s statement that he is a millionaire is, on the face of it, false./ [on the fence] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Not able, or not wanting to choose; in doubt; undecided. - Often used with "sit". * /Jack sat on the fence for a week last spring before he finally joined the track team instead of the baseball team./ * /Mrs. Jones has decided to vote for the Democrats, but Mr. Jones is still on the fence./ See: FENCE-SITTER or FENCE-SITTING. [on the fly(1)] {adv. phr.} 1. While in the air; in flight. * /The bird caught a bug on the fly./ * /Joe was called out because the catcher caught the ball on the fly./ 2. {informal} Between other activities; while busy with many things. * /The president was so busy that he had to dictate letters on the fly./ * /John is very busy, and people who want to talk to him have to catch him on the fly./ Compare: ON THE GO, ON THE WING(2). [on the fly(2)] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Busy; going somewhere in a hurry; going about doing things. * /Getting the house ready for the visitors kept Mother on the fly all day./ * /The housekeeper of our school is always on the fly./ [on the go] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Active and busy. * /Successful businessmen are on the go most of the time./ * /Healthy, happy people are usually on the go./ Compare: ON THE MOVE. [on the heels of] {prep.} Just after; following (something, especially an event). - Often used with "hard" for emphasis. * /Hard on the heels of the women's liberation parade, homosexuals declared a "gay pride week."/ [on the hog] See: LIVE HIGH OFF THE HOG or EAT HIGH ON THE HOG. [on the hour] {adv. phr.} Each time the hour has zero minutes and zero seconds. * /The uptown bus goes past the school on the hour./ * /The woman must take her pill on the hour./ [on the house] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Paid for by the owner. * /At the opening of the new hotel, the champagne was on the house./ * /Oscar was the first customer at the diner, so his lunch was on the house./ [on the increase] See: ON THE WAX. Contrast: ON THE DECREASE, ON THE WANE. [on the job] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Working hard; not wasting time. * /Joe was on the job all of the time that he was at work./ * /The school paper came out on time because the editors were on the job./ [on the knees of the gods] See: IN THE LAP OF THE GODS. [on the lam] {adj.} or {adv. phr.}, {slang} Running away, especially from the law; in flight. * /The bank robber was on the lam for ten months before the police caught him./ - Sometimes used in the phrase "take it on the lam". * /After a big quarrel with her father, the girl took it on the lam./ [on the level] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Honest and fair; telling the whole truth. * /Our teacher respects the students who are on the level with her./ * /Joyce wondered if the fortune-teller was on the level./ [on the line] See: LAY ON THE LINE or PUT ON THE LINE. [on the lips] See: HANG ON THE WORDS OF or HANG ON THE LIPS OF. [on the lookout] {adj. phr.} Watching closely. * /The little boy was on the lookout for his father./ * /Forest rangers are always on the lookout for forest fires./ * /The doctor is on the lookout for a new secretary./ [on the loose] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Free to go; not shut in or stopped by anything. * /The zookeeper forgot to close the gate to the monkey cage and the monkeys were on the loose./ * /All of the seniors were on the loose on "Senior Skip Day."/ [on the make] {adj.}, {slang} 1. Promiscuous or aggressive in one's sexual advances. * /I can't stand Murray; he's always on the make./ 2. Pushing to get ahead in one's career; doing anything to succeed. * /The new department head is a young man on the make, who expects to be company president in ten years./ [on the map] See: PUT ON THE MAP. [on the market] {adj. phr.} For sale. * /In the summer many fresh vegetables are on the market./ * /The Goodwins put their house on the market in January, but they did not sell it till August./ [on the mend] {adj. phr.} Healing; becoming better. * /John's broken leg is on the mend./ * /Mary's relationship with Joan is on the mend./ [on die money] {adv. phr.} Exactly right; exactly accurate. * /Algernon won the lottery; the numbers he picked were right on the money./ Compare: ON THE NOSE. [on the move] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} 1. Moving around from place to place; in motion. * /It was a very cold day, and the teacher watching the playground kept on the move to stay warm./ * /It was vacation time, and the highways were full of families on the move./ 2. Moving forward; going somewhere. * /The candidate promised that if people would make him president, he would get the country on the move./ [on the nose] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Just right; exactly. * /Stanley hit the ball on the nose./ * /The airplane pilot found the small landing field on the nose./ [on the other foot] See: SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT. [on the other hand] {adv. phr.} Looking at the other side; from another point of view. - Used to introduce an opposite or different fact or idea. * /Jim wanted to go to the movies; his wife, on the other hand, wanted to stay home and read./ * /Mr. Harris may still want a boy to mow his lawn; on the other hand, he may have found someone to do it./ Compare: ON ONE HAND. [on the outs] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not friendly; having a quarrel. * /Mary and Sue were on the outs./ * /Being on the outs with a classmate is very upsetting./ Syn.: AT ODDS. [on the point of] {prep.} Ready to begin; very near to. - Usually used with a verbal noun. * /The coach was on the point of giving up the game when our team scored two points./ * /The baby was on the point of crying when her mother finally came home./ Compare: ABOUT TO, AT THE POINT OF. [on the Q.T.] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Secretly; without anyone's knowing. * /George and Paul formed a club on the Q.T./ * /The teachers got the principal a present strictly on the Q.T./ (from quiet.) [on the road] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Traveling; moving from one place to another. * /When we go on vacation, we take a lunch to eat while on the road./ * /Mr. Smith is on the road for his insurance company./ 2. Changing; going from one condition to another. * /Mary was very sick for several weeks, but now she is on the road to recovery./ * /Hard study in school put John on the road to success./ [on the rocks] {adj. phr.} 1. {informal} Wrecked or ruined. * /Mr. Jones' business and marriage were both on the rocks./ 2. With ice only. * /At the restaurant, Sally ordered orange juice on the rocks./ [on the ropes] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Against the ropes of a boxing ring and almost not able to stand up. * /The fighter was on the ropes and could hardly lift his gloves./ 2. Almost defeated; helpless; near failure. * /The new supermarket took most of the business from Mr. Thomas's grocery, and the little store was soon on the ropes./ [on the run] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In a hurry; hurrying. * /Jane called "Help!" and Tom came on the run./ * /Modern mothers are usually on the run./ 2. Going away from a fight; in retreat; retreating. * /The enemy soldiers were on the run./ [on the safe side] {adv. phr.} Provided for against a possible emergency; well prepared. * /"Please double-check these proofs, Mr. Brown," the printer said, "just to be on the safe side."/ [on the shelf] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} Laid aside; not useful anymore. * /When a girl grows up, she puts childish habits on the shelf./ * /Mr. Myron's company put him on the shelf when he reached the age of 65./ [on the side] {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. In addition to a main thing, amount or quantity; extra. * /He ordered a hamburger with onions and French fries on the side./ * /His job at the hospital did not pay much, so he found another on the side./ * /The cowboys in the rodeo competed for prize money and also made bets on the side./ 2. or [on the --- side] Tending toward; rather. * /Grandmother thought Jane's new skirt was on the short side./ [on the sly] {adv. phr.} So that other people won't know; secretly. * /The boys smoked on the sly./ * /Mary's mother did not approve of lipstick, but Mary used it on the sly./ [on the spot] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. or [upon the spot] At that exact time and at the same time or place; without waiting or leaving. * /The news of important events is often broadcast on the spot over television./ * /When Tom ruined an expensive machine, his boss fired him on the spot./ Compare: AT ONCE, IN ONE'S TRACKS, THEN AND THERE. 2. {informal} also [in a spot] In trouble, difficulty, or embarrassment. * /Mr. Jones is on the spot because he cannot pay back the money he borrowed./ * /Bill is on the spot; he invited George to visit him, but Bill's parents said no./ Compare: BACK TO THE WALL. 3. {slang} In danger of murder; named or listed for death. * /After he talked to the police, the gangsters put him on the spot./ [on the spur of the moment] {adv. phr.} On a sudden wish or decision; suddenly; without thought or preparation. * /John had not planned to take the trip; he just left on the spur of the moment./ * /Mary saw a help-wanted advertisement and applied for the job on the spur of the moment./ [on the stage] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In or into the work of being an actor or actress. * /John's brother is on the stage./ * /Mary went on the stage./ [on the strength of] {prep.} With faith or trust in; depending upon; with the support of. * /On the strength of Jim's promise to guide us, we decided to climb the mountain./ * /Bill started a restaurant on the strength of his experience as a cook in the army./ [on the string] or [on a string] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Under your influence or control; obedient to every wish. * /The baby had his mother on a string./ * /She was pretty and popular, with two or three boys on the string all the time./ [on the take] {adv. phr.} Bribable; corrupt. * /Officer O'Keefe was put on three months' probation because it was alleged that he was on the take./ [on the tip of one's tongue] {adv. phr.} About to say something, such as a name, a telephone number, etc., but unable to remember it for the moment. * /"His name is on the tip of my tongue," Tom said. "It will come to me in a minute."/ [on the town] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} In or into a town to celebrate; having a good time or enjoying the amusements in a town. * /When the sailors got off their ship they went out on the town./ Compare: PAINT THE TOWN RED. [on the track of] or [on the trail of] Hunting or looking for; trying to find; following. * /The hunter is on the track of a deer./ * /The lawyer is on the trail of new proof in the case./ * /Jim collects old stamps; he is on the track of one in Midville this afternoon./ [on the trail of] See: ON THE TRACK OF. [on the trigger] See: QUICK ON THE TRIGGER. [on the up and up] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Honest; trustworthy; sincere. * /We felt that he was honest and could be trusted. This information is on the up and up./ Compare: ON THE LEVEL. [on the vine] See: DIE ON THE VINE or WITHER ON THE VINE. [on the wagon] {adv. phr.} Participating in an alcohol addiction program; not touching any alcoholic beverage. * /Jim's doctor and his family finally managed to convince him that he was an alcoholic and should go on the wagon./ Contrast: FALL OFF THE WAGON. [on the wane and on the wax] {adv. phr.} Decreasing and increasing. - Said of the moon. * /The moon is regularly on the wane and on the wax at regular intervals lasting half a month./ [on the warpath] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Very angry. * /When Mother saw the mess in the kitchen she went on the warpath./ * /Betty has been on the warpath ever since she found out she was not invited to the party./ 2. Making an attack; fighting. * /The government is on the warpath against narcotics./ * /The police are on the warpath against speeders./ [on the watch] {adj. phr.} Alert; watchful. * /The customs inspector was on the watch for diamond smugglers./ * /Mary was on the watch for bargains at the auction./ Compare: EYE OUT, LOOK OUT(2). [on the way] or [on one's way] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} Coming; going toward a place or goal; started. * /Help was on the way./ * /The train left and Bill was on his way to New York./ * /He is well on the way to becoming a fine mechanic./ [on the whole] {adv. phr.} 1. In the most important things; in most ways. * /On the whole, Billy did very well in school this year./ * /Everybody agreed that on the whole it was a good show./ Syn.: IN ALL(2), FOR THE MOST PART. 2. In most cases; usually. * /On the whole, men are stronger than women./ * /On the whole, children begin walking when they are about one year old./ Syn.: BY AND LARGE, IN GENERAL. [on the wing] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In the air; while flying. * /The duck flew away, but John shot it on the wing./ 2. {informal} In constant motion; always very busy. * /Susan was on the wing doing things to get ready for her trip./ * /Mr. Jones had a busy schedule and his secretary had to catch him on the wing to sign the letters./ Syn.: ON THE FLY. 3. {informal} Moving from one place to another; traveling; going somewhere. * /Mary's husband is a traveling salesman and he's always on the wing./ * /They stayed in France for a week and then they were on the wing again./ Syn.: ON THE GO, ON THE MOVE. [on the words] See: HANG ON THE WORDS OF. [on the wrong foot] See: GET OFF ON THE WRONG FOOT. [on the wrong side of the bed] See: GET UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BED. [on the wrong track] {adv. phr.} Lost; pursuing the wrong lead. * /Professor MacAlister confessed that his chemical experiments were on the wrong track./ Contrast: BARK UP THE WRONG TREE. [on time] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. At the time arranged; not late; promptly. * /The train left on time./ * /Mary is always on time for an appointment./ Contrast: AHEAD OF TIME, BEHIND TIME. 2. On the installment plan; on credit, paying a little at a time. * /John bought a car on time./ * /You can buy things at the department store on time./ [on top] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} In the lead; with success; with victory. * /The horse that everyone had expected would be on top actually came in third./ * /Although John had been afraid that he was not prepared for the exam, he came out on top./ [on top of] {prep}. 1. On the top of; standing or lying on; on. * /When the player on the other team dropped the ball, Bill fell on top of it./ * /That high hill has a tower on top of it./ 2. {informal} Very close to. * /The elevator was so crowded that everybody was on top of each other./ * /I couldn't find my umbrella and then I realized I was almost on top of it./ 3. {informal} In addition to; along with. * /Mrs. Lane had many expenses and on top of everything else, her baby became ill./ * /Mary worked at the store all day and on top of that she had to baby-sit with her brother./ 4. {informal} Managing very well; in control of. * /Although his new job was very complicated, John was on top of it within a few weeks./ * /No matter what goes wrong, Mary always stays on top of it./ 5. Knowing all about; not falling behind in information about; up-to-date on. * /Mary stays on top of the news by reading newspapers and magazines./ * /When he was in California, Mr. Jones kept on top of things in his office by telephoning every day./ [on top of the world] or [sitting on top of the world] also (Southern) [sitting on high cotton] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Feeling pleased and happy; feeling successful. * /John was on top of the world when he found out that he got into college./ * /When Ruth won first prize in the contest, she felt as though she was sitting on top of the world./ * /The girls were sitting on high cotton because their basketball team had won the trophy./ Compare: FLYING HIGH, WALK ON AIR. [on trial] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. For testing or trying out for a time before making a decision. * /I was lucky that I had bought the machine on trial because I didn't like it and was able to return it./ * /Mother bought a new dishwasher on trial and was trying it out before deciding whether to keep it./ 2. In a court being tried for a crime before a judge or jury. * /John White was on trial for murder./ * /Mary was on trial before the Student Committee for spoiling school property./ [on words] See: PLAY ON WORDS. [on your life] See: NOT ON YOUR LIFE. [open] See: EYES OPEN, THROW OPEN. [open and aboveboard] {adj. phr.} Honest. * /Jacob felt that the firm he was doing business with wasn't entirely open and aboveboard./ [open and shut] See: CUT AND DRIED. [open arms] See: RECEIVE WITH OPEN ARMS. [open-door policy] {n. phr.} A policy that states that newcomers are welcome to join the company, firm, or country in question. * /During the nineteenth century the United States had an open-door policy regarding immigration./ [open fire] {v. phr.} To begin shooting. * /The big warship turned its guns toward the enemy ship and opened fire./ * /When the policeman called to the robber to stop, he turned and suddenly opened fire./ [openhanded] {adj.} Generous; liberal. * /Although not wealthy himself, Bob was always very openhanded with those who needed help./ [open heart] {n.} 1. No hiding of your feelings; frankness; freedom. * /She spoke with an open heart of her warm feelings for her pupils./ * /She told her troubles with an open heart./ Compare: HEART ON ONE'S SLEEVE. 2. Kindness; generosity. * /She contributed to the fund with an open heart./ * /Mr. Jones has an open heart for underprivileged children./ Compare: OPEN ONE'S HEART. [open its doors] {v. phr.} 1. To allow someone or something to enter or join; become open. * /That college was started for women only, but a few years ago it opened its doors to men./ 2. To begin doing business; open. * /Proffitts Department Store is having a birthday sale; it first opened its doors fifty years ago this month./ Contrast: CLOSE ITS DOORS. [open letter] {n. phr.} A public message in the form of a letter addressed to a particular person or to a group. * /There was an open letter to the president of the United States in today's morning paper./ [open market] {n. phr.} Goods or securities available for purchase by all. * /The stocks of certain companies are on the open market./ [open marriage] {n. phr.} An arrangement by mutual agreement between husband and wife whereby they are both allowed to have extramarital affairs. * /Chances are the open marriage arrangement they had didn't work out too well so they are getting a divorce./ [open-minded] {adj.} Having no dogmatic or biased views on matters of theory, religion, politics, etc. * /Fred is easy to talk to about anything; he is a highly intelligent and open-minded person./ [open one's eyes] or [open up one's eyes] {v. phr.} To make a person see or understand the truth; make a person realize; tell a person what is really happening or what really exists. * /Mary didn't believe that her cousin could be mean until the cousin opened Mary's eyes by scratching and biting her./ * /John's eyes were opened up to the world of nature when he visited his grandfather's farm./ Compare: EYES OPEN, WISE UP. - [eye opener] {n.} Something that makes you understand the truth. * /Pam's first visit to school was a real eye-opener./ [open one's heart] {v. phr.} 1. To talk about your feelings honestly; confide in someone. * /After going around worrying, Mary opened her heart to her mother./ * /John felt much better after he opened his heart to Betty./ 2. To be sympathetic to; give love or help generously. * /Mrs. Smith opened her heart to the poor little boy./ * /After the moving speech by the UN official, the people opened their hearts to the poor people of India./ Compare: OPEN HEART, WEAR ONE'S HEART ON ONE'S SLEEVE. [open onto] {v. phr.} To have a view of. * /Our apartment in Chicago has a set of windows that open onto Lake Michigan./ [open Pandora's box] See: PANDORA'S BOX. [open question] {n. phr.} A debatable issue. * /Whether assisted suicide is legal and moral or not is still an open question, recent publicity on the matter notwithstanding./ [open secret] {n.} Something that is supposed to be a secret but that everyone knows. * /It is an open secret that Mary and John are engaged./ * /Who will be appointed as the next president of the college is an open secret./ [open sesame] {n. phr.}, {literary} Immediate means of entrance, or unobstructed access to something. * /Tom mistakenly believed that his wealth would be an open sesame to the world of creative arts./ [open shop] {n. phr.} A factory or firm that employs both union and non-union labor. * /The firm refuses to adopt an open shop policy./ Contrast: CLOSED SHOP. [open the door] {v. phr.} To allow more action or discussion; give a chance. * /Learning to read and write opens the door to a better job and better living conditions./ * /Raising the tax rates will open the door to more help for older people./ Contrast: CLOSE THE DOOR. Compare: OPEN ITS DOORS. [open the floodgates] {v. phr.} To let loose an outburst of human activity or emotion. * /It would open the floodgates of anger and discontent if the university raised tuition too soon./ [open up] {v.} 1. To show for the first time; make clear; reveal. * /The story of Helen Keller's life opened up a whole new world to Mary./ * /Einstein's theories opened up a whole new area for study./ 2. To make available; present an opportunity; offer. * /The building of the railroad opened up new lands to the pioneers./ * /John opened up a whole new section of the Scrabble board./ 3. {informal} To go faster. * /When they got out on the highway John opened up and drove at 65 miles per hour./ 4. {informal} To begin to shoot. * /When they got close to the enemy lines, they opened up with all they had./ 5. {informal} To begin to talk frankly. * /After John learned to trust Mr. Jones, he opened up and told him how he felt./ 6. To spread out. * /After a while the road opened up and they traveled more quickly./ 7. To become available. * /When she got her college diploma, many new jobs opened up./ [open up one's eyes] See: OPEN ONE'S EYES. [opinion] See: MATTER OP OPINION. [opposite number] {n. phr.} A person occupying the same position as someone in a different group, organization, or country. * /The opposite number of the President of the United States in Germany is the Chancellor of the Federal Republic./ [opposite sex] {n. phr.} The sex different from the one being discussed or mentioned. * /Fred came out and said he was gay, having never had any interest in the opposite sex./ [optional origin] {n.} Stipulation in international commodities contract whereby the seller may ship from either his foreign or his domestic resources. * /Be sure to enter that in the books as an optional origin order./ [orbit] See: GO INTO ORBIT. [order] See: APPLE-PIE-ORDER, CALL TO ORDER, IN ORDER, IN ORDER TO, IN SHORT ORDER, JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED, MADE TO ORDER, OUT OF ORDER, PUT ONE'S HOUSE IN ORDER or SET ONE'S HOUSE IN ORDER, SHORT ORDER COOK, TO ORDER, WALKING PAPERS or WALKING ORDERS. [order about] or [around] {v. phr.} To dictate arrogantly to someone; domineer. * /Dan orders his younger colleagues around in a most unpleasant way./ [ordinary] See: OUT OF THE ORDINARY. [or other] {adv.} - Used to emphasize indefinite words or phrases beginning with "some" (as "someone", "something", "somewhere", "somehow", "sometime"). * /Somehow or other, Linda managed to get to the show on time./ * /I'll think of something or other for the program./ * /She found a beautiful cup and saucer somewhere or other./ * /I'll get around to cleaning the closets sometime or other./ * /Someone or other will take the letters to the post office./ [or so] {adv.} About; or a little more. * /Mr. Brown will be back in a day or so./ * /The book cost $5 or so./ * /There will be twenty or so people at the party./ Compare: MORE OR LESS. [other] See: EACH OTHER, EVERY OTHER, GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE or GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HILL, GO IN ONE EAR AND OUT THE OTHER, LAUGH ON THE WRONG SIDE OF ONE'S MOUTH or LAUGH ON THE OTHER SIDE OF ONE'S MOUTH, ON THE OTHER HAND, OR OTHER, SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT, SIX OF ONE AND HALF-A-DOZEN OF THE OTHER, THIS AND THAT also THIS, THAT, AND THE OTHER, TURN THE OTHER CHEEK. [other fish to fry] {n. phr.}, {informal} Other things to do; other plans. * /They wanted John to be the secretary, but he had other fish to fry./ * /Mary was invited to the party but she refused because she had other fish to fry./ [other side of the tracks] See: WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS. [out and about] See: UP AND ABOUT. [out-and-out] {adj.} Extreme; complete; thorough. * /The candidate was an out-and-out conservative./ * /It was out-and-out robbery to charge twice the usual price for eggs just because they were scarce./ Compare: THROUGH AND THROUGH. [out at the elbows] {adj. phr.} Poorly or shabbily dressed. * /Roy walks around out at the elbows, but it's not because he is penniless, but more in imitation of a certain style./ [out back] {adv. phr.} In one's backyard. * /On the Fourth of July they were out back making preparations for their holiday barbecue./ [outback] {n.} 1. The remote and uncultivated wilderness areas of Australia or New Zealand, with very few inhabitants. * /Mike and Barbara roughed it in the Australian outback for nearly two years./ 2. Any remote, sparsely populated region. * /Tom's old ranch in Texas is next to an arid outback./ [out cold] {adv.} or {adj.}, {informal} Unconscious; in a faint. * /The ball hit Dick in the head and knocked him out cold for ten minutes./ * /They tried to lift Mary when she fell down, but she was out cold./ Syn.: OUT LIKE A LIGHT(2). Compare: PASS OUT. [outer space] {n.} What is outside of the earth's air. * /An astronaut cannot live without oxygen when he goes into outer space./ [out for] {prep.} Joining, or planning to join; taking part in; competing for a place in. * /John is out for the basketball team./ * /Mary is going out for the school newspaper./ Compare: TRY OUT. [out from under] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Free from something that worries you; seeing the end; finished. - Usually used with "be" or "get". * /Mary had so much to do in the new house she felt as though she would never be out from under./ * /John had so many debts, he couldn't get out from under./ [out in force] {adv. phr.} Present in very large numbers; en masse. * /On the Fourth of July the police cars are out in force in the Chicago area./ [out in left field] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Far from the right answer; wrong; astray. * /Johnny tried to answer the teacher's question but he was way out in left field./ * /Susan tried to guess what the surprise was but she was way out in left field./ 2. Speaking or acting very queerly; crazy. * /The girl next door was always queer, but after her father died, she was really out in left field and had to go to a hospital./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S HEAD. [out in the cold] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Alone; not included. * /All the other children were chosen for parts in the play, but Johnny was left out in the cold./ * /Everybody made plans for Christmas Day and Mary found herself out in the cold./ Compare: HIGH AND DRY. [out in the open] See: COME OUT IN THE OPEN. [out like a light] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Fast asleep; to sleep very quickly. * /Tom got so much fresh air and exercise that he went out like a light as soon as he lay down./ * /As soon as the lights were turned off, Johnny was out like a light./ 2. In a faint; unconscious. * /Johnny was hit by a ball and went out like a light./ * /After she read that Tom had married another girl Jean was out like a light for several minutes./ Compare: OUT COLD. [out loud] {adv. phr.} In an ordinary speaking voice and not whispering or talking quietly; so everybody can hear; aloud. * /The teacher read the final grades out loud./ * /Mary spoke out loud so the people standing nearby would hear./ * /Sometimes I find it helpful to think out loud./ [out of] {prep.} 1a. From the inside to the outside of. * /John took the apple out of the bag./ * /Get out of the car!/ * /The teacher has gone out of town./ 1b. In a place away from. * /No, you can't see Mr. Jones; he is out of the office today./ * /Our house is ten miles out of town./ 2. From a particular condition or situation; not in; from; in a way changed from being in. * /The drugstore is going out of business./ * /The sick man is out of danger at last./ * /Bob is never out of trouble./ 3. Beyond the range of. * /The plane is out of sight now./ * /If you can't swim, don't go out of your depth./ 4. From (a source). * /Mother asked Billy who started the fight, but she couldn't get anything out of him./ * /The teacher gave a test to see what the students got out of the lesson./ * /Mr. Jones made a fortune out of cotton./ 5. Because of; as a result of. * /Mary scolded Joan out of jealousy./ * /The cat ran away out of fear of the dog./ 6. Without; not having. * /The store is out of coffee./ * /John's father is out of work./ 7. From (a material). * /The house is built out of stone./ * /His suit is made out of cotton and is cool./ 8. From among. * /The man picked Joe out of the crowd./ * /Our team won eight out of ten games last season./ [out of a bandbox] See: LOOK AS IF ONE HAS COME OUT OF A BANDBOX. [out of account] See: LEAVE OUT OF ACCOUNT. [out of a clear sky] or [out of a clear blue sky] See: OUT OF THE BLUE. [out of action] {adv. phr.} Useless; crippled; damaged so as to be quiescent. * /American bombers put Nazi heavy industry out of action during World War II./ * /When I broke my leg I was out of action for the entire football season./ [out of all proportion] {adv. phr.} Disproportionate; lopsided. * /The news coverage of the sensational celebrity double murder has grown out of all proportion, obscuring the international news./ [out of bounds] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Outside of the boundary lines in a game; not on or inside the playing field. * /Bill thought he had scored a touchdown, but he had stepped out of bounds before he reached the goal line./ 2. Outside of a circumscribed area for a certain kind of work, such as construction or military site. * /The principal told the students that the new gymnasium being built on the school grounds was out of bounds./ * /The captain's cabin is out of bounds to the passengers on the ship./ Contrast: WITHIN BOUNDS. 3. Outside of safe or proper limits; not doing what is proper; breaking the rules of good behavior. * /John was out of bounds when he called Tom a liar in the meeting./ * /His request for a 25% salary raise was totally out of bounds./ [out of breath] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Not breathing easily or regularly; gasping; panting. * /The fat man was out of breath after climbing the stairs./ * /The mile run left Bill out of breath./ [out of character] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Not in agreement with a person's character or personality; not in the way that a person usually behaves or is expected to behave; not usual; unsuitable; uncharacteristic. * /Mary is a nice girl. Her fit of temper was out of character./ 2. Not in character; unsuitable for a part or character. * /It isn't always out of character for a young actor to play an old man, if he is a good actor./ Contrast: IN CHARACTER. [out of circulation] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not out in the company of friends, other people, and groups; not active; not joining in what others are doing. * /John has a job after school and is out of circulation with his friends./ Contrast: IN CIRCULATION. [out of commission] {adj. phr.} 1. Retired from active military service; no longer on active duty. * /When the war was over, many warships were placed out of commission./ Contrast: IN COMMISSION(1). 2. Not in use or not working; so that it cannot work or be used. * /The strike put the airline out of commission for a week./ * /John will have to walk to the store. His bicycle is out of commission./ Compare: OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN COMMISSION(2). [out of condition] See: OUT OF SHAPE or OUT OF CONDITION. [out of date] {adj. phr.} Old fashioned; superseded; no longer valid; too old to be used. * /Father's suit is out of date; he needs a new one./ * /The news magazines in the doctor's office were all out of date./ [out of fashion] {adj. phr.} Having passed from vogue; out of the current mode. * /The miniskirt is now out of fashion in most quarters, but it may very well come back some day./ [out of gas] {adv. phr.} 1. Out of fuel (said of automobiles). * /Be sure you don't run out of gas when you go on a long distance trip by car./ 2. Rundown; depleted of energy; in poor physical condition. * /Mary said she had to take a break from her job as she was running totally out of gas./ [out of gear] See: THROW OUT OF GEAR. [out of hand] {adv. phr.} 1. Out of control. * /Bobby's birthday party got out of hand and the children were naughty./ * /Small puppies often get out of hand./ 2. Suddenly, quickly without examination of possible truth or merit; without any consideration. - Often used after "dismiss" or "reject". * /The senator rejected out of hand the critics' call for his resignation./ Compare: OUT OF LINE. Contrast: IN HAND. [out of hot water] See: HOT WATER. [out of keeping] {adj. phr.} Not going well together; not agreeing; not proper. * /Loud talk was out of keeping in the library./ * /It was out of keeping for the kind man to kick the dog./ Contrast: IN KEEPING. [out of kilter] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Not balanced right; not in a straight line or lined up right. * /The scale must be out of kilter because when I weighed myself on it, it said 300 pounds./ * /The wheels of my bicycle were out of kilter after it hit the tree./ Contrast: IN BALANCE. 2. Needing repair; not working right. * /My watch runs too slowly; it must be out of kilter./ Syn.: OUT OF ORDER(2). [out of line(1)] {adv. phr.} Not in a straight line; away from a true line. * /The two edges were out of line and there was a space between them./ * /The sergeant ordered the soldier who was out of line to get properly lined up./ [out of line(2)] {adj. phr.} Not obeying or agreeing with what is right or usual; doing or being what people do not expect or accept; outside ordinary or proper limits; not usual, right, or proper. * /Little Mary got out of line and was rude to Aunt Elizabeth./ * /The teacher asked Charlie not to tell one of the jokes because it was out of line./ * /Mrs. Green thought the repair man's charge was out of line./ Compare: OUT OF HAND, OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN LINE(2). [out of line with] {prep.} Not in agreement with. * /The price of the bicycle was out of line with what Bill could afford./ [out of luck] {adj. phr.} Being unlucky; having bad luck; having something bad happen to you. * /Mr. Jones missed his train and was out of luck in getting to the ball game on time./ * /All of the girls had dates so Ben was out of luck./ [out of mind] See: OUT OF SIGHT, out OF MIND. [out of nowhere] {adv. phr.} Without having been seen before; suddenly and unexpectedly. * /Mr. Jones was driving too fast on the express highway when a police patrol car appeared out of nowhere and stopped him./ Syn.: OUT OF THE BLUE. [out of one's blood] {adv. phr.} Separate from one's feelings, interests, or desires. * /When Tom moved to the city, he couldn't get the country out of his blood./ * /Mary is having a hard job getting summer laziness out of her blood./ Contrast: IN ONE'S BLOOD. [out of one's element] {adv. phr.} Outside of your natural surroundings; where you do not belong or fit in. * /Wild animals are out of their element in cages./ * /Chris is out of his element in singing class./ Compare: OUT OF PLACE, BEYOND ONE'S DEPTH. Contrast: IN ONE'S ELEMENT. [out of one's hair] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Rid of as a nuisance; relieved of as an annoyance. * /Harry got the boys out of his hair so he could study./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S WAY. Contrast: IN ONE'S HAIR. [out of one's hand] See: EAT OUT OF ONE'S HAND. [out of one's head] or [out of one's mind] or [out of one's senses] also [off one's head] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Acting in a crazy way; especially, wildly crazy. * /The patient was feverish and out of his head and had to be watched./ * /Her friends thought she was out of her mind to marry that man./ Compare: OFF ONE'S ROCKER. Contrast: COME TO ONE'S SENSES. [out of one's mind] See: OUT OF ONE'S HEAD. [out of one's mouth] See: TAKE THE BREAD OUT OF ONE'S MOUTH, TAKE THE WORDS OUT OF ONE'S MOUTH. [out of one's pocket] {adv. phr.} Having sustained a financial loss; poorer by a said amount. * /The show was so bad that, besides having a lousy time, I was also $35 out of my pocket./ [out of one's sails] See: TAKE THE WIND OUT OF ONE'S SAILS. [out of one's senses] See: OUT OF ONE'S HEAD. [out of one's shell] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Out of one's bashfulness or silence; into friendly conversation. - Usually used after "come". * /John wouldn't come out of his shell and talk to the boys and girls at the party./ * /The other girls tried to draw Ella out of her shell, but without success./ Contrast: IN ONE'S SHELL. [out of one's skin] See: JUMP OU T OF ONE'S SKIN. [out of one's way] See: OUT OF THE WAY(3). [out of one's wits] See: SCARE OUT OF ONE'S WITS. [out of (one's) reach] {adv. phr.} Unreachable; unattainable; unobtainable. * /Sam wanted to be a United States senator but he came to realize that such a dream was out of his reach./ [out of order] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In the wrong order; not coming after one another in the right way. * /Peter wrote the words of the sentence out of order./ * /Don't get out of order, children. Stay in your places in line./ Contrast: IN ORDER. 2. In poor condition; not working properly. * /Our television set is out of order./ 3. Against the rules; not suitable. * /The judge told the people in the courtroom that they were out of order because they were so noisy./ * /The children's whispering was out of order in the church./ Compare: OUT OF LINE, OUT OF PLACE, OUT OF THE WAY, OUT OF TURN, OUT OF COMMISSION(2). Contrast: IN ORDER. [out of place(1)] {adv. phr.} Not in the right or usual place or position. * /Harry fell and knocked one of his teeth out of place./ * /The teacher lined up the class and told them not to get out of place./ Compare: OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN PLACE. [out of place(2)] {adj. phr.} In the wrong place or at the wrong time; not suitable; improper. * /Joan was the only girl who wore a formal at the party, and she felt out of place./ * /It was out of place for Russell to laugh at the old lady./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S ELEMENT, OUT OF ORDER, OUT OF THE WAY. Contrast: IN PLACE. [out-of-pocket expenses] {n. phr.} Expenses one has to pay for oneself, not the company that sends one on a given assignment, such as tips for waiters, cab drivers, etc. * /Luckily, my out-of-pocket expenses didn't amount to more than $15./ [out of practice] {adj. phr.} Not in proper condition; unable to do something well because of lack of practice. * /The basketball team got out of practice during the Christmas holidays./ Compare: OUT OF SHAPE. Contrast: IN PRACTICE. [out of print] {adj. phr.} No longer obtainable from the publisher because the printed copies have been sold out; no longer printed. * /The book is out of print. An edition of one thousand copies was sold and no more copies were printed./ Compare: OUT OF STOCK. Contrast: IN PRINT. [out of school] See: TELL TALES OUT OF SCHOOL. [out of season] {adv. phr.} 1. Not at the right or lawful time for hunting or catching. * /The boys were caught fishing out of season./ 2. Not at the usual time for growing and selling. * /The corn we get out of season is different from the kind we grow here./ Contrast: IN SEASON. [out of shape] or [out of condition] {adj. phr.} 1. Not in good condition; not able to perform well. * /Father was out of shape when he took a long hike with the boys, and he was stiff and sore the next day./ * /Jack's pitching arm got out of condition during the winter, when he wasn't using it./ Compare: OUT OF PRACTICE. 2. Not look the same; changed. * /Someone sat on father's new hat and mashed it. It is now out of shape./ Contrast: IN SHAPE. [out of sight] {adv. phr.} 1. Not within one's field of vision. * /The sailboat disappeared out of sight over the horizon./ 2. Extremely expensive. * /The builder's estimate was so high that it was out of sight./ 3. Unbelievable; fantastic; incredible (both in the positive and the negative sense; an exaggeration.) * /Roxanne is such a stunning beauty, it's simply out of sight./ * /Mr. Gargoyle is so repulsive, it's out of sight./ 4. Unreachable; unrealizable; belonging to the world of fiction and fantasy. * /Max's dreams about winning the Senatorial election are really out of sight; he admits it himself./ Compare: PIPE DREAM. [out of sight, out of mind] If one doesn't see something for an extended period of time, one tends to forget about it. - A proverb. * /After Caroline moved out of town, Ray soon found other women to date. As the saying goes, "out of sight, out of mind."/ [out of sorts] {adj. phr.} In an angry or unhappy mood; in a bad temper; grouchy. * /Mary was out of sorts and wouldn't say good morning./ * /Bob was out of sorts because he didn't get a bicycle for his birthday./ [out of step] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Not in step; not matching strides or keeping pace with another or others. * /George always marches out of step with the music./ 2. Out of harmony; not keeping up. - Often followed by "with". * /Just because you don't smoke, it doesn't mean you are out of step with other boys and girls your age./ Contrast: IN STEP. [out of stock] {adj. phr.} Having none for sale or use; no longer in supply; sold out. * /When Father tried to get tires for an old car, the man in the store said that size was out of stock and were not sold anymore./ * /So many children have bought balloons that the store is now out of stock./ Compare: OUT OF PRINT. Contrast: IN STOCK. [out of the blue] or [out of a clear sky] or [out of a clear blue sky] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Without any warning; by surprise; unexpectedly. * /At the last minute Johnny came out of the blue to catch the pass and score a touchdown./ * /The cowboy thought he was alone but suddenly out of a clear sky there were bandits all around him./ Syn.: OUT OF NOWHERE. Compare: BOLT FROM THE BLUE. [out of the corner of one's eye] {adv. phr.} Without looking at a person or thing directly or openly; secretly; without being noticed. * /The cat looked at the mouse out of the corner of his eye./ * /Mike watched the boys across the street out of the corner of his eye as he mowed the lawn./ [out of the frying pan into the fire] Out of one trouble into worse trouble; from something bad to something worse. - A proverb. * /The movie cowboy was out of the frying pan into the fire. After he escaped from the robbers, he was captured by Indians./ [out of the hole] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1a. With a score better than zero in a game; especially a card game, to a score above zero. * /It took us a long time to get out of the hole in the card game./ 1b. Even with an opponent after being behind; out of trouble in a sport or game. * /The team played very hard, but could not get out of the hole./ 2. Out of debt; ahead financially. * /It was a small business, but it was wisely managed, and it kept out of the hole./ * /The first year was bad, but after that Fred got out of the hole./ Contrast: IN THE HOLE. [out of the ordinary] {adj. phr.} Outside or beyond common experience; unusual; wonderful; extraordinary. * /The parade will be something out of the ordinary because a real king will be there./ * /This juggler was out of the ordinary because he could juggle with his feet as well as his hands./ [out of the picture] {adv. phr.} No longer a possibility or in the running; rejected. * /Mark assured Carol that his ex-wife was completely out of the picture./ [out of the question] {adj. phr.} Not worth considering; unthinkable; impossible. * /It sometimes snows as late as June in the mountains, but the summer campers thought that snow was out of the question./ * /The boys had no money, so it was out of the question for them to go to the movies./ [out of the rain] See: KNOW ENOUGH TO COME IN OUT OF THE RAIN. [out of the red] {adv. phr.} Having reached solvency; no longer in debt. * /Under the new management, our company finally got out of the red./ Contrast: IN THE HOLE, IN THE RED. Compare: IN THE BLACK. [out of the running] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Having no chance to win; not among the real contenders; not among those to be considered. * /John had been out of the running since his first date with Mary, but he didn't realize it./ * /Jones's horse was put out of the running early in the race./ Contrast: IN THE RUNNING. [out of the swim] {adj. phr.} Not doing what others are doing; not active in business or social affairs. * /Mary had to stay home and take care of Mother while she was sick, and soon felt out of the swim./ * /The toy manufacturer who is out of the swim will lose money./ Contrast: IN THE SWIM. [out of the way] {adv. phr.} 1. Not where people usually go; difficult to reach. * /When little Tommy comes to visit her, Aunt Sally puts her lamps and vases out of the way./ - Often used with hyphens before a noun. * /Gold was found in an out-of-the-way village in the mountains, and soon a good road and airfield were built./ * /Jack and Fred found an old gun in an out-of-the-way corner of the empty house./ Compare: OFF THE BEATEN TRACK. 2. Not what is usual or proper; strange. * /To leave before the guest of honor would be out of the way./ * /I'm sorry if I said something out of the way./ * /The night watchman looked around the building, but he saw nothing out of the way./ Compare: OUT OF PLACE. 3. or [out of one's way] Not able to stop or bother you. * /Tommy wished the visitors were out of the way so that he could have the candy for himself./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S HAIR, PUT OUT OF THE WAY. [out of the woods] See: CROW BEFORE ONE IS OUT OF THE WOODS. [out of thin air] {adv. phr.} Out of nothing or from nowhere. * /The teacher scolded Dick because his story was made out of thin air./ * /On the way home from town, Tom saw a house standing on the lot that had been empty that morning; it seemed to have appeared out of thin air./ Compare: INTO THIN AIR. [out of this world] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Wonderfully good or satisfying; terrific; super. * /The dress in the store window was out of this world!/ * /Mother was on TV last night. Isn't that out of this world?/ [out of touch] {adj. phr.} Not writing or talking with each other; not getting news anymore. * /Fred had got out of touch with people in his hometown./ * /On his island Robinson Crusoe was out of touch with world news./ Compare: LOSE TOUCH, LOSE TRACK. Contrast: IN TOUCH. [out of town] {adv. phr.} Having left one's usual residence or place of work on a longer trip. * /"Mr. Smith is out of town until Monday," the secretary said. "May I take a message?"/ [out of tune] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Out of proper musical pitch; too low or high in sound. * /The band sounded terrible, because the instruments were out of tune./ 2. Not in agreement; in disagreement; not going well together. - Often used with "with". * /What Jack said was out of tune with how he looked; he said he was happy, but he looked unhappy./ Compare: OFF-KEY. Contrast: IN TUNE. [out of turn] {adv. phr.} 1. Not in regular order; at the wrong time. * /John played out of turn./ * /By taking a day off out of turn, Bob got the schedule mixed up./ 2. Too hastily or wrongly; at the wrong time or place; so as to annoy others. * /Dick loses friends by speaking out of turn./ [out of wedlock] See: BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK. [out of whack] {adj. phr.}, {slang }1. Needing repair; not working right. * /Ben was glad the lawn mower got out of whack, because he didn't have to mow the lawn./ Syn.: OUT OF ORDER. 2. Not going together well; not in agreement. * /The things Mr. Black does are out of whack with what he says./ * /George's earnings and his spending were out of whack./ Compare: OUT OF LINE. [out of work] {adv. phr.} Having no income-producing job; unemployed. * /When too many people are out of work, it is a sign that the economy is in a recession./ [out on a limb] {adv. phr.} With your beliefs and opinions openly stated; in a dangerous position that can't be changed. * /The president went out on a limb and supported a foreign aid bill that many people were against./ * /Grandfather went out on a limb before the summer was over and said that the next winter would be long and cold with many snowstorms./ [out on bail] {adv. phr.} Released from prison because a security deposit known as "bail" has been put up by an individual or a bail bond broker. * /The murder suspect was out on a one million dollar bail awaiting trial./ [out on parole] {adv. phr.} Released from prison but still under the supervision of the police. * /Although Henry is out on parole he must watch his step very carefully. If he commits another burglary he may have to go to jail for a very long time./ [out on the town] {adv. phr.} Going from one bar or restaurant to the next in order to celebrate an event. * /They all went out on the town to celebrate his promotion to vice president./ [outside of] {prep.} 1. Not in; outside. * /I would not want to meet a lion outside of a zoo./ Contrast: INSIDE OF. 2. Except for; not including. * /Outside of Johnny, all the boys on the basketball team are over six feet tall./ * /Mrs. Cox had no jewelry outside of her wedding ring./ Syn.: APART FROM. [out to lunch] {adj.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. Gone for the midday meal. 2. Inattentive; daydreaming; inefficient; stupid. * /Neil Bender is just out to lunch today./ [overall] {adj.} All inclusive; comprehensive. * /What our department needs is an overall revamping of our undergraduate curriculum./ [over a barrel] also [over the barrel] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In the power of your enemies; not able to do anything about what happens to you; in a helpless condition; trapped. * /Bill had Tom over a barrel because Tom owed him money./ * /Ralph has me over a barrel; I need five dollars, and he won't lend it to me unless I let him use my bicycle./ Compare: ON THE ROPES. [over age] {adj. phr.} Too old; not young enough; above the legal age. * /Grandfather wanted to fight in World War II, but he could not because he was over age./ Contrast: UNDER AGE. [over and done with] {adj. phr.} Finished; completed; forgotten. * /Norm and Meg's affair has been over and done with for a long time./ [overboard] See: GO OFF THE DEEP END or GO OVERBOARD. [overhead] {n.} Expenses incurred in the upkeep of one's plant and premises, employees' salaries, etc., which are not due to the cost of individual items or products. * /"Our overhead is killing us!" the used car lot owner complained. "We have to move to a cheaper place."/ [overnight] {adj.} 1. From one evening until the next morning. * /We could drive from Chicago to Detroit in one day, but it would be more comfortable if we stayed overnight in a motel./ 2. Rapidly. * /When Tom won the lottery he became a rich man overnight./ [over one's dead body] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Not having the ability to stop something undesirable from taking place. * /"You will get married at age sixteen over my dead body!" Jane's father cried./ [over one's head] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Not understandable; beyond your ability to understand; too hard or strange for you to understand. * /Mary laughed just to be polite, but the joke was really over her head./ * /The lesson today was hard; it went over my head./ Compare: BEYOND ONE'S DEPTH. 2. To a more important person in charge; to a higher official. * /When Mary's supervisor said no, Mary went over her head to the person in charge of the whole department./ * /If Johnny can't get what he wants from his big sister, he goes over her head and asks his mother./ 3. See: HANG OVER ONE'S HEAD. [over spilled milk] See: CRY OVER SPILLED MILK. [over the coals] See: HAUL OVER THE COALS or RAKE OVER THE COALS. [over the hill] {adj.}, {informal} Past one's prime; unable to function as one used to; senile. * /Poor Mr. Jones is sure not like he used to be; well, he's over the hill./ [over the hump] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Past the most difficult part; past the crisis; out of danger. * /Mary was failing math, but she is over the hump now./ * /John was very sick after his accident, hut he's over the hump./ * /When Mr. Smith was out of work it looked as if his family would have to go on relief, but they got over the hump./ [over the long haul] See: IN THE LONG RUN. Contrast: OVER THE SHORT HAUL. [over the short haul] See: IN THE SHORT RUN. Contrast: OVER THE LONG HAUL. [over the top] {adv. phr.} 1. Out of the trenches and against the enemy. * /The plan was to spend the night in the trenches and go over the top at dawn./ * /Johnny found that he was braver than he thought he would be when his company went over the top./ 2. Over the goal. * /Our goal was to collect a half million dollars for the new school building, but we went over the top./ * /Mary was asked to sell twenty tickets, and she went over the top./ [over the traces] See: KICK OVER THE TRACES. [over with(1)] {prep.} At the end of; finished with; through with. * /They were over with the meeting by ten o'clock./ * /By Saturday Mary will be over with the measles./ [over with(2)] {adj.}, {informal} At an end; finished. * /John knew his mother would scold him for losing the money, and he wanted to get it over with./ * /After the hard test, Jerry said, "I'm glad that's over with!"/ [own] See: COME INTO ONE'S OWN, DOSE OF ONE'S OWN MEDICINE, HOLD ONE'S OWN, IN A WORLD OF ONE'S OWN, KEEP ONE'S OWN COUNSEL, OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD or OF ONE'S OWN FREE WILL, ON ONE'S OWN ACCOUNT or ON ONE'S OWN HOOK, ON ONE'S OWN TIME, SIGN ONE'S OWN DEATH WARRANT, TAKE THE LAW INTO ONE'S OWN HANDS, UNDER ONE'S OWN STEAM. [own up] {v.}, {informal} To take the blame; admit your guilt; confess. * /When Mr. Jones asked who broke the window, Johnny owned up./ * /Mary owned up to having borrowed her sister's sweater./ * /When Mother saw that someone had broken the vase, Billy owned up to it./ See: COME CLEAN. [oyster] See: WORLD IS ONE'S OYSTER. P [p] See: MIND ONE'S P'S AND Q'S. [pace] See: CHANGE OF PACE, KEEP PACE, PUT THROUGH ONE'S PACES, SNAIL'S PACE. [pace off] See: STEP OFF(2). [pace-setter], [pace-setting] See: SET THE PACE. [pack a punch] or [pack a wallop] {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To be able to give a powerful blow; have a dangerous fist. * /He packed a mean punch./ 2. To have a violent effect; be powerful. * /It was vodka, and it packed quite a wallop./ [pack off] {v.}, {informal} To send away; dismiss abruptly. * /When an Englishman got in trouble long ago, his family would pack him off to Australia or some other distant land./ * /Jane couldn't really get started on her homework until she had packed the children off to school./ [pack rat] {n.}, {informal} A person who cannot part with old, useless objects; an avid collector of useless things; a junk hoarder. * /"Why are there so many things in this room?" John asked. "It is my brother's room, and he is a pack rat; he is unable to throw stuff away."/ [packed (in) like sardines] {adj. phr.} So tightly crowded that there is hardly room to turn. * /The trains are so full during rush hour that we must go to work packed in like sardines./ [pack of lies] {n. phr.} An unbelievable story; unprovable allegations. * /What Al told us about his new girlfriend was nothing but a pack of lies./ [pack one's bag] {v. phr.} To leave a place out of anger, annoyance, or disagreement. * /"This place is beginning to irritate me," she said to her friend. "I want to pack my bags and get out of here."/ [pack up] {v. phr.} To pack one's suitcase for traveling; prepare a package. * /Without saying a single word, the unhappy husband packed up and left./ [paddle] See: UP THE CREEK or UP THE CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE. [paddle one's own canoe] {v. phr.}, {informal} To work without help; earn your own living; support yourself. * /After his father died, John had to paddle his own canoe./ Syn.: HOE ONE'S OWN ROW. Compare: MAKE ONE'S WAY. [paddy wagon] {n.}, {informal} A police van used for transporting prisoners to jail or the police station. * /The police threw the demonstrators into the paddy wagon./ [pad the bill] {v. phr.} To add false expenses to a bill; make a bill larger than it really was. * /The salesman padded the bill for his traveling expenses by exaggerating his food expenses./ [pain] See: AT PAINS, FEEL NO PAIN, GIVE A PAIN, GROWING PAINS, ON PAIN OF, TAKE PAINS. [pain in the ass] or [pain in the neck] {n.}, {slang}, {vulgar with ass} An obnoxious or bothersome person or event. * /Phoebe Hochrichter is a regular pain in the neck (ass)./ [paint a gloomy picture] {v. phr.} To describe something in a gloomy, pessimistic way. * /We are sad because the weather forecast has painted a gloomy picture for all of next week when we go on vacation./ [paint oneself into a corner] {v. phr.} To get oneself into a bad situation that is difficult or impossible to get out of. * /By promising to both lower taxes and raise the defense budget, the president has painted himself into a corner./ [paint the lily] See: GILD THE LILY. [paint the town red] or [paint the town] {v. phr.}, {slang} To go out to drink and have a good time; celebrate wildly; carouse. * /It was the sailors' first night ashore; they painted the town red./ Compare: ON THE TOWN(2). [pair] See: TAKE TO ONE'S HEELS also SHOW A CLEAN PAIR OF HEELS. [pair off] {v.} 1. To make a pair of; put two together; associate; match. * /Mrs. Smith paired off her guests by age and tastes./ 2. To belong to a pair; become one of a pair. * /Jane paired off with Alice in a tennis doubles match./ 3. To divide or join into pairs. * /Later in the day the picnic crowd paired off for walks and boat rides./ [pair up] {v.} 1. To make a pair of; match. * /When she finished the mending, she paired up the socks./ 2. To form a pair; to be or become one of a pair. * /Not all the socks would pair up./ * /Joe paired up with Charlie to work on the lesson./ [pajamas] See: CAT'S MEOW or CAT'S PAJAMAS. [pal] See: PEN PAL. [pale] See: BEYOND THE PALE. [pale around the gills] See: GREEN AROUND THE GILLS. [palm] See: CARRY OFF THE PALM, GREASE ONE'S PALM, ITCHING PALM. [palm off] {v.}, {informal} 1. To sell or give (something) by pretending it is something more valuable; to sell or give by trickery. * /He palmed off his own painting as a Rembrandt./ * /The salesman palmed off pine wood floors as oak./ Syn.: FOB OFF, PASS OFF. 2. To deceive (someone) by a trick or lie. * /He palmed his creditors off with a great show of prosperity./ Syn.: PUT OFF. 3. To introduce someone as a person he isn't; present in a false pretense. * /He palmed the girl off as a real Broadway actress./ [pan] See: FLASH IN THE PAN, OUT OF THE PRYING PAN INTO THE FIRE. [Pandora's box] {n. phr.}, {literary} A thing or problem that, if activated, will give rise to many unmanageable problems. * /If they insist on having that inquiry, they will open up a Pandora's box./ Compare: CAN OF WORMS. [pan gravy] {n.} Gravy made with meat drippings with seasoning and often a little water. * /His wife liked cream gravy, but he preferred pan gravy./ * /Pan gravy from country ham is often called red-eye gravy./ [panic] See: PUSH THE PANIC BUTTON. [pan out] {v.}, {informal} To have a result, especially a good result; result favorably; succeed. * /Suppose the class tried to make money by selling candy. How would that pan out?/ * /Edison's efforts to invent an electric light bulb did not pan out until he used tungsten wires./ [pant for] {v. phr.} To desire something very deeply. * /He is panting for his girlfriend, who went out of town to see her family./ [pants] See: ANTS IN ONE'S PANTS, CATCH ONE WITH ONE'S PANTS DOWN, FANCY PANTS, FLY BY THE SEAT OF ONE'S PANTS, GET THE LEAD OUT OF ONE'S PANTS, KICK IN THE PANTS, WEAR THE TROUSERS or WEAR THE PANTS. [paper] See: ON PAPER, WALKING PAPERS. [par] See: UP TO PAR. [parade] See: HIT PARADE. [parade rest] {n.} A position in which soldiers stand still, with feet apart and hands behind their backs. * /The marines were at parade rest in front of the officials' platform./ Compare: AT EASE(3). [parallel bars] {n.} Two horizontal bars the same distance apart, that are a few feet above the floor of a gymnasium. * /The boys exercised on the parallel bars in the gym./ [parcel] See: PART AND PARCEL. [parcel out] {v.} To give out in parts or shares; divide. * /He parceled out the remaining food to the workers./ [par for the course] {n. phr.}, {informal} Just what was expected; nothing unusual; a typical happening. - Usually refers to things going wrong. * /Mary is very clumsy so it was par for the course when she bumped into the table and broke the vase./ * /When John came late again, Mary said, "That's par for the course."/ Compare: ALL IN A DAY'S WORK, RUNNING TRUE TO FORM. [pare down] {v. phr.} To limit; economize; reduce. * /With a smaller income per month, the family had to pare down their household expenses./ [parliamentary law] {n.} The rules for legislative or other meetings. * /The club followed parliamentary law at the business meeting./ [parrot-fashion] {adv.} Like a parrot; by rote memorization and without any understanding. * /The candidate delivered a speech that was prepared for him and he read it parrot-fashion./ [part] See: DISCRETION IS THE BETTER PART OF VALOR, FOOL AND HIS MONEY ARE SOON PARTED, FOR MY PART, FOR ONE'S PART also ON ONE'S PART, FOR THE MOST PART, IN PART, MAN OF PARTS, TAKE PART. [partake of] {v.}, {formal} 1. To take some of; receive a share of; eat. * /He partook of ordinary country fare as he traveled./ 2. To have the same qualities as; show the characteristics of. * /Her way of cooking partook of both Italian and American habits./ [part and parcel] {n. phr.} A necessary or important part; something necessary to a larger thing. - Usually followed by "of". * /Freedom of speech is part and parcel of the liberty of a free man./ [part company] {v. phr.} 1. To part with someone; leave each other; separate. * /The boys parted company as they came from the park./ * /George parted company with the others at his front door./ 2. To be different from someone in opinion or action; follow your own way; disagree; differ. * /They parted company on where the new highway should be built./ * /The mayor parted company with the newspapers on raising taxes./ [partial to] {v. phr.} Having a weakness for; favorable toward. * /He seems to be partial to blondes while his brother is partial to redheads./ [particular] See: IN PARTICULAR. [parting of the ways] {n. phr.} 1. The point where a road or path divides; a fork. * /They stood undecided at a parting of the ways, where a forest path forked./ 2. A time or place where a choice must be made; a deciding point. * /He had come to a parting of the ways: he had to choose the high school courses that would prepare him for college, or the courses that would prepare him for business./ [part of the furniture] {n. phr.} In a job or position for so long that one is taken entirely for granted, like a part of the physical surroundings. * /He has been working in the same office for so many years now that people consider him to be a part of the furniture./ [part with] {v.} 1. To separate from; leave. * /He parted with us at the end of the trip./ Compare: PART COMPANY. 2. To let go. * /They were sorry to part with the old house./ * /He had to part with his secretary when she got married./ Compare: GIVE UP. [party] See: HEN PARTY, LIFE OF THE PARTY, NECK-TIE PARTY, THROW A PARTY. [party line] {n. phr.} Ideas, policies, and goals set forth by the leadership of a group or organization. * /Dan seldom has an original idea but he keeps faithfully repeating his company's party line./ [party to] {adj. phr.} Concerned with; participating in. * /The prosecution has been trying to show that the defendant was party to a fraud./ [pass] See: BRING TO PASS, COME TO PASS, FORWARD PASS, JUMP PASS, SCREEN PASS. [pass around] {v. phr.} To circulate from one to another; distribute something among a group of people. * /Why doesn't he pass around the appetizers to the guests?/ [pass away] {v.} 1. To slip by; go by; pass. * /We had so much fun that the weekend passed away before we realized it./ * /Forty years had passed away since they had met./ 2. To cease to exist; end; disappear; vanish * /When automobiles became popular, the use of the horse and buggy passed away./ 3. To have your life stop; die. * /He passed away at eighty./ Syn.: PASS ON(3), PASS OUT(3). [pass by] See: PASS OVER. [pass by the board] See: GO BY THE BOARD. [passed ball] {n.} A pitched baseball missed by the catcher when he should have been able to catch it. * /The batter singled and went to second on a passed ball./ [pass for] {v. phr.} To be taken for; be considered as. * /Charles speaks Arabic so fluently that he could easily pass for an Arab./ [passing] See: IN PASSING. [pass muster] {v. phr.}, {informal} To pass a test or check-up; be good enough. * /After a practice period, Sam found that he was able to pass muster as a lathe operator./ * /His work was done carefully, so it always passed muster./ Compare: MEASURE UP. [pass off] {v.} 1. To sell or give (something) by false claims; offer (something fake) as genuine. * /The dishonest builder passed off a poorly built house by pretending it was well constructed./ Syn.: FOB OFF, PALM OFF(2). To claim to be someone you are not; pretend to be someone else. * /He passed himself off as a doctor until someone checked his record./ 3. To go away gradually; disappear. * /Mrs. White's morning headache had passed off by that night./ 4. To reach an end; run its course from beginning to end. * /The party passed off well./ Syn.: GO OFF. [pass on] {v.} 1. To give an opinion about; judge; settle. * /The college passed on his application and found him acceptable./ * /The committee recommended three people for the job and the president passed on them./ 2. To give away (something that has been outgrown.) * /As he grew up, he passed on his clothes to his younger brother./ Compare: HAND DOWN. 3. To die. * /Mary was very sorry to hear that her first grade teacher had passed on./ Syn.: PASS AWAY(3), PASS OUT(3). [pass out] {v.}, {informal} 1. To lose consciousness; faint. * /She went back to work while she was still sick, and finally she just passed out./ Compare: GIVE OUT(3). 2. or {slang} [pass out cold] To drop into a drunken stupor; become unconscious from drink. * /After three drinks, the man passed out./ 3. To die. * /Life came and went weakly in him for hours after surgery; then he passed out./ Syn.: PASS AWAY(3), PASS ON(3). [pass over] or [pass by] {v.} To give no attention to; not notice; ignore, * /I can pass over the disorderliness of the troops, but their disobedience is serious./ * /In choosing men to be given a salary raise, the foreman passed Mr. Hart by./ * /She was unattractive, the kind of a girl that everybody would pass by./ [pass the buck] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make another person decide something or accept a responsibility or give orders instead of doing it yourself; shift or escape responsibility or blame; put the duty or blame on someone else. * /Mrs. Brown complained to the man who sold her the bad meat, but he only passed the buck and told her to see the manager./ * /If you break a window, do not pass the buck; admit that you did it./ Compare: LET GEORGE DO IT. - [buck-passer] {n. phr.} A person who passes the buck. * /Mr. Jones was a buck-passer even at home, and tried to make his wife make all the decisions./ - [buck-passing] {n.} or {adj.} * /Buck-passing clerks in stores make customers angry./ [pass the hat] {v. phr.} To solicit money; take up collections for a cause. * /The businessmen's club frequently passes the hat for contributions toward scholarships./ [pass the time of day] {v. phr.} To exchange greetings; stop for a chat. * /They met at the corner and paused to pass the time of day./ [pass through one's mind] See: CROSS ONE'S MIND. [pass up] {v.} To let (something) go by; refuse. * /Mary passed up the dessert because she was on a diet./ * /John was offered a good job in California, but he passed it up because he didn't want to move./ Compare: TURN DOWN. [pass upon] {v. phr.} To express an opinion about; judge. * /George said he wanted his wife to pass up the new house before he decided to buy it./ [pass with flying colors] See: WITH FLYING COLORS. [past master] {n. phr.} An expert. * /Alan wins so often because he is a past master at chess./ [past one's peak] {adj. phr.} No longer as strong, efficient, or able as one once was, usually because of advanced age and decreased ability. * /He used to be a terrific athlete but we're afraid he is past his peak./ [pat] See: PIT-A-PAT, STAND PAT. [pat-a-cake] {n.} A clapping game that keeps time to a nursery rhyme. * /Mother played pat-a-cake with the baby./ [patch up] {v.} 1. To mend a hole or break; repair; fix. * /He patched up a couple of old tires./ * /The lovers patched up their quarrel./ 2. To put together in a hurried or shaky way. * /They patched up a hasty peace./ [pat on the back(1)] {v. phr.} 1. To clap lightly on the back in support, encouragement, or praise. * /The coach patted the player on the back and said a few encouraging words./ 2. To make your support or encouragement for (someone) felt; praise. * /After he won the game, everyone patted him on the back for days./ [pat on the back(2)] {n. phr.} 1. An encouraging tap of the hand on someone's back; a show of sympathy or support. * /I gave her a pat on the back and told her she had done fine work./ 2. A word or gesture of praise or other encouragement; applause. * /Pats on the back weren't enough; he wanted hard cash./ [patrol] See: SHORE PATROL. [Paul] See: ROB PETER TO PAY PAUL. [pause] See: GIVE PAUSE. [pavement] See: POUND THE PAVEMENT. [pave the way] {v. phr.} To make preparation; make easy. * /Aviation paved the way for space travel./ * /A good education paves the way to success./ [pay] See: DEVIL TO PAY. [pay a call] {v. phr.} To visit someone. * /"Come and pay us a call some time, when you're in town," Sue said to Henry./ [pay as one goes] {v. phr.} To pay cash; to pay at once; to avoid charging anything bought; to avoid debt entirely by paying cash. - Usually used with "you". * /It is best to pay as you go; then you will not have to worry about paying debts later./ [pay attention] {v. phr.} To listen to someone; hear and understand someone alertly. * /"Pay attention, children!" the teacher cried, "Here is your homework for next week!"/ [pay court to] {v. phr.} To woo; to shower with attention. * /He had been paying court to her for three long years before he worked up the courage to ask her to marry him./ [pay dirt] {n.}, {slang} 1. The dirt in which much gold is found. * /The man searched for gold many years before he found pay dirt./ 2. {informal} A valuable discovery. - Often used in the phrase "strike pay dirt". * /When Bill joined the team, the coach struck pay dirt./ * /Jean looked in many books for facts about her hometown, and finally she struck pay dirt./ Compare: STRIKE IT RICH. [pay down] {v. phr.} 1. To give as a deposit on some purchase, the rest of which is to be paid in periodic installments. * /"How much can you pay down on the house, sir?" the realtor asked./ 2. To decrease a debt with periodical payments. * /I'd like to pay down the charges on my credit cards./ Compare: DOWN PAYMENT. [pay for] {v.} To have trouble because of (something you did wrong or did not do); be punished or suffer because of. * /When Bob could not get a good job, he realized he had to pay for all the years of fooling around instead of working in school./ * /Mary was very mean to John because she wanted to make him pay for all the years in which he had ignored her./ Compare: MAKE UP(3b), PAY OFF. [pay in advance] See: IN ADVANCE. [pay lip service to] See: LIP SERVICE. [payoff] {n.} Culmination point; climax. * /After many months of patient labor on your book, the payoff comes when you see the first printed copy./ [pay off] {v. phr.} 1. To pay the wages of. * /The men were paid off just before quitting time, the last day before the holiday./ 2. To pay and discharge from a job. * /When the building was completed he paid off the laborers./ 3. To hurt (someone) who has done wrong to you; get revenge on. * /When Bob tripped Dick, Dick paid Bob off by punching him in the nose./ Syn.: PAY BACK. 4. {informal} To bring a return; make profit. * /At first Mr. Harrison lost money on his investments, but finally one paid off./ 5. {informal} To prove successful, rewarding, or worthwhile. * /Ben's friendship with the old man who lived beside him paid off in pleasant hours and broadened interests./ * /John studied hard before the examination, and it paid off. He made an A./ [pay one a left-handed compliment] See: LEFT-HANDED COMPLIMENT. [pay one back in his own coin] {v. phr.} To retaliate. * /Jim refused to help Bob when he needed it most, so Bob decided to pay him back in his own coin and told him to go and look for help elsewhere./ [pay one's respect to] {v. phr.} To discharge one's social obligations by visiting someone or by calling them on the phone. * /The newly arrived people paid their respects to their various neighbors during their first couple of weeks in town./ [pay one's way] {v. phr.} 1. To pay in cash or labor for your expenses. * /He paid his way by acting as a guide./ 2. To be profitable; earn as much as you cost someone; be valuable to an employer; to yield a return above expenses. * /The bigger truck paid its way from the start./ * /We had to offer our new manager a large salary, but he was a capable man, and paid his way./ Compare: WORTH ONE'S SALT. [pay out] See: PAY OFF. [pay the piper] or [pay the fiddler] {v. phr.} To suffer the results of being foolish; pay or suffer because of your foolish acts or wasting money. * /Bob had spent all his money and got into debt, so now he must pay the piper./ * /Fred had a fight, broke a window, and quarreled with his counselor so now he must pay the fiddler./ Compare: PACE THE MUSIC(2). (From the proverb "He who dances must pay the piper (or the fiddler).") [pay through the nose] {v. phr.}, {informal} To pay at a very high rate; pay too much. * /He had wanted experience, but this job seemed like paying through the nose for it./ * /There was a shortage of cars; if you found one for sale, you had to pay through the nose./ [pay up] {v.} To pay in full; pay the amount of; pay what is owed. * /The monthly installments on the car were paid up./ * /He pays his dues up promptly./ * /He gets behind when he is out of work but always pays up when he is working again./ [peace] See: HOLD ONE'S PEACE. [pearl] See: CAST PEARLS BEFORE SWINE or CAST ONE'S PEARLS BEFORE SWINE. [pebble] See: NOT THE ONLY PEBBLE ON THE BEACH. [peck] See: HUNT AND PECK. [pecking order] {n.} The way people are ranked in relation to each other (for honor, privilege, or power); status classification; hierarchy. * /After the president was in office several months, his staff developed a pecking order./ [pedestal] See: ON A PEDESTAL. [peel] See: KEEP ONE'S EYES PEELED. [peel off] {v.} To dive away from a group of airplanes in a flight formation; bring one plane down from a group. * /As the group neared the home base, pilot after pilot peeled off for a landing./ [peeping Tom] {n.} A man or boy who likes sly peeping. * /He was picked up by the police as a peeping Tom./ [peg] See: SQUARE PEG IN A ROUND HOLE, TAKE DOWN A PEG. [peg away] {v.} To work methodically, industriously, or steadily * /Thomson pegged away for years at a shoe repair business./ * /Jones kept pegging away, and finally recognition came./ [pen] See: POISON-PEN, SLIP OF THE PEN. [penalty box] {n.} A place where penalized hockey players are required to go to wait until the penalty is over. * /Two players got into a fight and were sent to the penalty box for two minutes./ [penny for one's thoughts] Please tell me what you are thinking about; what's your daydream. * /"A penny for your thoughts!" he exclaimed./ [penny pincher], [penny pinching] See: PINCH PENNIES. [penny wise and pound foolish] Wise or careful in small things but not careful enough in important things. - A proverb. * /Mr. Smith's fence is rotting and falling down because he wouldn't spend money to paint it. He is penny wise and pound foolish./ [pen pal] {n.} A friend who is known to someone through an exchange of letters. * /John's pen pal writes him letters about school in Alaska./ [people who live in glass houses should not throw stones] Do not complain about other people if you are as bad as they are. - A proverb. * /Mary says that Betty is jealous, but Mary is more jealous herself. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones./ [pep talk] {n.}, {informal} A speech that makes people feel good so they will try harder and not give up. * /The football coach gave the team a pep talk./ * /Mary was worried about her exams, but felt better after the teacher's pep talk./ [period of grace] See: GRACE PERIOD. [perish the thought] {v. phr.} Let us not even think of it; may it never come true. - Used as an exclamation. * /If John fails the college entrance exam - perish the thought - he will go back to high school for one more year./ * /Perish the thought that Mary should have cancer./ Compare: GOD FORBID. [perk up] {v.} To get or give back pep, vigor, health, or spirit; become or make more lively; liven up. * /He perked up quickly after his illness./ * /The rain perked up the flowers wonderfully./ [person] See: IN PERSON. [pet name] {n. phr.} A special or abbreviated name indicating affection. * /He never calls his wife her real name, "Elizabeth," but only such pet names as "honey," "honey bunch," "sweetheart," and "sugar."/ [petard] See: HOIST WITH ONE'S OWN PETARD. [Peter] See: ROB PETER TO PAY PAUL. [peter out] {v.}, {informal} To fail or die down gradually; grow less; become exhausted. * /After the factory closed, the town pretty well petered out./ * /The mine once had a rich vein of silver, but it petered out./ * /But as he thought of her, his anger slowly petered out./ Compare: GIVE OUT. [photo finish] {n. phr.} A close finish in a race of people or animals, where the camera must decide the actual result, sometimes by millimeters. * /The black horse was declared the winner in a photo finish./ [pick] See: BONE TO PICK or CROW TO PICK. [pick a bone] See: BONE TO PICK. [pick a fight] See: PICK A QUARREL. [pick a hole in] or [pick holes in] {v. phr.}, {informal} To find a mistake in or things wrong with; criticize; blame. * /The witness said he had been walking in the moonlight last Sunday, but the lawyer picked a hole in what he said by proving that there was no moon and that it rained Sunday night./ * /Mary is always picking holes in what the other girls do./ Compare: FIND FAULT. [pick and choose] {v.} To select with much care; choose in a fussy way; take a long time before choosing. * /He was never one to pick and choose./ * /Some people pick and choose to get something perfect, and some just because they can't make up their minds./ [pick apart] or [pick to pieces] {v. phr.} To criticize harshly; find things wrong with; find fault with. * /After the dance, the girls picked Susan apart./ * /They picked the play to pieces./ [pick a pocket] {v. phr.} To steal by removing from the pocket of another. * /While in the train, somebody picked his pocket and took the last dollar he had./ [pick a/the lock] {v. phr.} To burglarize; open illegally; open a lock without the regular key. * /The robber got into the house by picking the lock./ [pick a quarrel] {v. phr.} To seek the opportunity for a fight or a quarrel. * /When Charlie has too much to drink, he has a tendency to pick a quarrel with whomever happens to be around./ See: PICK A FIGHT. [pick at] {v.} 1. To reach or grasp for repeatedly. * /The baby kept picking at the coverlet./ 2. To eat without appetite; choose a small piece every little while to eat. * /He picked at his food./ 3. To annoy or bother continually; find fault with. * /They showed their displeasure by continually picking at her./ Syn.: PICK ON. [pick holes in] {v. phr.} To criticize or find fault with something, such as a speech, a statement, a theory, etc. * /It is easier to pick holes in someone else's argument than to make a good one yourself./ [pick-me-up] {n. phr.} Something you take when you feel tired or weak. * /John stopped at a drugstore for a pick-me-up after working three hours overtime./ * /Mary always carried a bar of chocolate in her pocketbook for a pick-me-up./ [pickpocket] {n.} A thief; a petty criminal who steals things and money out of people's pockets on a bus, train, etc. * /In some big cities many poor children become pickpockets out of poverty./ [pick off] {v.} 1. To pull off; remove with the fingers. * /He picked off the burs that had stuck to his overcoat./ 2. To shoot, one at a time; knock down one by one. * /The sniper picked off the slower soldiers as they came out into the road./ 3. To catch a base runner off base by throwing the ball quickly to a fielder who tags him out. * /The pitcher turned around suddenly and threw to the second baseman to pick the runner off second base./ Compare: OFF BASE. 4. To catch and, especially in football, to intercept. * /Alert defenders picked off three of Jack's passes./ [pick on] {v.} 1. {informal} To make a habit of annoying or bothering (someone); do or say bad things to (someone). * /Other boys picked on him until he decided to fight them./ Syn.: PICK AT(3). 2. To single out; choose; select. * /He visited a lot of colleges, and finally picked on Stanford./ [pick one's teeth] {v. phr.} To clean one's teeth with a toothpick. * /It is considered poor manners to pick one's teeth in public./ [pick one's way] {v. phr.} To go ahead carefully in difficult or unfamiliar places; advance with care. * /After nightfall we drove slowly along, picking our way until we found the right turn./ * /He picked his way across the rough and rocky hillside./ [pick out] {v.} 1. To choose. * /It took Mary a long time to pick out a dress at the store./ 2. To see among others; recognize; tell from others. * /We could pick out different places in the city from the airplane./ * /We could not pick Bob out in the big crowd./ Syn.: MAKE OUT(2). 3. To find by examining or trying; tell the meaning. * /The box was so dirty we couldn't pick out the directions on the label./ Compare: FIND OUT. [pick over] {v.} To select the best of; look at and take what is good from; choose from. * /She picked the apples over and threw out the bad ones./ * /We hurried to the big sale, but we were late and everything had already been picked over./ [pick the brains of] {v. phr.} To get ideas or information about a particular subject by asking an expert. * /If you have time, I'd like to pick your brains about home computers./ [pick to pieces] See: PICK APART, PICK HOLES IN. [pickup] {n.}, (stress on "pick") 1. A rugged, small truck. * /When he got into the lumber business, Max traded in his comfortable two-door sedan for a pickup./ 2. Scheduled meeting in order to transfer merchandise or stolen goods. * /The pickup goes down at 7 A.M. every day by the loading dock./ * /The dope pushers usually make their pickup on Rush Street./ 3. A person who is easy to persuade to go home with the suitor. * /Sue is said to be an easy pickup./ [pick up] {v.} 1. To take up; lift. * /During the morning Mrs. Carter picked up sticks in the yard./ 2. {informal} To pay for someone else. * /After lunch, in the restaurant, Uncle Bob picked up the check./ 3. To take on or away; receive; get. * /At the next corner the bus stopped and picked up three people./ 4. To get from different places at different times; a little at a time; collect. * /He had picked up rare coins in seaports all over the world./ 5. To get without trying; get accidentally. * /He picked up knowledge of radio just by staying around the radio station./ * /Billy picked up a cold at school./ 6a. To gather together; collect. * /When the carpenter finished making the cabinet, he began picking up his tools./ 6b. To make neat and tidy; tidy up; put in order. * /Pick up your room before Mother sees it./ 6c. To gather things together; tidy a place up. * /It's almost dinner time, children. Time to pick up and get ready./ 7. To catch the sound of. * /He picked up Chicago on the radio./ 8. To get acquainted with (someone) without an introduction; make friends with (a person of the other sex). * /Mother told Mary not to walk home by herself from the party because some stranger might try to pick her up./ 9. {informal} To take to the police station or jail; arrest. * /Police picked the man up for burglary./ 10. To recognize the trail of a hunted person or animal; find. * /State police picked up the bandit's trail./ * /The dogs picked up the fox's smell./ 11. To make (someone) feel better; refresh. * /A little food will pick you up./ 12a. To increase (the speed); make (the speed) faster. * /The teacher told her singing class to pick up the tempo./ * /The car picked up speed./ 12b. To become faster; become livelier. * /The speed of the train began to pick up./ * /After the band practiced for a while, the music began to pick up./ 13. To start again after interruption; go on with. * /The class picked up the story where they had left it before the holiday./ * /They met after five years, and picked up their friendship as if there had been no interruption./ 14. {informal} To become better; recover; gain. * /She picked up in her schoolwork./ * /He picked up gradually after a long illness./ * /His spirits picked up as he came near home./ [pick up the tab] {v. phr.} To pay the bill in a restaurant; be the one who underwrites financially what others are doing. * /"I am always the one who picks up the tab," Charlie complained bitterly. "Others get away with being freeloaders."/ Compare: FOOT THE BILL. [Pidgin English] {n. phr.} A jargon that consists of some mispronounced English words and some foreign words used by Orientals in talking with Westerners. * /You can conduct a lot of business in Pidgin English in the Far East./ [pie] See: EAT HUMBLE PIE, FINGER IN THE PIE, PIE IN THE SKY, SWEETIE PIE. [piece] See: BY THE PIECE, CONVERSATION PIECE, GIVE A PIECE OF ONE'S MIND, GO TO PIECES, OF A PIECE, PIECE OF CAKE, SAY ONE'S PIECE or SPEAK ONE'S PIECE, TO PIECES. [piece of cake] {adj.}, {slang} Easy. * /The final exam was a piece of cake./ [piece out] {v.} 1. To put together from many different pieces; put together from odd parts; patch. * /They pieced out a meal from leftovers./ * /He pieced out the machine with scrap parts./ * /The detective pieced out the story from a stray fact here, a clue there, and a hint somewhere else./ 2. To make larger or longer by adding one or more pieces. * /The girl grew so fast that her mother had to piece out her dresses./ [piecework] {n.} Work paid for in accordance with the quantity produced. * /Al prefers working on a piecework basis to being on a regular salary because he feels he makes more that way./ [pie in the sky] {n. phr.}, {informal} An unrealistic wish or hope. * /Our trip to Hawaii is still only a pie in the sky./ Compare: PIPE DREAM. [pigeonhole] {v.} 1. To set aside; defer consideration of. * /The plan was pigeonholed until the next committee meeting./ 2. To typecast; give a stereotypical characterization to someone. * /It was unfair of the committee to pigeonhole him as a left-wing troublemaker./ [pigeonhole] {n.} 1. Small compartment for internal mail in an office or a department. * /"You can just put your late exam into my pigeonhole," said Professor Brown to the concerned student./ 2. One of the small compartments in a desk or cabinet. * /He keeps his cufflinks in a pigeonhole in his desk./ [piggy-back] {adj.} or {adv.} Sitting or being carried on the shoulders. * /Little John loved to go for a piggy-back ride on his father's shoulders./ * /When Mary sprained her ankle, John carried her piggy-back to the doctor./ [piggy bank] {n.} A small bank, sometimes in the shape of a pig, for saving coins. * /John's father gave him a piggy bank./ [pigheaded] {adj.} Stubborn; unwilling to compromise. * /"Stop being so pigheaded!" she cried. "I, too, can be right sometimes!"/ [pig in a poke] {n. phr.} An unseen bargain; something accepted or bought without looking at it carefully. * /Buying land by mail is buying a pig in a poke: sometimes the land turns out to be under water./ [pig out] {v. phr.} 1. To eat a tremendous amount of food. * /"I always pig out on my birthday," she confessed./ 2. To peruse; have great fun with; indulge in for a longer period of time. * /"Go to bed and pig out on a good mystery story," the doctor recommended./ [pile up] {v. phr.} 1. To grow into a big heap. * /He didn't go into his office for three days and his work kept piling up./ 2. To run aground. * /Boats often pile up on the rocks in the shallow water./ 3. To crash. * /One car made a sudden stop and the two cars behind it piled up./ [pile-up] {n.} 1. A heap; a deposit of one object on top of another. * /There is a huge pile-up of junked cars in this vacant lot./ 2. A large number of objects in the same place, said of traffic. * /I was late because of the traffic pile-up on the highway./ [pill] See: BITTER PILL. [pillar of society] {n. phr.} A leading figure who contributes to the support and the well-being of his/her society; a person of irreproachable character. * /Mrs. Brown, the director of our classical symphony fund, is a true pillar of society./ [pillar to post] See: FROM PILLAR TO POST. [pimple] See: GOOSE BUMPS or GOOSE PIMPLES. [pin] See: ON PINS AND NEEDLES. [pinch] See: TAKE WITH A GRAIN OF SALT also TAKE WITH A PINCH OF SALT, WHERE THE SHOE PINCHES. [pinch and scrape] {v. phr.} To save as much money as possible by spending as little as possible. * /They are trying to buy their first house so they are pinching and scraping every penny they can./ [pinch-hit] {v.} 1. To substitute for another player at bat in a baseball game. * /Smith was sent in to pinch-hit for Jones./ 2. {informal} To act for a while, or in an emergency, for another person; take someone's place for a while. * /I asked him to pinch-hit for me while I was away./ * /The president of the City Council pinch-hits for the mayor when the mayor is out of town./ - [pinch-hitter] {n.} * /Jones was hit by a pitched ball and Smith came in as a pinch-hitter./ * /When our teacher was sick, Mrs. Harris was called as a pinch-hitter./ - [pinch-hitting] {adj.} or {n.} * /Pinch-hitting for another teacher is a hard job./ [pinch pennies] {v. phr.}, {informal} Not spend a penny more than necessary; be very saving or thrifty. * /When Tom and Mary were saving money to buy a house, they had to pinch pennies./ - [penny-pincher] {n.}, {informal} A stingy or selfish person; miser. * /He spent so little money that he began to get the name of a penny-pincher./ - [penny-pinching] {adj.} or {n.}, {informal} * /Bob saved enough money by penny-pinching to buy a bicycle./ [pin curl] {n.} A curl made with a hair clip or bobby pin. * /Mary washed her hair and put it up in pin curls./ * /All the girls had their hair in pin curls to get ready for the party./ [pin down] {v.} 1a. To keep (someone) from moving; make stay in a place or position; trap. * /Mr. Jones' leg was pinned down under the car after the accident./ * /The soldier was pinned down in the hole because rifle bullets were flying over his head./ 1b. To keep (someone) from changing what (he) says or means; make (someone) admit the truth; make (someone) agree to something. * /Mary didn't like the book but I couldn't pin her down to say what she didn't like about it./ * /I tried to pin Bob down to fix my bicycle tomorrow, but he wouldn't say that he could./ 2. To tell clearly and exactly; explain so that there is no doubt. * /The police tried to pin down the blame for the fire in the school./ [pine away] {v. phr.} To waste away with grief. * /After George was sent abroad, his wife pined away for him so much that she became ill./ [pink] See: IN THE PINK, TICKLE PINK. [pink around the gills] See: GREEN AROUND THE GILLS. [pin money] {n. phr.} Extra money used for incidentals. * /She has a regular full-time job but she earns extra pin money by doing a lot of baby-sitting./ [pin one's ears back] {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To beat; defeat. * /After winning three games in a row, the Reds had their ears pinned back by the Blues./ 2. To scold. * /Mrs. Smith pinned Mary's ears back for not doing her homework./ [pin one's faith on] {v. phr.} To depend upon; trust. * /We pinned our faith on our home basketball team to win the state finals, and they did!/ [pin one's heart on one's sleeve] See: WEAR ONE'S HEART ON ONE'S SLEEVE. [pint-size] {adj.}, {informal} Very small. * /The new pint-size, portable TV sets have a very clear picture./ * /It was funny to hear a pint-size voice coming out of a great big man./ [pinup girl] {v. phr.} An attractive girl whose picture is pinned or tacked to the wall by an admirer. * /Some Hollywood actresses are understandably very popular pinup girls among male soldiers./ [pipe] See: PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT. [pipe down] {v.} 1. To call (sailors) away from work with a whistle. * /He piped the men down after boat drill./ 2. {slang} To stop talking; shut up; be quiet. * /"Oh, pipe down," he called./ - Often considered rude. [pipe dream] {n.}, {informal} An unrealizable, financially unsound, wishful way of thinking; an unrealistic plan. * /Joe went through the motions of pretending that he wanted to buy that $250,000 house, but his wife candidly told the real estate lady that it was just a pipe dream./ Compare: PIE IN THE SKY. [piper] See: PAY THE PIPER. [pipe up] {v.}, {informal} To speak up; to be heard. * /Mary is so shy, everyone was surprised when she piped up with a complaint at the club meeting./ * /Everyone was afraid to talk to the police, but a small child piped up./ [pip-squeak] {n.}, {informal} A small, unimportant person. * /If the club is really democratic, then every little pip-squeak has the right to say what he thinks./ * /When the smallest boy was chosen to be the monitor, the class bully said he would not obey a little pip-squeak./ [piss off] {v.}, {slang}, {vulgar}, {avoidable} To bother; annoy; irritate. * /You really piss me off when you talk like that./ - [pissed off] {adj.} * /Why act so pissed off just because I made a pass at you?/ [pit against] {v.} To match against; oppose to; put in opposition to; place in competition or rivalry with. * /The game pits two of the best pro football teams in the East against each other./ * /He pitted his endurance against the other man's speed./ * /He was pitted against an opponent just as smart as he was./ [pit-a-pat] {adv.} With a series of quick pats. * /When John asked Mary to marry him, her heart went pit-a-pat./ * /The little boy ran pit-a-pat down the hall./ [pitch] See: WILD PITCH. [pitch a curve] or [a curve ball] {v. phr.} To catch someone unawares; confront someone with an unexpected event or act. * /My professor pitched me a curve ball when he unexpectedly confronted me with a complicated mathematical equation that was way over my head./ [pitch dark] {adj.} Totally, completely dark. * /A starless and moonless night in the country can be pitch dark./ [pitcher] See: LITTLE PITCHERS HAVE BIG EARS, RELIEF PITCHER, STARTING PITCHER. [pitchfork] See: RAIN CATS AND DOGS or RAIN PITCHFORKS. [pitch in] {v.}, {informal} 1. To begin something with much energy; start work eagerly. * /Pitch in and we will finish the job as soon as possible./ 2. To give help or money for something; contribute. * /Everyone must pitch in and work together./ * /We all pitched in a quarter to buy Nancy a present./ Syn.: CHIP IN. Compare: FALL TO. [pitch into] {v.}, {informal} 1. To attack with blows or words. * /He pitched into me with his fists./ * /He pitched into the idea of raising taxes./ Syn.: LAY INTO(1),(2), RIP INTO. 2. To get to work at; work hard at. * /She pitched into the work and had the house cleaned up by noon./ * /He pitched into his homework right after dinner./ Compare: LAY INTO, SAIL INTO. [pitch out] {v.} 1. To deliberately throw a pitch outside of the home plate in baseball so that the batter cannot hit the ball and the catcher can make a quick throw. * /The catcher wanted the pitcher to pitch out and see if they could catch the runner stealing./ 2. To toss the ball easily to a football back. * /The quarterback faked to the fullback and pitched out to the halfback going wide./ [pitch woo] {v. phr.}, {slang} To kiss and hug; make love. * /Mary and John pitched woo in the movies./ * /While Bob drove, Betty and Jim sat in the back pitching woo./ [pity] See: TAKE PITY ON or TAKE PITY UPON. [place] See: HEART IN THE RIGHT PLACE, HIGH PLACE, IN PLACE, INSTEAD OF or IN PLACE OF, IN THE FIRST PLACE, JU