Door's lyrics
(1) Doors. ôîE BEST OF DOORS
1.1. Break on through
1.2. Light my fire .
1.3. The crystal ship ++-
1.4. People are strange +++
1.5. Strange days
1.6. Love me two times
1.7. Alabama song +/-
1.8. Five to one
1.9. Waiting for the sun +/-
1.10. Spanish caravan ++-
1.11. Hello, I love you
1.12. Roadhouse blues
1.13. Riders on the storm +--
1.14. Touch me
1.15. Love her madly
1.16. The unknown soldier
1.17. The end .
Love street ++.
End of the night +/-
Take it as it comes +/-
Quin on the highway +/-
Break on through
Soul kitchen .
The crystal ship ++-
Twentieth century fox
Alabama song +/-
Light my fire .
Back door man
I looked at you
End of the night +/-
Take it as it comes +/-
The end .
The chalenging
Love her madly
Been down so long
Cars hiss by my window
L.A. Wooman
L'America .
Hyacinth house .
Crawling king snake
The wasp
Riders on the storm +--
Side A. Hard rock cafe
Roadhouse blues
Waiting for the sun +/-
You make me real
Peace frog
Blue sunday
Ship of fool
Side B. Morrison hotel
Land ho!
The spy
Quin on the highway +/-
Indian summer
Maggie M'Gill
Hello, I love you
Love street ++.
Summer almost gone
Wintertime love
The unknown soldier
Spanish caravan ++-
Not to touch the earth
My wild love
We could be so good together
Yes, the river knows
Five to one
ðÏÐÕÌÑÒÎÏÓÔØ: 16, Last-modified: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 12:42:19 GmT