
1.1.  Overture                                   +--
1.2.  Heaven on Their Minds                      +--
1.3.  What's the Buzz. Strange Thing, Mustifying .   +--
1.4.  Everything's Alright                       +++
1.5.  The Jesus Must Die                         ++-
1.6.  Hosanna
1.7.  Simon Zealotes. Poor Jerusalem             +-- ++-
1.8.  Pilate's Dream                             +++
1.9.  The Temple                                 ++-
1.10. Everything's Alright                       ++.
1.11. I Don't Know How To Love Him               +/-
1.12. Damned for All Time. Blood Money           +-- +++

2.1.  The Last Supper                            +/.
2.2.  Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say)            +/-
2.3.  The Arrest                                 +--
2.4.  Peter's Denial                             .
2.5.  Pilate and Christ                          +--
2.6.  King Herod's Song (Try It and See)         +--
2.7.  Judas's Death                              .
2.8.  Trial  before Pilate. Including the 39 Lashes .
2.10. Superstar                                  +--
2.11. Crucifixion
2.12. John Nineteen Forty One

3.1.  Requiem for Evita
3.2.  Oh What a Circus                           +/-
3.3.  On this night of a thouthand stars
3.4.  Eva and Magaldi / Eva beware of the city
3.5.  Buenos Aires
3.6.  Another suitcase of another hall
3.7.  Goodnight and thank you
3.8.  I'd be surprisingly good for you           +++
3.9.  Peron's latest flame                       +/.
3.10. A new Argentina
3.11. Don't cry for me Argentina                 +/2
3.12. High flying, Adored
3.13. Rainbow high
3.14. And the money kept rolling in (and out)    +/2
3.15. She is a diamond                           +/2
3.16. Waltz for Eva and Che
3.17. You must love me
3.18. Eva's final broadcast
3.19. Lament

3.8.  I'd be surprisingly good for you           +++
3.9.  Peron's latest flame                       +/.
3.2.  Oh What a Circus                           +/-
3.14. And the money kept rolling in (and out)    +/2
3.15. She is a diamond                           +/2
3.11. Don't cry for me Argentina                 +/2

3.1.  In the death car   +++
3.2.  Dreams
3.3.  Old home movie
3.4.  TV screen          +/.
3.5.  7/8 & 11/8         +/-
3.6.  Get the money      .
3.7.  Gunpowder
3.8.  Gypsy reggae
3.9.  Death
3.10. This is a film

Популярность: 14, Last-modified: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 06:55:19 GmT