"Beatles Vi"

  1. Kansas city                -
  2. Eight days a week          -
  3. You like me too much       -
  4. Bad boy                    -
  5. I don't want to spoil the party  -
  6. Words of love              -
  7. What you're doing          +
  8. Yes it is                  +
  9. Dizzy miss Lizzy           -
 10. Tell me what you see       +
 11. Every little thing         -
           (Capitol st 2358)


Look what you're doing
I'm feeling blue and lonely
Would it be too much to ask of you
What you're doing to me
You got me running
And there's no fun in it
Why should it be so much to ask of you
What you're doing to me
I've been waiting here for you
Wondering what you're gonna do
ttd should you need a love that's true, it's me
Please stop your lying
You got me crying girl
Why should it be so much to ask of you
What you're doing to me
I've been waiting here for you
Wondering what you're gonna do
And should you need a love that's true, it's me

  8. YES IT IS

If you wear red tonight
Remember what I said tonight
For red is the colour my baby wore
And what's more, it's true
Yes it is
Scarlet were the clothes she wore
Ev'rybody knows I'm sure
I would remember all the things we planned
Understand it's true
Yes it's true
Yes it is
I could be happy with you by my side
If I could forget her
But it's my pride
Yes it is
Yes it is
Please don't wear red tonight
This is what I said tonight
For red is the colour that will make me blue
In spite of you it's true
Yes it is, it's true
Yes it is


If you let me take your heart I will prove to you
We will never be apart if I'm part of you
Open up your eyes now tell me what you see
It is not surprise now what you see is me
Big and black the clouds may be time will pass away
If you put your trust in me I'll make bright your day
Look into these eyes now tell me what you see
Don't you realise now what you see is me
Tell me what you see
Listen to me one more time how can I get through
Can't you try to see that I'm trying to get to you
Open up your eyes now tell me what you see
It is not surprise now what you see is me
Tell me what you see

Популярность: 23, Last-modified: Mon, 13 Jan 1992 09:31:08 GmT