Оглавление файла ( /HARMS/xarms_engl.txt )

  • Daniil Harms. Selected stories

  • About Daniil Kharms (1905-1942)
  • <Kalindov>
  • Five Unfinished Narratives
  • <Koka Briansky>
  • <Aleksey Tolstoy>
  • On Phenomena and Existences. No. 1
  • On Phenomena and Existences. No. 2
  • On Equilibrium
  • <Andrey Semyonovich>
  • Rebellion
  • <Ivan Yakovlevich Bobov>
  • A Knight
  • A Story
  • An Unexpected Drinking Bout
  • Theme for a Story
  • <There Once Was a Man...>
  • Father and Daughter
  • The Fate of a Professor's Wife
  • The Cashier
  • The Memoirs of a Wise Old Man
  • Comprehensive Research
  • The Connection
  • A Nasty Character
  • A New Talented Writer
  • <They Call Me the Capuchin>
  • The Artist and the Clock
  • <I Had Raised Dust>
  • <A Shortish Gent...>
  • Knights
  • The Lecture
  • Myshin's Triumph
  • The Falling
  • <Perechin>
  • The Obstacle
  • A Fairy-Tale from the North
  • Symphony No. 2
  • Acquittal
  • <How I Was Born>
  • The Incubating Period
  • Memoirs <"I Decided to Mess up the Party...">
  • <"I Love Sensual Women...">
  • <"But the Artist...">
  • Foma Bobrov and his Spouse
  • Disarmed, or Unfortunate in Love
  • How a Man Crumbled
  • <"I didn't go in for blocking up my ears...">
  • On the Circle
  • On Laughter
  • On Time, Space and Existence
  • From 'A Tract More or Less According to a Synopsis of Emerson'
  • Letter to the Lipavskys
  • A Letter
  • Letter to K. V. Pugachova: an Extract
  • Letter to his sister Ye. I. Yuvachova
  • Letter to Aleksandr Vvedensky
  • The Old Woman

  • Size: 228400 bytes
    Last-modified: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 11:11:02 GmT

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