250 исполнений "Дома восходящего солнца"
House of the rising sun Original
Jahr ? Schreibur trad.
Женский вариант.
"Rising sun" - название публичного дома во Французском районе Нового
Орлеана, героиня - проститутка, пытавшаяся оттуда бежать... Песня народная.
From: "CL: Gotfryd, Ilya"
"House of the rising SON"
Dom ni kakogo otnasheniya k solncu ne imeet. Vo vremena kogda francuzi
vldeli territoriej Luisiany otci brali svoix sinovey v vozraste ot 13 do 15
let I veli ih v etot bardel takim obrazom delaya iz nix muzchin. Из
чего следует, что название этого дома "Вырастающий (восстающий) сын"
Am C D F
Am C E7
Am C D F
Am E Am E7
There is a house in New Orleans, they call the "Rising Sun",
it's been the ruin of many a poor girl,
and me, oh lord, I'm one.
My mother is a tailor, she sews those new blue jeans,
my husbend he's a gambling man,
drinks down in New Orleans.
My husbend in a gambler, he goes from town to town,
the only time, he's satisfied, is when
he drinks his liquor down.
Go tell my baby sister, never do what I have done,
shun that house in New Orleans
they call the "Rising Sun".
One foot on the platform, the other's on the train,
I'm going back to New Orleans,
to wear that ball and chain.
Going back to New Orleans, my race is almost run,
I'm going to sped the rest of my life,
beneath that "Rising Sun".
The House Of the Rising Sun. By Animals:
There is a house in New Orleans,
they call it Rising Sun.
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy,
and God, I know I'm one.
My mother was a tailores
sewed my new blue jeans
my father was a gamblin' man
down in New Orleans.
Now the only thing a gambler needs
is a suitcase and a trunk.
And the only time he'll be satisfied
is when he's down and drunk.
Oh mother tell your children
not to do what I have done
spend your lives in sin and misery
in the House of the Rising sun.
Well I've got one foot on the platform
the other foot on the train.
I'm going back to New Orleans
to wear that ball and chain.
There is a house in New Orleans,
they call it Rising Sun.
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy,
and God, I know I'm one.
Transcribed by Roman Szendrey
Am C D F
There is a house in New Orleans,
Am C E7
They call the "Rising Sun",
Am C D F
It's been the ruin of many a poor girl, (boys?)
Am E Am E7
And God, I know, I'm one.
My mother was a tailor,
She sewed those new blue jeans,
my husbend he's a gambling man,
(drinks) down in New Orleans.
My husbend in a gambler,
He goes from town to town,
The only time, he's satisfied, is when
He drinks his liquor down.
Oh, mother, tell your children
Not to do what I have done -
Spend your lives in sin and misery
In the House of Rising Sun
One foot on the platform,
The other's on the train,
I'm going back to New Orleans,
to wear that ball and chain.
Going back to New Orleans,
My race is almost run,
I'm going to spend the rest of my life,
Beneath that "Rising Sun".
Ходит по свету легенда о том
Что где-то средь горных высот
Стоит, стоит прекраснейший дом
У которого солнце встает
И если бы я поверить не смог
Прожил бы всю жизнь без хлопот
Но я пошел искать этот дом
У которого солнце встает
Я шел через горы, покрытые льдом
Я шел и неделю, и год
Но я не нашел, не нашел этот дом,
У которого солнце встает
Ходит по свету легенда о том,
Что где-то средь горных высот
Стоит, стоит прекраснейший дом
У которого солнце встает
Ищите, ищите, люди, тот дом
У которого солнце встает
Ходит по свету легенда о том,
Что среди седовласых высот
Стоит, стоит чудесный дом,
За которым солнце встает.
Мне говорила мама о нем,
О доме чудесном о том,
Что отец ушел искать тот дом,
Но так его и не нашел.
Будь проклят тот дом, опаленный судьбой,
Будь проклята та земля.
Остались на свете лишь мы вдвоем,
Остались лишь ты да я.
Ходит по свету легенда о том,
что среди седовласых высот
Стоит, стоит чудесный дом,
За которым солнце встает.
Don't let me be misunderstood
from 1965 'Animal Tracks'
Baby, do you understand me now,
Sometimes I feel a little mad.
But, don't you know that no one alive can always be an angel.
When things go wrong I feel real bad.
I'm just a soul whose intentions are good,
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood.
Baby, sometimes I'm so carefree,
With a joy that's hard to hide.
And sometimes it seems that, all I have to do is worry
And then you're bound to see my other side.
I'm just a soul whose intentions are good,
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood.
If I seem edgy,
I want you to know,
That I never mean to take it out on you.
Life has its problems,
And I get my share,
And that's one thing I never mean to do,
'Cause I love you,
Oh, oh, oh, baby - don't you know I'm human.
I have thoughts like any other one.
Sometimes I find myself, Lord, regretting,
Some foolish thing - some little simple thing I've done.
I'm just a soul whose intentions are good,
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood.
Популярность: 50, Last-modified: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 06:18:18 GmT