Waits lyrics

The Heart of Saturday Night 1974              1
Foreign affairs             1977              1
Night On Earth              1991 soundtrack   3

1.1.  Singapore                                    +/.
1.2.  Clap Hands                                   +/2
1.3.  Cemetery Polka                               +/.
1.4.  Jockey Full of Bourbon                       +/.
1.5.  Tango Till They're Sore                      +/-
1.6.  Big Black Mariah                             +/2
1.7.  Diamonds and Gold                            +/-
1.8.  Hang Down Your Head                          +/-
1.9.  Time                                         +/.
1.10. Rain Dogs                                    +++
1.11. Midtown [instr]
1.12. 9th & Hennepin
1.13. Gun street girl
1.14. Union square
1.15. Blind love
1.16. Walking spanish
1.17. Downtown train                               +--
1.18. Bridge of Rain dogs
1.19. Anywhere I lay my head

2.1.  Red shoes by the drugstorÅ
2.2.  óhristmas card from a hooker in minneapolis
2.3.  Romeo is bleeding
2.4.  $29.00
2.5.  Wrong side of the road
2.6.  Whistlin' past the graveyard
2.7.  Kentucky avenue
2.8.  A sweet little bullet from a pretty blue gun ?
2.9.  ÷lue valentines                              ++-

3.1.  Underground                                  ++-
3.2.  Shore leavÅ
3.3.  Dave the butcher (Instrumental)
3.4.  Johnsburg, Illinois
3.5.  16 shells from a 30.6                        +/2
3.6.  Town with no cheer
3.7.  In the neighborhood                          +/-
3.8.  Just another sucker on the vine (Instrumental)
3.9.  Frank's wild years (For Frankie Z.)
3.10. Swordfishtrombone                            ++-
3.11. Down, down, down                             +--
3.12. Soldier's things                             .
3.13. Gin soaked boy
3.14. ôrouble's braids
3.15. Rainbirds (Instrumental)

4.1.  Hang on st. Christopher                      ---
4.2.  Straight to the top (Rhumba)
4.3.  Blow wind blow                               +/-
4.4.  Temptation                                   +/-
4.5.  Innocent when you dream (Barroom)            +--
4.6.  I'll be gone                                 +++
4.7.  Yesterday is here                            ++.
4.8.  Please wake me up
4.9.  Franks theme
4.10. More than rain                               +/.
4.11. Way down in the hole
4.12. Straight to the top (Vegas)
4.13. I'll take New York
4.14. Telephone call from Istanbul                 +/-
4.15. Cold cold ground                             +/-
4.16. Train song
4.17. Innocent when you dream   [Instr]            +--

5.1.  Tom Traubert's Blues                         +--
5.2.  Step Right Up
5.3.  Jitterbug Boy
5.4.  I Wish I was in New Orleans
5.5.  ôhe Piano has been Drinking (Not Me)         +--
5.6.  Invitation to the Blues                      +/-
5.7.  òasties and a G-string                       +
5.8.  ÷ad Liver and a Broken Heart
5.9.  ôhe One that Got AwaÕ
5.10. Small Change (Got Rained on with His Own .38)
5.11. I Can't Wait to Get Off Work (And See My Baby on Montgomery Avenue)

6.1.  Ol' 55
6.2.  I Hope That I Don't Fall in Love with You
6.3.  Virginia Avenue                              +--
6.4.  Old Shoes (& Picture Postcards)
6.5.  Midnight Lullaby
6.6.  Martha                                       +--
6.7.  Rosie
6.8.  Lonely
6.9.  Ice Cream Man                                +/-
6.10. Little Trip to Heaven (On the Wings of Your Love)
6.11. Grapefruit Moon
6.12. ólosing Time (instrumental)

7.1.  Lucky day @ (2:26)                           +
7.2.  The black rider @@ (3:20)                    +/-
7.3.  November @@ (2:50)                           ++-
7.4.  Just the right bullets @ (3:35)              ++.
7.5.  Black box theme @ (2:45)       [instr]       +
7.6.  't 'ain't no sin @@ (2:35)                   .
7.7.  Flash pan hunter @@ (1:11)     [instr]
7.8.  That's the way @@ (1:11)
7.9.  The briar and the rose @@ (3:50)             +
7.10. Russian dance @ (3:10)         [instr]       +++
7.11. Gospel train @ (2:35)          [instr]
7.12. I'll shoot the moon @ (3:50)                 +
7.13. Flash pan hunter @ (3:05)                    +
7.14. Crossroads @@ (2:45)                         ++-
7.15. Gospel train @@ (4:40)
7.16. Interlude @@ (0:30)            [instr]
7.17. Oily night @ (4:25)
7.18. Lucky day @ (3:45)
7.19. The last rose of summer @@ (2:10)
7.20. Carnival @@ (1:30)

                   Francis Coppola's movie

8.1.  Opening montage
      Piano intro
      Once upon a town
      The waves of love
8.2.  Is there any way out of this dream?
8.3.  Picking up after you
8.4.  Old boyfriends                               +--
8.5.  Brocken bicycles                             ++-
8.6.  I beg your pardon
8.7.  A little boy blue                            +/-
8.8.  Instrumental montage
      The Tango                                    .
      Circus girl
8.9.  You cant't unring a bell
8.10. This one's from the heart
8.11. Take me home
8.12. Presents                                     .

9.1.  Diamons on my windshield
9.2.  The heart of saturday night                  +/2
9.3.  Martha                                       +--
9.4.  The ghost of saturday night
9.5.  Grapefruit moon                              .
9.6.  Small change                                 ---
9.7.  Burma shave                                  .
9.8.  I never talk to strangers
9.9.  Tom Traubert's blues
9.10. Blue valentines                              +++
9.11. Potters field
9.12. Kentucky avenue
9.13. Somewhere
9.14. Ruby's arms                                  .

10.1.  1.10. Rain Dogs                                    +++
10.2.  4.6.  I'll be gone                                 +++
10.3.  7.10. Russian dance @ (3:10)         [instr]       +++
10.4.  9.10. Blue valentines                              +++
10.5.  4.7.  Yesterday is here                            ++.
10.6.  7.4.  Just the right bullets @ (3:35)              ++.
10.7.  3.1.  Underground                                  ++-
10.8.  3.10. Swordfishtrombone                            ++-
10.9.  7.3.  November @@ (2:50)                           ++-
10.10. 7.14. Crossroads @@ (2:45)                         ++-
10.11. 8.5.  Brocken bicycles                             ++-
10.12. 1.1.  Singapore                                    +/.
10.13. 1.3.  Cemetery Polka                               +/.
10.14. 1.9.  Time                                         +/.
10.15. 1.4.  Jockey Full of Bourbon                       +/.
10.16. 4.10. More than rain                               +/.
10.17. 4.15. Cold cold ground                             +/-
10.18. 5.6.  Invitation to the Blues                      +/-
10.19. 4.3.  Blow wind blow                               +/- .
10.20. 4.4.  Temptation                                   +/- .
10.21. 4.14. Telephone call from Istanbul                 +/- .
10.22. 1.8.  Hang Down Your Head                          +/- ?

       1.5.  Tango Till They're Sore                      +/- ?
       1.7.  Diamonds and Gold                            +/- ?
       3.7.  In the neighborhood                          +/- ?
       6.9.  Ice Cream Man                                +/- .
       7.2.  The black rider @@ (3:20)                    +/- ?
       8.7.  A little boy blue                            +/- ?

(1) Tom Waits. RAIN DOGS             (p)1985
1.10. Rain Dogs                                    +++
1.1.  Singapore                                    +/.
1.3.  Cemetery Polka                               +/.
1.9.  Time                                         +/.
1.4.  Jockey Full of Bourbon                       +/.
1.5.  Tango Till They're Sore                      +/-
1.7.  Diamonds and Gold                            +/-
1.8.  Hang Down Your Head                          +/-
(3) Tom Waits. SWORDFISHTROMBONES    (p)1983
3.1.  Underground                                  ++-
3.10. Swordfishtrombone                            ++-
3.7. In the neighborhood                           +/-
(4) Tom Waits. FRANK'S WILD YEARS    (p)1987
4.6.  I'll be gone                                 +++
4.7.  Yesterday is here                            ++.
4.3.  Blow wind blow                               +/-
4.4.  Temptation                                   +/-
4.10. More than rain                               +/.
4.14. Telephone call from Istanbul                 +/-
4.15. Cold cold ground                             +/-
(5) Tom Waits. SMALL CHANGE          (p)1976
5.6.  Invitation to the Blues                      +/-
(6) Tom Waits. CLOSING TIME          (p)1973
6.9.  Ice Cream Man                                +/-
(7) Tom Waits. THE BLACK RIDER       (p)1993
7.10. Russian dance @ (3:10)         [instr]       +++
7.4.  Just the right bullets @ (3:35)              ++.
7.3.  November @@ (2:50)                           ++-
7.14. Crossroads @@ (2:45)                         ++-
7.2.  The black rider @@ (3:20)                    +/-
(8) Tom Waits. ONE FROM THE HEART    (p)1982
8.5.  Brocken bicycles                             ++-
8.7.  A little boy blue                            +/-
(9) Tom Waits. ASYLUM YEARS          (p)19??
9.10. Blue valentines                              +++

ðÏÐÕÌÑÒÎÏÓÔØ: 12, Last-modified: Wed, 05 Jan 2000 10:52:44 GmT