Texts of Slade

1.2.  'Cause I love you           +++
1.12. Far for away                ++.
1.10. Every day                   ++-
1.3.  Look what you dun           ++-
1.13. How does it feel            +/-
1.14. Thanks for the memory       +/-
1.7.  Come on feel the noise      +/-
1.9.  My friend Stan              .
1.15. Let's call it quits         .
1.19. Universe                    .

SIDE:A "The Story of SLADE"   vol.1    '71-'76  vol.2    '72-'76
'Cause I love you               +++
Look What You Done              ++.
In for a penny
Far for away                    ++-
Every day                       ++-
Come on feel the Noise          +/-
Summer song
Nobody's Foolls
How does it feel                +/-
       "The Amazing Kamikadze Syndrome"  (p)1983
Over in over.
       "On stage" (p)1982
The time of the race.
We flash in the dummy night

     "In Flame" (p)1975
Miskelling flying to night
     "Return to base" (p)1979
Don't wait sitar
Longy love
     "Slayed" (p)1968
I do not mind
No, it won't happen

6901  Everybody's Next One [2:50]                       -
6902  Knocking Nails Into My House [2:28]               ++-
6903  Roach Daddy [3:09]                                -
6904  Ain't Got No Heart [2:41]                         ?
6905  Pity The Mother [4:03]
6906  Mad Dog Cole [2:46]
6907  Fly Me High [3:01]                                .
6908  If This World Were Mine [3:21]                    .
6909  Martha My Dear [2:23]                             +--
6910  Born To Be Wild [3:29]
6911  Journey To The Centre Of Your Mind [2:46]

      Play It Loud (p) Nov.1970

7001  Raven [2:43]                                      .
7002  See Us Here [3:15]                                +/.
7003  Dapple Rose [3:34]
7004  Could I [2:51]
7005  One Way Hotel [2:45]                              +--
7006  The Shape Of Things To Come [2:23]
7007  Know Who You Are [2:56]
7008  Pouk Hill [2:27]
7009  Angelina [2:53]                                   .
7000  Dirty Joker [3:30]
7011  Sweet Box [3:25]

7201  How D'You Ride [3:11]                             +/-
7202  The Whole World's Goin' Crazee [3:36]
7203  Look At Last Nite [3:05]                          +--
7204  I Won't Let It 'Appen Agen [3:17]                 +/-
7205  Move Over [3:44]                                  .
7206  Gudbuy T'Jane [3:33]                              .
7207  Gudbuy Gudbuy [3:29]
7208  Mama Weer All Crazee Now [3:44]
7209  I Don' Mind [3:06]                                +/2
7210  A. Let The Good Times Roll - B. Feel So [3:45]

7301  Cum On Feel The Noize [4:30]                      +/2
7302  Look Wot You Dun [2:57]                           +/-
7303  Gudbuy T' Jane [3:32]
7304  One Way Hotel [2:40]
7305  Skweeze Me, Pleeze Me [4:35]
7306  Pouk Hill [2:24]
7307  The Shape Of Things To Come [2:17]                .
7308  Take Me Bak 'Ome [3:13]
7309  Coz I Luv You [3:24]                              +++
7310  Wild Winds Are Blowin' [2:38]
7311  Know Who You Are [2:54]
7312  Get Down And Get With It [3:49]
7313  Look At Last Nite [3:06]                          +--
7314  Mama Weer All Crazee Now [3:44]                   .

7401  Just A Little Bit [4:01]
7402  When The Lights Are Out [3:06]
7403  My Town [3:07]
7404  Find Yourself A Rainbow [2:11]                    +/2
7405  Miles Out To Sea [3:50]                           +--
7406  We're Realy Gonna Raise The Roof [3:09]
7407  Do We Still Do It [3:04]
7408  How Can It Be [3:03]
7409  Don't Blame Me [2:32]
7410  My Friend Stan [2:42]                             .
7411  Everyday [3:12]                                   +/2
7412  Good Time Gals [3:35]

7413  How Does It Feel? [5:59]                          +/.
7414  Them Kinda Monkeys Can't Swing [3:29]
7415  So Far So Good [3:05]                             +--
7416  Summer Son (Wishing You Were Here) [3:40]         .
7417  O.K. Yesterday Was Yesterday [4:00]
7418  Far Far Away [3:41]                               ++.
7419  This Girl [3:35]                                  +/2
7420  Lay It Down [4:13]
7421  Hea Ven Knows [4:00]
7422  Standin' On The Corner [4:58]

7601  Nobody's Fool [4:43]                              +/2
7602  Do The Dirty [4:44]
7603  Let's Call It Quits [3:33]
7604  Pack Up Your Troubles [3:26]                      .
7605  In For A Penny [3:38]                             ++-
7606  Get On Up [3:28]
7607  L.A. Jinx [4:00]                                  +/2
7608  Did Ya Mama Ever Tell Ya [3:08]
7609  Scratch My Back [3:08]
7600  I'm A Talker [3:19]
7601  All The World Is A Stage [3:58]

7701  Be [3:59]
7702  Lightning Never Strikes Twice [3:08]
7703  Gypsy Roadhog [3:23]
7704  Dogs Of Vengeance [2:48]
7705  When Fantasy Calls [3:23]
7706  One Eyed Jacks With Moustaches [3:22]
7707  Big Apple Blues [4:38]
7708  Dead Tell No Tales [3:39]
7709  She's Got The Lot [4:34]
7700  It Ain't Love But It Ain't Bad [3:09]
7702  The Soul, The Roll And The Motion [4:35]

7801  Wheels Ain't Coming Down [3:42]                   .
7802  Hold On Your Hants [2:34]
7803  Chakeeta [2:28]                                   .
7804  Don't Waste Your Time (Back Seat Star) [3:30]     +/-
7805  Sign Of The Times [3:59]                          +--
7806  I'm Rocker [2:48]
7807  Nut Bolts And Screws [2:32]
7808  My Baby's Got It [2:36]
7809  I'm Mad [2:48]                                    .
7810  Lemme Love Into Ya [3:40]                         ++.
7811  Ginny, Ginny [3:40]                               +/.
7812  9 To 5 [2:55]
7813  Two Track Stereo -- One Track Mind [2:53]

8101  We'll Bring the House Down [3:32]
8102  Night Starvation [3:05]                           .
8103  Wheels ain't Coming Down [3:36]
8104  Hold on to Your Hats [2:33]
8105  When I'm Dancing I Ain't Fightin' [3:10]
8106  Dizzy Mamma [3:36]
8107  Nuts Bolts and Screws [2:28]
8108  My Baby's Got It [2:34]
8109  Lemme Love inyo Ya [3:24]
8110  I'm a Rocker [2:40]

8111  Rock And Roll Preacher [5:45]
8112  Lock Up Your Daughters [3:27]                     +--
8113  Till Deaf Do Us Part [3:28]
8114  Ruby Red [2:52]
8115  She Brings Out The Devil In Me [3:27]
8116  A Night To Remember [3:40]                        .
8117  M'hat M'Coat [1:56]
8118  It's Your Body Not Your Mind [3:04]
8119  Let The Rock Roll Out Of Control [4:00]
8120  That Was No Lady That Was My Wife [2:34]
8121  Knuckle Sandwich Nancy [3:14]
8122  Till Deaf Resurrected [1:04]

8301  Slam The Hammer Down [3:25]
8302  In The Dog House [2:44]
8303  Run Runaway [4:59]
8304  High And Dry [3:10]                               +/-
8305  My Oh My [4:12]                                   +--
8306  Cocky Rock Boys (Rule OK) [3:28]
8307  Ready To Explode.  The Warm Up.  The Grid.  The Race.  The Dream. [8:30]
8308  (And Now The Waltz) C'est La Vie [3:50]           .
8309  Cheap 'N' Nasty Luv [3:28]
8310  Razzle Dazzle Man [4:38]

8501  Hey Ho Wish You Well [5:19]
8502  Little Sheila [3:57]
8503  Harmony [3:44]
8504  Myzsterious Mizster Jones [3:36]
8505  Walking On Water, Running On Alcohol [4:59]       .
8506  7 Year Bitch [4:16]
8507  I'll Be There [4:32]
8508  I Win, You Lose [3:32]
8509  Time To Rock [4:09]
8510  All Join Hands [5:31]

8701  Love Is Like A Rock [3:41]
8702  That's What Friends Are For [3:16]
8703  Still The Same [4:13]                             .
8704  Fools Go Crazy [3:20]
8705  She's Heavy [2:34]
8706  We Won't Give In [3:37]
8707  Won't You Rock With Me [3:47]                     .
8708  Ooh La La In L.A. [3:51]                          +/.
8709  Me And The Boys [2:40]
8710  Sing Shout (Knock Yourself Out) [3:10]            -
8711  The Roaring Silence [2:47]                        .
8712  It's Hard Having Fun Nowadays [3:49]

9101  Get Down And Get With It [3:48]
9102  Coz I Luv You [3:32]                              +++
9103  Look Wot You Dun [2:51]                           +/-
9104  Take Me Bak 'Ome [3:14]
9105  Mama Weer All Crazee Now [3:44]
9106  Gudbuy T' Jane [3:32]
9107  Cum On Feel The Noize [4:28]                      +/2
9108  Skweeze Me Pleeze Me [4:28]                       .
9109  My Friend Stan [2:41]
9110  Everyday [3:09]                                   +/2
9111  Bangin' Man [4:08]
9112  Far Far Away [3:36]                               ++.
9113  How Does It Feel? [5:54}                          +/.
9114  Thanks For The Memory (Wham Bam Thank You Mam) [4:34] +/-
9115  Let's Call It Quits [3:30]                        .
9116  My Oh My [4:11]                                   +--
9117  Run Run Away [3:43]
9118  Radio Wall Of Sound [3:47]
9119  Universe [4:11]                                   .
9120  Merry Xmas Everybody [3:25]

9701  Get Down And Get With It [3:50]
9702  Coz I Luv You [3:24]                              +++
9703  Look Wot You Dun [2:54]                           +/-
9704  Take Me Back 'Ome [3:13]
9705  Mama Weer All Crazee Now [3:44]
9706  Gudbuy T' Jane [3:31]
9707  Cum On Feel The Noize [4:31]                      +/2
9708  Skweeze Me Pleeze Me [4:29]
9709  My Friend Stan [2:41]                             +--
9710  Everyday [3:10]                                   +/2
9711  Bangin' Man [4:10]
9712  Far Far Away [3:36]                               ++.
9713  How Does It Feel? [5:54]                          +/.
9714  In For A Penny [3:35]                             ++-
9715  We'll Bring The House Down [3:33]
9716  Lock Up Your Daughters [3:32]
9717  My Oh My [4:12]                                   +--
9718  Run Run Away [3:44]
9719  All Join Hands [4:16]                             .
9720  Radio Wall Of Sound [3:47]
9721  Merry Xmas Everybody [3:26]                       .

sh <<\EOF;

grep '^[0-9]' | while read n stroka ; do echo $stroka ; mplayer $DIRECTORY$BASE$n.mp3 ; done
# grep '^[0-9]' | while read n stroka ; do echo  $DIRECTORY$BASE$n.mp3 ; done

 7309  Coz I Luv You [3:24]                              +++
 9102  Coz I Luv You [3:32]                              +++
9702  Coz I Luv You [3:24]                              +++

9712  Far Far Away [3:36]                               ++.
7810  Lemme Love Into Ya [3:40]                         ++.

6902  Knocking Nails Into My House [2:28]               ++-
9714  In For A Penny [3:35]                             ++-

9713  How Does It Feel? [5:54]                          +/.
7002  See Us Here [3:15]                                +/.
7811  Ginny, Ginny [3:40]                               +/.
8708  Ooh La La In L.A. [3:51]                          +/.

7201  How D'You Ride [3:11]                             +/-
7204  I Won't Let It 'Appen Agen [3:17]                 +/-
7804  Don't Waste Your Time (Back Seat Star) [3:30]     +/-
8304  High And Dry [3:10]                               +/-
9703  Look Wot You Dun [2:54]                           +/-
9114  Thanks For The Memory (Wham Bam Thank You Mam) [4:34] +/-

9710  Everyday [3:10]                                   +/2
9707  Cum On Feel The Noize [4:31]                      +/2
7209  I Don' Mind [3:06]                                +/2
7404  Find Yourself A Rainbow [2:11]                    +/2
7601  Nobody's Fool [4:43]                              +/2
7419  This Girl [3:35]                                  +/2
7607  L.A. Jinx [4:00]                                  +/2

9709  My Friend Stan [2:41]                             +--
9717  My Oh My [4:12]                                   +--
6909  Martha My Dear [2:23]                             +--
7005  One Way Hotel [2:45]                              +--
7313  Look At Last Nite [3:06]                          +--
7405  Miles Out To Sea [3:50]                           +--
7415  So Far So Good [3:05]                             +--
7805  Sign Of The Times [3:59]                          +--
8112  Lock Up Your Daughters [3:27]                     +--


ðÏÐÕÌÑÒÎÏÓÔØ: 11, Last-modified: Sun, 02 Aug 2015 16:34:33 GmT