.  The drum queues apply only to
the first time the loop is played.  Guitar solo is done during the 3rd
loop, on the 2nd E-G thing, for the rest of the loop.  I'll transcribe
the guitar solo on the tab if someone sends me the lyrics, but the solo
is based on the Em scale for the E-G thing and then goes into power chords,
following the song chords (ie- C# G# F# C# G# F# E A C).

Before anyone argues with me whether it's E or Em, I'm 90% sure it's
E.  The reason for the minor tonality is a pretty ingenious (or lucky?)
trick Cobain played with chords.  G happens to be the minor 3rd of E.
Therefore, even though he plays an E, the tonality of the passsage is
minor.  I wonder if he was aware of this...

CRD-About A Girl

>From Nirvana's Bleach
(also featured on Nirvana's 1993 MTV Unplugged performance)

Intro: Em G Em G Em G Em G

Em G      Em   G
I need an easy friend

Em   G      Em      G
I do with a hand to lend

Em   G         Em       G
I do think you fit this shoe

Em   G        Em     G
I do what you have a clue

C#        G#        F#
I'll take advantage while

C#          G#     F#
You hang me out to dry

Em                  A     C     Em  G  Em  G
But I can't see you every night free

Em  G  Em  G
I do

Em  G        Em      G
I'm standing in your light

Em   G        Em       G
I do hope you have the time

Em   G       Em     G
I do pick up number two

Em   G      Em        G
I do keep a date with you

C#        G#        F#
I'll take advantage while

C#          G#     F#
You hang me out to dry

Em                  A     C     Em  G  Em  G
But I can't see you every night free

Em  G  Em  G
I do

Solo: Repeat 3x (s=slide up)
E ------------------------|-
B ------------------------|-
G ----------------7--7s9--|-
D -----5-7-7s9--9---------|-
A -7-7--------------------|-
E ------------------------|-

(Repeat verse 1)

C#        G#        F#
I'll take advantage while

C#          G#     F#
You hang me out to dry

Em                  A     C
But I can't see you every night

Em              A     C
I can't see you every night

Em  G  Em  G

Em  G  Em  G
I do

Em  G  Em  G
I do

Em  G  Em  G  Em
I do

All apologies for incorrect lyrics -- this is just how I hear
them.  No one knows for sure what they are, anyway.

On Bleach, they play this song in standard tuning (EADGBE),
but on Unplugged they played it a half-step down (Eb Ab Db Gb
Bb Eb).

Some say the Em is actually an E or an E5.  Try 'em all and see what
sounds best to you.

Robert Wolsey

From: (Peter Palmer) Nirvana: All Apologies - In Utero TAB by - with some stuff from Pete Palmer added TUNING: Low/High Db Ab Db Gb Bb Eb Eb ----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|- Bb ----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|- Gb ----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|- Db ----------------------|----------12-12-9-10--|----------------------|- Ab ---9-10-9-12-12-9-10--|---9-10-9-------------|---9-10-9-12-12-9-10--|- Db -0--------------------|-0--------------------|-0--------------------|- Eb ---------------------|- Bb ---------------------|- Gb ----------11-11-9----|- Db ------------------12-|- Ab ---9-10-9------------|- Db -0-------------------|- That's the main riff.. Then the Chorus (According to Billy): Eb ----------------------------------------|- Bb ----------------------------------------|- Gb ----------------------------------------|- Db -5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0--7-|- Ab -5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0--7-|- Db -5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0--7-|- *****Then the Chorus (According to Pete) Eb ----------------------------------------|- Bb ----------------------------------------|- Gb --------------------------------------2-|- Db -5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0--2-|- Ab -5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0--0-|- Db -5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0--0-|- In the sun ... Married, burried .... ******************** Verse 1: What else should I be All apologies What else should I say Everyone is gay What else could I write I don't have the right What else should I be All apologies In the sun In the sun I feed as one In the sun In the sun married buried Verse 2: I wish I was like you Easily amused Find my nest of salt Everything is my fault I'll take all the blame Aqur scafoam shame Sunburn with freezeburn Choking on the ashes of her enemy Ending: Oh no is all we are (?) All in all we all are %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Pete Palmer ( --------------------------------------------------------------- They may say those were the days, but in a way, y'know, For us these are the days - Yeah, for us these are the days ... Jane's Addiction `90 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: ag725@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Rick Scaia) In a previous article, (Jon Riley) says: > Hmm... Well, I've been playing it a bit differently. The way I play it >seems to fit perfectly with the version on the album, but I think the >unplugged version is a bit different... > >Here's mine: > >1/2 step down, dropped D tuning > >Eb|---------------------------------------------------------- >Bb|---------------------------------------------------------- >Gb|---------------------------------------------------------- >Db|-------------------------------------------12--12--10--9-- >Ab|-----9--10--9--12--12--10--9-----9--10--9----------------- >Db|--0---------------------------0--------------------------- > > >Eb|---------------------------------------------------------- >Bb|---------------------------------------------------------- >Gb|-------------------------------------------11--11--9------ >Db|------------------------------------------------------12-- >Ab|-----9--10--9--12--12--10--9-----9--10--9----------------- >Db|--0---------------------------0--------------------------- Hmmm... take everything on the 4th and 5th strings and move it up 2 frets, and you'e got the way _I_ play it. Doesnt' mean anything, buy hey, it's my two cents. Try it... I really think the open low Db and an 11th fret A on the next string sound right together. All Apologies by Nirvana -------------------------- (Normal tuning) * # * # * What else should I be * All apologies * What else should I say * Everyone is gay * What else could I write * I don't have the right * What else could I be % All apologies F# In the sun In the sun I feel as one In the sun In the sun G#sus4 I'm married buried * I wish I was like you # Easily amused * Find my nest of salt * Everything is my fault * $ I'll take all the blame * Aqua seafoam shame * $ Sunburn with freezerburn %(almost) Choking on the ashes of her enemy (Chorus) * # All in all is all we are * # * # * # etc. | | | | | | | | * |----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|-----------------/6---6---4---3----| |------3---4---3--/6---6---4---3---|------3---4---3--------------------| |--4-------------------------------|--4--------------------------------| |----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | | # |----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|-----------------/6---6---4---2----| |----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |------3---4---3--/6---6---4---3---|------3---4---3--------------------| |--4-------------------------------|--4--------------------------------| |----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | | % |----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |----------------------------------|-------------------/6---6----------| |----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |------3---4---3--/6---6---4---3---|------3---4---3--------------------| |--4-------------------------------|--4--------------------------------| |----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |-----|-----|-----|-----| |-----|-----|-----|-----| Play this the last time |-----|-----|-----|-----| $ Cello bit: |--9--|--6--|--9--|--11-| *2 |--9--|--6--|--3--|-----| |-----|-----|-----|-----| |-----|-----|-----|--4--| |-----|-----|-----|-----| >>> >>> >>> >>> Volume Swells. Turn volume knob off hammer on note and turn volume on, repeat with every note. Use distortion. BYE!

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From: Andrew Magness Aneurysm - NIRVANA ------------------- This file contains two TABs for Aneurysm: one from Incesticide, and one from the "Smells Like Teen Spirit" maxi CD single. All tabs were written by me, if there are any mistakes, don't hesitate to write to me at: I'm also looking for other nirvana fans who are interested in exchanging nirvana stuff. Aneurysm - Incesticide Tuning: Normal (E, A, D, G, B, E) Riff 1 (with chorus, played 2x) |------------------------------------| |------------------------------------| |--------------5--------4-------2-0-| |-4---4--------5--------4-------2-0-| |-4---4---s3-3-3-3-2-2-2-2-0-0-0---| |-2---2-0---------------------------| The run is played from the 3rd fret of the G string to the 19th(?). Riff 1 (w/ distortion, played 8x) Verse |----------------------------------|----------------------------------||----------------------------------|---------------------------------- |---------Bass plays here-----------|-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 |----------------------------------|-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 |----------------------------------|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5 Chorus (w/ distortion, played 4x) |----------------------------------| |----------------------------------| |----------------------------------| |-4-4-6-7---7-7-8-9---9-8-7---7--| |-4-4-6-7---7-7-8-9---9-8-7---7--| |-2-2-4-5---5-5-6-7---7-6-5---5-0| It then goes on to the run, and then the outro, which os the same as the chorus. Lyrics to Aneurysm - Incesticide Come on over, Do the twist Overdo it, Have a fit Love you so much, Makes me sick Come on over, Do the twist Beat me out of me (Beat up, Beat up) x4 Come on over, Do the twist Overdo it, Have a fit Come on over, Shoot the shit Come on over, Do the twist Beat me out of me (Beat up, Beat up) x4 She gave the perfect strain to my heart (xbunch of times) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Aneurysm - "Smells Like Teen Spirit" Tuning: Normal (E, A, D, G, B, E) This version is played much more slowly. Riff 1 (Clean sound, played 2x) |------------------------------------| |------------------------------------| |--------------0--------0-------2-0-| |-4---4--------0--------0-------2-0-| |-4---4---s3-3-3-3-2-2-2-2-0-0-0---| |-2---2-0---------------------------| The run is played from the 3rd fret of the G string to the 19th(?). Riff 1 (w/ distortion, played 8x) Verse |----------------------------------|----------------------------------||----------------------------------|---------------------------------- |---------Bass plays here-----------|-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 |----------------------------------|-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 |----------------------------------|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5 Chorus (w/ distortion, played 4x) |----------------------------------| |----------------------------------| |----------------------------------| |-4-4-6-7---7-7-8-9---9-8-7---7--| |-4-4-6-7---7-7-8-9---9-8-7---7--| |-2-2-4-5---5-5-6-7---7-6-5---5-0| It then goes on to the run, and then the outro, which os the same as the chorus. Lyrics to Aneurysm - Incesticide Come on over, Do the twist Overdo it, Have a fit Come on over, Shoot the shit Come on over, Do the twist Beat me out of me (Beat up, Beat up) x4 Come on over, Do the twist Overdo it, Have a fit Come on over, Shoot the shit Come on over, Do the twist @email address:@real name:you think i'd tell you?@advice:the government is monitoring your every move... be careful! @influences:nirvana, tool, melvins, L7, sex pistols, punk in general @color:blue@favorite word:spam@least favorite word:grunge@quote: a life lived in fear is a life half lived.@@@@@@(don't quote me on that)@@@@@@

Subject: TAB: Nirvana "Been a Son" and request Date: 14 May 94 00:54:17 GMT X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Hi Everyone, I've been seeing some really good Nirvana tab lately (thanks a million to the guy who posted Downer and Mexican Seafood!), so I figured I'd add a little. I haven't seen this one posted, I'm not sure if it's just so easy that nobody doesn't know it, or what. Anyway, here's Been a Son. Oh yeah...if anyone knows Spank Thru, or the solo for D-7, could you PLEASE post it!? Been A Son Written by Kurt Cobain Tabbed by Gene Azevedo There are two major versions of this song...the fast electric version heard on the Lithium single and Incesticide, and a slower "lamer" as Kurt put it, version which I've heard but can't remember what it was on. I'll post the tab for the faster one since it's better, but you can play the more mellow one on an acoustic guitar playing only the higher pitched strings for the verses, and playing the chorus with the normal tuned power chords rather than the dropped d as I will show. Verses: ^-upstroke if you play this one...all others down E---0--0-----------0---(0)--0--------| B---3--3-----------3---(3)--3--------| G---2--2-----------2---(2)--2--------| repeat many times D---0--0-----------0---(0)--0--------| A---0--0---3-2-0---0---(0)--0---3-2-0| D---0--0-----------0---(0)--0--------| Chorus: E------------------------- B------------------------- G------------------------- Repeat D---5-5--3--X-2--2-------- A---5-5--3--X-2--2--3-2-0- D---5-5--3--X-2--2-------- Solo- There are many ways to play this solo...sometimes Kurt just played the verse guitar part as the solo...but my version of the solo (quite pathetic unless you're playing with some other people to help make more noise! G--6-6--4-3-1/6--6-6--4-3-1-- repeat a couple times then G--/4-4--2--2-1--1-1-1-0-1-0--1/4--4--2--2-1--1-1-1-0-1-0 etc. Enjoy! -Gene Azevedo (


@ALBUM: BLEACH @SONG: Blew If you wouldn't mind I would like it blew If you wouldn't mind I would like it loose If you wouldn't care I would like to leave If you wouldn't mind I would like to breathe Is there another reason for your stay Could you believe him when you discussed his stain? Here is another word that rhymes with shame If you wouldn't mind I would like it blew If you wouldn't mind I would like it loose If you wouldn't care I would like to bleed If you wouldn't mind I would like to breathe. Is there another reason for your stay Could you believe him when you discussed his stain? Here is another word that rhymes with shame You could do anything (x8) @SONG: Floyd the Barber Hello Cobain come on in Floyd now says my hairy chin Sit down in the chair don't be afraid Steaming hot towel on my face I'm ashamed (x3) Barber ties me to the chair I can't see I'm really scared Floyd burns alright he'll sell -? They depress against my nails I was ashamed (x3) Lies and suffers in the room Oh reality / Looking at me I presume They take turns and cut me up I die smothered and he's not I was ashamed (x3) @SONG: About a Girl I need an easy friend I do whip her into land - ? I don't think you fit this shoe I do, won't you have a clue I'll take advantage while You hang me out to dry But I can't see you every night Free I'm standing in your line I do hope you have the time I do pick a number too I do keep a date with you I'll take advantage while You hang me out to dry But I can't see you every night Free I need an easy friend I do whip her in to land I do think you fit this shoe I do won't you have a clue I'll take advantage while You hang me out to dry But I can't see you every night No I can't see you every night Free I do (x4) @SONG: School Won't you believe it It's just my luck (x4) No recess (x3) Won't you believe it It's just my luck (x4) No recess (x3) You're in high school again (x8) No recess (x7) @SONG: Love Buzz Would you believe me when I tell you You are the queen of my heart Please don't deceive me when I hurt you Just ain't the way it seems Can you feel my love buzz (x4) (repeated) @SONG: Paper Cuts When I'm feeling tired She puts you through the door I crawl towards the cursed alley Sometimes I can't find my way This curtain's (Kurt is?) spellbound (still round) So get all that you can A cool man is toughening/too plain A good hosing down When the hate in my field (ma)eternal all four Cannot look me in the eyes But I asked the years ham radio blew And the car, twist, mouth, fear! Yaaah! I think so I think so I think so Nirvana Nirvana Nirvana Nirvana Nirvana Nirvana... Back when 'twas a party I scratched with my nails I see now that she's just like me Why do they not try to escape? They bring out the holy ones They pointed my way They come with the flashing lights And take my family away An-gr-y later I am known to Slap some friends of ridicule My whole existence is for your fears And that is why I'm here with you! Don't taaaake Me awaaaaay You're round Nirvana Nirvana Nirvana Nirvana Nirvana Nirvana Nirvana Nirvana... @SONG: Negative Creep This is out of our range (x3) no This is getting to be (x3) gross I'm a negative creep (x3) and I'm stoned I'm a negative creep (x3) and I'm I'm Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x6) This is out of our range (x3) no This is getting to be (x3) gross I'm a negative creep (x3) and I'm stoned I'm a negative creep (x3) and I'm I'm Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x4) Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x8) @SONG: Scoff In my eyes I'm not lazy In my face It's not over In your room I'm not older In your eyes I'm not worth it Gimme back my alcohol (x8) (First:) Give me all your... (x 6) (First and second repetitions:) Give me all your... (x 5) Give me your Love! (?) Fuck! @SONG: Swap Meet They need a lifestyle that is comfortable They travel far to keep their stomachs full They make a living off of arts and crafts The conversations just would (n)ever laugh (?) They make a deal when they come to town The Sunday swap meet is a battle ground She loves it more than he will ever know He loves it more than he will ever show Keeps his cigarettes close to his heart Keeps her photographs close to her heart Keeps the bus-i-ness close to the heart (x3) @SONG: Mr. Moustache Fill me in on your new vision Wake me up with indecision Help me trust your mind and wisdom Yes I eat cow I am not proud. Show me how you question, question Lead the way to my temptations Take my hand and keep it clean As I eat cow I am not proud. Is it an easychair? Oversized rock I don't like you anyway Silver metal box I'm new I'm new (all again, then:) I'm who? I'm you--aaaahh! Aaaah! @SONG: Sifting Afraid to grade Wouldn't it be fun? Cross, self-loss Wouldn't it be fun? Wet your bed Wouldn't it be fun? Some fear none Wouldn't it be fun? Your eyes Treat yourself (x3) Treat yourself Don't have nothing for you (x6) Don't have nothing but (for?) you Smell the smell Wouldn't it be fun? Search for a church Wouldn't it be fun? Wet your bed Wouldn't it be fun? Cold is gold Wouldn't it be fun? Your eyes Treat yourself (x3) Treat yourself (x2) Don't have nothing for you(x7) Don't have nothing for you (x9) @SONG: Big Cheese Big cheese make me Mine says, "Go to the office" Big cheese Make me Mine says, "One that stays" Black is black, straight back Need more enemies Show you all what a man is Big lies make my Mine says "Go to the office" Big cheese Make me Message? What is it? Black is black straight back Need more enemies She is glue how are you? @SONG: Downer Put your sincerity I've got a royalty Defending your country Wish away I've had a lobotomy Save your family Surrealistic fantasy Bad boy Fight! All we know is Restitution Living out your Date of future There's a hope Please show me faster Don't forget To pass a riot Somebody served a dinner Much like I am I know I can't Make enough although If you go along I sing your song Sickening pessimists Picketing masses Separated communists Apocalyptic bastards Rinkydink God For putting me on this Earth Being very frivolous Death in mind Nurse! All we know is Restitution Living out your Date of future There's a hope Please send it faster Don't forget To pass a riot Somebody served a dinner Much like I am I know I can't Make enough although If you go along I sing your song.

From: N I R V A N A ------ B L E W (from the album ''bleach'') ----------------------------------------------------------- Transcribed by D. Cohen ( ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Okay, this is my second transcription, so dont be mad, i havent got any comments on my first one (Nirvana-Dive), so tough yours:) I can transcribe so many Nirvana songs, but i dunno what, so, if you have any special request, it'll be my pleasure :)) ''Dropped D'' tuning --------------------- Intro / Verse / Outro 1|----------------------------------| 2|----------------------------------| 3|----------------------------------| 4|----------------------------------| 5|-0--3--5--6--6--5--3--0--5--------| 6|-0--3--5--6--6--5--3--0--5--------| ) 1/2 Verse Riff / 1|----------------------------------|----------------6----| 2|----6--8--9--9--9--8--6--8--8--6--|--8p--6h--8--8-------| 3|-7--------------------------------|---------------------| 4|----------------------------------|---------------------| 5|----------------------------------|---------------------| 6|----------------------------------|---------------------| Oh if you... Chorus 1|---------------------------------------------------------| 2|---------------------------------------------------------| 3|---------------------------------------------------------| 4|---------------------------------------------------------| 5|-3--5-|--5--5--3-|--3--3--5-|--5--5--3--6-|-/7-...-------| 6|-3--5-|--5--5--3-|--3--3--5-|--5--5--3--6-|-/7-...-------| Is There another... ...Shame!!!

From: (John Clarke) Subject: TAB: Breed Date: 22 May 1994 08:29:29 GMT X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] BREED by Kurt Cobain Intro: e|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| G|-*-----------------------------*-|-*-------------------------------| B|-*--4--4--4--4--7-----------2--*-|-*--4--4--4--4--7----------------| A|----4--4--4--4--7-Bend------2----|----4--4--4--4--7-Bend-----------| E|----2--2--0--2--5-----------0----|----2--2--0--2--5-----------0----| e|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| G|---------------------------------|-------------------------------*-| B|----4--4--4--4--7----------------|----4--4--4--4--7--------------*-| A|----4--4--4--4--7-Bend-----------|----4--4--4--4--7-Bend-----------| E|----2--2--0--2--5-----------0----|----2--2--0--2--5-----------0----| Riff 1: e|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| G|-*-------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|-*--4--4-------------------------|----4--4-------------------------| A|----4--4-------------------------|----4--4-------------------------| E|----2--2--0--2--5-Bend------0----|----2--2--0--2--5-Bend------0----| e|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| G|---------------------------------|-------------------------------*-| B|----4--4-------------------------|----4--4-----------------------*-| A|----4--4-------------------------|----4--4-------------------------| E|----2--2--0--2--5-Bend------0----|----2--2--0--2--5-Bend------0----| Verse: e|-----------------------------|-----|-----|-------------------------| B|-----------------------------|-----|-----|-------------------------| G|-----------------------------|-----|-----|-------------------------| B|---11-11-11-11--11-11-11-11--|--%--|--%--|--11-11-11---------------| A|---9--9--9--9---9--9--9--9---|-----|-----|--9--9--9--9-Bend--9-7---| E|-----------------------------|-----|-----|-------------------------| e|-----------------------------|---|---|---|-------------------------| B|-----------------------------|---|---|---|-------------------------| G|-*---------------------------|---|---|---|-----------------------*-| B|-*-11-11-11-11--11-11-11-11--|-%-|-%-|-%-|--11-11-11-------------*-| A|---9--9--9--9---9--9--9--9---|---|---|---|--9--9--9--9-Bend--9-7---| E|-----------------------------|---|---|---|-------------------------| e|-----------------------------| B|-----------------------------| G|-----------------------------| B|----4-4-4-4---4-4-4-0--------| A|----4-4-4-4---4-4-4-1--------| E|----2-2-2-2---2-2-2----------| I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, care if I'm old I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind, if I don't have a mind Get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, way, way from your home I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, of a ghost Chorus: D A C5 B5 e|----2--2--2----------------------|---------------------------------| B|----3--3--3--X--2------2--X------|---------------------------------| G|----2--2--2--X--2------2--X------|---5--5--5--X--4------4--X-------| B|----0--0--0--X--2------2--X------|---5--5--5--X--4------4--X-------| A|---------------------------------|---3--3--3--X--2------2--X-------| E|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Even if you have Even if you need I don't mean to stare We don't have to breed We could plant a house We could build a tree I don't even care We could have all three She said (with Riff 1)

Received: from by (5.65c/M1.4) with SMTP id ; Wed, 13 Jan 1993 03:54:11 -0800 Received: from by id ; Wed, 13 Jan 1993 03:54:07 -0800 Received: from by with SMTP id AA00417 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Wed, 13 Jan 1993 22:53:50 +1100 Received: by Date: Wed, 13 Jan 93 22:53:35 EDT From: (Mr.Scary) Message-Id: <> To: Subject: NIRVANA: Come as you are - correction Hi James ! I've noticed a mistake in Nirvana/ Below is the correct version (the last 2 B's were originaly Bb) --- Come As You Are =============== This is a very simple song, and this should get you started. I'm not sure ------------------------------- about the chords during the chorus, but ------------------------------- this riff is palyed during most of ------------------------------- the verses. ------------------------------- ---------0---0---------2-----2- -0-0-1-2---2---2-2-1-0---0-0--- --- Mr.Scary (Gary Chapman) ----------------------------

From: Jason M Heim Okay, I suck at tabbing things out on the pc, but here goes. D-7 is absolutely my favorite song that Nirvana played (I know it's not theirs, but it rules the way they play[ed] it). D-7 as played by Nirvana on the "Hormoaning" EP: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (apparently this song is originally by Greg Sage) Lyrics: verse 1: Straight as an arrow, defect, defect. Not straight, not so straight, reject, reject. Towards anti-social, solo, solo. verse 2: Standing on the stairs, cold cold morning. Ghostly image of fear, mayday, mayday. Gonna leave this region, they'll take me with them. Dimension Seven tuning: standard (although drop D would work very well) slow part (no distortion): E---0--------0--1--------1-- this sequence is played twice before the drums A------2-----------3-------- come in, then twice more with the drums, then D---------2-----------0----- all throughout the first two lines of each G--------------------------- verse. B--------------------------- E--------------------------- E---5-----5-----6-----6-----5-----5-----6--6-------- this is played during A------7--7--7-----8--8--8-----7--7--7--8--8-------- the third line of each D---------7-----------8-----------7-----8--8-------- verse, after which it G--------------------------------------------------- returns to the riff B--------------------------------------------------- above. E--------------------------------------------------- Then there is that pause where the last chord (E) rings out for about four to eight beats,and then Kurt turns the distortion on and doubles the tempo. He uses the following power chord progression: (REALLY FAST--X MEANS MUTED CHORD) E,E,X,X,E,E,E,E,F,F,F,G,G,G,F,F x2 then he repeats verse 1 (screaming of course) use the above chords for the first two lines, and then this for the third line: A,A,X,X,A,A,A,A,A#,A#,A#,C,C,C,A#,A# x2 repeat the first power chord progression twice with no lyrics. scream verse 2 (same chords as verse 1) guitar solo (improvise your own, it's pretty easy) scream verse 1 again repeat first chord progression 8 times more, screaming "dimension seven" in each. Sorry if this is confusing, unconventional, or even wrong. If anyone has any pointers or corrections, let me know. Eric Moreau wrote: >Subject: REQ:D-7, Nirvana > >Anyone have tab to this incredible song? > > Stoney > your welcome in advance, -Jase- . .;' Who wants .d"' .dP gMP to go to gMP .odb dMM OM IMM. ;M" heaven? "MMb IP ""b..P I'""Mb. d' "MMb. dM "MMb Not me, dM" MMP MO gMP "OP' gMP I'm afraid .dP" .oP" ,." of heights. From: "D-7" as performed by Nirvana (originally written by Greg Sage, performed by the Wipers) This is a great cover tune. For those who don't know about it, it's on some demos and on the Hormoaning import ep. I think it's on one of the import singles too (probably Lithium UK import). standard tuning ~ = let ring hb = half bend Intro E5 F5 (G5) F5 ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- --------2-------------0------ -----2-----2-------3-----3--- --0-------------1------------ (it's probably easier to play the intro in Drop D, but, whatever floats your boat...) then that almost-chorus-like part of the intro (strumming): A5 (x022xx) G5 (355xxx) the intro ends with a strummed E5. Verse E5 F5 G5 ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --2--2-----2---2--2---3--3--3---5---5--5--5-- --2--2-----2---2--2---3--3--3---5---5--5--5-- --0--0--0--0---0--0---1--1--1---3---3--3--3-- Chorus A5 A#5 C5 ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --2--2--2---2--2--2---3--3--3---5---5--5--5-- --2--2--2---2--2--2---3--3--3---5---5--5--5-- --0--0--0---0--0--0---1--1--1---3---3--3--3-- ----------------------------------------------- Solo (at least the beginning) --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --9~--------9-9-------9hb--9--7------------- ------------------------------------7--9----- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- the rest of the solo shouldn't be too hard to figure out, but i'm too lazy to do that myself right now : ) keith

Nirvana ------------> ''DIVE'' transcripted by D. Cohen |==================================| How come no one transcripted this song yet? is it too easy to play and i'm making fun of myself? i guess :) people please, i know you'll hate me for this thing, but consider it my first transcription *smile*, i'd appriciate comments, so i'll know for next time :) / = Slide ) / = Bend / Intro Riff (bass) Repeat twice. 1|--------------------------------------| 2|--------------------------------------| 3|--------------------------------------| 4|--------------------------------------| 5|----------------------7--7--7---------| 6|-2--0--2--0--2--0--0------------------| Intro Guitar Repeat a couple of times. 1|-----------------------------| 2|-----------------------------| 3|------------------------/9---| 4|------------------------/9---| 5|-4-----4--4-----4-------/7---| 6|-2--0--2--2--0--2--0--0------| Verse 1|-----------------| 2|-----------------| 3|----------/9-----| 4|-4--4-----/9-----| 5|-4--4-----/7-----| 6|-2--2--0---------| Pick me... Pre Chorus + Chorus 1|--------------------------------------------------| 2|--------------------------------------------------| 3|-------------------------------------------/9-----| 4|-9--9-11-11--5--5--------4--4-----4--------/9-----| 5|-9--9-11-11--5--5--------4--4-----4--------/7-----| 6|-7--7--9--9--3--3--0--0--2--2--0--2--0--0---------| Dive Dive... ...me___________________. Solo 1/2 ) 1|---------------/-----------| 2|--------------/------------| 3|-3--1--3--1--3---1---------| 4|---------------------2-----| 5|---------------------------| 6|---------------------------| Now, a few words... I've seen these stupid shirts made by someone who wants to make money, the shirts say "Kurt Cobain - Suicide is alright", i dont knw if its right or wrong, everyone has his opinion, but making money out if it IS wrong, I'm sure we all remember Kurt for being a great carismatic artist, and he was a source of inspiriation for some of us. i dont know if you've seen it or not, but Dave Grohl went up two days ago (Sep 10th) to take the MTV award for BEST ALTERNATIVE VIDEO , and said how much he misses Kurt and thinks about him everyday, suicide is NOT ALRIGHT, it hurts, but then... Coming up next: Nirvana "blew" and Alice in Chains "I Stay Away" (so send me comments about dive)

From: rte@Hopper.itc.Virginia.EDU (Ritchie Eppink) "Downer" -- Nirvana Starts off with bass doing: E-----0-0-0-0-0-8-8-8--0-0-0-0-0-8-8-8----- (It sound chopped up, as does most of the song, because the entire thing was dubbed over top of itself with a short delay.) Then the gitter comes in: E------------5-------------------5----------- B--2---------5---------2---------5----------- G--2---------5---------2---------5----------- D--2---------5---------2---------5----------- A--2---------3---------2---------3----------- E--0-------------------0--------------------- The verse is bass only, doing the same the intro stuff. On "Fight!", the gitter comes in again: D---10\-|---------------------------------------| A---10\-|--5--6-7-6--5-6-7-6--5--6-7-6--5-6-7-6-| the last measure is played E----8\-|---------------------------------------| twice Then the gitter does this (in sync w/the bass): G------------5-5-5------------5-5-5--- D--2-2-2-2-2-5-5-5--2-2-2-2-2-5-5-5--- A--2-2-2-2-2-3-3-3--2-2-2-2-2-3-3-3--- E--0-0-0-0-0--------0-0-0-0-0--------- Then it goes into the chorus ("Somebody served a dinner..."): G------------8----9--------------8----9---- D--7----8----8----9----7----8----8----9---- A--7----8----6----7----7----8----6----7---- E--5----6--------------5----6-------------- ...and the rest follows these segments, and ends abruptly on an E power chord.

From: (Mr.Scary) Drain You - Nirvana --------- Chords used: A B C# G F# E D --0---2---4---3---2---0---2-- --2---4---6---3---2---0---3-- --2---4---6---4---3---1---2-- --2---4---6---5---4---2---0-- --0---2---4---5---4---2------ --------------3---2---0------ Verse: A C# F# B A C# F# B One baby to another said I'm happy to've met you... A C# F# B A C# F# I don't care what you think unless it is about me (more lyrics that I've forgotten and can no longer decipher) Chorus: E D B D B Too good for you. Pass it back and forth... Here's my passionate kiss... From my mouth to yours, A G F# I like you... The rest is pretty much the same --- Transcribed by... Mr.Scary (Gary Chapman) ---------------------------- NOTE: Stay tuned for my new e-mail address.

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.4/8.6.4) with SMTP id CAA16596 for ; Thu, 24 Mar 1994 02:32:47 -0800 Received: by via suspension id <24110>; Thu, 24 Mar 1994 02:31:55 -0800 Received: by id <24103>; Wed, 23 Mar 1994 20:29:43 -0800 Received: by (GIGO 0.98w32) id AA4294966331; 23 Mar 94 12:05:10 -0500 From: (Jeff Ament) Date: Wed, 23 Mar 1994 04:49:00 -0800 Subject: Tab: nirvana - dumb Message-ID: <> Organization: FTN domain gate X-Mail-Agent: GIGO+ sn 32 at tvk vsn 0.98w32 To: This is from Nirvana: Copyright The End of Music(Kurt Cobain) Dumb - In Utero TUNING: Down a Half-Step, Low/High Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb Here's the verse riff. E5 G5 Eb -------------------|-- Bb -------------------|-- Gb -------------------|-- Db -----2--------5----|-- Ab -----2--------5----|-- Eb -0-----0--3-3---0--|-- The chorus is just the same chords, except open. E G Eb ---0---3--|- Bb ---0---3--|- Gb ---1---0--|- Db ---2---0--|- Ab ---2---2--|- Eb ---0---3--|- On the second chorus this bridge appears, the last time strum C once. B C Eb ---2-2-2-2-2\3-3-3-3-3--|- Bb ---4-4-4-4-4\5-5-5-5-5--|- Gb ---4-4-4-4-4\5-5-5-5-5--|- Db ---4-4-4-4-4\5-5-5-5-5--|- Ab ---2-2-2-2-2\3-3-3-3-3--|- Eb ------------------------|- That's it, no solo or anything :) --- That's it, no solo or anything :) ---

From: (Peter Salzman) ~Title: Even In His Youth Artist: Nirvana; lyrics and music by Kurt Cobain. Recording: 2nd track on the "Smells Like Teen Spirit" CD single. Also known as "Smells Like a Teenage Single". Previously unreleased. Tab: 1.0 by Peter Jay Salzman Beat: Allegro, about 144 bpm. Sound: Not Cobain's standard sound, which is why this tune is interesting. Very distorted with the mids turned up super duper (ie 10) and lows turned up also. A very muddy distortion with lots of harmonics giving it an almost pipe organ sound. A very Marshall sound, but in the OPPOSITE sense of Hendrix who had the treble turned high. Intro: Feedback on 12 fret, 1st string (high E). The following riff is the vamp and verse. For those who want to do it just like the recording, vamp the 2 measures 2 times, then drums enter on the third time. Vocals enter on the fifth repeat. C G G# G C G G# G +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ |-----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |---5--------------->>s>>--->>s>>---|---5--------------->>s>>--->>s>>--.| |---5-----------5---5---6---6---3---|---5-----------5---5---6---6---3--.| |---3-----------5---5---6---6---5---|---3-----------5---5---6---6---5---| +---------------3---3---4---4---5---|---------------3---3---4---4---5---+ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 On the 5th repeat of the above riff, continue the riff and start vocals as shown: 1 2 3 4 C G G# G ------------------------------------------ Ev en in his youth. Ev en in his youth. Ev en in his youth he was noth ing. Kept his bo dy clean. Kept his bo dy clean. Kept his bo dy clean going no where. Da dy was a shamed. Da dy was a shamed. Da dy was a shamed he was some thing. Strippedhimof his name. Strippedhimof his name. Familynamewassomething. Chorus: all power chords. repeat 1st measure 4 times. after playing the 2nd measure (the B) go back to start of the song. go through the whole thing twice. E C G D B +-----------------------------------|----------------------------------------+ |-----------------------------------|----------------------------------------| |-----------5---------------7------.|----------------------------------------| |---2-------5-------5-------7------.|---9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9------| |---2-------3-------5-------5-------|---9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9------| +---0---------------3---------------|---7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7------+ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 chorus (1st time around): chorus (2nd time around): 1st line is truly incomprehensible. 1st line incomprehensible I've got nothing left to prove I've got nothing left to prove If I die far away If I die far away Hope I don't come back again. Hope I don't come back the same. After the chorus is done the 2nd time, go back and play the verse part. The song fades from here while Kurt just sang "even his youth even in his youth even in his youth even in his youth". If you can't fade gracefully (I'm not good at it myself), chop it off at the C. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is my 1st tab. I'm just trying to put back into the net a little bit of what I take. I have 4 urgent requests from everyone: 1) If there are any corrections in the song or lyrics PLEASE write to me and I'll correct it and rerelease the tab. 2) If anyone can even guess at the 1st line in the chorus, please let me know. 3) I'm not objective enough to know if I did a good job. If there's anything I can do to make this more usable, let me know. (ie should I just write out the verse instead of partitioning by chord? Should I write out the whole tab instead of taking short cuts like "repeat 4 times"). No suggestion is too trivial to be seriously considered. 4) What Kurt did was fucked and he's a fucker for doing it, but he brought a lot of good music in the world and deserves to be loved for it. I can be reached at: 415 661-4402 2129 17th ave SF CA 94116-1855 peace -- ##################################################################### I BOYCOTT ANY COMPANY WHO USES MASS ADVERTISING ON THE INTERNET


From: ag725@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Rick Scaia) Floyd the Barber by Kurt Cobain As interpreted by Rick Scaia ( The primary riff for this tune is just an F power chord (for two quarter notes) then a quick slide down to a heavily muted E power chord (two eighths and a quarter note). If you've heard the song, it's pretty easy. The chorus and solo aren't much more difficult. Intro: F E F E Verse: F E F E Hello toilet trained, come on in F E F E Floyd observes my hairy chin F E F E "Sit down in the chair, don't be afraid." F E F E Steaming hot towel on my face Chorus: C# A C G# I was C# A C G# sha-a-a-a-a-a-a-ved, I'm C# A C G# asha-a-a-a-a-a-a-med, I was C# A C G# sha-a-a-a-a-a-a-ved, I'm C# A C G# asha-a-a-a-a-a-a-med Main riff twice Verse 2: [Something indecipherable] in the room Opie, Aunt Bea, I presume They take turns and cut me up I die smothered, Andy's not Chorus Solo: E ----------------------------------------------------- B ----------------------------------------------------- G ----------------------------------------------------- D ----------------------------------------------------- A ---------0-1-3-3-1-0--------------0-1-3-3-1-0-------- E -1-1-0-1-------------3-1--1-1-0-1-------------3-1---- Main riff twice Verse 3 Chorus Main riff once, then bass only on main riff, then drums only. [If you're just playing alone, just play it three time, and mute it more each time until the third time is extremely percussive sounding.]


From: ag725@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Rick Scaia) For "Frances Farmer": Again, just a guess... all power chrods on this one. For the chorus, I think it's C#-E-D-Bb. Like this: C# E D Bb I miss the comfort in being sad Then the end of the chorus is (starting on the Bb above): Bb-A-Bb-A-G-F# From ther you can either go back into the verse (muted G#-E-G-E-G wide open Bb) or into the bridge (Bb-D-Bb-D-E a couple times then into the same ending as the chorus). Once again, if you understand what I'm saying, give it a try, and let me know how it sounds. And if you want I'll try to post more clearly what I mean.

From: Date: Wed, 08 Jun 1994 09:22:43 EDT To: Subject: Heart Shaped Box tab - Nirvana 'iya America, 'iya world, I'm Lucy Watt (aged 16) from Clophill, Bedfordshire, England. I am the drummer for a band that is at the moment called Shrug. Andrew Lock, Martyn Foster, Scott Greenshields and I (who make up Hug) usually play our own music, but we also like to do some covers of Nirvana, Hendrix, Pearl Jam, Radiohead, Blind Melon, the Jesus Lizard etc. In return for the transcripts we have used from you we would like to give you Heart-Shaped Box, which my Dad worked out. ********************************************************* Heart-Shaped Box By Nirvana e-------------------------------------------------------- B-------------------------------------------------------- G-------------------------------------------------------- D--------9-----------5-----------2--2-------------------- A-----9-----9-----5-----5-----2--------2----------------- E--7-----------3-----------0--------------0-------------- --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------0/1--1--1--1--------------- --------9-----------5-----------------------2-----2------ -----9-----9-----5-----5-----------------------2--------- --7-----------3-----------0------------------------------ For the chords we are not so sure of the exact notes so we play: e-(7)-(3)--0--- This is played up until the B-(7)-(3)--0--- end of the chorus repeatedly, G-(8)-(4)--1--- until the "Your priceless D--9---5---2--- advice" where instead of A--9---5---2--- going E-7-3-0-7-3-0 it goes E--7---3---0--- E-7-3-0-3-0-3. I hope you follow that as it is pretty simple. We would be pleased to receive any improvements. See ya 'gain, Luce and the rest of Hug. HEART-SHAPED BOX Lyrics (from In Utero): She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for a week I was drawn into your magnet tar pit trap I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black Hey Wait I've got a new complaint Forever in debt to your priceless advice Hate Haight I've got a new complaint Forever in debt to your priceless advice Hey Wait I've got a new complaint Forever in debt to your priceless advice Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet Cut myself on angel's hair and baby's breath Broken hymen of your highness I'm left black Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back From: "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana (This transcription is from my own attempts, and a little is from a Guitar World mag that I happened to be skimming thru.) First Drop D tuning (where you tune the lowest string down one whole step to D), then tune everything down 1/2 step. So, from low to high, the tuning is Db Ab Db Gb Bb Eb Then the intro and verse go like this: Ab5 E5 Db5 ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------2----------------------------------------- ----2---2--------3------------0----0----------- --0------------3---3--------0----0---0--------- -------------3----------0----------------------- Ab5 E5 Bb5 ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------2----------------------------------------- ----2---2--------3--------4-4--4--------------- --0------------3---3----------0---3-3-----2----- -------------3----------0----------------------- The verse ends with that Bb5 pattern with distortion. Then the chorus is just those chords in the verse but with bent notes mixed in. Ab5 E5 Bb5 ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --2--2----4*---------4*------4-4---4--------4* --2--2---------3--3---------------0---3-3----- --0--0---------3--3---------------------------- ---------------3--3---------------------------- *bend 1/2 Then the bridge repeats this below pattern twice, then does that famous Bb5 pattern from the chorus: E5 Db5 ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- --3--3--3--3--3--3--3--3---0-- --3--3--3--3--3--3--3--3---0-- --3--3--3--3--3--3--3--3---0-- At the end of the song, the Bb5 pattern is played as normal, but let the notes ring, and that's what creates that weird guitar sound. I'm nearly positive about most of the above stuff, but I'm not exactly sure about that Bb5 pattern, but that's what that magazine said so I'm goin' with that for now . If anyone knows the solo, pleez post it! keith From: Here's the REAL way to play Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana on In Utero. The tuning is a little weird, you gotta tune the low E string so that the 8th fret is A: E A D G B e 5| 0 | | | | (the E is tuned 1 1/2 steps down) | 0 | | | | | 0 | | | | 8 0 | | | | | 0 | | | | | 0 | | | | | 0 | | | | \ / | matching pitches Heart-Shaped Box Intro (Verses Riff) (Second guitar hits matching chords a little after the first guitar) (clean tone) |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|---------------| |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|---------------| |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|---------------| |-----6--------2----|--------------------|-----6--------2---|--3-3---3--3-4-| |---6---6----2---2--|---------4(4)---4---|---6---6----2---2-|------2--2---2-| |-7--------3--------|-0(0)--7------7---7-|-7--------3-------|-(0)--------(0)| \_____________/ | chorus distorted before chorus (distorted) (both guitars transcribed on same staff, second guitar higher) (U-B) uni-bend U-B U-B 6x |------|-----|--|------------|---|-------------------------------------| |-----0|----0|--|-----------0|---|-------------------------------------| |.----3'----3'--|-----------3'--.|.-----------------------------------.| |.--------------|-3-3-3-3-------.|.-----------------------------------.| |---------------|---------2-2(2)-|--9---9---9--9--9--9--6--6-6-6--6-6--| |-7-7---3-3-----|----------------|-10--10--10-10-10-10--7--7-7-7--7-7--| Hey! Wait! Your.. (uni-bend: [unison bend] note is bent up to match higher note's pitch) solo: (no second guitar behind it) |-bend and return---------------------|-----------|--------------| |-------------------------------------|-----------|--------------| |.----9/\-----5/\------2/-\--0-------.|-----------|--------------| |.7-7------3-3------0-0--------4-2---.|-----------|--------------| |-------------------------------------|-6-(6)-----|*6-(6)--------| |-------------------------------------|-7-(7)-----|*7-(7)--------| * chord is hit w/fingers outro U-B |--------------------------------|-----|----------------------|---------| |-------------------------------0|-----|----------------------|---------| |.------------------------------3'\---.|----------------------|---------| |.------------------------------------.|-3-3-3-3--3-3-(3)-----|---------| |--9--9--9--9--9--9--9--9--6--6-6-6--6-|----------2-2-(2)-----|---------| |-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10--7--7-7-7--7-|----------------------|-X/------| pick slide If anyone has the bass part for this, please post it! _________________________ || | | \\\\\\\\\\\//////////////


Bass tab: Nirvana - "In Bloom" Intro: G-----------------|--------------|| D*-8\-------------|-------------*|| A*---1--1-1-------|-------------*|| E------------/3---|-1--0-1-0-4---|| Verse: G---------------|--------------|--------------|------------------|| D*--------------|--------------|-1-1-1-1-1--1-|-----------------*|| A*-1-1-1-1-1--1-|--------------|--------------|-2-2-2-2-0-0-0-0-*|| E---------------|-2-2-2-2-2--2-|--------------|------------------|| Chorus: G------------------------|---------------------------|| D*-----------------------|----5---------------------*|| A*-3--1-3-1-3------------|-3---1-3-1-2--------------*|| E-------------3--0-1-2-3-|-------------3--0-3-0-3-0--|| Then, the bridge: G----------8----8\-|-----------8----8\--|| D*--------------8\-|----------------8\-*|| A*-----------------|-------------------*|| E--8-8-8-8-9-------|-1/8-8-8-8-9--------||

From uunet!decwrl!concert!samba!usenet Wed Jul 22 15:49:34 PDT 1992 Article: 980 of Newsgroups: Path:!uunet!decwrl!concert!samba!usenet From: (Ted Bebenek) Subject: Nirvana Message-ID: <> Sender: Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Extended Bulletin Board Service Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1992 19:13:57 GMT Lines: 35 In Bloom This is the mane riff played ======== throughout the intro. The chorus is a bit different, ---------------------------------------- but I think it uses the same ---------------------------------------- chords. There is no guitar ---------------------------------------- during the verses, only bass. --55555-X-22222-X-77777-X-5555-4444----- --33333-X-00000-X-55555-X-3333-2222----- ---------------------------------------- -- The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Campus Office for Information Technology, or the Experimental Bulletin Board Service. internet: or


@ALBUM: in.untero Album: In Utero Band/Artist: Nirvana Transcriptter: LSlasher [SLT] Greets to: Ox Tracks/Songs: 1. Serve The Servants (3:34) 2. Scentless Apprentice (3:47) 3. Heart-Shaped Box (4:39) 4. Rape Me (2:49) 5. Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle (4:07) 6. Dumb (2:29) 7. Very Ape (1:55) 8. Milk It (3:52) 9. Pennyroyal Tea (3:36) 10. Radio Friendly Unit Shifter (4:49) 11. Tourette's (1:33) 12. All Apologies (3:50) 13. Gallons Of Rubbing Alchol Flow Throught The Trip (7:33) Band's Artists: Kurt Cobian: Guitar, Vocals Krist Novosellc: Bass Dave Grohl: Drums @SONG: SERVE THE SERVANTS Teenage angst has paid off well Now I'm bored and old Self-Appointed judges judge More than they have sold If she floats than she is not A witch like we had thought A down payment on another One at salem's lot Serve the servants - Oh no That legendary divorce is such a bore As my bones grew they did hurt They hurt really bad I tried hard to have a father But instead I had a dad I just want you to know that I Don't hate you anymore there is nothing I could say that I haven't thought before Serve the servants - oh no That legendary divorce is such a bore @SONG: SCENTLESS APPRENTICE Like most babies smell like butter his smell smelled like no other he was born scentless and senseless he was born a scentless apprentice Go away - get away, get away, get a-way every wet nurse refused to feed him electrolytes smell like semen I promise not to sell your perfumed secrets there are countless formulas for pressing flowers I lie in the soll and fertilize mushrooms Leaking out gas fumes are made into perfume You can't fire me because I quit Throw me in the fire and I won't throw a fit @SONG: Heart-Shaped Box She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for a week I was drawn into your magnet tar pit trap I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back Hey Wait I've got a new conplaint Forever in debt to your priceless advice Hate Haight I've got a new complaint Forever in debt to your prieless advice Hey Wait I've got a new complaint Forever in debt to your priceless advice Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet Cut myself angel's hair and baby's breath Broken hymen of your highness I'm left black Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back @SONG: RAPE ME [Original form:] -------------------------------+ Rape me, my friend | Rape me again | | I'm not the only one | Do it and do it Again | | Waste me | Taste me, my friend | | My favorite inside source | I'll kiss your open sores | Appreciate your concern | You'll always stink and burn | | -------------------------------+ [My Form:] Rape me Rape me my friend, Rape me, Rape me again. Chorus: I'm not the only one [x4] Help me, Do it, and do it again. Waste me, Rape me, my friend. Chorus My favorite inside source, I'll kiss your open sores, Appreciate your concern You'll always, stink, and born. Chorus Rape me Rape me ... @SONG: FRANCES FARMER WILL HAVE HER REVENGE ON SEATTLE It's so relieving to know that you're leaving as soon as you get paid It's so relaxing to hear you're asking wherever you get your way I's so soothing to know that you'll sue me, this is starting to sound the same I miss the comfort in being sad In her false withness, we hope you're still with us, to see if they gloar or drown Our favorite paitent, A display of patience, disease-covered Puget Sound She'll come back as fire, to burn all the liars, and leave a blanket of ash on the ground I muss teh comfort in being sad @SONG: DUMB I'm not like them But I can pretend The sun is gone But I have a light The day is done But I'm having fun I think I'm dumb or maybe just happy Think I'm just happy my heart is broke But I have some glue help me inhale And mend it with you We'll float around] And hang out on clouds Then we'll come down And I have a hangover...Have a hangover Skin the sun Falkl asleep Wish away The soul is cheap Lesson learned Wish me luck Soothe the burn Wake me up I'm not like them But I can pretend The sun is gone But I have a light The day is done But I'm having fun @SONG: VERY APE I am buried up to my neck in Contradictionary lies I take pride as the kind of illiterature I'm very ape and very nice If you ever need anything please don't hesitate to ask someone else first I'm too busy acting like I'm not naive. I've seen it all I was here first Out of the ground Into the sky Out of the sky Into he firt @SONG: MILK IT I am my own parasite I don't need a host to live We feed off of each other We can share our endorphns Doll steak, test meat I won my own pet virus I get to pet and name her Her milk is my shit My shit is her milk Doll steak, test meat Look on the bright side is suicide Lost eyesight I'm on your side Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing Lack of iron and/or sleeping Protector of the kennel Ecto-plasma Ecto-Skeletal Obituary birthday Your scent is still here in my place of recovery @SONG: PENNYROYAL TEA I'm on my time with everyone I have very bad posture Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea Distill the life that's inside of me Sit and drink Pennyroyal tea I'm anemic royalty Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld So I can sigh enternally I'm so tired I can't sleep I'm a liar and a thief Sit and drink pennyroyal Tea I'm anemic royalty I'm on warm milk and laxatives Cherry-flavored antacids @SONG: RADIO FRIENDLY UNIT SHIFTER Use just once and destroy Invasion of our piracy Afterbirth of a nation Starve without your skeleton key I love you for what I am not I do not want what I have got A blanket acne'ed with ciggarette burns Speak at once while taking turns Second-rate third defree burns What is wrong with me What is what I need What do I think I think This had nothing to do with what you think If you ever think at all Bi-polar opposites attract All of a sudden my water broke hate, hate your enemies Save, save your friends Find, find your place Speak, speak the truth @SONG: TOURETTE'S Cufk, Yish, Sips @SONG: ALL APOLOGIES What else should I be All apologies What else should I say Everyone is gay What else could I write I don't have the right What else should I be All apologies In the sun In the sun I feed as one In the sun In the sun I'm married buried I wish I was like you Easily amused Find my nest of salt Everything is my fault I'll take all the blame Aqur scafoam shame Sunburn with freezeburn Choking on the ashes of her enemy All in all we all are @SONG: GALLONS OF RUBBING ALCOHOL FLOW THROUGH THE STRIP -whatever * Devided American Dollar Purchase Incentice Track ---------------------------------- E N D ------------------------------------- LSlasher


@ALBUM: incesticide. Incesticide - Nirvana @SONG: Dive Oh Pick me, Pick me yea Live alone, lone single Atleast, atleast yea Everyone is hollow Pick me, pick me yea Everyone is waiting Pick me pick me yea You can be the baby hey dive dive dive dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me Kiss this, kiss that yea Live alone, lone single Atleast, atleast yea You could be my hero Pick me, pick me yea Everyone is waiting Hit me, hit me yea I'm real good at hitting hey dive dive dive dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me @SONG: Sliver Mom and dad went to a show droped me off a Grandpa Joe's I kicked and screamed, said please, oh no (chorus) Grandma take me home I wanna be alone Had to eat my dinner there had mashed potato's and stuff like that couldnt chew my meat too good (chorus) said why don't you stop your crying go outside and ride your bike thats what i did, i killed my toes (chorus) after dinner, i had ice cream fell asleep, and watched tv woke up in my mother's arms (chorus) @SONG: Stain Well he never bleeds and he never fucks And he never leaves cuz he's got bad luck. Well he never reads and he never draws And he never sleeps cuz he's got bad blood yeah I'm a stain, I'm a stain, I'm a stain, I'm a stain @SONG: Been A Son She should have stayed away from friends She should have had more time to spend She should have died when she was born She should have worn the crown of thorns She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have stood out in the crowd She should have made her mother proud She should have fallen on her stance She should have had another chance She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son @SONG: Turnaround Take a step outside yourself And turn around Take a look at who you are It's pretty scary So silly Revolting You're not much You can't do anything Take a step outside the city And turn around Take a look at what you are It is revolting You're really nowhere So wasteful So foolish Poppycock Who said don't look back? Don't believe 'em Go for that crazy sounding restaurant 'Cos they're gonna try and get behind you Don't you let them do it You know what I'm talking about? You hear me talking? You hear me talking? It's pretty scary it's so revolting Take a step outside the country And turn around Take a look at what you are It is amazing Take a good look You're no big deal You're so petty It's lots Take a step outside the planet Turn around and around Take a look at where you are It's pretty scary @SONG: Molly's Lips She said She'd take me anywhere She'd take me anywhere As long as she stays with me She said She'd take me anywhere She'd take me anywhere As long as I stayed clean Kiss kiss Molly's lips Kiss kiss Molly's lips Kiss kiss Molly's lips Kiss kiss Molly's lips @SONG: Son of a Gun Up up up and down Turn turn turnaround Round round roundabout And over again Gun gun son of a gun You are the only one Makes any difference what I say The sun shines in the bedroom When we play The raining always starts When you go away @SONG: New Wave Polly Polly wants a cracker Think I should get off of her first I think she wants some water To put out the blow torch It isn't me We have some seed Let me clip Your dirty wings Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To help myself I've got some rope You have been told I promise you I have been true Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To help myself Polly wants a cracker Maybe she would like more food She asks me to untie her A chase would be nice for a few It isn't me We have some seed Let me clip Your dirty wings Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To help myself I've got some rope You have been told I promise you I have been true Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To help myself {Polly said} Polly says her back hurts And she's just as bored as me She caught me off my guard It amazes me, the will of instinct It isn't me We have some seed Let me clip Your dirty wings Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To help myself I've got some rope You have been told I promise you I have been true Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To help myself @SONG: Beeswax Lying here sitting in front of a fire Not only Megan said I could thrive on a shot Grinning my manhood and judge the mantle I cut it up for you say hey hey And I wake up I got my do this way (3X) She laughs about it squeeking inflection when the wind blows just right Dragging your thumbs of my shirt How many jumps is in it Right hey When I'm getting back I got my do this way {incomprehensible babble} Hear my fucking hate I got my do this way If your world is getting ugly Fiberglass situation is as can as cotton candy Sunning out to save a ranch you ovulate Freedom and count out being wrong I feel you will gladly take it anal Filly sli reminds me of someone I understand your fear for the Love Boat Don't need to kneel Save all the cho ho And I get along I got my feel this pay I got a little tale I got my do this way {incomprehensible babble} When you're getting in I got my do this way @SONG: Downer Put your sincerity I've got a royalty Defending your country Wish away I've had a lobotomy Save your family Surrealistic fantasy Bad boy Fight! All we know is Restitution Living out your Date of future There's a hope Please show me faster Don't forget To pass a riot Somebody served a dinner Much like I am I know I can't Make enough although If you go along I sing your song Sickening pessimists Picketing masses Separated communists Apocalyptic bastards Rinkydink God For putting me on this Earth Being very frivolous Death in mind Nurse! All we know is Restitution Living out your Date of future There's a hope Please send it faster Don't forget To pass a riot Somebody served a dinner Much like I am I know I can't Make enough although If you go along I sing your song. @SONG: Mexican Seafood Oh, it's your face, it isn't even true the jaws and claims you entertain and chew the fungus mold is my intraction oh, it's only a, it is infection. Only her tonight, until I pay Only her tonight, I fell asleep Oh, coming from, the diarrhea Oh, her tired form I come in peace and live a dirty book on the cloudy class, fender burn, and become a childhood mess Only her tonight, until I plea Only her tonight, until I sing Oh, take me back, lets just concise some flies, bugs and fleas and even meal can't stain the vaseline It's headed burger's out in case it learns and takes it's childhood such @SONG: Hairspray Queen I was your mine, you were mine I didn't mean you were, mine I was your (3X) You're in a you rang yours rang I was your mine, you were mine I didn't mean you were, mine I was your (3X) Your in a At night, wishful gardens At night, where the heart is At night, disco gardens At night, we'll be ga....... I was your mine, you were mine I didn't mean you were, mine I was your (3X) Your in a Wishful gardens, at night Where the heart is, at night Wishful gardens, at night Wishful gardens I was your mine, you were mine I didn't mean you were, mine I was your (3X) Your in a Your rang Your's rang at night wishful gardens at night, where the heart is at night you were so modest at night, crisco lockers at night, the mount for homely it's like, fistful garbage at night, the whiz go ga.... @SONG: Aero Zeppelin What's the season of love if you can't have everything what's the reason of love if you can lose everything what's the meaning of love, it's a crime if anything what's the meaning of love, it's grand, it's grand How can a culture can forget it's plan of yesterday and you swear it's not a trend does it matter anyways barely heat the top of friend like it moves everyday you could shit upon the stairs you'll be friends you'll be friends you'll be friends you'll be friends All the kids have laid it out and it's back is probably still it's subtle in the tape keep a form on equally now you know it's just the fact where the world is nowadays and the day is what we learn does it matter anyways @SONG: Big Long Now It's not cold enough please put his side up she is moon gray can we show our faces now I'm not in a string she's not turning gray simple as it seems can we show our faces now endless climb I am blind what can I hear call a lie speaking a phrase instantly grown I am blind waiting in line {again, substituting 'why am I sure' as the last line} @SONG: Aneurism Come on over Do the twist (aha) Overdo it Have a fit (aha) Come on over Shoot the shit (aha) Love you so much Makes me sick (aha) Beat me out of me (beat up beat up) She gave the perfect strain to my heart. Transcribed by Jeff McRae Nevermind on IRC


Transcribed by Jeff McRae @ALBUM: incesticide. Incesticide - Nirvana @SONG: Dive Oh Pick me, Pick me yea Live alone, lone single Atleast, atleast yea Everyone is hollow Pick me, pick me yea Everyone is waiting Pick me pick me yea You can be the baby hey dive dive dive dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me Kiss this, kiss that yea Live alone, lone single Atleast, atleast yea You could be my hero Pick me, pick me yea Everyone is waiting Hit me, hit me yea I'm real good at hitting hey dive dive dive dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me @SONG: Sliver Mom and dad went to a show droped me off a Grandpa Joe's I kicked and screamed, said please, oh no (chorus) Grandma take me home I wanna be alone Had to eat my dinner there had mashed potato's and stuff like that couldnt chew my meat too good (chorus) said why don't you stop your crying go outside and ride your bike thats what i did, i killed my toes (chorus) after dinner, i had ice cream fell asleep, and watched tv woke up in my mother's arms (chorus) @SONG: Stain Well he never bleeds and he never fucks And he never leaves cuz he's got bad luck. Well he never reads and he never draws And he never sleeps cuz he's got bad blood yeah I'm a stain, I'm a stain, I'm a stain, I'm a stain @SONG: Been A Son She should have stayed away from friends She should have had more time to spend She should have died when she was born She should have worn the crown of thorns She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have stood out in the crowd She should have made her mother proud She should have fallen on her stance She should have had another chance She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son @SONG: Turnaround Take a step outside yourself And turn around Take a look at who you are It's pretty scary So silly Revolting You're not much You can't do anything Take a step outside the city And turn around Take a look at what you are It is revolting You're really nowhere So wasteful So foolish Poppycock Who said don't look back? Don't believe 'em Go for that crazy sounding restaurant 'Cos they're gonna try and get behind you Don't you let them do it You know what I'm talking about? You hear me talking? You hear me talking? It's pretty scary it's so revolting Take a step outside the country And turn around Take a look at what you are It is amazing Take a good look You're no big deal You're so petty It's lots Take a step outside the planet Turn around and around Take a look at where you are It's pretty scary @SONG: Molly's Lips She said She'd take me anywhere She'd take me anywhere As long as she stays with me She said She'd take me anywhere She'd take me anywhere As long as I stayed clean Kiss kiss Molly's lips Kiss kiss Molly's lips Kiss kiss Molly's lips Kiss kiss Molly's lips @SONG: Son of a Gun Up up up and down Turn turn turnaround Round round roundabout And over again Gun gun son of a gun You are the only one Makes any difference what I say The sun shines in the bedroom When we play The raining always starts When you go away @SONG: New Wave Polly Polly wants a cracker Think I should get off of her first I think she wants some water To put out the blow torch It isn't me We have some seed Let me clip Your dirty wings Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To help myself I've got some rope You have been told I promise you I have been true Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To help myself Polly wants a cracker Maybe she would like more food She asks me to untie her A chase would be nice for a few It isn't me We have some seed Let me clip Your dirty wings Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To help myself I've got some rope You have been told I promise you I have been true Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To help myself {Polly said} Polly says her back hurts And she's just as bored as me She caught me off my guard It amazes me, the will of instinct It isn't me We have some seed Let me clip Your dirty wings Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To help myself I've got some rope You have been told I promise you I have been true Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To help myself @SONG: Beeswax Lying here sitting in front of a fire Not only Megan said I could thrive on a shot Grinning my manhood and judge the mantle I cut it up for you say hey hey And I wake up I got my do this way (3X) She laughs about it squeeking inflection when the wind blows just right Dragging your thumbs of my shirt How many jumps is in it Right hey When I'm getting back I got my do this way {incomprehensible babble} Hear my fucking hate I got my do this way If your world is getting ugly Fiberglass situation is as can as cotton candy Sunning out to save a ranch you ovulate Freedom and count out being wrong I feel you will gladly take it anal Filly sli reminds me of someone I understand your fear for the Love Boat Don't need to kneel Save all the cho ho And I get along I got my feel this pay I got a little tale I got my do this way {incomprehensible babble} When you're getting in I got my do this way @SONG: Downer Put your sincerity I've got a royalty Defending your country Wish away I've had a lobotomy Save your family Surrealistic fantasy Bad boy Fight! All we know is Restitution Living out your Date of future There's a hope Please show me faster Don't forget To pass a riot Somebody served a dinner Much like I am I know I can't Make enough although If you go along I sing your song Sickening pessimists Picketing masses Separated communists Apocalyptic bastards Rinkydink God For putting me on this Earth Being very frivolous Death in mind Nurse! All we know is Restitution Living out your Date of future There's a hope Please send it faster Don't forget To pass a riot Somebody served a dinner Much like I am I know I can't Make enough although If you go along I sing your song. @SONG: Mexican Seafood Oh, it's your face, it isn't even true the jaws and claims you entertain and chew the fungus mold is my intraction oh, it's only a, it is infection. Only her tonight, until I pay Only her tonight, I fell asleep Oh, coming from, the diarrhea Oh, her tired form I come in peace and live a dirty book on the cloudy class, fender burn, and become a childhood mess Only her tonight, until I plea Only her tonight, until I sing Oh, take me back, lets just concise some flies, bugs and fleas and even meal can't stain the vaseline It's headed burger's out in case it learns and takes it's childhood such @SONG: Hairspray Queen I was your mine, you were mine I didn't mean you were, mine I was your (3X) You're in a you rang yours rang I was your mine, you were mine I didn't mean you were, mine I was your (3X) Your in a At night, wishful gardens At night, where the heart is At night, disco gardens At night, we'll be ga....... I was your mine, you were mine I didn't mean you were, mine I was your (3X) Your in a Wishful gardens, at night Where the heart is, at night Wishful gardens, at night Wishful gardens I was your mine, you were mine I didn't mean you were, mine I was your (3X) Your in a Your rang Your's rang at night wishful gardens at night, where the heart is at night you were so modest at night, crisco lockers at night, the mount for homely it's like, fistful garbage at night, the whiz go ga.... @SONG: Aero Zeppelin What's the season of love if you can't have everything what's the reason of love if you can lose everything what's the meaning of love, it's a crime if anything what's the meaning of love, it's grand, it's grand How can a culture can forget it's plan of yesterday and you swear it's not a trend does it matter anyways barely heat the top of friend like it moves everyday you could shit upon the stairs you'll be friends you'll be friends you'll be friends you'll be friends All the kids have laid it out and it's back is probably still it's subtle in the tape keep a form on equally now you know it's just the fact where the world is nowadays and the day is what we learn does it matter anyways @SONG: Big Long Now It's not cold enough please put his side up she is moon gray can we show our faces now I'm not in a string she's not turning gray simple as it seems can we show our faces now endless climb I am blind what can I hear call a lie speaking a phrase instantly grown I am blind waiting in line {again, substituting 'why am I sure' as the last line} @SONG: Aneurism Come on over Do the twist (aha) Overdo it Have a fit (aha) Come on over Shoot the shit (aha) Love you so much Makes me sick (aha) Beat me out of me (beat up beat up) She gave the perfect strain to my heart.


From: (Peter Salzman) I don't know the name of the tune and it's not on the main albums/EP's or the tons of 3 song "singles" CD's (that I've ever seen). They didn't play it the two times I was honored enough to see them, but I heard it on the radio once and couldn't record it in time. Here is the first verse: A-B A D Where do bad folks go when they die? A-B A F# They don't go to heaven where the angels fly. A-B A E Instead they go to hell where they burn and they fry. D - E A B Won't see them again till the fourth of July. Then comes the chorus which I unfortunately don't remember, but it was a very pretty minor type of thing; really very pretty with wistful lyrics. If anyone can post the rest of the song (lyrics, chords, both, etc) please do. I would like to learn this song. If anyone knows the name of this song and where I can find a recording of it please post it or send email- the song is very simple and anyone can pick out the chords. thanks. -peter -- ##################################################################### I BOYCOTT ANY COMPANY WHO USES MASS ADVERTISING ON THE INTERNET

From: (Zet van t TM) "Lake of Fire" - Nirvana w/ Meat Puppets From Nirvana's Unplugged session Tab transcription by Mark van 't Zet ( USED CHORDS A x02220 Bb x13331 C5 x355xx D5 x577xx Dm xx0231 Dsus2 xx0230 F5 133xxx Gm 3553xx INTRO/MAIN - Chord names refer to parts of this tab so the second 'GFC' is the same as the first 'GFC' etc. GFC GDC |------------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------- |-3--3------------3-----3--3--------5---5---5-3--------- |-5--5----5-3--3--3-----5--5--x-x-x-5---5---5-3--------- |-5--5----5-3--3--1-----5--5--x-x-x-3---3---3-1--------- |-3--3----3\1--1--------3--3---------------------------- | |------------------------------------------------------- |-----------------------------------5b6r5b6r5-3--------- |-----------------------------------5b6r5b6r5-3--------- |------------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------- GFC DFC |-------------------------------- |-------------------------------- |-O/-------5--5-----5------------ |-/O-------5--5-----5--3--3--5--- |----------3--3-----3--3--3--5--- |----------------------1--1--3--- GFG |-------------------------------- |-------------------------------- |-3---3-------------------------- |-5---5-------5---3---3---5------ |-5---5-------5---3---3---5------ |-3---3-------3---1---1---3------ | |-------------------------------- |-------------------------------- |-------------------------------- |---------------------3---------- |-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-3---1---5------ |-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-1-------3------ GFG |----- |----- |-O/-- |-/O-- |----- |----- | |----------------------------------------- |----11~-11~-11~-11~-11~-11~\--6~--6~/8~-- |-/10--10~-10~-10~-10~-10~--\5~--5~--/7~-- |----------------------------------------- |----------------------------------------- |----------------------------------------- VERSE 1 - Play main part CHORUS Dm - Bb - Dm - A - Dm - Bb - C - Dm Dsus2 VERSE 2 - Play main part CHORUS VERSE 3 - Play main part, but play both GFG parts twice! SOLO - Transcribed for the sake of completeness ------3---------3--------------------------------------- --2-3---3--6b7------6----------------------------------- ----------------------5-3------------------------------- --------------------------5-3----------------------3-5-- ------------------------------5-4-3----------3-4-5------ ------------------------------------6-3----6------------ -------------------------------------------------------- --3b4---------------6~----6~---------------------------- --3b4-------(0)-5/7----7~----7\5--3--------------------- -------5----------------------------5-------0-3---3----- -----------------------------------------/5-----5---5--- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------3------------------------ --------------------6~------/3---3-7-3------------------ ----------------5/7----7\--------------3-5-------------- -------------------------------------------3---5-------- --3----------------------------------------------------- ----6-3-3-3----------------------------------3---------- -------------------------------------------------------- --3b4------3b4-----3b4---------------------------------- --3b4------3b4-----3b4---------------------------------- ------5-5------5-------5-3------------------------3----- ---------------------------5-4-3------------3-4-5------- ---------------------------------6-3----3-6------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------(3)-----(4)----- --3h5-----(3)-----5--- ---------------------- ----------------------


Bass Tab: Nirvana - "Lithium" There's no bass for the entire first verse. Bass comes in at the first _chorus_: G----------------------------------------------------------| D------------7----5-5-5----5-5-5-5-7-7-7-7-----------------| A-------4----------------7-----------------2-2-2-2-5-5-5-5-| E--0--0----0----0------------------------------------------| Then, the second (and third) verse: G-----------------------------------------------------| D----------------------7--7-7-9-9-9-9-----------------| A--7--7-6--6-4--4---------------------2-2-2-2-5-5-5-5-| E-----------------5--5--------------------------------| The last time you play the above (last one before the chorus): G------------------------------------------------------| D--------------------------7-------5-------------------| A--7--7-6--6-4--4------5-5---5-3-3---3-2-2-2-2-5-5-5-5-| E-----------------5--5---------------------------------| Play the chorus again, then the _other chorus_: G------------------------------------------------------------| D--------------------------5-7--7-7-5---5--------------------| A---------3--3-3-----3-5-7------------7---7--7-5-3-0-3-0-3-5-| E--5--5-5--------5-5-----------------------------------------| The bridge part, going into the third verse of ending the song: G---------------------------------||---| D---------------------------------||---| A--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-0-0-0-0-0------||---| E----------------------------0-3--||-0-| ^ End of song only. Oh, and one time, the very last repetition of the _other chorus_ part during the second time its played, there is a variation that goes like this: G----------------------------------------------5-------------| D--------------------------5--7--7-7-5---5-7-7---7-5---------| Then go into A---------3--3-3-----3-5-7-------------7-------------7-6-5-3-| the above G--5--5-5--------5-5-----------------------------------------| bridge part.


From uunet!!wupost!!!schnitzi Wed Jul 15 15:54:54 PDT 1992 Article: 743 of Path:!uunet!!wupost!!!schnitzi From: (Mark Schnitzius) Newsgroups: Subject: MUSIC: Nirvana's "Lithium" Message-ID: Date: 15 Jul 92 14:25:38 GMT Article-I.D.: eola.schnitzi.711210338 Sender: (News system) Distribution: alt Organization: University of Central Florida Lines: 9 Basic progression: E Abm C#m A C D B D I'm so ugly that's okay 'cause so are you Mark That took me too damn long to figure out.

From: (unknown) Not that anyone actually *asked* for this one, mind you, it's from a recent guitar publication. This should be all needed to play the song, if you want the details, buy the mag. Lithium, by Nirvana ======== ------- x = hit string muted s = slide note or chord (tune down one *full* step, to play along w/ the album) E5 G#5 C#5 A5 C5 D5 e----------------------------------------------------------------- a----------------------------------------------------------------- d---------------------------6--x--------7--------------------7---- g---------------------------6--x------7--------5--5--5s7--7--7---- b---2-----------6--------4----------5----------3--3--3s5--5--5--0- E---0--x--0--4-----x--0----------0---------0---------------------- I'm so happy 'cause today I've found my friends, B5 D5 e------------------------- a------------------------- d------------------7------ repeat. . . g-4--4--4--4s7--7--7------ b-2--2--2--2s5--5--5---0-- E------------------------- they're in my head. . . The rest of the sung lyrics are the same, with very minor picking variations on the above chord progression. The "Yeah Yeah" pre-chorus part is the same chord progression as above strummed as power chords. The final chorus goes something like this: A5 C5 A5 C5 D5 C5 A5 C5 A5 e-------------------------------------------------------------------- a-------------------------------------------------------------------- d--2-----------5---5------2---2-----5-s-7-s-5------2---2----5---5---- g--2-----------5---5------2---2-----5-s-7-s-5------2---2----3---3---- b--0---0---0---3---3---0--0---0--0--3-s-5-s-3------0---0----3---3--0- E-----------------------------------------------3-------------------- I like you I'm not gonna crack I miss you A5 C5 e--------------------------- a--------------------------- d--2---2-----5---5---5------ etc. . . g--2---2-----5---5---5------ b--0---0--0--3---3---3----0- E--------------------------- I'm not gonna crack


From: (Jamm L7) Subject: Tab: Lounge Act NIRVANA Lounge Act by Kurt Cobain B G C B G C B Truth covered in security I can't let you smother me G C Bm I'd like to but it wouldn't work G C Bm Trading off and taking turns G C I don't regret a thing A5 E A D5 G E And I've got this friend you see who makes me feel E A D5 G E And I wanted more than I could I steal A D5 G E I'll arrest myself I'll wear a shield A D5 G A G# G5 I'll go out of my way to prove I still A G# G5 Smell her on you A- Intro B G C 1 2 4 4 4 0 5 5 5 3 2 4 4 4 0 0 5 5 5 2 4 2 4 4 4 0 0 5 5 5 2 5 0 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 6 3 3 B G C *B 1 2 4 0 5 5 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 0 0 5 5 5 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 5 5 5 2 4 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 6 3 3 G C B G 1 2 0 5 5 5 4 0 3 4 4 0 0 5 5 5 2 4 4 4 4 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 5 5 5 2 4 4 4 4 0 0 5 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 3 3 3 3 C Bm G C 1 2 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 2 4 4 4 4 0 0 5 5 5 2 4 5 5 5 2 4 4 4 4 0 0 5 5 5 2 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 6 3 3 Bm G C 1 2 3 0 5 3 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 5 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 3 3 3 Chorus A5 E A D5 G E A 1 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 6 0 3 0 D5 G E A 1 2 2 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 6 3 0 3 D5 G E A 1 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 3 1 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 4 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 5 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 3 0 D5 G E A D5 G 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 3 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 6 3 0 3 A G5 A G#(5b) G5 1 2 2 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 2 0 0 4 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 0 3 3 3 0 3 0 6 4 4 3 3 0 1 2 2 3 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 2 repeat until end turns 5 3 0 into a gradual dive. Pitch 6 3 3 3 shift created by slowing down tape this really sucks but..I hope it's better than nothing..I wasn't listininmg to the song and I didn't have my guitar with so you'll have to get the timing yourself any corrections comments or questions are welcome Jamm L7

From: (Christian Lampl) The song seems to be based on a Bb-chord Then there are two riffs a "slow" one and a "fast" one. The slow one is something like this e|------------------------------------------------------| b|------------------------------------------------------| g|-----------------8s7----------------------------------| d|-----------6s8h9-----8--------------------------------| A|------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------| Anybody out there who has figured out the "fast" part ? Or anything else important of the song ? From: (Eric J Schwarzenbach) This is my attempt to tab parts of Nirvana's "Love Buzz" from the album Bleach. I checked before I posted this, and there's another tab of this on Nevada, but I think this makes some improvements, so I'm going to post it anyway. -ejs@world.std,com (Eric Schwarzenbach) There is one A# power chord done on the guitar during the song. I'm not sure, but if you listen to the bass part there may actually be other chord changes during the song but this is the only on struck on the guitar: A#5 or maybe A# (there seem to be variations) ----- ----- ----- -3--- -3--- -3--- -3--- -3--- -1--- -1--- ----- ----- This bass riff can be approximated in the guitar as: (I'm assuming normal tuning) ~ H P ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------5-6-5-- -6-5-6-7-------- This riff shows up later on a higher octive as an actual guitar riff: ~ H P ---------------- ---------------- ---------7-8-7-- -8-7-8-8-------- ---------------- ---------------- I'm using the ~ symbol to indicate vibrato, H to mean Hammer on and P to mean Pull off. The Hammer / Pull sequence above is done as a quick trill. These riffs are repeated together smoothly so that the first note (sustained a bit) serves as the end note of the riff also, though I didn't write it that way (you get the idea). There is another very fast descending guitar riff played that is something like this: H P H P H P -10-11-10---8-9-8------------------- --------------------10-11-10-------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ I don't think this captures it perfectly, but I think is a series of trills like that. Anyone have any enhansements or opinions as to whether I'm on the right track? There's also additional assorted distorted guitaring that I've given up on figuring out. The words seem to be something like: Would you believe me when I tell you you are the queen of my heart? Please don't decieve me when I hurt you, This ain't the way it seems. [or maybe] Just say it the way it seems. chorus: Can you feel my love buzz? (repeated).

From: rte@Hopper.itc.Virginia.EDU (Ritchie Eppink) "Mexican Seafood" -- Nirvana Fig. I: D--6--6-x-4-4-4-3--3-3-3-3-3-4-- A--6--6-x-4-4-4-1--3-3-3-3-3-4-- E--4--4-x-2-2-2-1--1-1-1-1-1-2-- Fig. II D--6--x-x-x-x-6--x-x-x-x-6-4--|-6--x-x-x-x-6--x-x-x-x-6-9--| A--6--x-x-x-x-6--x-x-x-x-6-4--|-6--x-x-x-x-6--x-x-x-x-6-9--| E--4--x-x-x-x-4--x-x-x-x-4-2--|-4--x-x-x-x-4--x-x-x-x-4-7--| Solo I D--6--5-4-3-2-6-5-4--4-3-4-5--|-6--5-4-3-2-6-5-4--4-3-4-5--| Solo II (Slightly off, but doesn't matter if you play it loud and fast) D------------------6-5-4-3---------- A----------1-2-3-4---------5-4-3-2-- E--0-1-2-3-------------------------- And it goes like this... Fig. I (four times?) Fig. II ('till the verse is over) Fig. I (four times...) Fig. II ('till the end) Fig. I (four--) Solo I (twice (4 measures)) Solo II (twice) Fig. I (for a while...) Then, end messing around with a G#5 power chord (244XXX).


NIRVANA - Nevermind ------------------- plus the single 'Dive' Smells Like Teen Spirit ======================= Load up on guns Bring your friends It's fun to lose And to pretend She's overboard Myself assured I know I know A dirty word hello (x 16) With the lights out it's less dangerous Here we are now Entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now Entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My Libido Yea I'm worse at what I do best And for this gift I feel blessed Our little group has always been And always will until the end hello (x 16) With the lights out it's less dangerous Here we are now Entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now Entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My Libido Yea And I forget Just what it takes And yet I guess it makes me smile I found it hard Its hard to find Oh well, whatever, nevermind hello (x 16) With the lights out it's less dangerous Here we are now Entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now Entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My Libido Yea In Bloom ======== Sell the kids for food Weather changes moods Spring is here again Pray for darker grounds He's the one He likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he don't know what it means Don't know what it means And I say He's the one He likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he don't know what it means Don't know what it means And I say yea We can have some more Nature is a whore Who's is on a prude (?) Tender age in bloom He's the one He likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he don't know what it means Don't know what it means And I say He's the one He likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he don't know what it means Don't know what it means And I say yea He's the one He likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he don't know what it means Don't know what it means And I say He's the one He likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he don't know what it means Don't know what it means Don't know what it means Don't know what it means And I say Yea Come As You Are =============== Come As you are As you were As I want you to be As a friend As a friend As a known memory Take your time Hurry up The Choice is your Dont' be late Take a rest As a friend As a known memory memory ah memory ah memory ah Come Doused in mud Cept in bleach As I want you to be As a trend A a friend As a known memory ah memory ah memory ah memory ah And I swear That I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun memory ah memory ah memory ah memory ah {don't have a gun} And I swear That I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun No i don't have a gun {memory ah} {memory ah} Breed ===== I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care Care if it's old I don't mind I don't mind I don't mind I don't mind mind Don't have a mind Get way Get way Get way Get way Get way Way from your home I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid Fraid, GO! Sleepy head You can have to mean I don't mean to stair WE don't have to breed We can plant a house We can build a tree I don't even care We don't have to breed She said (X 8) REPEAT THE WHOLE THING Lithium ======= I'm so happy Cause today I found my friends They're in my head I'm so ugly That's ok, cause so are you Broken mirrors Sunday morning Cause everyday for all I care And I'm not scared Light my candles In a daze cause I found god Yeaa (X bunch of times) I'm so lonely That's ok, I shaved my head And I'm not sad And just maybe I'm to blame for all I've heard And I'm not sure I'm so excited I can't wait to meet you there And I dont' care I'm so horny That's ok, my will is good Yeaa (x bunch of times) I like it I'm not gonna crack I miss you I'm not gonna crack I love you I'm not gonna crack I killed you I'm not gonna crack I like it I'm not gonna crack I miss you I'm not gonna crack I love you I'm not gonna crack I killed you I'm not gonna crack I'm so happy Cause today I found my friends They're in my head I'm so ugly That's ok, cause so are you Broken mirrors Sunday morning Cause everyday for all I care And I'm not scared Light my candles In a daze cause I found god Yeaa (X bunch of times) I like it I'm not gonna crack I miss you I'm not gonna crack I love you I'm not gonna crack I killed you I'm not gonna crack I like it I'm not gonna crack I miss you I'm not gonna crack I love you I'm not gonna crack I killed you I'm not gonna crack Polly ===== Polly want a cracker Think i should've offered first Think she wants some water Do put out the blowtorch Is it me Have a seat Let me clip Her dirty wings Let me take a ride Cut yourself Was a mouth Please myself Got some rope Have been told Promise you Have been true Let me take a ride Cut yourself Was a mouth Please myself Polly wants a cracker Maybe she will like some food She asked me to untie her Chase her not nice for few Is it me Have a seat Let me clip Her dirty wings Let me take a ride Cut yourself Was a mouth Please myself Got some rope Have been told Promise you Have been true Let me take a ride Cut yourself Was a mouth Please myself {Polly said } Polly said her back hurts She's just as bored as me She caught me off my guard Amazes me with her instinct Is it me Have a seat Let me clip Her dirty wings Let me take a ride Cut yourself Was a mouth Please myself Got some rope Have been told Promise you Have been true Let me take a ride Cut yourself Was a mouth Please myself Territorial Pissings ===================== {intro thing} When I was a little lad Coal trains were not built yet Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Never met a wise man If so it's a woman Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Just because you're paranoid Don't mean they're not after you Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Gotta find a way I better wait I better wait Drain you ========= {SORRY PEOPLE. THis one was impossible for me} One baby to another says "I'm lucky to met you" I don't care what you think of mess It is about me It is now But duty due completely drain you I try to prove But you defend I pinned your affection Showed me for you Pass it back and forth Here I'll fasten a kiss >From my mouth to yours I like you With blah blah blah You made it I became your pupil You taught me everything About a poisoned apple The water is so yellow I'm a healthy student I did a grade for fact Your mouth for fluids Showed me for you Pass it back and forth Here I'll fasten a kiss >From my mouth to yours I like you You You You You You One baby to another says "I'm lucky to met you" I don't care what you think of mess It is about me It is now But duty due completely drain you I try to prove But you defend I pinned your affection Showed me for you Pass it back and forth Here I'll fasten a kiss >From my mouth to yours Slap it lips to lips You're my vitamins I like you Lounge Act ========== Truth, Come a little security I can't let you smile for me Liked you but I go to work Turn it up, take a turn Don't regret a thing I got this friend, you see Makes me feel I want him more And I could steal I'll arrest myself And wear a shirt I'll go outta my way To prove I still Still love you Don't, tell me what I wanna hear Fraid I've never known a fear Experience anything I need I'll keep fighting jealousy Tell this fucking god I got this friend, you see Makes me feel I want him more And I could steal I'll arrest myself And wear a shirt I'll go outta my way To prove I still Still love you I got this friend, you see Truth, Come a little security I can't let you smile for me Liked you but I go to work Turn it up, take a turn Don't regret a thing I got this friend, you see Makes me feel I want him more And I could steal I'll arrest myself And wear a shirt I'll go outta my way To make you feel Well make your pact And learn from who At the end we'll walk Not with room And we'll still watch out Watching you Still, still love you They still, still love you still love you Stay Away ========= Monkey See, monkey do {away} Grab at me to be cool {away} Hear the line engine rhyme {away} There's just one of us blind {away} Stay Stay away Stay away Stay away Give an inch, take a smile {away} Scratch an itch, scratch a style {away} Throw it out, keep it in {away} Have to have poison skin {away} Stay Stay away Stay away Stay away Away Away Stay Stay away Stay away Stay away Monkey See, monkey do {away} Grab at me to be cool {away} Hear the line engine rhyme {away} There's just one of us blind {away} Stay Stay away Stay away Stay away Away Away Stay Stay away Stay away Stay away Stay Stay away Stay away Stay away Stay away Stay away Got to stay On A Plain ========== Slap yourself Without any words I've got so high I scratched till I bleed Love myself Better than you Know it's wrong So what should I do Finest Day That I ever had Cause when I learn Cry on the band Love myself Better than you Know it's wrong So what should I do I'm on a plain I can't complain I'm on a plain My mother died Every night They said you see And quote me I'm mad Love myself Better than you Know it's wrong So what should I do Black she got Black nails again You got to put She's offers a goat Love myself Better than you Know it's wrong So what should I do I'm on a plain I can't complain I'm on a plain Somewhere out in love There's a fourth In a dream There's memories stored What the hell Am I trying to say Use that time To make it all clear To write off lies That don't make a sense Love myself Better than you Know it's wrong So what should I do One more special Message to go Then I'm done And I can go home Love myself Better than you Know it's wrong So what should I do I'm on a plain I can't complain I'm on a plain I can't complain I'm on a plain I can't complain I'm on a plain I can't complain I'm on aplain I can't complain Something in the Way ==================== Underneath the bridge The top has sprung a leak And the animals I've trapped Have all become my pets And I'm living off of grass And the drippings from my ceiling It's ok to eat fish Cause they don't have any feelings Something in the way Ummmmm Something in the way, yea Ummmmm Something in the way Ummmmm Something in the way, yea Ummmmm Something in the way Ummmmm Something in the way, yea Ummmmm Underneath the bridge The top has sprung a leak And the animals I've trapped Have all become my pets And I'm living off of grass And the drippings from my ceiling It's ok to eat fish Cause they don't have any feelings Something in the way Ummmmm Something in the way, yea Ummmmm Something in the way Ummmmm Something in the way, yea Ummmmm Something in the way Ummmmm Something in the way, yea Ummmmm Something in the way Ummmmm Something in the way, yea Ummmmm Something in the way Ummmmm Something in the way, yea Ummmmm Dive ==== Oh Pick me, Pick me yea Live alone, lone single Atleast, atleast yea Everyone is hollow Pick me, pick me yea Everyone is waiting Pick me pick me yea You can be the baby hey dive dive dive dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me Kiss this, kiss that yea Live alone, lone single Atleast, atleast yea You could be my hero Pick me, pick me yea Everyone is waiting Hit me, hit me yea I'm real good at hitting hey dive dive dive dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive dive dive dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me dive in me

From: (Tony Bowden) Subject: TAB: Nirvana - Nevermind (LONG) I compiled this from various bits and pieces here and there, and tidied it all up. i make no claims to any of these - i just compiled it. Additions / corrections etc gratefully received. Nirvana - Nevermind ********* * Songs * ********* Smells Like Teen Spirit In Bloom Come As You Are Breed Lithium Polly Territorial Pissings Drain You Lounge Act (missing) Stay Away (missing) On A Plain (missing) Something In The Way ------------------------------------------------------------------- Smells Like Teen Spirit Main line: Riff: 2x w/o distortion. 4x with distortion + chorus) e------------------------------------ ---1------ a------------------------------------ -1-------- d-------------3-3---------------6-6-- ---------- g--3-3-3-xxxx-3-3----6-6-6-xxxx-6-6-- ---------- b--3-3-3-xxxx-1-1----6-6-6-xxxx-4-4-- ---------- E--1-1-1-xxxx--------4-4-4-xxxx------ ---------- "Solo": 2x. . . e------------------------------------------------------- a--1--4--4/6-----4b6b4--2--1--2--1---------------------- d-------------1---------------------3--1--3b5b3--1--0--- g------------------------------------------------------- b------------------------------------------------------- E------------------------------------------------------- . . .to 4x: e-------------------------------- a-------------------------------- d---1-0---1-0---1-0---1p0-------- g---------------------------3---- b-------------------------------- E-------------------------------- Load up on guns, bring your friends It's fun to lose, and to pretend She's over bored, and self assured I know I know, A dirty word hello, hello, hello, hello. . .hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello. . .hello, hello, hello, hello With the lights out it's less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us. A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido, Yea! I'm worse at what I do best, and for this gift I feel blessed. I met a group that's always been And always will until the end. And I forget, just why i taste Oh yes I guess it makes me smile I found it hard. . .Its hard to find Oh well, whatever, nevermind ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In Bloom Intro: Bb G F G# Bb G F G# E ----------------------------------------------------------- B ----------------------------------------------------------- G -3--3-3-----------------------------3--3-3----------------- D -3--3-3--5----3--3-3--6-------------3--3-3--5----3--3-3--6- (drum fill) A -1--1-1--5----3--3-3--6-------------1--1-1--5----3--3-3--6- E ---------3----1--1-1--4----4-1-4-5----------3----1--1-1--4- Bb F# Eb B A E -------------------------------------------------------- B ---------------------------/8-8---8\-------------------- G ---------------------------/8-8---8\--x-8--------------- (x2) D -8-8--8\-x--\4-4-4-4-4--x--/8-8---8\--x-89-9-9-9---7--7- A -8-8--8\-x--\4-4-4-4-4--x--/6-6---6\--x-69-9-9-9---7--7- E -6-6--6\-x--\2-2-2-2-2--x--/6------------7-7-7-7---5--5- Sell the kids for food Weather changes moods e -1---1-1-xx2---2-2-xx3---3-3---------- b -3---3-3-xx2---2-2-xx4---4-4-xx4---2-- g -3---3-3-xx3---3-3-xx3---3-3-xx4---2-- d -3---3-3-xx4---4-4-xx1---1-1-xx4---2-- a -------------------------------------- E -------------------------------------- Bb F# Eb B A Spring is here a-gain Re - product -ive glands AAANNNDD Chorus: B A Bb G Bb G AAAAANNNDDDD he's the one who likes all our pretty songs and he Bb G Bb G likes to sing along, and he likes to shoot his guns, C Eb C Eb but he don't know what it means... Don't know what it means and I say... We can have some more Nature is a whore Bruises on the fruit Tender age in bloom ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Come As You Are ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------0---0---------2-----2- -0-0-1-2---2---2-2-1-0---0-0--- Come As you are As you were As I want you to be As a friend As a friend As an old enemy Take your time Hurry up The Choice is your Dont' be late Take a rest As a friend As an old memoria memoria memoria memoria Come Dowsed in mud Soaked in bleach As I want you to be As a trend A a friend As an old memoria memoria memoria memoria And I swear That I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun memoria memoria memoria memoria {don't have a gun} And I swear That I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun No i don't have a gun memoria memoria ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Breed Intro: e|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| G|-*-----------------------------*-|-*-------------------------------| B|-*--4--4--4--4--7-----------2--*-|-*--4--4--4--4--7----------------| A|----4--4--4--4--7-Bend------2----|----4--4--4--4--7-Bend-----------| E|----2--2--0--2--5-----------0----|----2--2--0--2--5-----------0----| Riff 1: e|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| G|-*-------------------------------|-------------------------------*-| B|-*--4--4-------------------------|----4--4-----------------------*-| A|----4--4-------------------------|----4--4-------------------------| E|----2--2--0--2--5-Bend------0----|----2--2--0--2--5-Bend------0----| Verse: e|-----------------------------|-----|-----|-------------------------| B|-----------------------------|-----|-----|-------------------------| G|-----------------------------|-----|-----|-------------------------| B|---11-11-11-11--11-11-11-11--|--%--|--%--|--11-11-11---------------| A|---9--9--9--9---9--9--9--9---|-----|-----|--9--9--9--9-Bend--9-7---| E|-----------------------------|-----|-----|-------------------------| e|-----------------------------| B|-----------------------------| G|-----------------------------| B|----4-4-4-4---4-4-4-0--------| A|----4-4-4-4---4-4-4-1--------| E|----2-2-2-2---2-2-2----------| I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care Care if I'm old I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind If I don't have a mind Get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, get away Way from your home I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid Of a ghost Chorus: D A C5 B5 e|----2--2--2----------------------|---------------------------------| B|----3--3--3--X--2------2--X------|---------------------------------| G|----2--2--2--X--2------2--X------|---5--5--5--X--4------4--X-------| B|----0--0--0--X--2------2--X------|---5--5--5--X--4------4--X-------| A|---------------------------------|---3--3--3--X--2------2--X-------| E|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Even if you have Even if you need I don't mean to stare We don't have to breed We could plant a house We could build a tree I don't even care We could have all three She said (with Riff 1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lithium (tune down one *full* step, to play along w/ the album) E5 G#5 C#5 A5 C5 D5 e----------------------------------------------------------------- a----------------------------------------------------------------- d---------------------------6--x--------7--------------------7---- g---------------------------6--x------7--------5--5--5s7--7--7---- b---2-----------6--------4----------5----------3--3--3s5--5--5--0- E---0--x--0--4-----x--0----------0---------0---------------------- I'm so happy 'cause today I've found my friends, B5 D5 e------------------------- a------------------------- d------------------7------ g-4--4--4--4s7--7--7------ b-2--2--2--2s5--5--5---0-- E------------------------- they're in my head. . . I'm so ugly but that's ok, 'cause so are you, we've broke our mirrors Sunday morning is everyday for all I care and I'm not scared Light my candles in a daze 'cause I've found god I'm so lonely and that's ok, I shaved my head, and I'm not sad And just maybe I'm to blame for all I've heard, and I'm not sure I'm so excited I can't wait to meet you there, and I dont' care I'm so horny but that's ok, my will is good A5 C5 A5 C5 D5 C5 A5 C5 A5 e-------------------------------------------------------------------- a-------------------------------------------------------------------- d--2-----------5---5------2---2-----5-s-7-s-5------2---2----5---5---- g--2-----------5---5------2---2-----5-s-7-s-5------2---2----3---3---- b--0---0---0---3---3---0--0---0--0--3-s-5-s-3------0---0----3---3--0- E-----------------------------------------------3-------------------- I like you I'm not gonna crack I miss you A5 C5 e--------------------------- a--------------------------- d--2---2-----5---5---5------ g--2---2-----5---5---5------ b--0---0--0--3---3---3----0- E--------------------------- I'm not gonna crack ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Polly Verse: Em G5 D C e|---------------------------------|----2--2-------------------------| B|---------------------------------|----3--3-----5--------5----------| G|----0--------0--0-----------0----|----2--2--X--5--------5--5--0----| B|----2--------2--0--5--5-----0----|----0--0--X--5--------5--5--0----| A|----2--------2--0--5--5--X-------|----------X--3--------3--3-------| E|----0--------0-----3--3--X-------|---------------------------------| Polly Wants a Cracker I think I should get off her first I think she wants some water To put out the blow torch Chorus: D C G Bb5 D e|----2----------------------------|---------------------------2-----| B|----3------X--5-------5--5-------|---------------------------3-----| G|----2------X--5-------5--5--0----|-----4--4--X--3------3--3--2-----| B|----0------X--5-------5--5--0----|-----5--5--X--3------3--3--0-----| A|-----------X--3-------3--3--0----|-----5--5--X--1------1--1--------| E|---------------------------------|-----3--3------------------------| It isn't me We have some seed Let me clip Your dirty wings Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To please myself I've got some rope You have been told I promise you I've been true Let me take a ride Don't hurt yourself I want some help To please myself Polly wants a cracker Maybe she would like more food She asks me to untie her A chase would be nice for a few Polly said... |---------------------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------- |--------------------0--0--0------------------- |--------------------------------3---3--3--3--- |--0-----3--3--3------------------------------- Polly says her back hurts And she's just as bored as me She caught me off my guard It amazes me, the will of instinct ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Territorial Pissings (E bar chords on frets 5, 13 and 10) A5 F5 D5 A5 F5 D5 When I was an alien, cultures weren't opinions. A5 F5 D5 Gotta find a way, to find a way, I'd better wait. Never met a wise man, if so it's a woman Bridge: |<-- 7x --->| E |----------------|--------------- B |----------------|--------7------ G |----------------|---------7----- D |-----7-------7--|------7---7---- A |-----7-------7--|------7----7--- E |-5-5-----5-5----|--5-5---------- Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Drain You A C# F# B A C# F# B One baby to another said I'm lucky to have met you... I don't care what you think unless it is about me It is now my responsibility to completely drain you A travel through a tube and end up in your infection D B Chew your meat for you pass it back and forth In a passionate kiss, from my mouth to yours A5 G5 F#5 because I like you. With eyes so dialted I've become your pupil You've taught me everything with a poison apple The water is so yellow, I'm a healthy student Indebted and so grateful. Vacuum out the fluids. B You're my vitamins A5 G5 F#sus4 F#5 because I like you ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lounge Act Truth covered in security I can't let you smother me I'd like to but it wouldn't work Trading off and taking turns I don't regret a thing I've got this friend, you see Who makes me feel And I wanted more Than I could steal I'll arrest myself And wear a shield I'll go out of my way To prove I still Smell her on you Don't, tell me what I wanna hear Afraid of never knowning fear Experience anything yoy need I'll keep fighting jealousy Until it's fucking gone I've got this friend, you see Who makes me feel And I wanted more Than I could steal I'll arrest myself And wear a shield I'll go out of my way To prove I still Smell her on you Truth covered in security I can't let you smother me I'd like to but it wouldn't work Trading off and taking turns I don't regret a thing I've got this friend, you see Who makes me feel And I wanted more Than I could steal I'll arrest myself And wear a shield I'll go out of my way To make you a deal We've make a pact To learn from who Ever we want Without new rules We'll share what's lost and what we grew They'll go out of their way To prove they still Smell her on you They still, smell her on you Smell her on you ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Stay Away Monkey See, monkey do I'd rather be deal than cool Every line ends in rhyme Less is more, love is blind Stay, stay away Give an inch, take a smile Fashion shits, fashion stile Throw it out and keep it in Have to have poison skin I don't know why I don't know why ----------------------------------------------------------------------- On A Plain I'll start this off Without any words I got so high that I scratched 'til I bled Love myself Better than you I know it's wrong So what should I do? The finest day That I ever had Was when I learned To cry on command I'm on a plain I can't complain I'm on a plain My mother died Every night It's safe to say Don't quote me on that The black sheep got Blackmailed again Forgot to put On the zip code Somewhere I have heard this before In a dream my memory has stored As defense I'm neutered and spayed What the hell am I trying to say? It is now time To make it unclear To write off lines That don't make a sense One more special Message to go And then I'm done And I can go home ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Something in the Way D|---------------------------------| A|---------------------------------| F|---------------------------------| C|---4-----4---4-4-0-----0---0-0---| G|---4-----4---4-4-0-----0---0-0---| C|---4-----4---4-4-0---------0-----| Underneath the bridge The tarp has sprung a leak And the animals I've trapped Have all become my pets And I'm living off of grass And the drippings from the ceiling But it's ok to eat fish Cause they haven't any feelings e|--------------------------------------| B|-------------------------3-3----3-3---| G|-------------------------2-2----2-2---| B|---4-----4-4----4-4-0----0-0----0-0---| A|---4-----4-4----4-4-0----0-0----0-0---| E|---4-----4-4----4-4-0-----------------| Something in the way, Mmmm... Something in the way, yeah, Mmmm... -----------------------------------------------------------------------


From: 3EV1@QUCDN.QUEENSU.CA As far as I know, this song is nameless but is on the "No Alternative" CD. I don't even own the CD so this might be transcribed in a totally wrong key, and don't send me hate-mail telling me that it is :) Here's the chord progression: C#m A F# G# A B "...And if you save yourself, you'll find, da da da da..." Here's the chorus ----> C#m A F# A F# A F# C#m : 446654 -I may have left out something since I'm doing this A : 577655 from memory. If so, I guess Kurt would understand... F# : 244322 G# : 466544 B : 799877 - Van Vekris , 3EV1@Qucdn.QueensU.CA

From: Wouter Janssen OH ME ===== As performed by Nirvana & the Meat Puppets On 'Nirvana Unplugged in New York' Written by the Meat Puppets Transcription by Wouter Janssen ( Tune down a *whole* step to play along with the CD. NB : This song is actually played with 2 guitars, this transcription is just for one guitar, however it's rather easy to transform it into the 2-guitar version. Let one guitar play the chords on the higher strings (G/B/e) throughout the song and the other should play the tab below. (omitting some of the strokes on the higher strings, just listen to CD PART A : INTRO + VERSES E D D C E e -------------0--|--------------|------------------|-----0-----|---0--- B -------------0--|------------3-|------------3-----|-----1-0-0-|---0--- G -------------1--|------------2-|------------2--0-0|-----0-0-0-|---1--- D ------2--2-2----|------2-0-0-0-|------2-0-0-0--0-0|-2-2-------|-2----- A --0-2----2-2----|--0-2---0-0---|--0-2---0-0-------|-3-3-------|-2----- E -4--------------|-4------------|-4----------------|-----------|-0----- If I had to loose a mile, if I had to touch feelings I would loose my soul, the way I do .... PART (B) : CHORUS G E G E e -3--3-3-3-----0-|-3--3-3-3----0-| B -0--0-0-0-----0-|-0--0-0-0----0-| Repeat this until : G -0--0-0-0-----1-|-0--0-0-0----1-| D -----------2-2--|----------2-2--| A -----------2-2--|----------2-2--| E -----------0-0--|----------0-0--| PART (C) : END_OF_CHORUS C D E e -------------0-----|---------------0--- B -------------1-----|-----3---------0--- G ---------0-0-0-0-0-|-2-2-2-2-2-----1--- D ------2--2-2---2-2-|-0-0-0-2-2-0-0----- A --0-2----3-3---3-3-|-0-0---0-0-0-0----- E -4-----------------|------------------- PART (D) : SOLO e ---------------------------3/2-----------2/5-5-5-3-2----------------------- B -------------------3-3^5~------5--(3-5)-5------------5/3-----------3-5~---- G ------------2-4~-----------------------------------------4-2-2-2/4--------- D ------2-2^4---------------------------------------------------------------- A --0-2---------------------------------------------------------------------- E -4------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART (E) : OUTRO Use the same chords as part (C) : C-D-E (but now as powerchords and slide from C to D and from D to E. ~ = vibrato | Sequence : Intro / = slide | Verse 1 + Chorus ^ = push | Solo ( ) = play very softly | Verse 2 + Chorus | Outro Lyrics (taken from : if i had to lose a mile if i had to touch feelings i would lose my soul the way i do i don't have to think i only have to do it the results are always perfect and that's old news would you like to hear my voice sweetened with emotion invented at your birth? i can't see the end of me my whole expanse i cannot see i formulate infinity and store it deep inside of me ============================================================================= Comments and corrections are always welcome at ============================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------- In real life : Wouter Janssen | Take a step outside yourself E-mail : | and turn around Irc : Tijgertje | Take a look at who you are URL:| it's pretty scary (K. Cobain) -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Zet van 't TM) Subject: TAB: "Oh me" - Nirvana w/ Meat Puppets As this is done totally from memory, I'll see what I can do.. Opening riff ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------7\-- --4-5-7------ Followed by E D D C The rest is also a combination of C, D and E. I bet this has been really helpful. I'll post it in its glorious fullness and completeness later this week :-) Mark (

From: Greg A Diehl Subject: Oh, the Guilt TAB This is the tablature to Nirvana's "Oh the Guilt" _____________________________________________________________________________ "Oh, The Guilt" Written By: Kurt Cobain From: "Puss/Oh, The Guilt" EP Tabbed By: Greg Diehl ( ____________________________________________________________________________ Opening: +--0-------0-0-0-------+ You play this part with |--0-------0-0-0-------| the guitar sound off, |--0-------0-0-0-------| then after the last one |--0-------0-0-0-------| turn the distortion and |--0-------0-0-0-------| sound up all the way and +--0-------0-0-0-------+ let the feedback ring. Opening II: +----------------------------------------------------+ |----------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------| |--6-6-6/5-5-5-5/---6-6-6/5-5-5-5/---6-6-6/5-5-5-5/--| |--6-6-6/5-5-5-5/---6-6-6/5-5-5-5/---6-6-6/5-5-5-5/--| +--4-4-4/3-3-3-3/---4-4-4/3-3-3-3/---4-4-4/3-3-3-3/--+ Verse: +---------X---------X---------X---------------------+ The X's are a |---------X---------X---------X---------------------| replacement for |---------X---------X---------X---------------------| the sciscors sound |--6-6-6--X--6-6-6--X--6-6-6--X---6-6-6/5-5-5-5/----| |--6-6-6--X--6-6-6--X--6-6-6--X---6-6-6/5-5-5-5/----| +--4-4-4--X--4-4-4--X--4-4-4--X---4-4-4/3-3-3-3/----+ Verse II: +------------------+ |------------------| |------------------| |--6-6-6/5-5-5-5/--| |--6-6-6/5-5-5-5/--| +--4-4-4/3-3-3-3/--+ Chorus: +--------------------------------------------+ |--------------------------------------------| |--------------------5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5---------| |--6-6-6-6--5-5-5-5--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5---------| |--6-6-6-6--5-5-5-5--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3---------| +--4-4-4-4--3-3-3-3--------------------------+ Solo/Background: +-----------------------------------------------+ This is actually |-----------------------------------------------| the part the Bass |-----------------------------------------------| Guitar is playing |---------X---------X---------X-----------------| durring the solo, |---------X---------X---------X-----------------| but I can't figure +--4-4-4--X--4-4-4--X--4-4-4--X--4-4-4/3-3-3-3/-+ the solo out, so it will have to do :) Ending: +--------------+ |--------------| |--------------| |--6-6-6-------| |--6-6-6-------| +--4-4-4-------+ That's is. To make it easier to play, here's the order to play each one and how many times... Opening (x1) Opening II (x1) Verse (x2) Verse II (x8) Chorus (x4) Verse (x2) Verse II (x8) Solo/Background (x4) Verse (x2) Verse II (x8) Chorus (x8) Ending (x1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If anyone knows the guitar solo, I'd appreciate you mailing it to: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sender: "KLeonard" To: Date: Fri, 26 Aug 94 15:11:22 EDT Subject: Tab for "On a Plain" by Nirvana "On a Plain" by Nirvana h = hammer on p = pull off This is undoubtedly the hardest song to figure out on the album and it's still a pain in the arse when you know how to play it. This transcription is taken from the Nevermind tablature book thing. Intro (w/distortion) B(b5)/D# (fdbk pitch D#) ----------------|--------------------------- ----------------|----------------------h12-- --10------------|------------------h10------ ---9------------|----------------h9--------- ----------------|--------------------------- --11------------|--10h11p10h11------------- play that second part three times and hammer-on all notes with the fretting hand. Verse D G F E5 F5 E5 --2-------------------------------------------------- --3---3-------0----0--------------------------------- --2---2---0---0----0---2---2----2----------------0-- --0---0---0---0--------3---3----3----------------0-- --0--------------------4---3----3---2--2--3--2------ --------------3------------1----1---0--0--1--0------ it goes like this (dashes included to line up some syllables with notes): D G F E5 F5 E5 I'll start this off with-out an-y words... then the "I love myself line...": D C5 B5 A5 --2--------------------------------------------- --3---3----------------------------------------- --2---2--0--5--5--5--5--4---4--0--2--2--2--0-- --0---0--0--5--5--5--5--4---4--0--2--2--2--0-- ------------3--3--3--3--2---2-----0--0--0------ ------------------------------------------------ D C5 B5 A5 I love myself better than you... So the verse follows the first rythym figure twice, then the second figure for the refrain, then back to the first figure for the "I know it's wrong..." line. D G F E5 F5 E5 D G F E5 F5 E5 D C5 B5 A5 D G F E5 F5 E5 As the chorus starts, play this figure and repeat it for the chorus: D5 G5 Bb6sus2 -------------------------------------------------- --3---3-----3---3----------1--1--1--1--1--1------ --2---2-----0---0----------0--0--0--0--0--0--0--- --0---0--0--0---0--0----3--3--3--3--3--3--3--0-- ---------0---------0--0h1--1--1--1--1--1--1------ ------------3---3--------------------------------- D5 G5 Bb6sus2 D5 G5 Bb6sus2 I'm on a plain I can't complain The bridge is the only easy part: F5 (133xxx) E5 (022xxx) A5 (x022xx) G5 (355xxx) Lyrics: I'll start this off without any words I got so high [that] I scratched 'till I bled I love myself better than you I know it's wrong so what should I do The finest day that I've ever had Is when I learned to cry on command I'm on a plain, I can't complain My mother died every night It's safe to say don't quote me on that The black sheep got blackmailed again Forgot to put on the zip code Somewhere I have heard this before In a dream my memory has stored As defense I'm neutered and spayed What the hell am I trying to say It is now time to make it all clear To write off lines that don't make sense One more special message to go And then I'm done and I can go home -keith


From Sat Oct 22 16:00:35 1994 From: (Greg A Diehl) Date: 21 Oct 1994 18:59:58 -0400 Newsgroups: Subject: CRD: Nirvana - Opinion This song is from a radio broadcast Nirvana did... _____________________________________________________________________________ Opinion Written By: Kurt Cobain Tabbed By: Greg Diehl ( ______________________________________________ Chords: A#5 B C#5 F#5 +-----+------+-----+-------+ |-----|------|-----|-------| |--3--|--4---|--6--|-------| |--3--|--4---|--6--|---3---| |--1--|--4---|--4--|---3---| +-----+--2---+-----|---1---+ Just follow the chords below, and you should pretty much have the song: A#5 B C#5 F#5 Congradulations, you have won A#5 B C#5 F#5 It's a useless discretion of that kind A#5 B C#5 F#5 If it makes your story, I'm concerned A#5 B C#5 F#5 You set it up, your glory burns A#5 B C#5 F#5 A#5 B C#5 F#5 My opinions... hmmmm... My opinion... mhmmm A#5 B C#5 F#5 A#5 B C#5 F#5 My opinions... hmmmm... My opinion... mhmmm A#5 B C#5 F#5 There seems to be a problem here A#5 B C#5 F#5 When you scared them all off, it seemed real clear A#5 B C#5 F#5 Now the risen follower watches tough A#5 B C#5 F#5 And they haven't plauged the hope he saw A#5 B C#5 F#5 A#5 B C#5 F#5 I got opinions... hmmmm... My opinions... mhmmm A#5 B C#5 F#5 A#5 B C#5 F#5 My opinions... hmmmm... My opinions... hmmmm A#5 B C#5 F#5 Congradulations, you have won A#5 B C#5 F#5 It's a useless discretion of that kind A#5 B C#5 F#5 If it makes your story, I'm concerned A#5 B C#5 F#5 You set it up, your glory burns A#5 B C#5 F#5 A#5 B C#5 F#5 Your opinions... hmmmm... Your opinion... hmmmm A#5 B C#5 F#5 A#5 B C#5 F#5 Your opinions... hmmmm... Your opinion... mhmmm A#5 Your Opinions.... Corrections or suggestions are welcomed...


From: (Robert Wolsey) Subject: CRD: Pennyroyal Tea-Nirvana Reposted by request: Pennyroyal Tea from Nirvana *In Utero* Music and words by Kurt Cobain Transcribed by Robert Wolsey Tune down 1/2-step: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb NOTE: These are the chords you are pretending to play; the actual chords that come out are a half-step lower because of the tuning. Play A-barre chords on the chorus. Am G Im on my time with everyone Am G I have very bad posture C D A# Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea C D A# Distill the life thats inside of me C D A# Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea C D A# Im anemic royalty Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld So I can sigh eternally Im so tired I cant sleep Im a liar and a thief Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea Im anemic royalty Im on warm milk and laxatives Cherry-flavored antacids (End on Am) Tips: Slide up fron the C barre to the D barre during the chorus. During the verse, play F# G E on the low E string as the change between the G and Am. E A D G B e Am x 0 2 2 1 0 G 3 2 0 0 0 3 C x 3 5 5 5 3 D x 5 7 7 7 5 A# x 1 3 3 3 1 Any and all feedback appreciated at

Pennyroyal Tea By Nirvana Lyrics and Tab written by Curt Cobain Transcribed (Kelly Kristek) All Comments and Corrections are welcome so please mail me if i am wrong!!! My mailing adress is This is the main acoustic strumming part just repeat this riff. The strumming may not be exact, just listen to cd and you'll get it. e:0------0-----0-----------0-----0-------------3-----3----------3-----3--| B:1------1-----1-----------1-----1-------------0-----0----------0-----0--| G:2------2-----2-----------2-----2-------------0-----0----------0-----0--| D:2---------2-----2-----2-----2-----2-------------0----------------0-----| A:0----0-------------0---------------------2----------------2------------| E:--------------------------------------3----------------3---------------| I'm on ..... My time... With Everyone...... Start the Distortion this note e:----3---| B:----0---| G:----0---| D:----0---| A:----2---| E:----3---| Play this with distortion. (Sing verse 1 and 2 then 1 agian then go to verse three and play that..) sit and drink penny... Tea................. Steal...thats inside.. Me.............. e:----------------------------------------------------------------------| B:----------------------------------------------------------------------| G:---|>5--5-5--5-5-5-5/7--7-7--7-7---3--3-3-3--3-3-3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3/|-| D:---|>5--5-5--5-5-5-5/7--7-7--7-7---3--3-3-3--3-3-3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3/|-| A:---|>3--3-3--3-3-3-3/5--5-5--5-5---1--1-1-1--1-1-1--1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0/|-| E:---|----------------------------------------------------------------|-| |-------<------<----<---Back To Begining<--<----<----<-----------| I'm anemic Royal......Ty.................... e:--------------------------------------------------------------| B:--------------------------------------------------------------| G:-5--5-5--5-5-5-5/7--7-7--7-7---3--3-3-3--3-3-3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-| D:-5--5-5--5-5-5-5/7--7-7--7-7---3--3-3-3--3-3-3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-| A:-3--3-3--3-3-3-3/5--5-5--5-5---1--1-1-1--1-1-1--1-1-1-1-1-1-1-| E:--------------------------------------------------------------| Back to Acoustic SOLO This is the best i can figure out for the solo.If you have a better Version of it please send me a copy. e:-----------------------------------------------------------3----3-3-2-0----| B:------------------------------------------------------------------------3-2| G:--------2b(3)--2/3\2-------------2b(3)---2b(3)-----------------------------| D:-----2----------------2-------2--------2-------2---------------------------| A:--0------------------------0----------------------------2------------------| E:-----------------------------------------------------3---------------------| e:----3-3-2-0-----------| B:------------3-2-0-----| G:------------------2-0-| D:----------------------| A:----------------------| E:----------------------| Play this solo twice then go to next riff e:-------------------------------------------------------------------------| B:-----5----5---5-5/7-----7----7--------3----3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3---------5--| G:-----5----5---5-5/7-----7----7--------3----3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3---------5--| D:---5----5-----5-5/7-----7----7------3----3----3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-------5----| A:-3------------3-3/5---5----5------1-----------1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-----3------| E:-------------------------------------------------------------------------| B:--5---5-5/7-----7----7----3-3-3-3-3-3-3-| G:--5---5-5/7-----7----7----3-3-3-3-3-3-3-| D:5-----5-5/7-----7----7----3-3-3-3-3-3-3-| A:------3-3/5---5----5------1-1-1-1-1-1-1-| E:----------------------------------------| After the solo go back to the Acoustic part and play the part under verse's 1 and 2 three times... OUTRO P=pulloff Distorded Normal guitar e:--------------------------------------------------|--| B:------1-Hit-this-chord--------1-------------1p0---|--| G:------2-a-few-times-then------2----------2--------|--| D:------2-go-to-this...---------2-------2-----------|--| A:--------------------------------------------------|--| E:--------------------------------------------------|--| Let Ring

From: (Zet van t TM) "Plateau" - Nirvana with the Meat Puppets From Nirvana's Unplugged Tab transcription by Mark van 't Zet ( INTRO - Main riff --3-------6-------3-------6-------3-------6-------1----- ------------------------------------------------------1- ----------------------------------------------------0--- ------0-------0-------0-------0-------0-------0--------- ----2-------5-------2-------5-------2-------5----------- --3-------6-------3-------6-------3-------6-------1----- This is played with the following (movable) shapes: G 320x33 Bb 650x66 Fsus2 1xx011 Sometimes the riff is varied by playing the highest note on string 2 (B) instead of string 1 (E). Takes a bit of practising at first. Play it fingerstyle and use you thumb to rake the E, A and D strings. VERSE - w/ main riff PRE-CHORUS - 2/4 time, chordshape is similar to main riff. --4--------- ---------4-- -------0---- ------------ ------------ --4--------- CHORUS 'Nothing on top but a bucket and a mop and an.. --1/3-------------------------------------------------- --1/3------------------------3---------3--------------- -----------------------------3---------3--------------- ------------5---x------------3---------3--------------- ------------5---x-----1-------------------------------- ---------3-------------------------1------------------- ..illustrated book about birds' ---------------3--------------------------------------- ---------------3-----------------6--------------------- ---------------------------------7--------------------- ---------------------------------8--------------------- ---5--------------------------------------------------- ---3----------------------/6--------------------------- etc. PRE-OUTRO --4----------------4---6-----------------6------------- ---------4-------4------------6--------6--------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ------0-------0------------0-------0------------------- ----3-------3------------5-------5--------------------- --4--------------------6------------------------------- OUTRO * repeat from * ------------------------------0-----|------------------ --------------0-------2---------1p0-|-----2------------ ------2-----2---2---2-------2-------|---2-------------- ----2-----2-------0-------0---------|-2---------------- --0-----0---------------3-----------|------------------ ------------------------------------|------------------ While the line above is played by a Meat Puppet, Krist plays: --------0-------------2-------0----- ------------2-----------3-----1----- --------------2--------------------- ----------------2------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------

From uunet!wupost!usc!!!!!!!!pg25+ Mon Oct 19 18:44:44 PDT 1992 Article: 3005 of Path:!uunet!wupost!usc!!!!!!!!pg25+ Newsgroups: Subject: Re: POLLY NIRVANA Message-ID: From: "Philip F. Gomez" Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1992 15:36:36 -0400 Organization: Freshman, H&SS general, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA Lines: 108 Paul McManus writes: >I missed the original posting of the 'acoustic' version of this song. > >so if i could get it i would be eternally grateful ta. Now, I posted an all power chord version of this song not too long ago which is the way the song is played on the album (Nevermind). When you ask for the 'acoustic' version of this song I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean the open chord version? If so, then here's what you can do. I'm sending at the end of this letter the power chord version that I posted before. The open chord version has basically the same chords: E G D C for the lyrics and D C G A# for the chorus. These are all simple major open chords chords and when I play it this way, I use a barre major shape on the 6th fret for the A# chord of the chorus. I hope this helps, please let me know of any problems. Thanx, -Philip F. Gomez PS. -Here's the power chord version of "Polly." Note: Played as it is, it does sound good on an acoustic as well. Polly by Nirvana Main Line: Polly wants a cracker... E G D C e|---------------------------------------------- A|---------------------------------------------- D|--------------------7--7--7-----5---5--5--5--- G|--2-----5--5--5-----7--7--7-----5---5--5--5--- B|--2-----5--5--5-----5--5--5-----3---3--3--3--- E|--0-----3--3--3------------------------------- Chorus: It isn~t me, We have some seed... D C G A# |---------------------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------- |--7--7----5--5--5--5-------------------------- |--7--7----5--5--5--5----5--5----8--8--8--8---- |--5--5----3--3--3--3----5--5----8--8--8--8---- |------------------------3--3----6--6--6--6---- Interlude: (optional) Polly said... |---------------------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------- |--------------------0--0--0------------------- |--------------------------------3---3--3--3--- |--0-----3--3--3------------------------------- (the song ends with an E power chord.) Playing order: Verse 1 Chorus Verse 2 Chorus Interlude Verse 3 Chorus Lyrics (according to the Lithium single): Polly wants a cracker I think I should get off her first I think she wants some water To put out the blow torch Polly wants a cracker Maybe she would like more food She asks me to untie her A chase would be nice for a few Polly said... Polly says her back hurts And she's just as bored as me She caught me off my guard It amazes me, the will of instinct It isn't me We have some seed Let me clip Your dirty wings Let me take a ride Don~t hurt yourself I want some help To help myself I~ve got some rope You have been told I promise you I have been true Let me take a ride Don~t hurt yourself I want some help To please myself

Sender: "KLeonard" To: Date: Mon, 01 Aug 94 13:24:04 EDT Subject: TAB for "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter" by Nirvana "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter" by Nirvana tune down 1/2 step (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) p = pull off h = hammer on the intro is something like this but with some weird effects. this is the closest i could get: ---------------11p10h11p10-- --11p10h11p10--------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- then the main riff: B5 F#5 A#5 F5 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- --5--5---------------4---4--4------------------- --5--5---5----5--5---4---4--4--4--4--4--4---4-- --3--3---5----5--5---2---2--2--4--4--0--2---4-- ---------3----3--3--------------2--2--0--2---2-- that last chord (F5) is played out a little longer than the other chords (listen to the cd for timing). plus, i'm not sure if that chord in the middle of F5 is what i have listed or 044xxx, but it shouldn't really matter. bridge: B5 D#5 G#5 F#5 -------------------- -------------------- --5----9------------ --5----9----7----5-- --3----7----7----5-- ------------5----3-- there's a slide between B5 and D#5. and on the last line of the bridge, only B5 and D#5 are played. to even mention the verse is a joke. -keith


Return-Path: Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 12:20:36 BST To: Subject: Guitar CHORDS for Rape Me by Nirvana Rape Me by Nirvana Transcribed by Tim Davis ( from the album "In Utero". Main riff used during intro, verses and choruses G#sus4 Bsus4 D#sus4 F#sus4 Bridge (You're my favourite inside source...) Csus4 G#sus4 F#sus4 Esus4 (four times) D#sus4 F#sus4 D#sus4(XII) Positions of chords as follows (this is how I play them anyway) Tune all strings down 1 fret Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb __________________ D#sus4 | 0 2 2 2 x x Esus4 | 1 3 3 3 x x F#sus4 | 3 5 5 5 x x G#sus4 | 5 7 7 7 x x Bsus4 | 8 10 10 10 x x Csus4 | 9 11 11 11 x x D#sus4(XII) | 12 14 14 14 x x The chords are similar to root 5th chords but played across 4 strings.

From: (Craig Lawton) Heres a TAB of RAPE ME that somebody worked out and I found somewhere !?! Since a few people seemed to want it, I posted it. Hope the original author doesn't mind ????? Oh well, Intro And 1st Verse ------------------- Clean Guitar/No Drums |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------5---5------|-8-8-8-8-8--8----|------0---0------|-3-3-3-3-3-3-----| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------5---5------|-8-8-8-8-8--8----|------0---0------|-3-3-3-3-3-3-----| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |--------2--------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |--------2--------|---------0-------|---------2-------|---------5-------| |-----------------|-------2---2-----|---------2-------|---------5-------| |-----0-----------|---0-3-----------|-----------------|------5-----5----| |-----------------|-----------------|------0----------|-0-3-----------0-| Rape Me... |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |--------2--------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |--------2--------|---------0-------|---------2-------|---------5-------| |-----------------|-------2---2-----|---------2-------|---------5-------| |-----0-----------|---0-3-----------|-----------------|------5-----5----| |-----------------|-----------------|------0----------|-0-3-----------0-| Rape Me My Friend... |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |--------2--------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |--------2--------|---------0-------|---------2-------|---------5-------| |-----------------|-------2---2-----|---------2-------|---------5-------| |-----0-----------|---0-3-----------|-----------------|------5-----5----| |-----------------|-----------------|------0----------|-0-3-----------0-| Rape Me... |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |--------2--------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |--------2--------|---------0-------|---------2-------|---------5-------| |-----------------|-------2---2-----|---------2-------|---------5-------| |-----0-----------|---0-3-----------|-----------------|------5-----5----| |-----------------|-----------------|------0----------|-0-3-----------0-| Rape Me Again... 1st Chorus ---------- Heavy Distorted Guitar w/Drums - Do 4 Times |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------5---5------|-8-8-8-8-8--8----|------0---0------|-3-3-3-3-3-3-----| I'm Not The Only One... Ahhh.... 2nd Verse --------- Clean Guitar w/Drums - Do 4 Times With Lyrics (Same Beat As In 1st Verse) |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------5---5------|-8-8-8-8-8--8----|------0---0------|-3-3-3-3-3-3-----| 2nd Chorus ---------- 1 - Do 1st Chorus 2 - Do This After 1st Chorus: Heavy Distorted Guitar w/Drums (Drums Change To Fit This Riff) |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |---6-6-6-6-6-6---|--2-2-2----------|---6-6-6-6-6-6---|--2-2-2----------| |---4-4-4-4-4-4---|--0-0-0--3-2-1-0-|---4-4-4-4-4-4---|--0-0-0--3-2-1-0-| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| My Favorite Inside Source... I Kiss Your Open Sores... |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |---6-6-6-6-6-6---|--2-2-2----------|---6-6-6-6-6-6---|--2-2-2----------| |---4-4-4-4-4-4---|--0-0-0--3-2-1-0-|---4-4-4-4-4-4---|--0-0-0--3-2-1-0-| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| Appreciate Your Concern... You'll Always Stink And Burn... |-----------------|-----------------|-----0-----------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----0-----------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----X-----------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----2-----------|-----------------| |-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-|-----2-----------|-----------------| |-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-|-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-|-----0-----------|-----------------| (Open E Rings Out For An 8 Count) 3rd Verse --------- Clean Guitar/ No Drums - Do 4 Times With Lyrics (Same Beat As In 1&2 Verses) |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------5---5------|-8-8-8-8-8--8----|------0---0------|-3-3-3-3-3-3-----| Final Chorus ------------ Heavy Distorted Guitar w/Drums 4 Times: -------- |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------5---5------|-8-8-8-8-8--8----|------0---0------|-3-3-3-3-3-3-----| I'm Not The Only One... Ahhh.... 4 Times: -------- |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------7---7------|-X-X-X-X-10-10---|------2---2------|-X-X-X-X-5-5-----| |------5---5------|-8-8-8-8-8--8----|------0---0------|-3-3-3-3-3-3-----| Rape Me!... Rape Me!... -- /\/\ / / /\ / / / \ Craig Lawton / / / /\ \ BHP Research \ \/ / / / E-mail : \ / / / \/\/\/


From: "School" by Nirvana (standard tuning and everything) hb = half bend fb = full bend / = slide up for the intro, bang the back of the neck so the strings vibrate and all that. then play the main riff: -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --0--0-0-5hb-0-0-5hb-0-0-0-0-0-5fb-- chorus: C5 (x355xx) A5 (577xxx) E5 (022xxx) D5 (x577xx) i'm not sure about the bridge, but it's something like this: ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------7------7----7---7--7--7--7/-- --7--7-7----7-7----7------------------- ---------------------------------------- that's about it for the tab. i have no idea on the solo. here's the lyrics (all 15 words): Won't you believe it is just my luck No recess You're in high school again -keith

From: NIRVANA ========> S C H O O L ---from the album ''bleach''-- Transcribed by D. Cohen ( ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The directory has a school.crd already , but i'm sure this one sounds better , check it out :) / = Slide ^^^^ = Vib Intro/Verse RIFF 1|-------------------------------------------------------| 2|-------------------------------------------------------| 3|-------------------------------------------------------| 4|-------------------------------------------------------| 5|----------7--------6--------------------------7^^^^----| 6|-0--0--0-----0--0-----0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0-----------| Wont you... Or it might go like this: 1|-------------------------------------------------| 2|-------------------------------------------------| 3|-------------------------------------------------| 4|-------------------------------------------------| 5|----------7--------6--------5-----------7^^^-----| 6|-0--0--0-----0--0-----0--0-----0--0--0-----------| Chorus: C5 B5 E5 A5 G5 1|---------|------------------------|---------|---------|---------| 2|---------|------------------------|---------|---------|---------| 3|-5--5--5-|-4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4-|---------|---------|---------| 4|-5--5--5-|-4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4-|-2--2--2-|-7--7--7-|-5--5--5-| 5|-3--3--3-|-2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2-|-2--2--2-|-7--7--7-|-5--5--5-| 6|---------|------------------------|-0--0--0-|-5--5--5-|-3--3--3-| No recuss... C5 1|-----------------------| 2|-----------------------| Continue=> 3|-/5--5--5--5--5--5--5--| 4|-/5--5--5--5--5--5--5--| 5|-/3--3--3--3--3--3--3--| 6|-----------------------| Sorry , no solo :( i cant transcribe it, it'll fuck me up. when i play it i just blab something on the guitar, sounds the same:) as long as you have a bass-guitar playing the RIFF with ya. From: Greg A Diehl "School" Written By Kurt Cobain Tabbed By: ??? TXT By: Greg Diehl ( Notaion: ^ = Bend / = Slide |-------------------------------------| Reapeat this over and over until |-------------------------------------| you reach the chorus... |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |--0-0-0-5^-0-0-5^-0-0-0-0-0-5^-------| Chorus: |--------------------------------------------2-2-2-2----------------| |--------3-3---------------------------------3-3-3-3----------------| |--3-3-3-3-3--2-2-2-2-2-2-----------------0--2-2-2-2----------------| |--3-3-3-3-3--2-2-2-2-2-2--2-2-2-2-2-2-2--0--0-0-0-0----------------| |--1-1-1-1-1--0-0-0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2-2-2-2--0-------------------------| |--------------------------0-0-0-0-0-0-0----------------------------| (Repeat) Bridge to Solo: |----------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------15-15-15/--------------------------------| |-----------------12------12--13-13-13/------------------12-12-12------| |--------11-11----11--11--11--------------------11-11----11-11-11-0----| |--------10-10-X--------------------------------10-10-11---------------| |--0-0-0----------------------------------0-0-0-------------------19/--| Solo: |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |--2^--2^--2------2^--2---------------------------------------------| |--2^--2^--2---0--2^--2--0---------------2^-0-2^2-0--------7--------| |--------------------------2-0-2-0-----------------2/7-7-7-7-7/9-11/| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------3/--0----------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----0------------------------------------------------------------ 2/7-| |--/9---9/7/0--2--2-2-2-2-2-----------0-2-0-0-2^--0---------2-5-2-5-----| |-------------------------------0--0----------------2-5/0-5-------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| That's basically it. Sorry I couldn't go into much detail on how to play it, but this isn't my own tabbing so I didn't have much to work with. _____________________________________________________________________________ From: "School" by Nirvana (standard tuning and everything) hb = half bend fb = full bend / = slide up for the intro, bang the back of the neck so the strings vibrate and all that. then play the main riff: -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --0--0-0-5hb-0-0-5hb-0-0-0-0-0-5fb-- chorus: C5 (x355xx) A5 (577xxx) E5 (022xxx) D5 (x577xx) i'm not sure about the bridge, but it's something like this: ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------7------7----7---7--7--7--7/-- --7--7-7----7-7----7------------------- ---------------------------------------- that's about it for the tab. i have no idea on the solo. here's the lyrics (all 15 words): Won't you believe it is just my luck No recess You're in high school again -keith

From Mon Apr 18 14:40:46 1994 Xref: Newsgroups:, Path:!ieunet!!!!emory!!hearst.acc.Virginia.EDU!murdoch!Hopper.itc.Virginia.EDU!rte From: rte@Hopper.itc.Virginia.EDU (Ritchie Eppink) Subject: TAB: NIRVANA "Scoff" Message-ID: Sender: usenet@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU Organization: Public Access Internet at UVa. Date: Sat, 16 Apr 1994 22:49:07 GMT Lines: 68 Kurdt played Scoff in both drop-D and in his various version of standard I have tabbed it for standard tuning, but its somewhat easier if you tune down... The verse part ("In my eyes..."): D--4-4-3-2-4-4-3-|-4-4-3-2-4-4-3-|| A--4-4-3-2-4-4-3-|-4-4-3-2-4-4-3-|| repeat numerous times E--2-2-1-0-2-2-1-|-2-2-1-0-2-2-1-|| Bridge ("Gimme back my alcohol...") G--2---------2-------|| D--2-4-4-4---2-4-4-4-|| A--0-4-4-4---0-4-4-4-|| repeat several times E--0-2-2-2---0-2-2-2-|| Then, come out of the bridge: G--2-----------------|| D--2-4-4-5-5-6-6-7-7-|| A--0-4-4-5-5-6-6-7-7-|| E--0-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5-|| Then, the chorus ("Give, me your...") D-10--10-10-10-9-8-|-12--12-12-12-12-11-10-9-|| A-10--10-10-10-9-8-|-12--12-12-12-12-11-10-9-|| repeat several times E--8---8--8--8-7-6-|-10--10-10-10-10--9--8-7-|| Then, the verse...and the bridge...and the chorus... then the magnificient and wonderful solo: hold hold hold hold B--------------|-----------5----|-----------5----|-----------5----| G--4------5----|-4------5-(5)---|-4------5-(5)---|-4------5-(5)---| D--4---4-(4)---|-4---4-(4)(4)---|-4---4-(4)(4)---|-4---4-(4)(4)---| A--4---4-(4)---|-4---4-(4)(4)---|-4---4-(4)(4)---|-4---4-(4)(4)---| E--2---2-(2)---|-2---2-(2)(2)---|-2---2-(2)(2)---|-2---2-(2)(2)---| B--6-5-6-5-6-5-6--/|-8-7-8-7-8-7-8--/|--10--\|| G--6-5-6-5-6-5-6--/|-8-7-8-7-8-7-8--/|--10--\|| D--6-5-6-5-6-5-6--/|-8-7-8-7-8-7-8--/|--10--\|| repeat once, slide to verse A------------------|-----------------|-------|| E------------------|-----------------|-------|| then the verse, bridge, chorus, and fine. If I get the chance soon--Big Cheese, Lounge Act gud, JEZMUND, TFB ============================================================================= JEZMUND, TFB "I don't know......... ........but we might need the 409 on this one..." ============================================================================= finger for today's adage from FRANK* * *email for a copy of the BOOK OF FRANK HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

From: Subject: Nirvana "Sentless Apprentice" Date: 28 Apr 94 11:17:12 GMT Expires: 3 May 94 11:17:44 GMT Distribution: world "Sentless Apprentice" - Nirvana *- this is the only part of the song i've been able to TAB -* E|-------------------------------|--------------------------------| B|-------------------------------|--------------------------------| G|-------------------------------|--------------------------------| D|--3--3---4-3--4--3-3-3-3--4-3--|-4--3--3--4-3--4--3-3-3-3--4-3--| A|--3--3---4-3--4--3-3-3-3--4-3--|-4--3--3--4-3--4--3-3-3-3--4-3--| E|--1--1---2-1--2--1-1-1-1--2-1--|-2--1--1--2-1--2--1-1-1-1--2-1--| the other part for the verses goes someting like this : E|----- You just start strumming at this fret and continue B|--8-- sliding towards the bridge . G|--8-- ( i think it starts at this chord , but it's somewhere D|--8-- near there !). A|--6-- E|-----


From: (Robert Wolsey) Serve the Servants Words and music by Kurt Cobain From Nirvana's In Utero (1993) Transcribed by Robert Wolsey To play along with the CD (or any boots of the last tour), tune down a half step: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb. I still don't know the opening chord, but I've pretty much figured out the rest of it, partly by watching the Oakland video. I'm not great at naming chords, so help me out here. Here are the fingerings for the chords used: E A D G B E Bm7 x 2 4 2 x x Em7? x x 2 4 3 x * F#? 2 4 4 3 0 0 * E 0 2 2 1 0 0 A 5 7 7 6 5 5 C# x 4 6 6 6 4 G 3 5 5 4 3 3 * name that chord! Verse riff: Bmin7 Emin7? F#? E e|-------------------------------------0-----0----0---0---0-| B|-----------------------3-----3-------0-----0----0---0---0-| G|------2------------4-------4-----3---3---3-3-3--1---1-1-1-| D|--4-------4------2---2-----------4-------4---4--2-----2---| A|2---2-------2--------------------4-------4---4--2-----2---| E|---------------------------------2--------------0---------| Bmin7 Emin7 Teenage angst has paid off well F# E Now I'm bored and old Bmin7 Emin7 Self appointed judges judge F# E More than they have sold Bmin7 Emin7 If she floats then she is not F# E A witch like we had thought Bmin7 Emin7 A down payment on another F# E One at Salem's lot A C# A Serve the servants, oh no C# A Serve the servants, oh no C# A Serve the servants, oh no C# Serve the servants F# G C# That legendary divorce is such a bore As my bones grew they did hurt They hurt really bad I tried hard to have a father But instead I had a Dad I just want you to know that I Don't hate you anymore There is nothing I could say That I haven't thought before Corrections? I'll take all the blame at From Thu Jun 23 09:00:18 1994 From: (PATRICK Y WANG) Date: 23 Jun 1994 03:05:49 GMT Newsgroups: Subject: Re: CRD:Serve the Servants-Nirvana(REPOST) Robert Wolsey ( wrote: : Reposted by request: Serve the Servants. Actually, this is what I've figured out, attested to by the Live and Loud dingo MTV did last New Year's Eve. The opening chord eludes me to: Eb|------------------|------------------| Ab|------------------|-------3-----3----| Db|-------2-----2----|----1-------------| Gb|----1-------------|--2-------2-----2-| Bb|--2-------2----2--|------------------| Eb|------------------|------------------| Teenage angst... has paid off well And the the rest of the chords... If people want some tabs to most of the songs on In Utero, and I can tab up what I've figured out -- and what've I've grabbed from the net.

From: (Wouter Janssen) SLIVER by Nirvana ( Incesticide) =================================== Transcription by Wouter Janssen ( INTRO + 1st VERSE : e ------------------------------| This part is actually for the B ------------------------------| bass guitar. G ------------------------------| D ------------------------------| A ---3--3-3--------3--1-0---0-1-| Repeat twice for intro & then E ----------1--1-1---------3----| 3x for the first verse CHORUS : A C G e -------------------------| B -------------------------| G --------------5-5-5------| D -----7-7-7----5-5-5-5----| A -----7-7-7----3-3-3-5----| E -----5-5-5----------3----| 2nd + 3rd VERSE : C F C Bb A G A Bb e -----------------------------------| B -----------------------------------| G --5--5-5--------5------------------| D --5--5-5-3--3-3-5----8-7--5-7-8----| A --3--3-3-3--3-3-3----8-7--5-7-8----| E ---------1--1-1------6-5--3-5-6----| 4th VERSE : C e ----------| B ----------| G ---5-5-5--| Play this between every line of the verse D ---5-5-5--| A ---3-3-3--| E ----------| LYRICS : My mom and dad went to a show They dropped me off at Grandpa Joe's I kicked and screamed, said please don't go Grandma take me home (8x) I had to eat my dinner there Had mashed patatoes and stuff like that I couldn't chew my meat too good Grandma take me home (8x) She said why don't you stop your crying Go outside and ride your bike Thats what I did, I killed my toes Grandma take me home (8x) And after dinner I had ice cream I fell asleep and watched tv I woke up in my mothers arms Grandma take me home (19x) I wanna be alone ===== Comments/corrections are always welcome. -- ----------------------------------------------------------- In real life : Wouter Janssen E-mail : -----------------------------------------------------------

From: Joseph Grossman **************************** Smells Like Teen Spirit, by Nirvana This is how I play the song. I make no guarantees as to its accuracy. For those interested, a good way to get the Nirvana "Grunge" sound is just to use very heavy metal distortion plus very thick chorus. Key: p - pull off from previous note s - slide to b - bend (or unbend) note until it sounds like the next one x - strike strings muted lightly w/left hand Main line: Riff: 2x w/o distortion. repeat as 4x with distortion + chorus) desired. . . e------------------------------------------ ---1------ a------------------------------------------ -1-------- d-------------3-3------------------6-6----- ---------- g--3-3-3-xxxx-3-3---5---6-6-6-xxxx-6-6--5-- ---------- b--3-3-3-xxxx-1-1---5---6-6-6-xxxx-4-4--5-- ---------- E--1-1-1-xxxx-------3---4-4-4-xxxx------3-- ---------- "Solo": 2x. . . e------------------------------------------------------- a--1--4--4s6-----4b6b4--2--1--2--1---------------------- d-------------1---------------------3--1--3b5b3--1--0--- g------------------------------------------------------- b------------------------------------------------------- E------------------------------------------------------- . . .to 4x: e-------------------------------- a-------------------------------- d---1-0---1-0---1-0---1p0-------- g---------------------------3---- b-------------------------------- E-------------------------------- Lyrics: ------- Load up on guns, bring your friends It's fun to lose, and to pretend She's overboard, myself assured I know I know, A dirty word chorus: hello, hello, hello, hello. . .hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello. . .hello, hello, hello, hello With the lights out it's less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us. A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido, Yea! I'm worse at what I do best, and for this gift I feel blessed. I met a group that's always been And always will until the end. chorus, solo And I forget, just what the taste And yes I guess it makes me smile I found it hard. . .Its hard to find Oh well, whatever, nevermind chorus. ** *-Joseph Grossman -* Return-Path: Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 12:17:41 BST To: Subject: Guitar TAB for Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana Transcribed by Tim Davis ( from the album "Nevermind". Here's the entire song with lyrics et al. To get the Nirvana sound use very heavy metal distortion plus very thick chorus with the pickup selector in the bridge (farthest back) position. Key: ~ - vibrato \ - slide down b - bend note until it sounds like the bracketed one r - release previous bend to bracketed note x - play strings while muted lightly with left hand |-- --| repeat section between the markers. |*- -*| ie. play it twice |-- --| |-- --| |*- -*| |-- ... --| Intro: 2x clean 4x w/distortion and chorus E--------------------------------|-------------------------------| B--------------------------------|-------------------------------| G--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-3---3---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-6---6---5---| D--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-3---1---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-6---6---5---| A--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-1---1---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-4---4---5---| E--1---1-1---x-x-x-x---------3---|-4---4-4---x-x-x-x---------3---| Pre verse: clean w/chorus E-----1-----------------------------|-----1----------------------------| B-1---------------------------------|-1--------------------------------| G-----------------------------------|----------------------------------| D-----------------------------------|----------------------------------| A-----------------------------------|----------------------------------| E-----------------------------------|----------------------------------| Verse 1: clean w/chorus E-----1------------------------------|-----1---------------------------| B-1----------------------------------|-1-------------------------------| G------------------------------------|---------------------------------| D------------------------------------|---------------------------------| A------------------------------------|---------------------------------| E------------------------------------|---------------------------------| Load up on guns, bring your friends. It's fun to lose and to pretend She's over bored and self assured. Oh no, I know, a dirty word. Pre chorus: w/distortion E------1-------1-------1-------1--|------1-------1-------1-------1---| B-1--------1-------1-------1------|-1--------1-------1-------1-------| G---------------------------------|----------------------------------| D---------------------------------|----------------------------------| A---------------------------------|----------------------------------| E---------------------------------|----------------------------------| Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello... Chorus: w/distortion and chorus E--------------------------------|-------------------------------| B--------------------------------|-------------------------------| G--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-3---3---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-6---6---5---| D--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-3---1---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-6---6---5---| A--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-1---1---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-4---4---5---| E--1---1-1---x-x-x-x---------3---|-4---4-4---x-x-x-x---------3---| With the lights out, it's less dangerous. Here we are now entertain us. I feel stupid and contagious. Here we are now entertain us. A mulatto. An albino. A mosquito. My libido. Yeah! E|----------------------------------|----------------------------------| B|*---------------------------------|---------------------------------*| G|--3---3---3---3---4---4---3-------|-4---4---4---4---3---3---4---4----| D|--3---3---3---3---4---4---3-------|-4---4---4---4---3---3---4---4----| A|*-3---3---3---3---4---4---1-------|-2---2---2---2---1---1---4---4---*| E|--1---1---1---1---2---2-----------|-------------------------2---2----| Yeah! Pre verse Verse 2: (Guitar same as verse 1) I'm worst at what I do best and for this gift I feel blessed. Our little group has always been and always will until the end. Pre chorus Chorus Solo: w/distortion and chorus (played over the main chorus/intro riff) E|-----------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|*----------------------------------|--------------------------------*| G|-----8-10\8-----8-8b(10)r(8)-6-5~~~|-6-5-----------------------------| D|--10--------6~~~-------------------|------8--6~~~8-8b(10)r(8)-6-5~~~-| A|*----------------------------------|--------------------------------*| E|-----------------------------------|---------------------------------| E|---------------------------------|--------------------------------| B|*--------------------------------|-------------------------------*| G|---------------------------------|--------------------------------| D|---6-5---6-5---6-5---6-5-5-------|-6-5---6-5---6-5---6-5-5--------| A|*--------------------------8~~~~~|-------------------------8~~~~~*| E|---------------------------------|--------------------------------| Pre verse: let last note of solo ring for whole of pre verse E----------------------------------|--------------------------------| B----------------------------------|--------------------------------| G----------------------------------|--------------------------------| D----------------------------------|--------------------------------| A-(8)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|-(8)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| E----------------------------------|--------------------------------| Verse 3: (No guitar) And I forget just why I taste. Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile. I found it hard. It was hard to find. Oh well whatever, nevermind. Pre chorus Chorus and playout: w/distortion and chorus E--------------------------------|-------------------------------| B--------------------------------|-------------------------------| G--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-3---3---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-6---6---5---| D--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-3---1---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-6---6---5---| A--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-1---1---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-4---4---5---| E--1---1-1---x-x-x-x---------3---|-4---4-4---x-x-x-x---------3---| With the lights out, it's less dangerous. Here we are now entertain us. I feel stupid and contagious. Here we are now entertain us. A mulatto. An albino. A mosquito. My libido. A denial. A denial. A denial. A denial. A denial. A denial. A denial. A denial. A de_ ni__ al. Return-Path: Received: from by; (5.65/ id AA21089; Fri, 30 Sep 1994 12:18:24 +0100 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.9/8.6.4) with SMTP id EAA24321 for ; Fri, 30 Sep 1994 04:17:54 -0700 Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1:AL5l) id AA06791; Fri, 30 Sep 94 12:17:42 BST Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 12:17:41 BST From: Tim Davis Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Guitar TAB for Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana Transcribed by Tim Davis ( from the album "Nevermind". Here's the entire song with lyrics et al. To get the Nirvana sound use very heavy metal distortion plus very thick chorus with the pickup selector in the bridge (farthest back) position. Key: ~ - vibrato \ - slide down b - bend note until it sounds like the bracketed one r - release previous bend to bracketed note x - play strings while muted lightly with left hand |-- --| repeat section between the markers. |*- -*| ie. play it twice |-- --| |-- --| |*- -*| |-- ... --| Intro: 2x clean 4x w/distortion and chorus E--------------------------------|-------------------------------| B--------------------------------|-------------------------------| G--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-3---3---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-6---6---5---| D--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-3---1---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-6---6---5---| A--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-1---1---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-4---4---5---| E--1---1-1---x-x-x-x---------3---|-4---4-4---x-x-x-x---------3---| Pre verse: clean w/chorus E-----1-----------------------------|-----1----------------------------| B-1---------------------------------|-1--------------------------------| G-----------------------------------|----------------------------------| D-----------------------------------|----------------------------------| A-----------------------------------|----------------------------------| E-----------------------------------|----------------------------------| Verse 1: clean w/chorus E-----1------------------------------|-----1---------------------------| B-1----------------------------------|-1-------------------------------| G------------------------------------|---------------------------------| D------------------------------------|---------------------------------| A------------------------------------|---------------------------------| E------------------------------------|---------------------------------| Load up on guns, bring your friends. It's fun to lose and to pretend She's over bored and self assured. Oh no, I know, a dirty word. Pre chorus: w/distortion E------1-------1-------1-------1--|------1-------1-------1-------1---| B-1--------1-------1-------1------|-1--------1-------1-------1-------| G---------------------------------|----------------------------------| D---------------------------------|----------------------------------| A---------------------------------|----------------------------------| E---------------------------------|----------------------------------| Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello, how low? Hello, hello, hello... Chorus: w/distortion and chorus E--------------------------------|-------------------------------| B--------------------------------|-------------------------------| G--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-3---3---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-6---6---5---| D--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-3---1---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-6---6---5---| A--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-1---1---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-4---4---5---| E--1---1-1---x-x-x-x---------3---|-4---4-4---x-x-x-x---------3---| With the lights out, it's less dangerous. Here we are now entertain us. I feel stupid and contagious. Here we are now entertain us. A mulatto. An albino. A mosquito. My libido. Yeah! E|----------------------------------|----------------------------------| B|*---------------------------------|---------------------------------*| G|--3---3---3---3---4---4---3-------|-4---4---4---4---3---3---4---4----| D|--3---3---3---3---4---4---3-------|-4---4---4---4---3---3---4---4----| A|*-3---3---3---3---4---4---1-------|-2---2---2---2---1---1---4---4---*| E|--1---1---1---1---2---2-----------|-------------------------2---2----| Yeah! Pre verse Verse 2: (Guitar same as verse 1) I'm worst at what I do best and for this gift I feel blessed. Our little group has always been and always will until the end. Pre chorus Chorus Solo: w/distortion and chorus (played over the main chorus/intro riff) E|-----------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|*----------------------------------|--------------------------------*| G|-----8-10\8-----8-8b(10)r(8)-6-5~~~|-6-5-----------------------------| D|--10--------6~~~-------------------|------8--6~~~8-8b(10)r(8)-6-5~~~-| A|*----------------------------------|--------------------------------*| E|-----------------------------------|---------------------------------| E|---------------------------------|--------------------------------| B|*--------------------------------|-------------------------------*| G|---------------------------------|--------------------------------| D|---6-5---6-5---6-5---6-5-5-------|-6-5---6-5---6-5---6-5-5--------| A|*--------------------------8~~~~~|-------------------------8~~~~~*| E|---------------------------------|--------------------------------| Pre verse: let last note of solo ring for whole of pre verse E----------------------------------|--------------------------------| B----------------------------------|--------------------------------| G----------------------------------|--------------------------------| D----------------------------------|--------------------------------| A-(8)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|-(8)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| E----------------------------------|--------------------------------| Verse 3: (No guitar) And I forget just why I taste. Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile. I found it hard. It was hard to find. Oh well whatever, nevermind. Pre chorus Chorus and playout: w/distortion and chorus E--------------------------------|-------------------------------| B--------------------------------|-------------------------------| G--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-3---3---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-6---6---5---| D--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-3---1---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-6---6---5---| A--3---3-3---x-x-x-x-1---1---5---|-6---6-6---x-x-x-x-4---4---5---| E--1---1-1---x-x-x-x---------3---|-4---4-4---x-x-x-x---------3---| With the lights out, it's less dangerous. Here we are now entertain us. I feel stupid and contagious. Here we are now entertain us. A mulatto. An albino. A mosquito. My libido. A denial. A denial. A denial. A denial. A denial. A denial. A denial. A denial. A de_ ni__ al.

From: (John Clarke) Subject: TAB: Something in the Way Date: 22 May 1994 08:33:58 GMT X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] SOMETHING IN THE WAY by Kurt Cobain Intro/Verse: D|---------------------------------| A|---------------------------------| F|---------------------------------| C|---4-----4---4-4-0-----0---0-0---| G|---4-----4---4-4-0-----0---0-0---| C|---4-----4---4-4-0---------0-----| Underneath the bride the tarp has sprung a leak And the animals I've trapped have all become my pets And I'm living off of grass and the drippings from the ceiling But it's okay to eat fish 'cause they haven't any feelings Chorus: e|--------------------------------------| B|-------------------------3-3----3-3---| G|-------------------------2-2----2-2---| B|---4-----4-4----4-4-0----0-0----0-0---| A|---4-----4-4----4-4-0----0-0----0-0---| E|---4-----4-4----4-4-0-----------------| Something in the way Mmmm... Something in the way, yeah Mmmm...


From: (Wouter Janssen) SON OF A GUN ============ By : Nirvana From : the Incesticide CD Transcribed by : Wouter Janssen ( Lyrics taken from (Just in case you didn't know ;-) but all chords are powerchords, so see below) [INTRO] A E D B [VERSE] A E Up up up and down D B Turn turn turnaround A E Round round roundabout D B And over again A E Gun gun son of a gun D B You are the only one A E D B Makes any difference what I say [CHORUS] G C The sun shines in the bedroom D C When we play G C The raining always starts D C When you go away [SOLO] G - D G - D A - E A - E G - D G - D G - D G - D ====== Chords used : A : 577xxx B : x244xx C : x355xx D : x577xx E : 022xxx G : 355xxx ================================================================


From: OK, I think this is the only song off of Nevermind (other than Endless, Nameless) that hasn't been put up here, so here we go: Stay Away, By Kurt Cobain Tune the guitar down a half step It starts out with drums and bass. Then the guitar enters with (all power chords): D5 B5 F5 C5 C5 C#5 (repeat 4 times) Then the verses come, mostly drums and bass, but during "I don't know why!" Kurt plays: E)-------------------------- B)-------------------------- G)-----4/5-5-5-5(bend)-5---- D)-------------------------- A)-------------------------- E)-------------------------- For the chorus its just the intro over and over again. Bridge: D5 F5 At the end of the bridge, during the "I don't know why" instead of the normal thing, he plays: E)-------------------------- B)-------------------------- G)-----3--3--3--3(bend)--3-- D)-------------------------- A)-------------------------- E)-------------------------- Then its played normally till the guitar shuts up awhile for the bass and drums, then right before he screams he playes all of the A, D, and G strings open, then he screams and goes into the chorus. thats it.


Territorial Pissings - Nirvana -------------------- This is just a three-chord song: A, F#, D, probably played as follows: A F# D E --5----------- B --5---10---7-- G --6---10---7-- D --7---10---7-- A --7---8----5-- E --5----------- No flames for the lyrics please. A F# D A F# D When I was an alien, cultures weren't opinion. A F# D Gotta find a way, to find a way, I'd better wait. (x2) A F# D A F# D Never met a wise man. If so it's a woman A F# D Gotta find a way, to find a way, I'd better wait. Bridge: |<--play x7 --->| E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B ----------------|--------7---------------------------------------------- G ----------------|---------7--------------------------------------------- D -----7-------7--|------7---7-------------------------------------------- A -----7-------7--|------7----7------------------------------------------- E -5-5-----5-5-------5-5-------------------------------------------------- Just because you're paranoid... (The rest is pretty easy) Trascribed by... Mr.Scary (Gary Chapman) ---------------------------- NOTE: Stay tuned for my new e-mail address.

From: (Dan Herold) "The Man Who Sold The Word" ========================= As performed by Nirvana (MTV Unplugged video) Some of the lyrics may be inaccurate due to Kurt mumbling them at times =B-). Tune guitar down 1/2 step. C - 33555x C# - 44555x - I think it's called a C# anyways :) A - 00222x D - xx023x F - 133211 Intro (with mild distortion) E -------------------------- B -------------------------- G --2-2-2-0--2/3\2-0-------- D -------------------------- A -------------------------- E -------------------------- { Play Intro 6x } A We passed upon the stairs, D Spoken walls and wells, A Although I was a friend F Sat on walls astrand, C Which came as so surprised, A D I spoke into his eyes -- I thought you died alone C A long long time ago (First chorus) Oh no, not me, C# C We never lost control, The face, to face, C# With the man who sold the world. { Play intro 6x } A I laughed and shook his hand, D Made my way back home, A I searched from farther land, F Years and years I roamed, C I gazed all gazers there, A D We walked a million hills -- I must have died alone, C A long long time ago. (Second chorus) Who knows, not me, C# C I never lost control, Your face, to face, C# With the man who sold the world. { Play intro 6x } Repeat second chorus. { Play intro 8x } Outro: E ------------------------------------------------------- B ------------------------------------------------------- G -/9-9-9-9-9-9--\2-2-2-0--2/3\2-0--2-2-2-0--2/3\2-0----- D ------------------------------------------------------- A ------------------------------------------------------- E ------------------------------------------------------- E ------------------------------------------------------- B ------------------------------------------------------- G -/10-10-10-10-10-10-\9-\7-7-7-7-7-7-/9 \2-2-2-0 2/3\2-0 D ------------------------------------------------------- A ------------------------------------------------------- E ------------------------------------------------------- E ------------------------------------------------------- B ------------------------------------------------------- G -/10-10-10-10-10-10-\9-\7-7-7-7-7-7-/9 \2-2-2-0 2/3\2-0 D ------------------------------------------------------- A ------------------------------------------------------- E -------------------------------------------------------


****Tourettes**** from `In Utero` side2 track3 ?-Nirvana Just thinking of this song makes gives me goose-bumps......... As far as my battered ears can discern The chords are something like.. E D# E B 0 6 7 2 0 8 9 4 1 8 9 4 2 8 9 4 2 6 7 2 0 X X X Same all through the song. I *think* theseare the tiny walkman speakers don't give a very clear sound ( good workman, bad tools honestly !!).The song is so wild that it seems the full major chords are played.Aaanyway, the lyrics (according to the author) were screamed on the spot, no lyric sheet here.make what you can of them. The only thing I could discern was `Cold heart` in the chorus.good luck..... It's goodbye From me... Ben S.

From: (The Artful Dodger) Subject: REPOST: COMPLETE Nirvana Unplugged! I sort of stuck these all together, ~From: (Jesse Scott) ~Date: 02 Jun 94 07:34:38 -0500 ~Subject: TAB: Nirvana Unplugged I'm not sure if I posted this in here or Fido TAB before, but here it is again: MTV Unplugged - NIRVANA ----------------------- This file contains the following from Nirvana's appearance on Unplugged: About A Girl Come As You Are Jesus Don't Want Me For A Sunbeam Dumb Man Who Sold The World Pennyroyal Tea Polly On A Plain All Apologies Where Did You Sleep Last Night? ----- I didn't include the Meat Puppets songs mainly because I thought they weren't realy similar to the others in style and also because I haven't figured out all of Plateau yet :) All of the TABs where written by me. If you find an problems send me a note on how to fix it at: ----- Nirvana: Copyright The End of Music(Kurt Cobain) About A Girl - Bleach TAB by TUNING: Down a Half-Step (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) The verse is just struming open E5 & G Voicings: E5 - 022x00 G - 320022 or 320002 Chorus: Repeat this a few times then the bridge once. C# G#/C# F# E ------------------2-2-2-2-2-2-----|- B --6--6-6--6--6-6--2-2-2-2-2-2-----|- G --6--6-6--6--6-6--3-3-3-3-3-3-----|- D --6--6-6--6--6-6--4-4-4-4-4-4-----|- A --4--4-4--4--4-4--4-4-4-4-4-4-----|- E ----------4--4-4--2-2-2-2-2-2-----|- Bridge: E5 A G E --0-----0-0-0-0--5-5-5-----------|- B --0-----0-0-0-0--5-5-5--5-5-5-5--|- G -----------------6-6-6--5-5-5-5--|- D --2-2-2-2-2-2-2--7-7-7--5-5-5-5--|- A --2-2-2-2-2-2-2--7-7-7--3-3-3-3--|- E --0-0-0-0-0-0-0--5-5-5-----------|- The last chord in that progression is strummed twice as long at the end of the song. Solo: Repeat this 3x. E ------------------------------------------|- B ------------------------------------------|- G ------------------------------------------|- D --------5--7------------------------------|- A --5--7--------5-5\7-7-7-7\10-10-10\12-12--|- E ------------------------------------------|- --- Nirvana: Copyright The End of Music(Kurt Cobain) Come As You Are - Nevermind TAB by TUNING: Down a Half-Step (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) Main Riff: This is repeated for most of the song -|---------------------------------------------|- -|---------------------------------------------|- -|---------------------------------------------|- -|---------------------------------------------|- -|---------------0-----0--------------2--------|- -|--0--0--1--2------2-----2--2--1--0-----0--0--|- -- Internet E-Mail: ~From: (Jesse Scott) ~Date: 02 Jun 94 07:37:22 -0500 ~Subject: TAB: Nirvana Unplugged Pre-Chorus: Memorie-e-e-e-ah -|--2--2--2--2--------------|- -|--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--|- -|--3--3--3--3--2--2--2--2--|- -|--4--4--4--4--2--2--2--2--|- -|--4--4--4--4--0--0--0--0--|- -|--2--2--2--2--------------|- Chorus: And I swear that I don't.. -|--------------------------------|- -|--4--4--4--4--4--2--2--2--2--2--|- -|--4--4--4--4--4--2--2--2--2--2--|- -|--4--4--4--4--4--2--2--2--2--2--|- -|--2--2--2--2--2--0--0--0--0--0--|- -|--------------------------------|- Solo: Repeat the entire solo 2 times. Repeat x3 Every 3rd time play this ending -|----------------------|------------------------------|- -|--5-5/7-7-7/10-10-10--|--10/12-12-12/14-14-12-12-10--|- -|----------------------|------------------------------|- -|----------------------|------------------------------|- -|----------------------|------------------------------|- -|----------------------|------------------------------|- --- Nirvana: Written by The Vaselines Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam - As performed by Nirvana TAB by TUNING: Down a Half-Step (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) Voicings: E5 - 022x00 D - xx0232 A - x02220 Asus4 - x02230 Intro: Strum E5, D, and then A, Asus4, A quicky. I do this by sliding my 3rd #finger down the the 3rd fret and back. Verse: This is picked randomly with lots of bass notes: E5 D A Asus4 A Jesus don't want me for a sunbeam... E5 D A Asus4 A Sunbeams are never made like these... etc.. Chorus: This is strumed normaly. E5 D Don't expect me to die... E5 D Don't expect me to die... E5 D A Asus4 A Don't expect me to die for you... etc.. Outro: Same as intro. --- Nirvana: Copyright The End of Music(Kurt Cobain) Dumb - In Utero TAB by TUNING: Down a Half-Step (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) Voicings: E5 - 022x00 G(i) - 355433 G(ii) - 320033 or 320003 B - x2444x C - x3555x -- Internet E-Mail: ~From: (Jesse Scott) ~Date: 02 Jun 94 07:40:16 -0500 ~Subject: TAB: Nirvana Unplugged Verse: This is picked in the Polly/Rape Me fashion - Bassnote then high strings.. But this one isn't as random as the others, there's rhythm to it, you'll get it after you listen to the song and play along. (Note: use G(i)) E5 G E5 I'm not like them... G E5 But I can pretend... etc.. Chorus: Strum the open E5 and G(ii).. E5 G E5 Think I'm just happy... G E5 Think I'm just happy... etc... Bridge: Strum the B & C B Skin is soft... C Fall asleep... etc.. --- Nirvana: Written By David Bowie Man Who Sold The World - As performed by Nirvana TAB by TUNING: Down a Half-Step (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) Chord Voicings: A - x0222x D5 - xx023x F - 133211 C - x3555x G - 355433 Bb - x1333x Intro: The second guitar plays the chords above the tab. A D F -|-----------------------------------------------------------|- -|-----------------------------------------------------------|- -|--2-2-2-0-2h3p2-0-----2-2-2-0-2h3p2-0-----2-2-2-0-2h3p2-0--|- -|-----------------------------------------------------------|- -|-----------------------------------------------------------|- -|-----------------------------------------------------------|- Verse: The chords are strumed in a choppy sort of way. We passed upon the stairs... A D5 We spoke of was and when... D5 A Although I wasn't there... A F He said I was his friend... F C Which came as a suprise... C G A I spoke into his eyes... D5 I thought you died alone... C A long, long time ago... etc.. Chorus: When guitar 1 is playing the C & F chords guitar two plays the C & F major scales over them. -- Internet E-Mail: ~From: (Jesse Scott) ~Date: 02 Jun 94 07:44:38 -0500 ~Subject: TAB: Nirvana Unplugged C Major scale: -|-------------------|- -|-------------------|- -|------------2-4-5--|- -|------2-3-5--------|- -|--3-5--------------|- -|-------------------|- F Major scale: -|-------------------|- -|-------------------|- -|-------------------|- -|------------0-2-3--|- -|------0-1-3--------|- -|--1-3--------------|- C Oh no... F Not me... Bb F I never lost control... C You're face... F To face... Bb A With the man who sold the world... [Repeat intro] Outro Solo: This may not be exact but it's the right notes, play with it. [R1 meaning the intro riff] -|------------------------------------------------------------------------- -|------------------------------------------------------------------------- -|--R1-9~9~9~9~\-R1-10~10~10~10~\9~9~9~\7~7~7~\-R1-10~10~\9~9~\7~7~7~7~7~/- -|------------------------------------------------------------------------- -|------------------------------------------------------------------------- -|------------------------------------------------------------------------- -|---------------------|- -|---------------------|- -|--9~9~9~9~9\-R1-R1~--|- -|---------------------|- -|---------------------|- -|---------------------|- --- Nirvana: Copyright The End of Music(Kurt Cobain) Pennyroyal Tea - In Utero TAB by TUNING: Down a Half-Step (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) Voicings: Am - x02210 G - 320033 (or 320003) C - x3555x D - x5777x Bb - 688766 Verse: Random pick/struming Am & G Am I'm on... Am My time... G G With everyone... etc.. Chorus: Open struming of C, D & Bb. C D Bb Sit and drink pennyroyal tea... C D Bb I'm aneamic royalty... etc.. --- Nirvana: Copyright The End of Music(Kurt Cobain) Polly - Nevermind TAB by TUNING: Standard (E A D G B E) -- Internet E-Mail: ~From: (Jesse Scott) ~Date: 02 Jun 94 07:46:52 -0500 ~Subject: TAB: Nirvana Unplugged During the chorus the tune is slightly palm muted, pick the bass notes first then the high string in the fashion as Rape Me. For the chorus strum openly. I have no idea what the correct lyrics are, that's just what they sound like to me. Voicings: E5 - 022x00 G - 320033 or 320003 D - x5777x C - x3555x A# - x1333x E G D C Polly wants a cracker E G D C Think I should get off her first E G D C Think she wants some water E G D C To put out the blow torch D C Is it me G A# Heaven see D C Lemme clip G A# Dirty wings... etc.. --- Nirvana: Copyright The End of Music(Kurt Cobain) On A Plain - Nevermind TAB by TUNING: Dropped-D & Down a Half-Step (Db Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) Main Riff: Repeat this until the first chorus. -|--------------------------------|- -|--7-7-7--7-7-7--2-2-2-----------|- -|--7-7-7--7-7-7--2-2-2-----------|- -|--7-7-7--7-7-7--2-2-2-----------|- -|--5-5-5--5-5-5--0-0-0-----------|- -|---------5-5-5---------2-3-2-0--|- Chorus: -|-----------------------------------------|- -|--7-7-7--7-7-7--10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10--|- -|--7-7-7--7-7-7--10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10--|- -|--7-7-7--7-7-7--10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10--|- -|--5-5-5--5-5-5---8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--|- -|---------5-5-5---8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--|- Bridge: Play this after the second chorus -|------------------------------------------|- -|------------------------------------------|- -|----------------------2--2-2-2------------|- -|--3--3-3-3--2--2-2-2--2--2-2-2--5--5-5-5--|- -|--3--3-3-3--2--2-2-2--0--0-0-0--5--5-5-5--|- -|--3--3-3-3--2--2-2-2------------5--5-5-5--|- --- Nirvana: Copyright The End of Music(Kurt Cobain) All Apologies - In Utero TAB by TUNING: Dropped-D & Down a Half-Step (Db Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) Eb ----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|- Bb ----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|- Gb ----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|- Db ----------------------|----------12-12-9-10--|----------------------|- Ab ---9-10-9-12-12-9-10--|---9-10-9-------------|---9-10-9-12-12-9-10--|- Db -0--------------------|-0--------------------|-0--------------------|- Eb ---------------------|- Bb ---------------------|- Gb ----------11-11-9----|- Db ------------------12-|- Ab ---9-10-9------------|- Db -0-------------------|- That's the main riff.. Then the Chorus: -- Internet E-Mail: ~From: (Jesse Scott) ~Date: 02 Jun 94 07:49:08 -0500 ~Subject: TAB: Nirvana Unplugged Eb ----------------------------------------|- Bb ----------------------------------------|- Gb ----------------------------------------|- Db -5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0--7-|- Ab -5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0--7-|- Db -5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--0--7-|- --- TAB: Where Did You Sleep Last Night? Written by Leadbelly Where Did You Sleep Last Night? - As performed by Nirvana TAB by TUNING: Down a Half-Step (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) Chord Voicings: E5: 022x0x or 022x00 (Either is find but I think Kurt uses the first) A: x0222x G: 320022 or 320002 B: x2444x B/F#: 22444x Okay, the song starts off strumming the E5, then Kurt does the following little run: E-|-----------------|- B-|-----------------|- G-|-----------------|- D-|--------------2--|- A-|--------------0--|- E-|--0--2--3--0-----|- he then strums the A, G, B then B/F#.. That's the entire progression, the little run is done only the first two times... Here's the progression simplified: E5 E5 E5 A G My girl, my girl, don't lie to me... G B B/F# E5 Tell me where did you sleep last night... --- That's the entire song.. Here's the lyrics: My girl, my girl, don't lie to me Tell me where did you sleep last night In the pines, in the pines Where the sun don't ever shine I would shiver the whole night through My girl, my girl, where will you go I'm going where the cold wind blows In the pines, in the pines Where the sun don't ever shine I would shiver the whole night through Her husband, was a hard working man Just about a mile from here His head was found in a driving wheel But his body never was found My girl, my girl, don't lie to me Tell me where did you sleep last night In the pines, in the pines Where the sun don't ever shine I will shiver the whole night through My girl, my girl, where will you go I'm going where the cold wind blows In the pines, in the pines Where the sun don't ever shine I would shiver the whole night through My girl, my girl, don't lie to me Tell me where did you sleep last night In the pines, in the pines Where the sun don't ever shine I will shiver the whole night through My girl, my girl, where will ya go I'm going where the cold wind blows In the pines, the pines The sun, the shine I'll shiver the whole night though --- -- Internet E-Mail: ***************************************************************************** "Your mother was a hampster, and your father smelt of elderberries! Now go away! Or I shall taunt you a SECOND TIME! The Artful Dodger ( *****************************************************************************

Sender: "KLeonard" To: Date: Mon, 01 Aug 94 13:29:21 EDT Subject: TAB: "Vaseline Cover Songs" by Nirvana I've decided to list all three of the Vaseline cover songs Nirvana has done, since they're all real short (Molly's Lips, Son of a Gun, and Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam). (a chord notation is at the end of this document for the musically retarded) *Molly's Lips* This is just two chords throughout. Just G5 C5. That's it! *Son of a Gun* The intro and verse is A5 E5 D5 E5 Chorus: G5 C5 D5 C5 The interlude is just basically G5 D5 a couple of times, then A5 E5* a couple of times, then back to G5 D5 four times. *Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam* Verse: E5 D5 A5 Chorus: E5 D5 E5 D5 E5 D5 A5 The solo (and the accordion part in the Unplugged version, I think) goes like this: ---------------------------------------------------------- -----------------9-7-------------------------------------- --6-7-8-9--9-9------9-7--7-7--9-7-6---------7-6--------- --------------------------------------7--7-7------7--7-7- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- In live versions, the first and third verse are clean, while the choruses, second verse, and solo are distorted. But both live electric versions and the acoustic Unplugged version are played this way. On Unplugged it's tuned down 1/2 step and for the outro the above tab is played once and then this is played: -------------------------------------------- -----------------9-7-------------7--9--10-- --6-7-8-9--9-9------9-7--7-7--9----------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- chord notation E5 : 022xxx G5 : 355xxx or 3x00xx A5 : 577xxx or x022xx C5 : x355xx D5 : x577xx or xx023x E5* : x799xx


From: "Verse Chorus Verse" by Nirvana on No Alternative (various artists) (also known as "Everything and Nothing", "The Rocker", "The Eagle Has Landed", "Happy Hour", "Another Rule" on demos and bootlegs) verse: C#5 A5 F#5 G#5 A5 B5 C#5 A5 F#5 G#5 A5 B5 and if you save yerself, you will think you're happy chorus: C#5 A5 F#5 (x3) A5 G#5 on demo versions of this song, the whole thing is acoustic except for the solo (which i don't know) and it's played 1/2 step higher: verse: D5 A#5 G5 A5 A#5 C5 chorus: D5 A#5 G5 (x3) A#5 A5 voicings: F#5 244xxx G5 355xxx or 3x00xx G#5 466xxx A5 x022xx or 577xxx A#5 x133xx or 688xxx B5 x244xx C5 x355xx C#5 x466xx D5 x577xx or xx023x From: Verse Chorus Verse as recorded by Nirvana from the No Alternative benefit album (last track-uncredited) words and music by the late, great Kurt Cobain transcribed by Robert Wolsey Tuning (low to high string): Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb Notes: I think Kurt played this one using flat tuning, since it was recorded for In Utero and everything on that CD is tuned down a half step. The chords shown below are the chords you're pretending to play; the chords that come out are a half step lower because of the tuning. D A# G A And if you save yourself A# F D You will make him happy A# G A He'll keep you in a jar A# F D And you'll think you're happy A# G A He'll give you breathing holes A# F D And you'll think you're happy A# G A He'll cover you with dust A# G D A# And you'll think you're happy now G A# You're in a laundry room G A# You're in a laundry room G A# A The clue just came to you, oh And if you cut (guard?) yourself You will think you're happy He'll keep you in a jar Then you'll make him happy He'll give you breathing holes Then you'll think you're happy He'll cover you with dust Then you'll think you're happy now You're in a laundry room You're in a laundry room Your clue just came to you (guitar solo over verse chords) You're in a laundry room You're in a laundry room Your clue just came to you And if you fool yourself You will make him happy He'll keep you in a jar Then you'll think you're happy He'll give you breathing holes Then you will seem happy You'll wallow in the shit Then you'll think you're happy now You're in a laundry room You're in a laundry room You're in a laundry room Your clue just came to you, oh -transcribed by Robert Wolsey

**** Very Ape **** from `In Utero` side2,track1-by Nirvana This is one of my favorites on the album.Needless to say it's the one I am probably most wrong on. So FWIW hert goes... Cool biting,overdriven,make-you-break-out-in-a-cold-sweat guitar. Verse: If you ever need anything please dont..., ** E|----------------------------------------|- B|----2-2-----3-3---------2-2--------3-3--|- G|-0--2-2--0--3-3----0----2-2----0---3-3--|- D|-0--2-2--0--3-3----0----2-2----0---3-3--|- A|-0-------0---------0-----------0--------|- E|----------------------------------------|- Repeat during Verse.Every other time playing 1st A chords ( the ones marked `*` ) like this: 0 2 2 2 X X I use X to indicate the string not being played at all (not meaning dampened) At the part " I'm very ape and very nice " the guitar is: G F 3 1 3 1 4 2 5 3 5 3 3 1 Chorus Out of the Ground, Into the sky , Out of the sky, into the dirt. A C E A C E A C E A C E A C E 0 3 7 2 5 9 2 5 9 2 5 9 ..same ..same .same ............. 0 X 7 X X X Slide the barre up to the chords. The lead guitar over this is as such: E|----3--5-5-5---3--6-6-6--|-- B|-------------------------|-- G|-------------------------|-- D|-------------------------|-- A|-------------------------|-- Repeated untill ... E|-------------------------|-- E|----15--16-16-16--15--17-17-17--|-- B|--------------------------------|-- G|--------------------------------|-- D|--------------------------------|-- A|--------------------------------|-- E|--------------------------------|-- hope this is of some use.I can post the lyrics if anyone so requires. As usual any comments and corrections to me please.Thank you for flying with us. Ben S. \|[,~!@#$%^&*-=)"{>?}}<>!!?l? Ben Sholdice "Boat Aak"!@@#^%&&^*)%R~.,\'] Trinity college, Dublin.e-mail: as above or.. "After Dinner I had ice cream, I fell asleep and watched T.V,I woke up in my mothers arms..." Kurt Donald Cobain 1967-1994 \-/@%& RIP.

Популярность: 46, Last-modified: Tue, 03 Feb 1998 13:07:24 GmT