tender that it melted in your mouth./ 2. To taste very good; be delicious. * /Mother's apple pie really melts in your mouth./ [memory] See: IN MEMORY OF. [mend] See: ON THE MEND. [mend one's fences] {v. phr.}, {informal} To do something to make people like or follow you again; strengthen your friendships or influence. * /The senator went home from Washington to mend his fences./ * /John saw that his friends did not like him, so he decided to mend his fences./ [mend one's ways] {v. phr.} To reform; change one's behavior from negative to positive. * /He had better mend his ways or he'll wind up in jail./ [mental telepathy] {n. phr.} The passing of one person's thoughts to another without any discoverable talking or carrying of signals between them. * /Mrs. Smith knew the moment her husband's ship sank on the other side of the world. It seems like a case of mental telepathy./ * /Most or all men who practice mental telepathy on stage have really trained themselves to detect tiny clues from the audience./ [mention] See: NOT TO MENTION. [meow] See: CAT'S MEOW. [mercy] See: AT THE MERCY OF. [mercy killing] {n. phr.} The act of killing a terminally ill patient or animal in order to avoid further suffering. * /Mercy killing of humans is illegal in most countries, yet many doctors practice it secretly./ [merrier] See: MORE THE MERRIER. [merry] See: LEAD A MERRY CHASE, MAKE MERRY. [message] See: GET THE MESSAGE. [mess around] {v. phr.} 1. To engage in idle or purposeless activity. * /Come on, you guys, - start doing some work, don't just mess around all day!/ 2. {vulgar} To be promiscuous; to indulge in sex with little discrimination as to who the partner is. * /Allen needs straightening out; he's been messing around with the whole female population of his class./ Compare: FOOL AROUND. [mess up] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. To cause trouble; to spoil something. * /What did you have to mess up my accounts for?/ 2. To cause someone emotional trauma. * /Sue will never get married; she got messed up when she was a teenager./ 3. To beat up someone physically. * /When Joe came in after the fight with the boys, he was all messed up./ [method in (to) one's madness] {n. phr.} A plan or organization of ideas hard to perceive at first, but that becomes noticeable after longer and closer examination. * /We thought he was crazy to threaten to resign from the university but, when he was offered a tenured full professorship, we realized that there had been method in his madness./ [mickey mouse(1)] {adj.}, {slang} Inferior; second rate; chicken; easy; gimmicky. * /Watch out for Perkins; he's full of mickey mouse ideas./ [mickey mouse(2)] {n.} ({derogatory}) A stupid person; a policeman; a white man (as used by blacks). [midair] See: UP IN THE AIR(2) also IN MIDAIR. [middle] See: CHANGE HORSES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREAM, IN THE MIDDLE. [middle ground] {n.} A place halfway between the two sides of an argument; a compromise. * /John wanted to go running. Bill said it was too hot. Tom took the middle ground and suggested a hike./ * /The committee found a middle ground between the two proposals./ [middleman] {n.} A person or small business standing in an intermediary position between two parties. * /A retail merchant is the middleman between the factory and the consumer./ [middle of the road] {n. phr.} A way of thinking which does not favor one idea or thing too much; being halfway between two different ideas. * /The teacher did not support the boys or the girls in the debate, but stayed in the middle of the road./ [middle-of-the-road] {adj.} Favoring action halfway between two opposite movements or ideas; with ideas halfway between two opposite sides; seeing good on both sides. * /The men who wrote the Constitution followed a middle-of-the-road plan on whether greater power belonged to the United States government or to the separate states./ * /Senator Jones favors a middle-of-the-road policy in the labor-management dispute./ [midfield stripe] {n.} The line across the center of a football field; the 50-yard line. * /The visitors were able to cross the midfield stripe once during the whole game./ [midnight oil] See: BURN THE MIDNIGHT OIL. [midstream] See: CHANGE HORSES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREAM or CHANGE HORSES IN MIDSTREAM. [might] See: WITH MIGHT AND MAIN. [mighty] See: HIGH-AND-MIGHTY. [mile] See: GIVE ONE AN INCH AND HE WILL TAKE A MILE, JAW DROP or JAW DROP A MILE, MISS BY A MILE, MISS IS AS GOOD AS A MILE. [mile markers] {n.}, {slang}, {citizen's band radio jargon} Small signs along interstate highways usually bearing a number. * /The Smokey is located at 131 mile marker./ [miles away] {adj. phr.} Inattentive; not concentrating. * /When Betty said, "We have theater tickets for tonight," Ken didn't react as his mind was miles away./ [milk] See: CRY OVER SPILLED MILK. [mill] See: RUN-OF-THE-MILL, THROUGH THE MILL. [mill around] {v. phr.} To move impatiently in no particular direction. * /The crowd milled around, waiting for the arrival of the president./ [million] See: FEEL LIKE A MILLION, LOOK LIKE A MILLION DOLLARS. [millstone around one's neck] {n. phr.} An intolerable burden. * /Max said that his old car was a millstone around his neck./ Compare: MONKEY ON ONE'S BACK. [mince words] {v. phr.} To choose words carefully for the sake of politeness or deception. * /I like people who speak frankly and truthfully without mincing words./ [mind] See: CROSS ONE'S MIND or PASS THROUGH ONE'S MIND, GIVE A PIECE OF ONE'S MIND, HALF A MIND, IN MIND, IN ONE'S MIND'S EYE, MAKE UP ONE'S MIND, NEVER MIND, ON ONE'S MIND, OUT OF ONE'S HEAD or OUT OF ONE'S MIND, PUT IN MIND OF, READ ONE'S MIND. [mind like a steel trap] {n. phr.} A very quick and understanding mind, which is quick to catch an idea. * /Henry is not fond of sports, but he has a mind like a steel trap./ * /A successful lawyer must have a mind like a steel trap./ [mind one's own business] {v. phr.} To not interfere in the affairs of others. * /He finally got tired of her criticism and told her to mind her own business./ [mind one's p's and q's] {v. phr.} To be very careful what you do or say; not make mistakes. * /When the principal of the school visited the class the students all minded their p's and q's./ * /If you wish to succeed you must mind your p's and q's./ (From the old U.S. Navy when sailors marked on a board in the bar how many Pints and Quarts of liquor they had taken. It was bad manners to cheat.) Syn.: WATCH ONE'S STEP. [mind-reader] See: READ ONE'S MIND. [mind you] {v. phr.}, {informal} I want you to notice and understand. * /Mind you, I am not blaming him./ [mine] See: BACK TO THE SALT MINES, RUN OF THE MILL or RUN OF THE MINE. [mine of information] {n. phr.} A person, a book, etc., that is a valuable source of information. * /A dictionary can be a mine of information./ * /He is a mine of information on the stock market./ [minority leader] {n. phr.} The leader of the political party that has fewer votes in a legislative house. * /The minority leader of the Senate supported the bill./ * /The minority leader in the House of Representatives held a caucus./ Compare: MAJORITY LEADER. [mint money] See: COIN MONEY. [minutes of the meeting] {n. phr.} The notes taken by the recording secretary; of an official body or an association recording of what was said and transacted during the given session. * /"Shall we accept the minutes of our last meeting as read by the secretary?" the chairman asked./ [misfire] {v.} To fail to appeal; fall flat. * /The standup comic's jokes misfired with the audience./ Compare: GO OVER LIKE A LEAD BALLOON. [miss] See: HEART SKIP A BEAT or HEART MISS A BEAT. [miss a trick] {v. phr.} To fail to see, hear, or notice something of even the slightest importance. * /He never misses a trick when it comes to the stock market./ [miss by a mile] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To shoot at something and be far from hitting it; not hit near. * /Jack's first shot missed the target by a mile./ 2. To be very wrong; be far from right. * /Lee tried to guess on the examination, but his answers missed by a mile./ 3. To fail badly; not succeed at all. * /John Brown wanted to be governor but in the election he missed by a mile./ [missing link] n. 1. Something needed to complete a group; a missing part of a chain of things. * /A 1936 penny was the missing link in John's collection of pennies./ * /The detective hunted for the fact that was the missing link in the case./ 2. An unknown extinct animal that was supposed to be a connection between man and lower animals. * /The missing link would be half man and half ape./ [miss is as good as a mile] It is the same if one fails or misses something by much or by little. - A proverb. * /We thought Tom had a home run but the ball went foul by inches. A miss is as good as a mile./ [Missouri] See: FROM MISSOURI. [miss out] {v.}, {informal} To fail; lose or not take a good chance; miss something good. * /Jim's mother told him he missed out on a chance to go fishing with his father because he came home late./ * /You missed out by not coming with us; we had a great time./ Compare: LOSE OUT. [miss the boat] also [miss the bus] {v. phr.}, {informal} To fail through slowness; to put something off until too late; do the wrong thing and lose the chance. * /Mr. Brown missed the boat when he decided not to buy the house./ * /In college he didn't study enough so he missed the boat and failed to pass./ * /Ted could have married Lena but he put off asking her and missed the boat./ [miss the point] {v. phr.} To be unable to comprehend the essence of what was meant. * /The student didn't get a passing grade on the exam because, although he wrote three pages, he actually missed the point./ [mistake] See: BY MISTAKE. [misty-eyed] or [dewey-eyed] {adj. phr.} 1. Having eyes damp with tears; emotional. * /The teacher was misty-eyed when the school gave her a retirement gift./ 2. Of the kind who cries easily; sentimental. * /The movie appealed to dewey-eyed girls./ [mixed bag] {n. phr.} A varied set of people, ideas, objects, or circumstances, including both the good and the bad. * /This report is a mixed bag of opinions./ * /There was a mixed bag of people at the press conference./ [mixed blessing] {n.} Something good that has bad features. * /John's new bicycle was a mixed blessing. The other boys were always asking John to ride it./ [mixed up] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Confused in mind; puzzled. * /Bob was all mixed up after the accident./ Compare: BALL UP(1). 2. Disordered; disarranged; not neat. * /The papers on his desk were mixed up./ 3. {informal} Joined or connected (with someone or something bad). * /Harry was mixed up in a fight after the game./ * /Mary's father told her not to get mixed up with the students that always break school rules./ [mix up] {v.} To confuse; make a mistake about. * /Jimmy doesn't know colors yet; he mixes up purple with blue./ * /Even the twins' mother mixes them up./ Compare: MIXED UP. [molehill] See: MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILL. [moment] See: ON THE SPUR OF THE MOMENT. [Monday] See: BLUE MONDAY. [money] See: COIN MONEY or MINT MONEY, EASY MONEY, FOOL AND HIS MONEY ARE SOON PARTED, FOR LOVE OR MONEY, IN THE CHIPS or IN THE MONEY, MADE OF MONEY, MARRY MONEY, PUT ONE'S MONEY ON A SCRATCHED HORSE, RUN FOR ONE'S MONEY, SEE THE COLOR OF ONE'S MONEY, SPENDING MONEY or POCKET MONEY. [money burns a hole in one's pocket] See: BURN A HOLE IN ONE'S POCKET. [money is no object] {informal sentence} The price of something is irrelevant. * /Please show me your most beautiful mink coat; money is no object./ [money to burn] {n. phr.}, {informal} Very much money, more than is needed. * /Dick's uncle died and left him money to burn./ * /When Joe is twenty-one he will have money to burn./ * /Jean is looking for a husband with money to burn./ Compare: MADE OF MONEY. [monkey] See: GREASE MONKEY, MAKE A FOOL OF or MAKE A MONKEY OF. [monkey around] See: FUCK AROUND, HORSE AROUND, MESS AROUND. [monkey business] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. Any unethical, illegitimate, or objectionable activity that is furtive or deceitful, e.g., undercover sexual advances, cheating, misuse of public funds, etc. * /There is a lot of monkey business going on in that firm; you'd better watch out who you deal with!/ 2. Comical or silly actions; goofing off. * /Come on boys, let's cut out the monkey business and get down to work!/ [monkey on one's back] {n. phr.}, {informal} An unsolved or nagging problem. * /"My math course is a real monkey on my back," Jack complained./ Compare: ALBATROSS AROUND ONE'S NECK, MILLSTONE AROUND ONE'S NECK. [monkey wrench] See: THROW A MONKEY WRENCH. [monster] See: GREEN-EYED MONSTER. [month in, month out] See: DAY IN AND DAY OUT. [month of Sundays] {n. phr.}, informal A very long time. - Used for emphasis after "for" or "in" and usually with a negative verb. * /I have not had devil's food cake in a month of Sundays./ * /When he got her first letter, he felt that he had not heard from her for a month of Sundays./ Syn.: DOG'S AGE. [moon] See: ASK FOR THE MOON or CRY FOR THE MOON, DARK OF THE MOON, FULL OF THE MOON, ONCE IN A BLUE MOON, PROMISE THE MOON. [moonshine] {n.} Illegally distilled alcoholic beverage made at home, mostly on a farm. * /Grandpa is at it again in the barn, making moonshine out of plums./ [mop the floor with] or [mop up the floor with] or [wipe the floor with] or [wipe up the floor with] {v. phr.}, {slang} To defeat very clearly or quickly; to beat badly. * /The bully threatened to mop up the floor with Billy./ * /Our team wiped the floor with the visiting team./ [mop up] {v. phr.} To disperse or liquidate isolated groups or detachments of opposing forces. * /Our forces won the basic battle but there still remain pockets of resistance they must mop up./ [mop up the floor with] See: MOP THE FLOOR WITH. [more] See: BITE OFF MORE THAN ONE CAN CHEW. [more often than not] {adv. phr.} More than half the time; fifty-one or more times out of a hundred; not quite usually, but fairly regularly. * /Nancy comes over on Saturday more often than not./ * /Ben is a fairly good runner. He wins more often than not./ [more or less] {adv. phr.} 1. Somewhat; rather; mostly; fairly. * /Earl made some mistakes on the test, but his answers were more or less right./ * /Ed is more or less intelligent./ * /Betty believes more or less in fairies./ Compare: IN A WAY. 2. About; nearly; not exactly, but almost. * /The new building cost more or less what the builder figured./ * /It is a mile, more or less, from his home to the school./ * /He has wanted to date her more or less since he first saw her./ Compare: OR SO. [more than] {adv.} Over what you might expect; very. * /They were more than glad to help./ * /He was more than upset by the accident./ Contrast: LESS THAN. [more than one can chew] See: BITE OFF MORE THAN ONE CAN CHEW. [more than one could shake a stick at] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Very many; a great many; more than you can count. * /There were more people at the game than you could shake a stick at./ * /I had more assignments for homework than I could shake a stick at./ [more the merrier] {n. phr.} The more people who join in the fun, the better it will be. - Used in welcoming more people to join others in some pleasant activity. * /Come with us on the boat ride; the more the merrier./ [morning after] {n.}, {slang} The effects of drinking liquor or staying up late as felt the next morning; a hangover. * /One of the troubles of drinking too much liquor is the morning after./ * /Mr. Smith woke up with a big headache and knew it was the morning after./ [Moses] See: HOLY CATS or HOLY MOSES. [moss] See: ROLLING STONE GATHERS NO MOSS. [most] See: AT MOST, MAKE THE MOST OF. [mother] See: TIED TO ONE'S MOTHER'S APRON STRINGS. [motion] See: GO THROUGH THE MOTIONS. [mountain] See: MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILL. [mouse] See: PLAY CAT AND MOUSE WITH. [mouth] See: BORN WITH A SILVER SPOON IN ONE'S MOUTH, BUTTER WOULDN'T MELT IN ONE'S MOUTH, BY WORD OF MOUTH, DOWN IN THE DUMPS or DOWN IN THE MOUTH, FOAM AT THE MOUTH, HEART IN ONE'S MOUTH, KEEP ONE'S MOUTH SHUT, LAUGH ON THE WRONG SIDE OF ONE'S MOUTH, LEAVE A BAD TASTE IN ONE'S MOUTH, LIVE FROM HAND TO MOUTH, LOOK A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH, MAKE ONE'S MOUTH WATER, MELT IN ONE'S MOUTH, PUT ONE'S FOOT IN IT or PUT ONE'S FOOT IN ONE'S MOUTH, PUT WORDS INTO ONE'S MOUTH, SHOOT OFF ONE'S MOUTH, STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH, TAKE THE BIT IN ONE'S MOUTH, TAKE THE BREAD OUT OF ONE'S MOUTH. [mouthful] See: SAY A MOUTHFUL. [mouth-watering] {adj.} Smelling or looking very good to eat. * /It was a mouth-watering meal./ [move] See: GET A MOVE ON, ON THE MOVE. [move a muscle] {v. phr.} To move even a very little. - Used in negative sentences and questions and with "if". * /The deer stood without moving a muscle until the hunter was gone./ * /The girls were so startled that they did not move a muscle./ * /You're sitting right where you were when I left! Have you moved a muscle?/ * /The robber said he would shoot the bank worker if he moved a muscle./ [move heaven and earth] {v. phr.} To try every way; do everything you can. * /Joe moved heaven and earth to be sent to Washington./ Compare: LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED. [move in on] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {colloquial} To take over something that belongs to another. * /He moved in on my girlfriend and now we're not talking to each other./ [movement] See: LABOR MOVEMENT. [moving spirit] {n. phr.} The main figure behind a business or an activity; the one who inspires the others. * /Mr. Smith is the moving spirit behind our expansion plans./ [much] See: AS MUCH AS, FOR AS MUCH AS, MAKE MUCH OF, SO MUCH, SO MUCH FOR, THINK A GREAT DEAL OF or THINK MUCH OF. [much as] See: AS MUCH AS(1). [much less] {conj.} And also not; and even less able or likely to. - Used after a negative clause. * /I never even spoke to the man, much less insulted him./ * /John couldn't even pick up the box, much less carry it upstairs./ * /George can hardly understand arithmetic, much less algebra./ Compare: LET ALONE, NOT TO MENTION. [mud] See: NAME IS MUD, STICK-IN-THE-MUD. [mud in your eye] {n. phr.}, {informal} A cheering exclamation when people drink, much like "cheers!" * /Each time John raised his glass he said, "Well, here's mud in your eye!"/ [mug shot] {n. phr.} A police photograph showing the arrested person's full face and profile. * /"Go over these mug shots," Sergeant O'Malley said, "and tell me if you find the person who held up the liquor store!"/ [Muhammad] See: IF THE HILL WON'T COME TO MUHAMMAD, THEN MUHAMMAD MUST COME TO THE HILL. [mull over] {v. phr.} To consider; think over. * /He mulled over the offer for some time, but finally rejected it./ [mum is the word] You must keep the secret; keep silent; don't tell anyone. - Often used as an interjection. * /We are planning a surprise party for John and mum is the word./ * /"Mum is the word!" the robber captain told his men./ [murder] See: SCREAM BLOODY MURDER. [muscle] See: MOVE A MUSCLE. [muscle-bound] {adj.} Having your muscles large, hard, and tight from too much exercising; having muscles so developed that you can hardly move. * /Bob was big and strong, but he was muscle-bound, and Bill could beat him./ * /An athlete must train properly so as not to become muscle-hound./ [muscle in on] {v. phr.} To intrude; penetrate; force oneself into another's business or territory. * /The eastern Mafia muscled in on the western Mafia's turf and a shooting war was started./ [music] See: FACE THE MUSIC. [musical chairs] {n. phr.} (Originally the name of a children's game.) The transfer of a number of officers in an organization into different jobs, especially each other's jobs. * /The boss regularly played musical chairs with department heads to keep them fresh on the job./ [music to one's ears] {n. phr.} Something one likes to hear. * /When the manager phoned to say I got the job, it was music to my ears./ [mustard] See: CUT THE MUSTARD. [muster] See: PASS MUSTER. [my God] or [my goodness] {interj.} Used to express surprise, shock, or dismay. * /My God! What happened to the car?/ [my lips are sealed] {informal sentence} A promise that one will not give away a secret. * /"You can tell me what happened, " Helen said. "My lips are sealed."/ N [nail] See: HARD AS NAILS, HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD, TOOTH AND NAIL. [nail down] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make certain; make sure; settle. * /Joe had a hard time selling his car, but he finally nailed the sale down when he got his friend Sam to give him $300./ * /The New York Yankees nailed down the American League Championship when they beat the Red Sox 3 to 0 on September 15./ [nail one's colors to the mast] {literary} To let everyone know what you think is right and refuse to change. * /During the election campaign the candidate nailed his colors to the mast on the question of civil rights./ [name] See: CALL NAMES, HANDLE TO ONE'S NAME, IN NAME, TAKE ONE'S NAME IN VAIN, TO ONE'S NAME. [name calling] See: CALL NAMES. [named after] {adj. phr.} Given the same name as someone. * /Archibald was named after his father./ [name day] {n.} The day of the saint for whom a person is named. * /Lawrence's name day is August 10, the feast of St. Lawrence./ [namedropper] {n. phr.} A person who is always mentioning well-known names. * /Since her move to Hollywood she has become a regular namedropper./ [name is mud] {informal} (You) are in trouble; a person is blamed or no longer liked. - Used in the possessive. * /If you tell your mother I spilled ink on her rug my name will be mud./ * /Your name will be mud if you tell the teacher about the bad thing we did./ Compare: IN THE DOG HOUSE. [name of the game] {n.}, {informal} The crux of the matter; that which actually occurs under the disguise of something else. * /Getting medium income families to support the rest of society - that's the name of the game!/ [narrow down] {v. phr.} To limit within very strict margins. * /Of the numerous applicants, the list has been narrowed down to just a few./ [narrow escape] {n. phr.} An escape by a very small margin; a near miss. * /If the truck that hit his car had been coming faster, it would have killed him; it was certainly a narrow escape that he only had a broken arm!/ [narrow-minded] {adj. phr.} Limited in outlook; resistant to new ideas; bigoted. * /He is generally very open about everything, but when it comes to politics, he is terribly narrow-minded./ [nary a] {informal} Not a single; not one; never a. * /One afternoon a large dark cloud came in the sky. John thought it would rain so he took his raincoat - but nary a drop fell./ * /John went fishing but he caught nary a one./ [nasty-nice] {adj.} Unkind in a polite way; disagreeable while pretending to be gracious. * /The bus driver has a nasty-nice way of showing his dislike./ [natural] See: BIG AS LIFE or BIG AS LIFE AND TWICE AS NATURAL. [natural-born] {adj.} 1. Being a (citizen) because you were born in the country. * /Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt came to the United States from Germany and are naturalized citizens but their children are natural-born citizens./ 2. Born with great ability to become (something); having great ability (as in a sport or art) almost from the start. * /Joe had never played baseball before trying out for the team but he showed that he was a natural-born pitcher and he became the best in the league./ * /Mozart was a natural-born musician. He could play the piano well when he was only six years old./ [nature] See: SECOND NATURE. [naught] See: GO FOR NOTHING also GO FOR NAUGHT. [near] See: FAR AND NEAR. [near at hand] See: AT HAND. [necessity] See: MAKE A VIRTUE OF NECESSITY, OF NECESSITY. [neck] See: BREATHE DOWN ONE'S NECK, BREAK ONE'S NECK, CATCH IT IN THE NECK or GET IT IN THE NECK, PAIN IN THE NECK, SAVE ONE'S NECK, STICK ONE'S NECK OUT. [neck and neck] {adj. or adv.}, {informal} Equal or nearly equal in a race or contest; abreast; tied. * /At the end of the race the two horses were neck and neck./ * /For months John and Harry seemed to be neck and neck in Alice's favor./ Compare: NIP AND TUCK. [neck of the woods] {n. phr.}, {informal} Part of the country; place; neighborhood; vicinity. * /We visited Illinois and Iowa last summer; in that neck of the woods the corn really grows tall./ * /We were down in your neck of the woods last week./ [necktie party] {n.}, {slang} A hanging by a mob; lynching. * /Cattle thieves were stealing the rancher's cattle, but the cowboys caught them and had a necktie party./ Compare: STRING UP. [ned] See: RAISE THE DEVIL. [needle] See: ON PINS AND NEEDLES. [needle in a haystack] {n. phr.}, {informal} Something that will be very hard to find. * /"I lost my class ring somewhere in the front yard," said June. Jim answered, "Too bad. That will be like finding a needle in a haystack."/ [neither fish nor fowl] also [neither fish, flesh, nor fowl] Something or someone that does not belong to a definite group or known class; a strange person or thing; someone or something odd or hard to understand. * /The man is neither fish nor fowl; he votes Democrat or Republican according to which will do him the most good./ * /Mrs. Harris bought a piece of furniture that was both a table and a chair. Mr. Harris said it was neither fish nor fowl./ * /The movie is neither fish nor fowl; it is a funny love story./ [neither here nor there] {adj. phr.} Not important to the thing being discussed; off the subject; not mattering. * /Perhaps you did stay up late finishing your homework. That's neither here nor there. You still must come to school on time./ * /The boys all like the coach but that's neither here nor there; the question is, "Does he know how to teach football?"/ Compare: BESIDE THE POINT. Contrast: HAVE TO DO WITH, COME TO THE POINT. [neither hide nor hair] See: HIDE OR HAIR. [neither rhyme nor reason] {n. phr.} No emotional or intellectual substance. * /As far as I am concerned, his proposal makes no sense; it has neither rhyme nor reason./ [Nellie] See: NICE NELLY or NICE NELLIE, NERVOUS NELLIE. [Nelly] See: NICE NELLY or NICE NELLIE, NERVOUS NELLIE. [nerve] See: GET ON ONE'S NERVES, GET UP THE NERVE. [nervous breakdown] {n.} A mild or severe attack of mental illness; a collapse of a person's ability to make decisions and solve problems because of overwork, great mental strain, or the like. * /When the mother saw her baby run over, she suffered a nervous breakdown./ [Nervous Nellie] {n.}, {informal} A timid person who lacks determination and courage. * /I say we will never win if we don't stop being Nervous Nellies!/ [nervous prostration] {n.} An illness of the mind that makes you feel very tired, worried, and bored, and that often causes headaches, upset stomach, and other sickness. * /Aunt Jane said that taking care of us children all day was enough to give any woman nervous prostration./ [nest] See: FEATHER ONE'S NEST, STIR UP A HORNET'S NEST. [nest egg] {n.} Savings set aside to be used in the future. * /Herb says he doesn't have to worry about his old age because he has a nest egg in the bank./ [never] See: BETTER LATE THAN NEVER, IT NEVER RAINS BUT IT POURS, LIGHTNING NEVER STRIKES TWICE IN THE SAME PLACE. [never mind] {v. phr.} Don't trouble about it; don't worry about it; forget it; skip it. - Usually used in speaking or when writing dialogue. * /Never mind preparing a picnic lunch; we'll find a lunchstand when we get to the beach./ * /"What did you say?" "Oh, never mind."/ * /"What about money?" "Never mind that. I'll take care of it."/ [never say die] {v. phr.} Don't quit; don't be discouraged. * /"Never say die!" John said, as he got on his feet and tried to ice skate again./ [new] See: TURN OVER A NEW LEAF. [new blood] {n.} Something or someone that gives new life or vigor, fresh energy or power. * /New blood was brought into the company through appointment of younger men to important positions./ [new broom sweeps clean] A new person makes many changes. - A proverb. * /The new superintendent has changed many of the school rules. A new broom sweeps clean./ [Newcastle] See: CARRY COALS TO NEWCASTLE. [new deal] {n.}, {informal} 1. A complete change; a fresh start. * /People had been on the job too long; a new deal was needed to get things out of the old bad habits./ 2. Another chance. * /The boy asked for a new deal after he had been punished for fighting in school./ [newfangled] {adj.} Newly invented or contrived; excessively complex. * /Dorothy felt that many newfangled gadgets in Kate's all-electric kitchen weren't really necessary./ [new leaf] See: TURN OVER A NEW LEAF. [new lease on life] {n. phr.} A new chance to live; an improved manner of living. * /After his illness and his retirement, living in Hawaii was a new lease on life./ [new man] {n.} A person who has become very much better. * /Diet and exercise made a new man of him./ [new money] {n. phr.} People who have become rich recently. * /Since Bobby's father invented a new computer component, Bobby and his family are new money./ Contrast: OLD MONEY. [newshawk] {n.} A newspaper reporter. * /There are always a lot of newshawks following the president./ [next door] {adv.} or {adj.} 1. In or to the next house or apartment. * /He lived next door to me./ * /She telephoned next door to ask about John./ * /The house next door caught fire./ 2. Very close. - Used with "to". * /The sick man was next door to death./ * /Printing secrets about our country's missiles is next door to treason./ [next to(1)] {adv.} Almost; nearly. * /It was next to impossible to believe that in a month the grass would be green and flowers would be blooming./ * /It was next to unthinkable that the boy would steal./ [next to(2)] {prep.} Just after; second to. * /Next to his family, baseball was his greatest love./ * /Next to pizza, Bob liked hamburger best./ [next to nothing] {n. phr.} Very little; almost nothing. * /They gave me next to nothing for my old car when I traded it in for a new one./ * /When he first started to work, Mr. Black earned next to nothing./ [nice Nelly(1)] or [nice Nellie] {n.}, {informal} Someone who acts too good to be true; a prude; a prig. * /We took him for a nice Nelly when he wouldn't fight./ [nice Nelly(2)] or [nice Nellie] {adj.}, {informal} Too careful not to say or do anything wrong or improper; too proper; prudish. * /Her nice Nelly behavior made her unpopular at school./ [Nick] See: FULL OF THE OLD NICK. [nick] See: IN THE NICK OF TIME. [nigger in the woodpile] {n. phr.}, {slang} Something unexpected that changes a situation; a hidden factor or trick. - Racist and offensive, but commonly used in the past. * /I knew there had to be a nigger in the woodpile, because the man was being much too generous./ * /When the salesman gave him an extra tire for his bike, the boy suspected a nigger in the woodpile./ [night] See: FLY-BY-NIGHT, MAKE A NIGHT OF IT. [night and day] See: DAY AND NIGHT. [nightcap] {n.} A good-night drink; a drink taken just before bedtime. * /Let's have a nightcap and then go to sleep./ * /Would you like to come up to my place for a nightcap?/ [night letter] {n.} A telegram sent at night at a cheaper rate and delivered in the morning. * /I waited until after six o'clock in the evening before sending the telegram home because I can say more for the same price in a night letter./ [night life] {n. phr.} Entertainment at night. * /People in the city are able to find more night life than those who live in the country./ [night owl] {n. phr.} One who sleeps during the day and stays up or works during the night. * /Tom hardly ever sleeps at night; he prefers to work by lamp light and has become a regular night owl./ Compare: GRAVEYARD SHIFT. [nine] See: CAT HAS NINE LIVES, ON CLOUD NINE. [nine-to-five job] {n. phr.} A typical office job that starts at 9 A.M. and ends at 5 P.M. with a one-hour lunch break at 12 noon or 1 P.M. * /We professors are not too well paid but I could never get used to a nine-to-five job./ [ninety] See: GAY NINETIES. [nip and tuck] {adj. or adv.}, {informal} Evenly matched; hard fought to the finish. * /The game was nip and tuck until the last minute./ * /A was a nip and tuck race right to the finish line./ * /The two salesmen fought nip and tuck for the contract all the way./ Compare: NECK AND NECK. [nip in the bud] {v. phr.} To check at the outset; prevent at the start; block or destroy in the beginning. * /The police nipped the plot in the bud./ * /The teacher nipped the disorder in the bud./ [no account(1)] {adj.} Of no importance. * /The lowly clerk's opinion is of no account in this matter./ [no account(2)] {n. phr.} A person of low social station. * /Fred was first considered a no account but he soon proved himself to be a person of great ability./ [nobody] See: IT'S AN ILL WIND THAT BLOWS NOBODY GOOD. [nobody home] {slang} 1. Your attention is somewhere else, not on what is being said or done here; you are absent-minded. * /The teacher asked him a question three times but he still looked out the window. She gave up, saying, "Nobody home."/ 2. You are feeble-minded or insane. * /He pointed to the woman, tapped his head, and said, "Nobody home."/ [nobody's fool] {n. phr.} A smart person; a person who knows what he is doing; a person who can take care of himself. * /In the classroom and on the football field, Henry was nobody's fool./ Contrast: BORN YESTERDAY. [nod] See: LAND OF NOD. [nodding acquaintance] {n.} Less than casual acquaintance. * /I have never spoken to the chancellor; we have only a nodding acquaintance./ [no deal] or [no dice] or [no go] or [no sale] or [no soap] {slang} Not agreed to; refused or useless; without success or result; no; certainly not. - Used in the predicate or to refuse something. * /Billy wanted to let Bob join the team, but I said that it was no deal because Bob was too young./ * /"Let me have a dollar." "No dice!" answered Joe./ * /I tried to get Mary on the telephone but it was no go./ * /"Let's go to the beach tomorrow." "No sale, I have my music lesson tomorrow."/ * /I asked Dad for a new bicycle but it was no soap./ Compare: NOTHING DOING, NO USE. [no doubt] {adv.} 1. Without doubt; doubtless; surely; certainly. * /No doubt Susan was the smartest girl in her class./ 2. Probably. * /John will no doubt telephone us if he comes to town./ [no end] {adv.}, {informal} 1. Very much; exceedingly. * /Jim was no end upset because he couldn't go swimming./ 2. Almost without stopping; continually. * /The baby cried no end./ [no end to] or {informal} [no end of] So many, or so much of, as to seem almost endless; very many or very much. * /There was no end to the letters pouring into the post office./ * /Bob and Dick became close friends and had no end of fun together./ [no frills] {n. phr.} A firm or product that offers no extras; a generic product that carries no expensive label. * /We went on a no frills trip to Europe with few luxuries./ [noggin] See: USE ONE'S HEAD or USE ONE'S NOGGIN. [no go] See: NO DEAL. [no good] {adj. phr.} Not satisfactory; not adequate; not approved. * /"That's no good," I told him when he began to cry./ * /He was no good at arithmetic./ * /He tried appealing to the man's pride, but it did no good./ [no great shakes] {adj.}, {informal} Mediocre; unimportant. * /Joe Wilson is no great shakes./ [no hard feelings] {n. phr.} A lack of resentment or anger; a state of peace and forgiveness. * /"No hard feelings," he said. "You should feel free to make constructive criticism any time."/ [no kidding] {n. phr.} Without jokes or teasing; honestly spoken. * /"You actually won the lottery?" Dick asked. "No kidding," Joe replied. "I really did."/ [no longer] {adv.} Not any more; not at the present time. * /He could no longer be trusted and they had to let him go./ * /The shore was no longer in sight./ [no love lost] {n. phr.} Bad feeling; ill will. * /Bob and Dick both wanted to be elected captain of the team, and there was no love lost between them./ * /There was no love lost between the sales and the accounting departments./ [no matter] 1. Not anything important. * /I wanted to see him before he left but it's no matter./ 2. It makes no difference; regardless of. * /She was going to be a singer no matter what difficulties she met./ * /He had to get the car fixed no matter how much it cost./ * /No matter what you try to do, it is important to be able to speak well./ * /You can't go in no matter who you are./ * /Mary wanted to get to school on time, no matter if she went without breakfast./ [no matter what] {adv. phr.} Under any circumstances. * /We will go to Europe this summer, no matter what./ * /Charles had decided to go to the football game and he felt he must go no matter what./ Compare: COME HELL OR HIGH WATER. [nonce] See: FOR THE TIME BEING also FOR THE NONCE. [none] See: HALF A LOAF IS BETTER THAN NONE, HAVE NONE OF. [none too] {adv.} Not very; not at all. * /The doctor arrived none too soon as Lucy's fever was alarmingly high./ [nonsense] See: STUFF AND NONSENSE. [nonstarter] {n.} An idea, plan, or project that doesn't work or is obviously no good. * /His plan to start a new private school is a nonstarter because he is unable to organize anything./ [noodle] See: USE ONE'S HEAD or USE ONE'S NOODLE. [no picnic] {n. phr.} Something arduous; something that requires great effort to accomplish. * /It is no picnic to climb Mount Everest./ Contrast: A PIECE OF CAKE, A CINCH, EASY AS APPLE PIE. [nor] See: NEITHER FISH NOR FOWL, NEITHER HERE NOR THERE, NEITHER HIDE NOR HAIR. [no sale] See: NO DEAL. [nose] See: COUNT HEADS or COUNT NOSES, CUT OFF ONE'S NOSE TO SPITE ONE'S FACE, FOLLOW ONE'S NOSE, GO INTO A TAIL SPIN or GO INTO A NOSE DIVE, HARD-NOSED, KEEP ONE'S NOSE CLEAN, KEEP ONE'S NOSE TO THE GRINDSTONE, LEAD BY THE NOSE, LOOK DOWN ONE'S NOSE AT, ON THE NOSE, PAY THROUGH THE NOSE, PUT ONE'S NOSE OUT OF JOINT, SEE BEYOND ONE'S NOSE, SKIN OFF ONE'S NOSE, THUMB ONE'S NOSE, TURN UP ONE'S NOSE AT, UNDER ONE'S NOSE. [nose about] or [nose around] {v. phr.}, {informal} To look for something kept private or secret; poke about; explore; inquire; pry. * /In Grandmother's attic, Sally spent a while nosing about in the old family pictures./ * /The detective was nosing around in the crowd looking for pickpockets./ [nose down] {v.}, {of an aircraft} To head down; bring down the nose of. * /The big airliner began to nose down for a landing./ * /The pilot nosed the plane down toward the runway./ [nose in(1)] or [nose into(1)] {informal} Prying or pestering interest in; unwelcome interest in; impolite curiosity. * /He always had his nose in other people's business./ Contrast: NOSE OUT OF. [nose in(2)] or [nose into(2)] {v.} To move in close; move slowly in with the front first. * /The ship nosed into the pier./ * /The car nosed into the curb./ [nose in a book] {n. phr.} Busy interest in reading. - Used with a possessive. * /Mother can't get Mary to help do the housework; she always has her nose in a book./ [nose is out of joint] See: PUT ONE'S NOSE OUT OF JOINT. [nose out] {v.}, {informal} 1. To learn by effort (something private or secret); uncover. * /The principal nosed out the truth about the stolen examination./ 2. To defeat by a nose length; come in a little ahead of in a race or contest. * /The horse we liked nosed out the second horse in a very close finish./ * /The Democratic candidate nosed out his rival for Congress by a few hundred votes./ [nose out of] {informal} Curious attention; bothering. - Usually used with a possessive and usually used with "keep". * /When Billy asked his sister where she was going she told him to keep his nose out of her business./ Contrast: NOSE IN. [nose over] {v.} To turn over on the nose so as to land upside down. * /The airplane made a faulty landing approach and nosed over./ [nose up] {v.} To head up; incline the forward end upwards; move up. * /The airplane nosed up through the cloud bank./ * /The pilot nosed the plane up from the field./ [no-show] {n.}, {informal} A person who makes a reservation, e.g., at a hotel or at an airline, and then neither claims nor cancels it. * /The airlines were messed up because of a great number of no-show passengers. / [no sooner --- than] As soon as; at once when; immediately when. * /No sooner did he signal to turn than the other car turned in front of him./ * /No sooner were the picnic baskets unpacked than it began to rain./ [no spring chicken] {n. phr.} A person who is no longer young. * /Even though she is no spring chicken anymore, men still turn their heads to look at her./ [no sweat(1)] {adj.}, {slang}, {informal} Easily accomplished, uncomplicated. * /That job was no sweat./ [no sweat(2)] {adv.} Easily. * /We did it no sweat./ [not a few] See: QUITE A FEW. [not a leg to stand on] {n. phr.}, {informal} No good proof or excuse; no good evidence or defense to offer. * /The man with a gun and $300 in his pocket was accused of robbing an oil station. He did not have a leg to stand on./ [not a little] See: QUITE A LITTLE. [not all there] {adj. phr.} Not completely alert mentally; absentminded; not together. * /Bill is a wonderful guy but he is just not all there./ [not at all] See: AT ALL. [not bad] or [not so bad] or [not half bad] {adj.}, {informal} Pretty good; all right; good enough. * /The party last night was not bad./ * /It was not so bad, as inexpensive vacations go./ * /The show was not half bad./ [not by a long shot] See: BY A LONG SHOT. [not by any means] See: BY NO MEANS. [notch] See: TIGHTEN ONE'S BELT. [note] See: COMPARE NOTES, TAKE NOTE OF. [not for all the coffee in Brazil] or [not for all the tea in China] or [not for anything in the world ] or [not for love or money] See: NOT FOR THE WORLD. [not for the world] or [not for worlds] {adv. phr.} Not at any price; not for anything. * /I wouldn't hurt his feelings for the world./ * /Not for worlds would he let his children go hungry./ [not half bad] See: NOT BAD. [not have anything on] See: HAVE NOTHING ON. [not have the heart to] {v. phr.} To not be insensitive or cruel. * /My boss did not have the heart to lay off two pregnant women when they most needed their jobs./ [nothing] See: GO FOR NOTHING, HAVE NOTHING ON, HERE GOES NOTHING, IN NO TIME or IN NOTHING FLAT, NOT TO MENTION or TO SAY NOTHING OF. [nothing doing] {adv. phr.}, {informal} I will not do it; certainly not; no indeed; no. * /"Will you lend me a dollar?" "Nothing doing!"/ * /"Let's go for a boat ride!" "Nothing doing!"/ Compare: NO DEAL. [nothing if not] {adv. phr.} Without doubt; certainly. * /With its bright furnishings, flowers, and sunny windows, the new hospital dayroom is nothing if not cheerful./ [nothing like] See: ANYTHING LIKE. [nothing of the kind] {adv. phr.} On the contrary. * /"Did you quit your job?" he asked. "No, I did nothing of the kind," she answered./ [nothing short of] {adv. phr.} Absolutely; thoroughly; completely. * /Olivier's performance in Hamlet was nothing short of magnificent./ [nothing succeeds like success] Success in one thing makes success in other things easier; people like a successful person. - A proverb. * /The girls all like Bob because he is football captain. Nothing succeeds like success./ [nothing to it] {adj. phr.} Presenting no serious challenge; easily accomplished. * /Once you learn how to tread water, swimming is really easy; there is nothing to it./ Compare: EASY AS APPLE PIE, A CINCH, A PIECE OF CAKE. [nothing to sneeze at] See: SNEEZE AT. [notice] See: SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE, TAKE NOTE OF or TAKE NOTICE OF. [not in the least] {adv. phr.} Not at all. * /She was not in the least interested in listening to a long lecture on ethics./ [notion] See: HALF A MIND also HALF A NOTION, TAKE INTO ONE'S HEAD or TAKE A NOTION. [not know which way to turn] or [not know which way to jump] {v. phr} To be puzzled about getting out of a difficulty; not know what to do to get out of trouble. * /When Jane missed the last bus home, she didn't know which way to turn./ * /After Mr. Brown died, Mrs. Brown had no money to pay the bills. When the landlord told her to pay the rent or move out, she didn't know which way to jump./ [not let any grass grow under one's feet] See: LET GRASS GROW UNDER ONE'S FEET. [not one's cup of tea] See: CUP OF TEA. [not one's scene] See: CUP OF TEA. [not on your life] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Certainly not; not ever; not for any reason. - Used for emphasis. * /I wouldn't drive a car with brakes like that - not on your life./ * /Did he thank me for my advice? Not on your life./ [not see beyond one's nose] See: SEE BEYOND ONE'S NOSE. [not so bad] See: NOT BAD. [not so hot] or [not too hot] {adj. phr.} Ineffective; not very good. * /His plans to rebuild the house in a hurry obviously weren't so hot./ [not the only fish in the sea] {n. phr.} One of many; not the only one of the kind; not the only one available. * /He said he could find other girls - she was not the only fish in the sea./ Compare: NOT THE ONLY PEBBLE ON THE BEACH. [not the only pebble on the beach] {n. phr.} Not the only person to be considered; one of many. * /George was acting pretty self-important and we finally had to tell him that he wasn't the only pebble on the beach./ Compare: NOT THE ONLY FISH IN THE SEA. [not the thing] {n. phr.} Not the accepted form of action; something socially improper. * /It is simply not the thing to wear blue jeans to the opera./ [not to get to first base] {v. phr.} To fail to make initial progress; have no success at all. * /I tried various ways to make Mary interested in me as a potential husband, but I couldn 't even get to first base./ [not to give one the time of day] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} To dislike someone strongly enough so as to totally ignore him. * /Sue wouldn't give Helen the time of day./ [not to give quarter] {v. phr.} 1. To be utterly unwilling to show mercy; not to allow a weaker or defeated party the chance to save themselves through escape. * /The occupying foreign army gave no quarter - they took no prisoners, shot everyone, and made escape impossible./ 2. To argue so forcefully during a negotiation or in a court of law as to make any counter-argument or counter-proposal impossible. * /The District Attorney hammered away at the witnesses and gave no quarter to the attorney for the defense./ [not to know one from Adam] {v. phr.} To not know a person; be unable to recognize someone. * /I have no idea who that guy is that Jane just walked in with; I don't know him from Adam./ [not to know the first thing about] {v. phr.} To be totally ignorant about a certain issue. * /Al assured us that he didn't know the first thing about Mary's whereabouts./ [not to know what to make of] {v. phr.} To be unable to decipher; be unable to identify; not know how to decide what something really is. * /I got a mysterious letter asking me to meet Santa Claus at 6 P.M. at the supermarket. Is this a joke? I don't know what to make of it./ [not to know whether one is coming or going] {v. phr.} To be completely confused. * /He was so perplexed he didn't know whether he was coming or going./ Compare: AT SEA(2). [not to lift a finger] {v. phr.} To not help in the slightest degree. * /"My husband won't lift a finger to help me," she complained, "although we have 12 people coming for dinner."/ [not to mention] or [not to speak of] or [to say nothing of] Without ever needing to speak of; in addition to; besides. - Used to add something to what you have said or explained. * /Dave is handsome and smart not to mention being a good athlete./ * /They have three fine sons, not to speak of their two lovely daughters./ * /Sally takes singing and dancing lessons to say nothing of swimming and tennis lessons./ Compare: LET ALONE, TO SPEAK OF. [not to speak of] See: NOT TO MENTION. [not to touch (something) with a ten-foot pole] {v. phr.} To consider something completely undesirable or uninteresting. * /Some people won't touch spinach with a ten-foot pole./ * /Kids who wouldn't touch an encyclopedia with a ten-foot pole love to find information with this computer program./ [not worth a dime] See: NOT WORTH A TINKER'S DAMN. [not worth a hill of beans] See: NOT WORTH A TINKER'S DAMN. [not worth a red cent] See: NOT WORTH A TINKER'S DAMN. [not worth a tinker's damn] or not [worth a tinker's dam] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not worth anything; valueless. * /As a bricklayer he was not worth a tinker's damn./ * /I am not familiar with the subject so my opinion would not be worth a tinker's dam./ [no two ways about it] {n. phr.} No other choice; no alternative. * /The boss said there were no two ways about it; we would all have to work late to finish the job./ [no use] {n.} 1. No purpose; no object; no gain. * /There's no use in crying about your broken bicycle./ * /Bob said, "Let's try again." Dick answered, "It's no use."/ 2. Bad opinion; no respect; no liking. - Usually used after "have". * /He had no use for dogs after a dog bit him./ * /Jimmy had no use for arithmetic because it was hard for him./ [no use crying over spilled milk] or [no use crying over spilt milk] See: CRY OVER SPILLED MILK. [now] See: EVERY NOW AND THEN or EVERY NOW AND AGAIN, HERE AND NOW, JUST NOW. [now and then] or [now and again] {adv. phr.} Not often; not regularly; occasionally; sometimes. * /Now and then he goes to a ball game./ * /The maid broke a dish now and then./ Syn.: AT TIMES, FROM TIME TO TIME, ONCE IN A WHILE. Compare: EVERY NOW AND THEN, OFF AND ON. [nowhere] See: OUT OF NOWHERE. [nowhere near] See: ANYTHING LIKE. [now --- now] {coord. adv.} Sometimes... sometimes; by turns; at one time... then at another. - Often used with adjectives that are very different or opposite, especially to show change. * /The weather changed every day; it was now hot, now cool./ * /The band played different songs, now fast, now slow; now soft, now loud./ * /Billy ran so quickly he seemed to be all over the field; he was now here and now there./ [no way] {adv.} Not at all; never; under no circumstances. * /Do you think I will do the house chores alone? No way!/ [no wonder] also [small wonder] {adj.} Not surprising; to be expected. * /It is no wonder that the children love to visit the farm./ * /The Browns didn't go to the fair. Small wonder - they dislike large noisy crowds./ [now or never] {adv. phr.} Exclusively at the present time. * /Mike said, "Now that Paul has resigned, there is a perfect place for you. It is now or never!"/ [now that] {conj.} Since; because; now. * /Now that dinner is ready, wash your hands./ * /You came early, but now that you're here, take off your coat./ Syn.: INASMUCH AS. [nth] See: TO THE NTH DEGREE. [nuisance] See: PUBLIC NUISANCE. [nuke] {v.} To fix any meal in a microwave oven. * /When we are in a hurry, we nuke some beef./ [nuke a tater] {v. phr.} 1. To bake a potato in a microwave oven. * /"We have no time for standard baked potatoes in the oven," she said. "We'll just have to nuke a tater."/ [null and void] {adj.} Not worth anything; no longer valid. * /Both the seller and the buyer agreed to forget about their previous contract and to consider it null and void./ [number] See: A NUMBER, ANY NUMBER, DAYS ARE NUMBERED, GET ONE'S NUMBER, HOT NUMBER, QUITE A FEW or QUITE A NUMBER. [number among] {v. phr.} Consider as one of; consider to be a part of. * /I number Al among my best friends./ [number one(1)] or [Number One(1)] {n. phr.}, {informal} Yourself; your own interests; your private or selfish advantage. Usually used in the phrase "look out for number one". * /He was well known for his habit of always looking out for number one./ [number one(2)] {adj. phr.} 1. Of first rank or importance; foremost; principal. * /He is easily America's number one golfer./ 2. Of first grade; of top quality; best. * /That is number one western steer beef./ [nurse] See: VISITING NURSE. [nurse a drink] {v. phr.}, {informal} To hold a drink in one's hand at a party, pretending to be drinking it or taking extremely small sips only. * /John's been nursing that drink all evening./ [nurse a grudge] {v. phr.} To keep a feeling of envy or dislike toward some person; remember something bad that a person said or did to you, and dislike the person because of that. * /Torn nursed a grudge against John because John took his place on the basketball team./ * /Mary nursed a grudge against her teacher because she thought she deserved a better grade in English./ [nursing home] See: CONVALESCENT HOME. [nut] See: HARD NUT TO CRACK or TOUGH NUT TO CRACK. [nut case] {n. phr.} A very silly, crazy, or foolish person. * /I am going to be a nut case if I don't go on a vacation pretty soon./ [nuts about] See: CRAZY ABOUT. [nuts and bolts of] {n. phr.} The basic facts or important details of something. * /"Ted will he an excellent trader," his millionaire grandfather said, "once he learns the nuts and bolts of the profession."/ [nutshell] See: IN A NUTSHELL. [nutty as a fruitcake] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Very crazy; entirely mad. * /He looked all right, as we watched him approach, but when he began to talk, we saw that he was as nutty as a fruitcake./ O [oak] See: GREAT OAKS FROM LITTLE ACORNS GROW. [oars] See: REST ON ONE'S OARS. [oath] See: TAKE OATH. [oats] See: FEEL ONE'S OATS, SOW ONE'S WILD OATS. [obey the call of nature] See: ANSWER THE CALL OF NATURE. [occasion] See: ON OCCASION. [occupy oneself] {v. phr.} To make oneself busy with. * /Having retired from business, he now occupies himself with his stamp collection./ [oddball] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} An eccentric person; one who doesn't act like everyone else. * /John is an oddball - he never invites anyone./ [odd jobs] {n. phr.} Work that is not steady or regular in nature; small, isolated tasks. * /Dan does odd jobs for his neighbors, barely making enough to eat./ [odds] See: BY ALL ODDS. [odds and ends] {n. phr.} Miscellaneous items; remnants. * /After the great annual clearance sale there were only a few odds and ends left in the store./ [odds are against] {v. phr.} The likelihood of success is not probable; the chances of success are poor. * /The odds are against her getting here before Monday./ [odds-on] {adj.}, {informal} Almost certain; almost sure; probable. * /Ed is the odds-on choice for class president, because he has good sense and good humor./ [of age] {adj. phr.} 1a. Old enough to be allowed to do or manage something. * /Mary will be of driving age on her next birthday./ Contrast: OVER AGE, UNDER AGE. 1b. Old enough to vote; having the privileges of adulthood. * /The age at which one is considered of age to vote, or of age to buy alcoholic drinks, or of age to be prosecuted as an adult, varies within the United States./ 2. Fully developed; mature. * /Education for the foreign born came of age when bilingual education was accepted as a necessary part of the public school system./ [of a piece] {adj. phr.} Of the same kind; in line. - Usually used with "with". * /His quitting the job is of a piece with his dropping out of school./ [of course] {adv. phr.} 1. As you would expect; naturally. * /Bob hit Herman, and Herman hit him back, of course./ * /The rain came pouring down, and of course the track meet was canceled./ 2. Without a doubt; certainly; surely. * /Of course you know that girl; she's in your class./ [off a duck's back] See: LIKE WATER OFF A DUCK'S BACK [off-again, on-again] or [on-again, off-again] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not settled; changeable; uncertain. * /John and Susan had an off-again, on-again romance./ * /I don't like this off-again, on-again business. Are we going to have the party or not?/ [off and on] also [on and off] {adv.} Not regularly; occasionally; sometimes. * /Joan wrote to a pen pal in England off and on for several years./ * /It rained off and on all day./ - Sometimes used with hyphens like an adjective. * /A worn-out cord may make a hearing aid work in an off-and-on way./ Compare: BY FITS AND STARTS, FROM TIME TO TIME, NOW AND THEN. [off balance] {adj. phr.} 1. Not in balance; not able to stand up straight and not fall; not able to keep from turning over or falling; unsteady. * /Never stand up in a canoe; it will get off balance and turn over./ * /Paul was speeding along on his bicycle, when an unexpected hole in the road caught him off balance and he fell over./ 2. Not prepared; not ready; unable to meet something unexpected. * /Our quarterback kept the other team off balance by changing often from line plays to passes and tricky end runs./ * /The teacher's surprise test caught the class off balance, and nearly everyone got a poor mark./ [off base] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not agreeing with fact; wrong. * /The idea that touching a toad causes warts is off base./ * /When Tom said that the teacher's explanation did not agree with the book, the teacher was embarrassed at being caught off base./ [offbeat] {adj.}, {informal} Nonconventional; different from the usual; odd. * /Linguistics used to be an offbeat field, but nowadays every self-respecting university has a linguistics department./ [off center] {adv. phr.} Not exactly in the middle. * /Mary hung the picture off center, because it was more interesting that way./ [off-center] {adj.}, {informal} Different from the usual pattern; not quite like most others; odd. * /Roger's sense of humor was a bit off-center./ Compare: OFF-KEY. [off-color] or [off-colored] {adj.} 1. Not of the proper hue or shade; not matching a standard color sample. * /The librarian complained that the painter had used an off-color green on the walls./ 2. {informal} Not of the proper kind for polite society; in bad taste; dirty. * /When Joe finished his off-color story, no one was pleased./ [off day] {n. phr.} A period when one is not functioning at his or her best; a period of weakness. * /The champion was obviously having an off day; otherwise she would have been able to defeat her opponent./ Contrast: DAY OFF. [off duty] {adj.} Not supposed to be at work; having free time; not working. * /Sailors like to go sight-seeing, when they are off duty in a foreign port./ * /It seems that all the taxis in New York are off duty whenever it rains./ - Often used with hyphens, before a noun. * /The bank robber was captured by an off-duty policeman./ Contrast: ON DUTY. [off feed] or [off one's feed] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not feeling well; lacking in vitality; droopy; moody. * /Mary was worried; her canary was off feed./ * /Jerry seemed to be off his feed; he did not joke and laugh with the others./ [off (one/he/she/it) goes!] {v. phr.} Said of a person, a vehicle, or a memorable thing who/which has started leaving or moving, both as a statement of fact (declarative assertion) or as a command (imperative). * /When the boat hit the water in the formal launching ceremony, they cried out simultaneously, "Off she goes!"/ [off guard] {adj.} In a careless attitude; not alert to coming danger; not watching. * /In the second that the boxer was off guard, his opponent landed a knockout punch./ * /Timmy s question caught Jean off guard, and she told him the secret before she knew it./ Contrast: ON GUARD. [offhand] {adj.} 1. Informal; casual; careless. * /Dick found Bob's offhand manner inappropriate for business./ 2. In an improvised fashion. * /Offhand, I would guess that at least five thousand people attended the festival./ [off in a flash] See: IN A FLASH. [off-key] {adj.}, {informal} 1. Not proper; queer. * /When George told jokes at the funeral, everyone thought his action was off-key./ 2. In a false key. * /John always sings off-key./ Compare: OUT OF LINE. [off limits] See: OUT OF BOUNDS. [off one's back] {adj. phr.} 1. {informal} Stopped from bothering one; removed as an annoyance or pest. * /"Having a kid brother always following me is a nuisance," Mary told her mother. "Can't you get him off my back?"/ * /The singer was so popular with teenagers that he took a secret vacation, to keep them off his back./ Contrast: ON ONE'S BACK(2). See: GIVE THE SHIRT OFF ONE'S BACK. [off one's chest] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Told to someone and so not bothering you anymore; not making you feel worried or upset, because you have talked about it. * /After Dave told the principal that he had cheated on the test, he was glad because it was off his chest./ * /Father felt that Tom wasn't helping enough around the house, so he got it off his chest by giving Tom a list of things to do./ Compare: MAKE A CLEAN BREAST OF. Contrast: ON ONE'S CHEST. [off one's feet] See: KNOCK OFF ONE'S FEET, SWEEP OFF ONE'S FEET. [off one's hands] {adv. phr.} No longer in your care or possession. * /Ginny was glad to have the sick dog taken off her hands by the doctor./ Contrast: ON ONE'S HANDS. [off one's head] {adj. phr.} Crazy; mad. * /We had no doubt that the old man was off his head when we saw him jumping into the lake with his winter coat on./ [off one's high horse] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Not acting proud and scornful; humble and agreeable. * /The girls were so kind to Nancy after her mother died that she came down off her high horse and made friends with them./ 2. Acting friendly again; not angry and unpleasant any more; agreeable. * /Sally wouldn't speak to anyone all afternoon because she couldn't go to the movies, but she's off her high horse now./ Contrast: ON ONE'S HIGH HORSE. [off one's nut] See: OFF ONE'S HEAD. [off one's rocker] or [off one's trolley] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not thinking correctly; crazy; silly; foolish. * /Tom is off his rocker if he thinks he can run faster than Bob can./ * /If you think you can learn to figure skate in one lesson, you're off your trolley./ Syn.: OUT OF ONE'S HEAD. [off one's trolley] See: OFF ONE'S ROCKER. [off season] See: LOW SEASON. Contrast: HIGH SEASON, ON SEASON. [offshoot] {n.} A derivative; a side product. * /The discovery of nuclear reactors was ah offshoot of research in quantum physics./ [off the air] {adj. phr.} Not broadcasting; observing radio silence. * /The talk show is off the air on Wednesdays and Fridays./ [off the bat] See: RIGHT AWAY or RIGHT OFF THE BAT. [off the beam] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. (Of an airplane) Not in the radio beam that marks the path to follow between airports; flying in the wrong direction. * /A radio signal tells the pilot of an airplane when his plane is off the beam./ 2. {slang} Wrong; mistaken. * /Maud was off the beam when she said that the girls didn't like her./ Contrast: ON THE BEAM. [off the beaten track] {adv. phr.} Not well known or often used; not gone to or seen by many people; unusual. * /The theater is off the beaten track./ * /We are looking for a vacation spot that is off the beaten track./ Compare: OUT OF THE WAY. [off the cuff] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Without preparing ahead of time what you will, say; without preparation. * /Some presidents like to speak off the cuff to newspaper reporters but others prefer to think questions over and write their answers./ [off-the-cuff] {adj.}, {informal} Not prepared ahead of time. - Used of a speech or remarks. * /Jack was made master of ceremonies because he was a good off-the-cuff speaker./ [off the ground] See: GET OFF THE GROUND. [off the handle] See: FLY OFF THE HANDLE. [off the hog] See: LIVE HIGH OFF THE HOG. [off the hook] {adv. phr.} Out of trouble; out of an awkward or embarrassing situation. * /Thelma found she had made two dates for the same night; she asked Sally to get her off the hook by going out with one of the boys./ [off the record(1)] {adv. phr.} Confidentially. * /"Off the record," the boss said, "you will get a good raise for next year, but you'll have to wait for the official letter."/ Contrast: ON RECORD, GO ON RECORD, JUST FOR THE RECORD. [off the record(2)] {adj. phr.} Not to be published or told; secret; confidential. * /The president told the reporters his remarks were strictly off the record./ - Sometimes used with hyphens, before the noun. * /The governor was angry when a newspaper printed his off-the-record comments./ [off the top of one's head] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} Without thinking hard; quickly. * /Vin answered the teacher's question off the top of his head./ * /When Lorraine was asked to recite, she talked off the top of her head./ [off the wagon] {adj. phr.}, {slang} No longer refusing to drink whiskey or other alcoholic beverages; drinking liquor again, after stopping for a while. * /When a heavy drinker quits he must really quit. One little drink of whiskey is enough to drive him off the wagon./ Contrast: ON THE WAGON. [off the wall] {adj. phr.} Strange; out of the ordinary; stupid. * /He has been making off-the-wall remarks all day; something must he the matter with him./ [of it] See: WHAT OF IT. [of late] {adv. phr.}, {formal} In the recent past; not long ago; a short time ago; lately; recently. * /There have been too many high school dropouts of late./ [of necessity] {adv. phr.} Because there is no other way; because it must be; necessarily. * /Being a professional actor of necessity means working nights and Sundays./ [of no avail] See: TO NO AVAIL. [of old(1)] {adj. phr.} Of ancient times; of long ago. * /Knights of old had to wear armor in battle./ [of old(2)] {adv. phr.} From earlier experience. * /You won't get any money from Freddie. I know him of old./ [of oneself] See: GIVE OF ONESELF. [of one's life] {adj. phr.} The best or worst; greatest. - Usually describing a time or effort. * /At Disneyland, Tommy had the time of his life./ * /His race for the presidency was the political fight of his life./ [of one's own accord] or [of one's own free will] {adv. phr.} Without suggestion or help from anyone else; without being told; voluntarily. * /On her mother's birthday, Betsy did the dishes of her own accord./ * /But Johnny hates baths. I can't believe he would take one of his own free will./ [of one's own free will] See: OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD. [of service] {adj. phr.} Valuable as a source of aid; helpful; useful. * /When a visitor seems lost or confused, the courteous student will ask "May I be of service?"/ * /A good jackknife is often of service to a camper./ [of sorts] or [of a sort] {adj. phr.} Not especially good; not very good; of common quality. * /Joel was a magician of sorts, and popular at parties./ [often] See: EVERY NOW AND THEN or EVERY SO OFTEN, MORE OFTEN THAN NOT. [of die devil] See: SPEAK OF THE DEVIL AND HE APPEARS. [of the first water] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Of the finest quality; superior; very good; best. * /The jeweler chose diamonds of the first water for the queen's crown./ * /The dance program at graduation was of the first water./ Compare: FIRST-CLASS. [of the same mind] {adv. phr.} In agreement; in consonance. * /It is a good thing when father and son are of the same mind regarding business and politics./ [oil] See: POUR OIL ON TROUBLED WATERS. [oil the wheels] See: GREASE THE WHEELS. [ointment] See: PLY IN THE OINTMENT. [old] See: CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK, COMFORTABLE AS AN OLD SHOE, COMMON AS AN OLD SHOE, OF OLD. [old as the hills] {adj. phr.} Very old; ancient. * /"Why didn't you laugh?" she asked. "Because that joke is as old as the hills," he answered./ [old boy network] {n. phr.} A system whereby men who went to the same school help each other to get good jobs, regardless of their ability or training. * /Peter got his lucrative job thanks to the old boy network rather than because of his qualifications./ Compare: OLD COLLEGE TRY. [old boy] or [old chap] {n.}, {chiefly British} One of the men educated at the same institution and bound by strong ties of loyalty to each other. * /He got the job because the boss was another old boy./ [old college try] {n. phr.} An attempt to win a favor from another by mentioning the fact that one had gone to the same college or university as the party from whom the favor is requested. * /Since he needed a job, he decided to use the old college try when he contacted Jerry, but it didn't work./ Compare: OLD BOY NETWORK. [old country] {n. phr.} Primarily Europe, but also any country other than the United States where one originally came from. * /Al's wife was born in Chicago but Al himself is from the old country, Ireland./ [old flame] {n. phr.} An erstwhile lover. * /Did you know that Meg was one of Howard's old flames?/ [old guard] {n. phr.} People whose ideas may be out of date, but who have been in power for a long time. * /There will not be any change in policy at the company, as long as the old guard still works here./ [old hand] {n. phr.} An experienced and highly skilled expert at some particular job. * /Uncle Joe is an old hand at repairing car engines./ [old hat] {adj.}, {informal} Old-fashioned; not new or different. * /By now, putting satellites in orbit is old hat to space scientists./ * /Andrea thought her mother's ideas about dating were old hat./ [old maid] {n. phr.} A spinster; a woman who has never married. * /Because my old maid aunt is a terrific cook as well as a good-looking woman, nobody understands why she never married./ [old money] Contrast: NEW MONEY. [Old Nick] See: FULL OF THE OLD NICK. [old school tie] See: OLD BOY NETWORK, OLD COLLEGE TRY. [old story] {n.} An everyday occurrence; something that often happens. * /Jane's temper tantrums were an old story./ * /It's an old story when a woman divorces her husband for too much drinking./ [old-timer] {n.} An old person who remembers bygone days, matters, and personalities. * /There was an old-timer at the party who told us interesting details about World War II./ Contrast: OLD GUARD, OLD HAND. [old world] {n. phr.} Europe, the continent; a continental manner. * /Tom had an old world manner that thoroughly charmed all the ladies./ Compare: OLD COUNTRY. [olive branch] {n. phr.} An overture; a symbol of peace. * /Tired of the constant fighting, the majority government extended an olive branch to the militant minority./ [on account] {adv. phr.} As part payment of a debt; to lessen the amount owed. * /John paid $10 down and $5 on account each month for his bicycle./ [on account of] {prep.} As a result of; because of. * /The picnic was held in the gym on account of the rain./ Compare: ON ONE'S ACCOUNT, OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD. [on a dime] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In a very small space. * /Bob can turn that car on a dime./ * /Tom says his new sports car will stop on a dime./ [on-again, off-again] See: OFF-AGAIN, ON-AGAIN. [on air] See: WALK ON AIR. [on a limb] See: OUT ON A LIMB. [on all four] See: HIT ON ALL FOUR. [on all fours] {adv. phr.} 1. On all four legs; on hands and knees. * /Fido sat up to "beg" but dropped down on all fours to eat the dog biscuit Sam gave him./ * /Billy's father got down on all fours and gave the baby a ride./ 2. {informal} On a level of equality; of the same value. * /Wigs may be widely used, but they are still not on all fours with beautiful natural hair./ [on an average] or [on the average] {adv. phr.} In most cases; usually. * /On an average Dan's mother has to ask him three times before he helps with the dishes./ * /On the average, Mr. Blank trades in his car for a new one every three years./ [on and off] See: OFF AND ON. [on an even keel] {adv. phr,}, {informal} In a well-ordered way or condition; orderly. * /When the football rally seemed almost ready to become a riot, the principal stepped to the platform and got things back on an even keel./ [on a pedestal] {adv. phr.} Lovingly honored and cared for. * /Mrs. Raymond's children served her breakfast in bed on Mother's Day and later took her out to dinner. She felt on a pedestal./ * /Bill is always waiting on his fiancee and bringing her flowers and candy. He has certainly put her on a pedestal./ [on approval] {adv. phr.} With the understanding that the thing may be refused. * /Mr. Grey bought his camera on approval./ * /The company offered to send a package of stamps on approval./ [on a scratched horse] See: PUT ONE'S MONEY ON A SCRATCHED HORSE. [on a shoestring] {adv. phr.} With little money to spend; on a very low budget. * /The couple was seeing Europe on a shoestring./ [on a volcano] See: SIT ON A VOLCANO. [on behalf of] See: IN BEHALF OP. [on board(1)] {prep.} On (a ship). * /Joan was not on board the ship when it sailed./ [on board(2)] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} On a ship. * /The captain was not on board when the S.S. Flandre sailed./ * /A ship was leaving the harbor, and we saw the people on board waving./ [on borrowed time] See: LIVE ON BORROWED TIME. [on call] {adj. phr.} 1. Having to be paid on demand. * /Jim didn't have the money ready even though he knew the bill was on call./ 2. Ready and available. * /This is Dr. Kent's day to be on call at the hospital./ * /The nurse is on call for emergency cases./ [once] See: AT ONCE, EVERY NOW AND THEN or EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE. [once and for all] {adv. phr.} 1. One time and never again; without any doubt; surely; certainly; definitely. * /Let me say, for once and for all, you may not go to the party Saturday./ * /For once and for all, I will not go swimming with you./ 2. Permanently. * /Bill and Tom asked the teacher to settle the argument once and for all./ * /The general decided that two bombs would destroy the enemy and end the war once and for all./ [once bitten, twice shy] See: BURNT CHILD DREADS THE FIRE. [once for all] See: ONCE AND FOR ALL. [once in a blue moon] {adv. phr.} Very rarely; very seldom; almost never. * /Coin collecting is interesting, hut you find a valuable coin only once in a blue moon./ * /Once in a blue moon someone grows a very pale marigold, but no truly white marigolds have been raised./ [once in a while] {adv. phr.} Not often; not regularly; sometimes; occasionally. * /We go for a picnic in the park once in a while./ * /Once in a while the puppy would run away, but usually he stayed in the yard./ Syn.: AT TIMES, FROM TIME TO TIME, NOW AND THEN. [once-over] {n.}, {slang} 1. A quick look; a swift examination of someone or something. - Usually used with "give" or "get". * /The new boy got the once-over from the rest of the class when he came in./ * /Bob gave his paper the once-over before handing it in./ 2. or [once-over-lightly] A quick or careless job, especially of cleaning or straightening; work done hastily for now. * /Ann gave her room a quick once-over-lightty with the broom and dust cloth./ * /"Just give my hair the once-over," Al said to the barber./ Compare: LICK AND A PROMISE. [once upon a time] {adv. phr.} Sometime before now, long ago. * /Once upon a time she was thought to be the most talented actress in the country./ - Often used at the beginning of fairy stories. * /Once upon a time there lived a king who had an ugly daughter./ [on cloud nine] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Too happy to think of anything else; very happy. * /Ada has been on cloud nine since the magazine printed the story she wrote./ * /We were on cloud nine when our team won the state championship./ Compare: ON TOP OF THE WORLD, WALK ON AIR. [on condition that] {conj.} Providing that; if. * /I will lend you the money on condition that you pay it back in one month./ * /She agreed to act in the play on condition that she could keep her costumes./ [on deck] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. On a floor of a ship open to the outdoors. * /The passengers were playing shufflehoard on deck./ * /The sailors kept busy cleaning and painting on deck./ 2. {informal} Ready to do something; present. * /The scout leader told the boys to be on deck at 8:00 Saturday morning for the hike./ * /Dick was at bat, and Bob was on deck./ [on deposit] {adv. phr.} In a bank. * /I have almost $500 on deposit in my account./ * /The children save their pennies and each month place them on deposit./ [on duty] {adj. phr.} Doing one's job; supervising. * /Two soldiers are on duty guarding the gates./ * /There is always one teacher on duty during study hour./ Contrast: OFF DUTY. [one] See: AT ONE, FOR ONE, GO IN ONE EAR AND OUT THE OTHER, HANG ONE ON, HOLE IN ONE, KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE, NUMBER ONE, SIX OF ONE AND HALF-A-DOZEN OF THE OTHER, SLIP ONE OVER ON, TEN TO ONE, TWO TO ONE, WORDS OF ONE SYLLABLE. [one and the same] {adj. phr.} The same; identical. * /Erle Stanley Gardner and A.A. Fair are one and the same person./ * /The spider lily and the Peruvian Daffodil are one and the same./ [one-armed bandit] {n.}, {slang} A slot machine, like those used in Las Vegas and other gambling places. * /Joe was playing the one-armed bandit all day - and he lost everything he had./ [on earth] See: IN THE WORLD. [on easy street] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Having enough money to live very comfortably; rather rich. * /After years of hard work, the Grants found themselves on easy street./ * /Jim's novel was a success and put him on easy street./ Compare: IN CLOVER, IN THE CHIPS, WELL-TO-DO. [one damn thing after another] or [ODTAA] (pronounced owed-tay) {n. phr.} If there is one problem, there will be more. * /First I lost my wallet, then a kid broke the window, and, lastly, my car refused to start. It was just one damn thing after another!/ Compare: IF IT'S NOT ONE THING IT'S ANOTHER. [on edge] {adj. phr.} Excited or nervous; impatient. * /The magician kept the children on edge all through his show./ * /We were all on edge as we listened to the TV for news of the election results./ * /Father was on edge after driving home through the heavy holiday traffic./ See: SET ONE'S TEETH ON EDGE. Contrast: AT EASE(2). [one eye on] {informal} Watching or minding (a person or thing) while doing something else; part of your attention on. - Used after "have", "keep", or "with". * /Jane had one eye on the baby as she ironed./ * /Bill kept one eye on his books and the other on the clock./ * /Chris tried to study with one eye on the TV set./ Compare: KEEP AN EYE ON. [one foot in the grave] {n. phr.} Near to death. * /The dog is fourteen years old, blind, and feeble. He has one foot in the grave./ * /Grandfather has never been sick a day in his life, but Mother cares for him as if he had one foot in the grave./ [one for the books] {n, phr.}, {informal} Very unusual; a remarkable something. * /The newspaper reporter fumed in a story that was one for the books./ * /Their trip through the Rocky Mountains was one for the books./ [one-horse] {adj. phr.} Insignificant; modest; provincial. * /Arnold's business is a one-horse operation; he never had a single employee./ [one man's meat is another man's poison] What is good for one person is not necessarily good for another. - A proverb, * /Even though Jeff likes to swim in ice cold water, his brother Tun hates it. This is understandable, however, because one's man's meat is another man's poison./ Contrast: WHAT'S SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE IS SAUCE FOR THE GANDER. [on end] {adj. phr.} Seemingly endless. - Used with plural nouns of time. * /Judy spent hours on end writing and rewriting her essay./ * /During July and August there was no rain for weeks on end./ [one-night stand] {n. phr.} 1. A single performance given by a traveling company while on a tour. * /After they went bankrupt in the big cities, the traveling jazz quartet played one-night stands in the country./ 2. A brief affair or sexual encounter. * /"With AIDS all around us?" said Jane. "Nobody is having one-night stands anymore."/ [one of these days] or [some of these days] {adv. phr.} Someday; sometime soon. * /One of these days Herbert will be famous./ * /I'm going to do that sewing some of these days./ [one on the city] {n.}, {slang} A glass of water (which is provided free of charge, as a free gift from the city). * /What will you have? - Oh, just give me one on the city./ [one's money's worth] {n. phr.} A fair return on one's money spent or invested. * /I wouldn't say that the trip was a great bargain, but I feel that we got our money's worth./ [one's own row] See: HOE ONE'S OWN ROW. [one-two] {n.} 1. A succession of two punches, the first a short left, followed by a hard right punch, usually in the jaw. * /Ali gave Frazir the one-two./ 2. Any quick or decisive action which takes the opposition by surprise, thereby ensuring victory. * /He gave us the old one-two and won the game./ [one up] {adj. phr.} Having an advantage; being one step ahead, * /John graduated from high school; he is one up on Bob, who dropped out./ * /The Platters are one up on their neighbors. They own the only color television set in their neighborhood./ [one-upmanship] {v.}, {informal} Always keeping ahead of others; trying to keep an advantage. * /No matter what I do, I find that Jim has already done it better. He's an expert at one-upmanship./ * /Jack took the news to the principal while we were still talking about it. He's very quick to practice one-upmanship./ Compare: ONE UP. (The word one-upmanship was made up by a British humorist, Stephen Potter, on the pattern of such words as sportsmanship and workmanship.) [on faith] {adv. phr.} Without question or proof. * /He said he was twenty-one years old and the employment agency took him on faith./ * /He looked so honest that we accepted his story on faith./ [on file] {adv. phr.} Placed in a written or electronic file; on record. * /We are sorry we cannot hire you right now but we will keep your application on file./ [on fire] See: SET THE WORLD ON FIRE. [on foot] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. By walking. * /Sally's bicycle broke and she had to return home on foot./ 2. Being planned. * /The reporter said that a civil rights demonstration was on foot./ * /Plans have been set on foot for a party for Miss Jackson, because she is retiring./ [on guard] {adj. phr.} Watchful; watching. * /The police warned people to he on guard for pickpockets during the Christmas rush./ * /Two men are on guard at the door./ Contrast: OFF GUARD. [on hand] {adv. phr.} 1a. Nearby; within reach. * /Always have your dictionary on hand when you study./ 1b. Here. * /Soon school will end and vacation will be on hand./ 2. Present. * /Mr. Blake's secretary is always on hand when he appears in public./ 3. In your possession; ready. * /The Girl Scouts have plenty of cookies on hand./ * /Tim had no cash on hand to pay for the gas./ Compare: IN STORE. [on high cotton] See: ON TOP OF THE WORLD also SITTING ON HIGH COTTON. [on hold] {adv. phr.} 1. Left waiting while making a telephone call. * /"Sorry sir," the secretary said, "I'll have to put you on hold for a minute."/ 2. Waiting; temporarily halted. * /"Put your marriage plans on hold, son, and wait until after graduation," his father said seriously./ [on ice] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {slang} 1. The same as won; sure to be won. * /The score was 20-10 in the last inning, and our team had the game on ice./ 2. Away for safekeeping or later use; aside. * /You will have to put your vacation plans on ice until your debts are paid./ * /The senator was voted out of office. He is on ice until the next election./ [on in years] See: ALONG IN YEARS. [onion] See: KNOW ONE'S WAY AROUND(2). [only] See: HAVE EYES ONLY FOR, IF ONLY. [on occasion] {adv. phr.} Sometimes; occasionally. * /We go to New York on occasion./ * /On occasion we feel like celebrating and have a party./ Compare: ONCE IN A WHILE, FROM TIME TO TIME. [on one hand] {adv. phr.} Looking at a thing in one of two possible ways; from one point of view. - Usually used with "on the other hand". * /John wants to be a printer or a teacher; on one hand, printing pays better; on the other hand, schools need good teachers./ [on one's account] {adv. phr.} For your good; because you want to help or please someone. * /Barry studied hard on his mother's account./ * /I hope you didn't bring tea to the picnic just on my account./ * /The teacher stayed in school a little late on Tom's account./ Compare: OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD, ON ACCOUNT OF. [on one's back] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Making insistent demands of you; being an annoyance or bother. * /My wife has been on my back for weeks to fix the front door screen./ * /I can't get any work done with the children on my back from morning until night./ * /Jim could do a better job if his boss weren't on his back so often./ Contrast: OFF ONE'S BACK. [on one's bad side] or [on the bad side of one] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not liked by someone; not friendly with a person. * /Sally's boyfriend got on Father's bad side by keeping Sally out too late after the dance./ Contrast: ON ONE'S GOOD SIDE. [on one's behalf] See: ON BEHALF OF. [on one's chest] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Hidden in your thoughts or feelings and bothering you; making you feel worried or upset; that is something you want to talk to someone about. * /Jane looks unhappy because she has the quarrel with Susan on her chest./ * /"Well, Dave," said the coach, "You look sad - what's on your chest?"/ Compare: ON ONE'S MIND. Contrast: OFF ONE'S CHEST, [on one's coattails] {adv. phr.} Because of another's merits, success, or popularity. * /Bob and Jim are best friends. When Jim was invited to join a fraternity, Bob rode in on his coattails./ * /Many people vote straight for all the candidates in the same political party. Most people voted for President K., so Governor B. rode in on K.'s coattails./ [on oneself] See: TAKE ON ONESELF. [on one's feet] {adv. phr.} 1. Standing or walking; not sitting or lying down; up. * /Before the teacher finished asking the question, George was on his feet ready to answer it./ * /In a busy gasoline station, the attendant is on his feet all day./ Compare: TO ONE'S FEET. Contrast: OFF ONE'S FEET. 2. Recovering; getting better from sickness or trouble. * /Jack is back on his feet after a long illness./ * /Susan was on her feet soon after the operation./ * /The bank loaned the store money to get it back on its feet after the fire./ 3. See: LAND ON ONE'S FEET, STAND ON ONE'S OWN FEET, THINK ON ONE'S FEET. [on one's good behavior] {adv. phr.} Behaving right to make a good impression. * /While his father was around the boy was on his good behavior, but when the father left the boy soon got into mischief./ * /The minister is coming to dinner, and Mother wants us to be on our good behavior./ [on one's good side] or [on the good side of one] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Friendly with someone; liked by a person. * /John thought that he would get a good grade if he got on the good side of the teacher./ * /Successful workers stay on the good side of their bosses./ Contrast: ON ONE'S BAD SIDE. [on one's hands] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In your care or responsibility; that you must do something about. * /Mrs. Blake left her five children with me while she shopped. I could not get anything done with the children on my hands./ * /After everyone bought tickets to the dance, the club treasurer had over $100 on his hands./ * /The electricity went off while Mother was cooking supper, and she had a problem on her hands./ * /I had time on my hands before the bus came, so I bought a newspaper to read./ Contrast: OFF ONE'S HANDS. See: SIT ON ONE'S HANDS. Compare: HANG HEAVY or HANG HEAVY ON ONE'S HANDS. [on one's head] or [upon one's head] {adv. phr.} On one's self. * /When the school board fired the superintendent of schools, they brought the anger of the parents upon their heads./ * /Billy had been naughty all day, but he really brought his parents' anger down on his head by pushing his little sister into a mud puddle./ Compare: ABOUT ONE'S EARS. [on one's heel] See: TURN ON ONE'S HEEL. [on one's high horse] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Acting as if you are better than others; being very proud and scornful. * /Martha was chairman of the picnic committee, and at the picnic she was on her high horse, telling everyone what to do./ * /Mrs. Jones asked to see a less expensive hat. The salesgirl got up on her high horse and said the shop did not sell cheap merchandise./ 2. Refusing to be friendly because you are angry; in a bad temper. * /Joe was on his high horse because he felt Mary wasn't giving him enough attention./ Contrast: OFF ONE'S HIGH HORSE. [on one's honor] {adj. phr.} Bound by one's honesty; trusted. * /The students were not supervised during the examination. They were on their honor not to cheat./ * /The house father put the boys on their honor not to smoke in the dormitory./ [on one's knees] {adj. phr.} 1. Pleading; begging very hard. * /The boys were on their knees for hours before their parents agreed to their camping plans./ * /The Jacksons won't contribute to the Red Cross unless you get on your knees./ 2. In a very weak condition; near failure. * /When the graduates of the school heard that it was on its knees they gave money generously so that it would not close./ [on one's last legs] {adj. phr.} Failing; near the end. * /The blacksmith's business is on its last legs./ * /The dog is old and sick. He is on his last legs./ Compare: ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE, ON ONE'S KNEES(2). [on one's mind] {adv. phr.} In one's thoughts. * /I'm glad you want to talk about this. It's been on my mind for weeks./ * /What's on your mind?/ Compare: IN MIND. [on one's nerves] See: GET ON ONE'S NERVES. [on one's own] {adj. phr.} With no help from others. * /It is a happy day when you're allowed to drive a car on your own./ * /Being on your own may be a frightening experience./ Compare: GO IT(2). [on one's own account] or {informal} [on one's own hook] {adv. phr.} 1. For yourself; as a free agent; independently. * /After they had picked out the class gift, members of the committee did some shopping on their own account./ 2. See: OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD. [on one's own feet] See: STAND ON ONE'S OWN FEET. [on one's own hook] See: ON ONE'S OWN ACCOUNT. [on one's own time] {adv. phr.} During one's free time; not during working or school hours. * /If you want to play football, you'll have to do it on your own time./ [on one's part] or [on the part of one] {adj. phr.} 1. Of or by you; of someone's. * /When Miss Brown said I was a good student, that was pure kindness on her part./ * /The other team blamed their defeat on unfairness on the part of the referee./ 2. See: FOR ONE'S PART. [on one's shoulders] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In your care; as your responsibility. * /The success of the program rests on your shoulders./ * /He acts as if he had the cares of the world on his shoulders./ [on one's toes] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Alert; ready to act. * /The successful ball player is always on his toes./ Compare: HEADS-UP, ON THE BALL. [on one's uppers] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Very poor. * /Mr. White had been out of work for several months and was on his uppers./ Compare: DOWN ON ONE'S LUCK. [on one's way] See: ON THE WAY. [on pain of] also [under pain of] {prep.}, {formal} At the risk of; under penalty of. * /The workers went on strike on pain of losing their jobs./ * /The rebels had to swear under pain of death never to confess where their comrades were hiding./ [on paper] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} Judging by appearances only and not by past performance; in theory; theoretically. * /On paper, the American colonies should have lost the Revolutionary War./ * /The football team lost many games, even though they looked good on paper./ [on pins and needles] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Worried; nervous. * /Jane's mother was on pins and needles because Jane was very late getting home from school./ * /Many famous actors are on pins and needles before the curtain opens for a play./ [on purpose] {adv. phr.} For a reason; because you want to; not accidentally. * /Jane did not forget her coat; she left it in the locker on purpose./ * /The clown fell down on purpose./ [on record] {adj. phr.} 1. An official or recorded statement or fact; said for everyone to know. * /We do not know when the famous writer was born, but the date of his death is on record./ * /The two candidates went on television to put their ideas on record./ 2. Known to have said or done a certain thing. - Usually used with "as". * /The mayor went on record as opposing a tax raise./ * /The governor is on record as favoring the new highway./ * /That congressman is on record as an enemy of waste in government./ Contrast: OFF THE RECORD. [on sale] {adj. phr.} Selling for a special low price. * /Tomato soup that is usually sold for sixty cents a can is now on sale for fifty cents./ * /John and Mary couldn't sell all of the lemonade at twenty cents a cup so they have it on sale for ten cents a cup./ [on schedule(1)] {adv. phr.} As planned or expected; at the right time. * /The school bus arrived at school on schedule./ * /The four seasons arrive on schedule each year./ Compare: ON TIME. [on schedule(2)] {adj. phr.} Punctual; as planned. * /The new airline claims to have more on schedule arrivals than the competition./ [on season] See: HIGH SEASON. Contrast: OFF SEASON. [on second thought] See: SECOND THOUGHT. [on sight] See: AT SIGHT. [on table] See: WAIT AT TABLE or WAIT ON TABLE. [on the air] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Broadcasting or being broadcast on radio or TV. * /His show is on the air at six o'clock./ * /The ball game is on the air now./ [on the alert] {adj. phr.} Alert; watchful; careful. * /Campers must be on the alert for poison ivy and poison oak./ * /Drivers must be on the alert for traffic signals./ Compare: ON ONE'S TOES. [on the average] See: ON AN AVERAGE. [on the back] See: PAT ON THE BACK. [on the ball] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Paying attention and doing things well. - Used after "is" or "get". * /Ben is really on the ball in school./ * /The coach told Jim he must get on the ball or he cannot stay on the team./ Compare: GET WITH IT, HEADS-UP, KEEP ONE'S EYE ON THE BALL. 2. That is a skill or ability; making you good at things. - Used after "have". * /John will succeed in life; he has a lot on the ball./ * /The coach was eager to try out his new team and see what they had on the ball./ [on the bandwagon] {adj. phr.}, {informal} In or into the newest popular group or activity; in or into something you join just because many others are joining it. - Often used after "climb", "get", or "jump". * /When all George's friends decided to vote for Bill, George climbed on the bandwagon too./ See: JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON. [on the barrelhead] See: CASH ON THE BARRELHEAD. [on the beam] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. (Of an airplane) In the radio beam that marks the path to follow between airports; flying in the right direction. * /A radio signal tells the pilot of an airplane when he is flying on the beam./ 2. {slang} Doing well; just right; good or correct. * /Kenneth's answer was right on the beam./ Contrast: OFF THE BEAM. [on the bench] 1. Sitting in a law court as a judge. * /Judge Wyzanski is on the bench this morning./ 2. Sitting among the substitute players. * /The coach had to keep his star player on the bench with a sprained ankle./ Compare: BENCH WARMER. [on the blink] {adj. phr.} Faulty; malfunctioning; inoperative. * /I need to call a competent repairman because my computer is on the blink again./ [on the block] {adj. phr.} To be sold; for sale. * /The vacant house was on the block./ * /Young cattle are grown and sent to market to be placed on the block./ [on the brain] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Filling your thoughts; too much thought about; almost always in mind. * /Mary Ann has boys on the brain./ * /Joe's hobby is ham radio and he has radio on the brain most of the time./ [on the brink of] {adv. phr.} Facing a new event that's about to happen. * /"I am on the brink of a new discovery," our physics professor proudly announced./ [on the button] {adv., adj.}, {slang} At the right place; at the heart of the matter. * /John's remark was right on the button./ Compare: ON THE DOT. [on the cards] See: IN THE CARDS. [on the carpet] See: CALL ON THE CARPET. [on the cheap] {adv. phr.} Inexpensively; on a tight budget. * /She buys most of her clothes on the cheap in secondhand stores./ [on the chin] See: TAKE IT ON THE CHIN. [on the contrary] {adv. phr.} Exactly the opposite; rather; instead. * /The principal thought that the children went to the zoo; on the contrary, they went to the bakery./ * /"You don't like football, do you?" "On the contrary, I like it very much."/ Compare: TO THE CONTRARY. [on the cuff] {adj.} or {adv. phr.}, {informal} Agreeing to pay later; to be paid for later; on credit. * /Peter lost the money that Mother gave him to buy meat, and the store would not let him have meat on the cuff./ * /Many people buy cars and television sets on the cuff./ [on the dole] {adv. phr.} Drawing unemployment benefits. * /When Jim lost his job he got on the dole and is still on it./ [on the dot] also [on the button] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Exactly on time; not early and not late. * /Susan arrived at the party at 2:00 P.M. on the dot./ * /Ben's plane arrived on the dot./ [on the double!] {adv. phr.} Hurry up! * /"Let's go! On the double!" the pilot cried, as he started up the engine of the small plane./ [on the eve of] {prep.} Just before (an event). * /On the eve of the election, the president proposed a plan to cut taxes./ [on the face of it] {adv. phr.} Apparently; as it seems. * /On the face of it, Joe's claim that he can swim five miles is true./ * /Hi