cord in both the pentathlon and the decathlon and took home two gold medals from the Olympics./ [break through] {v.} To be successful after overcoming a difficulty or bar to success. * /Dr. Salk failed many times but he finally broke through to find a successful polio vaccine./ * /Jim studied very hard this semester in college, and he finally broke through onto the Dean's List for the first time./ [breakthrough] {n.} A point of sudden success after a long process of experimentation, trial and error. * /The U.S. Space Program experienced a major breakthrough when Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon in June of 1969./ [break up] {v. phr.} To end a romantic relationship, a marriage, or a business partnership. * /Tom and Jane broke up because Tom played so much golf that he had no time for her./ [break up] {v.} 1. To break into pieces. * /The workmen broke up the pavement to dig up the pipes under it./ * /River ice breaks up in the spring./ 2. {informal} To lose or destroy spirit or self-control. - Usually used in the passive. * /Mrs. Lawrence was all broken up after her daughter's death, and did not go out of the house for two months./ Compare: CRACK UP, GO TO PIECES. 3. To come or to put to an end, especially by separation; separate. * /Some men kept interrupting the speakers, and finally broke up the meeting./ * /The party broke up at midnight./ - Often used in the informal phrase "break it up". * /The boys were fighting, and a passing policeman ordered them to break it up./ Compare: CUT OUT(1). 4. {informal} To stop being friends. * /Mary and June were good friends and did everything together, but then they had a quarrel and broke up/ Compare: BREAK OFF. [break-up] {n.} The end of a relationship, personal or commercial. * /The break-up finally occurred when Smith and Brown decided to sue each other for embezzlement./ [break with] {v.} To separate yourself from; end membership in; stop friendly association with. * /He broke with the Democratic party on the question of civil rights./ * /He had broken with some friends who had changed in their ideas./ [breast] See: MAKE A CLEAN BREAST OF. [breath] See: CATCH ONE'S BREATH, DRAW A LONG BREATH or TAKE A LONG BREATH, HOLD ONE'S BREATH, IN THE SAME BREATH, OUT OF BREATH, SAVE ONE'S BREATH, SECOND WIND also SECOND BREATH, TAKE ONE'S BREATH AWAY, UNDER ONE'S BREATH, WASTE ONE'S BREATH. [breathe down one's neck] {v. phr.}, {informal} To follow closely; threaten from behind; watch every action. * /Too many creditors were breathing down his neck./ * /The carpenter didn't like to work for Mr. Jones, who was always breathing down his neck./ [breathe easily] or [breathe freely] {v.} To have relief from difficulty or worry; relax; feel that trouble is gone; stop worrying. * /Now that the big bills were paid, he breathed more easily./ * /His mother didn't breathe easily until he got home that night./ [breathe one's last] {v. phr.} To die. * /The wounded soldier fell back on the ground and breathed his last./ [bred in the bone] {adj. phr.} Belonging to your nature or character, especially from early teaching or long habit; natural from belief or habit; believing deeply. * /The Willett children's cleanness is bred in the none./ Often used, with hyphens before the noun. * /Joe is a bred-in-the-bone horseman; he has been riding since he was six./ Contrast: SKIN-DEEP. [breeches] See: TOO BIG FOR ONE'S BREECHES. [breeze] See: SHOOT THE BREEZE or BAT THE BREEZE or FAN THE BREEZE, WIN IN A WALK or WIN IN A BREEZE. [breeze in] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} To walk into a place casually (like a soft blowing wind). * /Betsie breezed in and sat down at the bar./ [brew] See: HOME BREW. [brick] See: MAKE BRICKS WITHOUT STRAW. [brick wall] See: STONE WALL. [bridge] See: BURN ONE'S BRIDGES, CROSS A BRIDGE BEFORE ONE COMES TO IT, WATER OVER THE DAM or WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE. [brief] See: HOLD A BRIEF FOR, IN BRIEF or IN SHORT or IN A WORD. [bright and early] {adj. phr.} Prompt and alert; on time and ready; cheerful and on time or before time. * /He came down bright and early to breakfast./ * /She arrived bright and early for the appointment./ [bring about] {v.} To cause; produce; lead to. * /The war had brought about great changes in living./ * /Drink brought about his downfall./ [bring around] or [bring round] {v.} 1. {informal} To restore to health or consciousness cure. * /He was quite ill, but good nursing brought him around./ Compare: BRING TO(1). 2. To cause a change in thinking; persuade; convince; make willing. * /After a good deal of discussion he brought her round to his way of thinking./ [bringdown] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. (from "bring down", past "brought down"). A critical or cutting remark said sarcastically in order to deflate a braggard's ego. * /John always utters the right bringdown when he encounters a braggard./ 2. A person who depresses and saddens others by being a chronic complainer. * /John is a regular bringdown./ [bring down] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. To deflate (someone's ego). * /John brought Ted down very cleverly with his remarks./ 2. To depress (someone). * /The funeral brought me down completely./ [bring down about one's ears] or [bring down around one's ears] See: ABOUT ONE'S EARS. [bring down the house] {v. phr.}, {informal} To start an audience laughing or clapping enthusiastically. * /The principal's story was funny in itself and also touched their loyalties, so it brought down the house./ * /The President made a fine speech which brought down the house./ [bring home] {v.} To show clearly; emphasize; make (someone) realize; demonstrate. * /The accident caused a death in his family, and it brought home to him the evil of drinking while driving./ * /A parent or teacher should bring home to children the value and pleasure of reading./ [bring home the bacon] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To support your family; earn the family living. * /He was a steady fellow, who always brought home the bacon./ 2. To win a game or prize. * /The football team brought home the bacon./ [bring in] {v.} In baseball: To enable men on base to score, score. * /Dick's hit brought in both base runners./ * /A walk and a triple brought in a run in the third inning./ [bring into line] {v. phr.} To make someone conform to the accepted standard. * /Sam had to be brought into line when he refused to take his muddy shoes off the cocktail table./ [bring off] {v.} To do (something difficult); perform successfully (an act of skill); accomplish (something requiring unusual ability). * /By skillful discussion, Mr. White had brought off an agreement that had seemed impossible to get./ * /He tried several times to break the high jump record, and finally he brought it off./ Compare: PUT OVER(2). [bring on] {v.} To result in; cause; produce. * /The murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in the summer of 1914 brought on the First World War./ * /Spinal meningitis brought on John's deafness when he was six years old./ * /Reading in a poor light may bring on a headache./ [bring out] {v.} 1. To cause to appear; make clear. * /His report brought out the foolishness of the plan./ * /Brushing will bring out the beauty of your hair./ 2. To help (an ability or skill) grow or develop. * /The teacher's coaching brought out a wonderful singing voice of great power and warmth./ 3. To offer to the public by producing, publishing, or selling. * /He brought out a new play./ * /The company brought out a line of light personal airplanes./ [bring round] See: BRING AROUND. [bring suit against] {v. phr.} To sue someone in a court of law. * /Fred brought suit against Tom for fraud and embezzlement./ [bring to] {v.} (stress on "to") 1. To restore to consciousness; wake from sleep, anesthesia, hypnosis, or fainting. * /Smelling salts will often bring a fainting person to./ Compare: BRING AROUND(1). 2. To bring a ship or boat to a stop. * /Reaching the pier, he brought the boat smartly to./ [bring to a close] {v. phr.} To terminate; cause to end. * /The meeting was brought to an abrupt close when the speaker collapsed with a heart attack./ [bring to a head] {v. phr.} To cause some activity to reach the point of culmination. * /Time is running out, gentlemen, so let us bring this discussion to a head./ [bring to bay] {v. phr.} To chase or force into a place where escape is impossible without a fight; trap; corner. * /The police brought the robber to bay on the roof and he gave up./ * /The fox was brought to bay in a hollow tree and the dogs stood around it barking./ Compare: AT BAY. [bring to heel] See: TO HEEL. [bring to light] {v. phr.} To discover (something hidden); find out about; expose. * /Many things left by the ancient Egyptians in tombs have been brought to light by scientists and explorers./ * /His enemies brought to light some foolish things he had done while young, but he was elected anyway because people trusted him./ Compare: COME TO LIGHT. [bring to one's knees] {v. phr.} To seriously weaken the power or impair the function of. * /The fuel shortage brought the automobile industry to its knees./ [bring to pass] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make (something) happen; succeed in causing. * /By much planning, the mother brought the marriage to pass./ * /The change in the law was slow in coming, and it took a disaster to bring it to pass./ Compare: BRING ABOUT, COME TO PASS. [bring to terms] {v. phr.} To make (someone) agree or do; make surrender. * /The two brothers were brought to terms by their father for riding the bicycle./ * /The war won't end until we bring the enemy to terms./ Contrast: COME TO TERMS. [bring up] {v.} 1. To take care of (a child); raise, train, educate. * /He gave much attention and thought to bringing up his children./ * /Joe was born in Texas but brought up in Oklahoma./ 2. {informal} To stop; halt. - Usually used with "short". * /He brought the car up short when the light changed to red./ * /Bill started to complain, I brought him up short./ 3. To begin a discussion of; speak of; mention. * /At the class meeting Bob brought up the idea of a picnic./ [bring up the rear] {v. phr.} 1. To come last in a march, parade, or procession; end a line. * /The fire truck with Santa on it brought up the rear of the Christmas parade./ * /The governor and his staff brought up the rear of the parade./ 2. {informal} To do least well; do the most poorly of a group; be last. * /In the race, John brought up the rear./ * /In the basketball tournament, our team brought up the rear./ [bring] or [wheel in] or [out] or [up the big guns] {v. phr.} To make use of a concealed plan in order to defeat an opponent in an argument or in a game, debate, or competition. * /The new computer software company decided to bring out the big guns to get ahead of the competition./ [broke] See: GO BROKE, GO FOR BROKE, STONE-BROKE OT DEAD BROKE or FLAT BROKE, STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMEL'S BACK. [Bronx cheer] {n. phr.}, {slang} A loud sound made with tongue and lips to show opposition or scorn. * /When he began to show anti-union feelings, he was greeted with Bronx cheers all around./ [broom] See: NEW BROOM SWEEPS CLEAN. [broth] See: SCOTCH BROTH. [brow] See: BY THE SWEAT OF ONE'S BROW. [brown] See: DO UP BROWN. [brown-bagger] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} A person who does not go to the cafeteria or to a restaurant for lunch at work, but who brings his homemade lunch to work in order to save money. * /John became a brown-bagger not because he can't afford the restaurant, but because he is too busy to go there./ [brown-nose] {v.}, {slang}, {avoidable}, {though gaining in acceptance} To curry favor in a subservient way, as by obviously exaggerated flattery. * /Max brown-noses his teachers, that's why he gets all A's in his courses./ Compare: POLISH THE APPLE. [brown paper bag] {n.}, {slang}, {citizen's band radio jargon} An unmarked police car. * /The beaver got a Christmas card because she didn't notice the brown paper bag at her back door./ See: PLAIN WHITE WRAPPER. [brown study] {n. phr.} A time of deep thought about something; a deep thoughtful mood. * /When his wife found him, he had pushed away his books and was in a brown study./ [brush] See: BEAT THE BUSHES or BEAT THE BRUSH. [brush aside] {v. phr.} To ignore; give no reply. * /Brushing aside the editor's comments, the young novelist proceeded with his story, which was subsequently rejected by the publisher./ [brush back] {v.} To throw a baseball pitch close to. * /The pitcher threw a high inside pitch to brush the batter back./ Syn.: DUST OFF. [brushoff] See: GET THE BRUSHOFF, BRUSH OFF or GIVE THE BRUSHOFF. [brush off] or [give the brush off] {v. phr.} 1. To refuse to hear or believe; quickly and impatiently; not take seriously or think important. * /John brushed off Bill's warning that he might fall from the tree./ * /I said that it might rain and to take the bus, but Joe gave my idea the brushoff./ * /Father cut his finger but he brushed it off as not important and kept working./ 2. {informal} To be unfriendly to; not talk or pay attention to (someone); get rid of. * /Mary brushed off Bill at the dance./ * /I said hello to Mr. Smith, but he gave me the brushoff./ Compare: COLD SHOULDER, HIGH-HAT. Contrast: GET THE BRUSH OFF. [brush up] or [brush up on] {v.} To refresh one's memory of or skill at by practice or review; improve; make perfect. * /She spent the summer brushing up on her American History as she was to teach that in the fall./ * /He brushed up his target shooting./ [bubble gum music] {n.}, {slang} The kind of rock'n'roll that appeals to young teenagers. * /When will you learn to appreciate Mozart instead of that bubble gum music?/ [bubble trouble] {n.}, {slang}, {citizen's band radio jargon} Tire trouble, flat tire. * /The eighteen wheeler ahead of me seems to have bubble trouble./ [buck] See: FAST BUCK or QUICK BUCK, PASS THE BUCK. [bucket] See: KICK THE BUCKET, RAIN CATS AND DOGS or RAIN BUCKETS. [bucket of bolts] {n.}, {slang} A very old and shaky car that barely goes. * /When are you going to get rid of that old bucket of bolts?/ [buckle] See: BUCKLE DOWN or KNUCKLE DOWN. [buckle down] or [knuckle down] {v.} To give complete attention (to an effort or job); attend. * /They chatted idly for a few moments then each buckled down to work./ * /Jim was fooling instead of studying; so his father told him to buckle down./ [buck passer], [buck-passing] See: PASS THE BUCK. [buck up] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make or become more cheerful; make or become free from discouragement; become more hopeful. * /After the heavy rain, the scoutmaster bucked up the boys by leading them in a song./ * /Tom was disappointed that he didn't make the team; but he soon bucked up./ [bud] See: NIP IN THE BUD. [bug-eyed] {adj.}, {slang} Wide-eyed with surprise. * /He stood there bug-eyed when told that he had won the award./ [buggy-whip] {n.}, {slang} An unusually long, thin radio antenna on a car that bends back like a whip when the car moves fast. * /He's very impressed with himself ever since he got a buggy whip./ [bughouse(1)] {n.}, {slang} An insane asylum. * /They took Joe to the bughouse./ [bughouse(2)] {adj.}, {slang} Crazy, insane. * /Joe's gone bughouse./ [bug in one's ear] {n. phr.}, {informal} A hint; secret information given to someone to make him act; idea. * /I saw Mary at the jeweler's admiring the diamond pin; I'll put a bug in Henry's ear./ [build] See: JERRY-BUILT. [build a fire under] {v. phr.} To urge or force (a slow or unwilling person) to action; get (someone) moving; arouse. * /The health department built a fire under the restaurant owner and got him to clean the place up by threatening to cancel his license./ [build castles in the air] or [build castles in Spain] {v. phr.} To make impossible or imaginary plans, dream about future successes that are unlikely. * /He liked to build castles in the air, but never succeeded in anything./ * /To build castles in Spain is natural for young people and they may work hard enough to get part of their wishes./ [build on sand] {v. phr.} To lay a weak or insufficient foundation for a building, a business, or a relationship. * /"I don't want to build my business on sand," John said, "so please. Dad, give me that loan I requested."/ [build up] {v.} 1. To make out of separate pieces or layers; construct from parts. * /Johnny built up a fort out of large balls of snow./ * /Lois built up a cake of three layers./ 2. To cover over or fill up with buildings. * /The fields where Tom's father played as a boy are all built up now./ * /A driver should slow down when he comes to an area that is built up./ 3a. To increase slowly or by small amounts; grow. * /John built up a bank account by saving regularly./ * /The noise built up until Mary couldn't stand it any longer./ 3b. To make stronger or better or more effective. * /Fred exercised to build up his muscles./ * /Joanne was studying to build up her algebra./ 3c. {informal} To advertise quickly and publicize so as to make famous. * /The press agent built up the young actress./ * /The movie company spent much money building up its new picture./ [build up to] {v. phr.} To be in the process of reaching a culmination point. * /The clouds were building up to a violent storm./ * /Their heated words were building up to a premature divorce./ [bull] See: HIT THE BULLS-EYE, SHOOT THE BREEZE or SHOOT THE BULL, TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORNS. [bullet lane] {n.}, {slang}, {citizen's band radio jargon} The passing lane. * /Move over into the bullet lane, this eighteen wheeler is moving too slow./ [bull in a china shop] {n. phr.} A rough or clumsy person who says or does something to anger others or upset plans; a tactless person. * /We were talking politely and carefully with the teacher about a class party, but John came in like a bull in a china shop and his rough talk made the teacher say no./ [bull session] {n.}, {slang} A long informal talk about something by a group of persons. * /After the game the boys in the dormitory had a bull session until the lights went out./ [bullshit] {n.}, {vulgar, but gaining in acceptance by some} Exaggerated or insincere talk meant to impress others. * /"Joe, this is a lot of bullshit!"/ [bullshit] {v.}, {vulgar to informal}, {gaining in social acceptance by some} To exaggerate or talk insincerely in an effort to make yourself seem impressive. * /"Stop bullshitting me, Joe, I can't believe a word of what you're saying."/ [bullshit artist] {n.}, {slang}, {vulgar, but gaining in social acceptance} A person who habitually makes exaggerated or insincerely flattering speeches designed to impress others. * /Joe is a regular bullshit artist, small wonder he keeps gettine promoted ahead of everyone else./ [bum around] {v. phr.}, {slang} To aimlessly wander in no definite direction, like a vagabond. * /Jim had been bumming around in the desert for three days and nights before he was able to remember how he got there in the first place./ [bump] See: GOOSE BUMPS. [bump into] {v.}, {informal} To meet without expecting to; happen to meet; come upon by accident. * /Mary was walking down the street, when she suddenly bumped into Joan./ * /Ed was surprised to bump into John at the football game./ Syn.: RUN INTO. [bump off] {v.}, {slang} To kill in a violent way; murder in gangster fashion. * /Hoodlums in a speeding car bumped him off with Tommy guns./ [bum's rush] {n. phr.}, {slang} Throwing or pushing someone out from where he is not wanted. * /When John tried to go to the party where he was not invited, Bill and Fred gave him the bum's rush./ * /Tom became too noisy, and he got the bum's rush./ 2. To hurry or rush (someone). * /The salesman tried to give me the bum's rush./ [bum steer] {n.} Wrong or misleading directions given naively or on purpose. * /Man, you sure gave me a bum steer when you told me to go north on the highway; you should have sent me south!/ [bundle of laughs] {n. phr.} A very amusing person, thing, or event. * /Uncle Lester tells so many jokes that he is a bundle of laughs./ [bundle up] See: WRAP UP(1). [burn] See: EARS BURN, KEEP THE HOME FIRES BURNING, MONEY TO BURN. [burn a hole in one's pocket] {v. phr.} To make you want to buy something; be likely to be quickly spent. * /Money burns a hole in Linda's pocket./ * /The silver dollar that Don got for his birthday was burning a hole in his pocket, and Don hurried to a dime store./ [burn down] {v. phr.} To burn to the ground; be totally gutted by fire. * /The old frame house burned down before the firefighters could get to it./ [burn in effigy] See: HANG IN EFFIGY. [burn one's bridges] also [burn one's boats] {v. phr.} To make a decision that you cannot change; remove or destroy all the ways you can get back out of a place you have got into on purpose; leave yourself no way to escape a position. * /Bob was a good wrestler but a poor boxer. He burned his boats by letting Mickey choose how they would fight./ * /When Dorothy became a nun, she burned her bridges behind her./ [burn one's fingers] {v. phr.}, {informal} To get in trouble doing something and fear to do it again; learn caution through an unpleasant experience. * /He had burned his fingers in the stock market once, and didn't want to try again./ * /Some people can't be told; they have to burn their fingers to learn./ [burn out] {v. phr.} 1. To destroy by fire or by overheating. * /Mr. Jones burned out the clutch on his car./ 2. To destroy someone's house or business by fire so that they have to move out. * /Three racists burned out the Black family's home./ 3a. To go out of order; cease to function because of long use or overheating. * /The light bulb in the bathroom burned out, and Father put in a new one./ * /The electric motor was too powerful, and it burned out a fuse./ 3b. To break, tire, or wear out by using up all the power, energy, or strength of. * /Bill burned himself out in the first part of the race and could not finish./ * /The farmer burned out his field by planting the same crop every year for many years./ [burn-out] {n.} A point of physical or emotional exhaustion. * /There are so many refugees all over the world that charitable organizations as well as individuals are suffering from donor burn-out./ [burn rubber] {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To start up a car or a motorcycle from dead stop so fast that the tires leave a mark on the road. * /The neighborhood drag racers burned a lot of rubber - look at the marks on the road!/ 2. To leave in a hurry. * /I guess I am going to have to burn rubber./ [burnt child dreads the fire] or [once bitten, twice shy] A person who has suffered from doing something has learned to avoid doing it again. - A proverb. * /Once Mary had got lost when her mother took her downtown. But a burnt child dreads the fire, so now Mary stays close to her mother when they are downtown./ [burn the candle at both ends] {v. phr.} To work or play too hard without enough rest; get too tired. * /He worked hard every day as a lawyer and went to parties and dances every night; he was burning the candle at both ends./ [burn the midnight oil] {v. phr.} To study late at night. * /Exam time was near, and more and more pupils were burning the midnight oil./ [bum to a crisp] {v. phr.} To burn black; burn past saving or using especially as food. * /While getting breakfast, Mother was called to the telephone, and when she got back, the bacon had been burned to a crisp./ [burn up] {v.} 1. To burn completely; destroy or be destroyed by fire. * /Mr. Scott was burning up old letters./ * /The house burned up before the firemen got there./ 2. {informal} To irritate, anger, annoy. * /The boy's laziness and rudeness burned up his teacher./ * /The breakdown of his new car burned Mr. Jones up./ [burn up the road] {v. phr.}, {informal} To drive a car very fast. * /In his eagerness to see his girl again, he burned up the road on his way to see her./ * /Speed demons burning up the road often cause accidents./ [burst at the seams] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be too full or too crowded. * /John ate so much he was bursting at the seams./ * /Mary's album was so full of pictures it was bursting at the seams./ [burst into] {v. phr.} 1. To enter suddenly. * /Stuart burst into the room, screaming angrily./ 2. To break out. * /The crowd burst out cheering when the astronauts paraded along Fifth Avenue./ [burst into flames] {v. phr.} To begin to burn suddenly. * /The children threw away some burning matches and the barn burst into flames./ [burst into tears] {v. phr.} To suddenly start crying. * /Mary burst into tears when she heard that her brother was killed in a car accident./ [burst with joy] or [pride] {v. phr.} To be so full of the feeling of joy or pride that one cannot refrain from showing one's exuberant feelings. * /Armstrong and Aldrin burst with pride when they stepped out on the moon in July, 1969./ [bury one's head in the sand] See: HIDE ONE'S HEAD IN THE SAND. [bury the hatchet] {v. phr.}, {informal} To settle a quarrel or end a war; make peace. * /The two men had been enemies a long time, but after the flood they buried the hatchet./ Compare: MAKE UP(5). [bus] See: MISS THE BOAT or MISS THE BUS. [bush] See: BEAT ABOUT THE BUSH, BIRD IN THE HAND IS WORTH TWO IN THE BUSH. [bushel] See: HIDE ONE'S LIGHT UNDER A BUSHEL. [bushes] See: BEAT THE BUSHES. [business] See: DO THE BUSINESS, HAVE NO BUSINESS, LAND-OFFICE BUSINESS, MEAN BUSINESS, MONKEY BUSINESS, THE BUSINESS. [bust up] {v. phr.}, {slang} To terminate a partnership, a relationship, a friendship, or a marriage. * /If Jack keeps drinking the way he does, it will bust up his marriage to Sue./ [busy work] {n.} Work that is done not to do or finish anything important, but just to keep busy. * /When the teacher finished all she had to say it was still a half hour before school was over. So she gave the class a test for busy work./ [but for] See: EXCEPT FOR. [but good] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Very much so; thoroughly completely; forcefully. - Used for emphasis. * /Jack called Charles a bad name, and Charles hit him, but good./ * /Tom fell and broke his leg. That taught him but good not to fool around in high trees./ Compare: AND HOW. [but not least] See: LAST BUT NOT LEAST. [butter] See: BREAD AND BUTTER. [butterflies in one's stomach] {n. phr.} A queer feeling in the stomach caused by nervous fear or uncertainty; a feeling of fear or anxiety in the stomach. * /When Bob walked into the factory office to ask for a job, he had butterflies in his stomach./ [butter up] {v.}, {informal} To try to get the favor or friendship of (a person) by flattery or pleasantness. * /He began to butter up the boss in hope of being given a better job./ Compare: POLISH THE APPLE. [butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth] {informal} You act very polite and friendly but do not really care, you are very nice to people but are not sincere. * /The new secretary was rude to the other workers, but when she talked to the boss, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth./ [butt in] {v.}, {slang} To join in with what other people are doing without asking or being asked; interfere in other people's business; meddle. * /Mary was explaining to Jane how to knit a sweater when Barbara butted in./ Often used with "on". * /John butted in on Bill and Tom's fight, and got hurt./ Compare: HORN IN. [button] See: HAVE ALL ONE'S BUTTONS, ON THE BUTTON, PUSH THE PANIC BUTTON. [button down] {v.}, {slang} (stress on "down") To state precisely, to ascertain, to pin down, to peg down. * /First let's get the facts buttoned down, then we can plan ahead./ [button-down] {attrib. adj.}, {slang} (stress on "button") Well-groomed, conservatively dressed. * /Joe is a regular button-down type./ [buttonhole] {v.} To approach a person in order to speak with him or her in private. * /After waiting for several hours, Sam managed to buttonhole his boss just as she was about to leave the building./ [button one's lip] also [zip one's lip] {v. phr.}, {slang} To stop talking; keep a secret; shut your mouth; be quiet. * /The man was getting loud and insulting and the cop told him to button his lip./ * /John wanted to talk, but Dan told him to keep his lip buttoned./ Syn.: KEEP ONE'S MOUTH SHUT, SHUT UP. [buy for a song] {v. phr.} To buy something very cheaply. * /Since the building on the corner was old and neglected, I was able to buy it for a song./ [buy off] {v.} To turn from duty or purpose by a gift. * /When the police threatened to stop the gambling business, the owner bought them off./ * /The Indians were going to burn the cabins, but the men bought them off with gifts./ Compare: PAY OFF. [buy out] {v.} 1. To buy the ownership or a share of; purchase the stock of. * /He bought out several small stockholders. 2. To buy all the goods of; purchase the merchandise of./ * /Mr. Harper bought out a nearby hardware store./ Contrast: SELL OUT. [buy up] {v. phr.} To purchase the entire stock of something. * /The company is trying to buy up all the available shares./ [buzz] See: GIVE A RING also GIVE A BUZZ. [buzz word] {n.} A word that sounds big and important in a sentence but, on closer inspection, means little except the speaker's indication to belong to a certain group. * /The politician's speech was nothing but a lot of misleading statements and phony promises hidden in a bunch of buzz words./ [by] See: TOO --- BY HALF. [by a hair] See: HANG BY A THREAD or HANG BY A HAIR [by] or [in my book] {adv. phr.} In my opinion; as far as I am concerned; in my judgment. * /By my book, Mr. Murgatroyd is not a very good department head./ [by all means] also [by all manner of means] {adv. phr.} Certainly, without fail. * /He felt that he should by all means warn Jones./ Contrast: BY NO MEANS. [by all odds] {adv. phr.} Without question; certainly. * /He was by all odds the strongest candidate./ * /By all odds we should win the game, because the other team is so weak./ Compare: FAR AND AWAY. [by a long shot] {adv. phr.}, {informal} By a big difference; by far. - Used to add emphasis. * /Bert was the best swimmer in the race, by a long shot./ Often used with a negative. * /Tom isn't the kind who would be fresh to a teacher, by a long shot./ * /Our team didn't win - not by a long shot./ Compare: MISS BY A MILE. [by a mile] See: MISS BY A MILE. [by and by] {adv.} After a while; at some time in the future; later. * /Roger said he would do his homework by and by./ * /The mother knew her baby would be a man by and by and do a man's work./ Syn.: AFTER A WHILE. [by and large] {adv. phr.} As it most often happens; more often than not; usually; mostly. * /There were bad days, but it was a pleasant summer, by and large./ * /By and large, women can bear pain better than men./ Syn.: FOR THE MOST PART, ON THE WHOLE(2). [by any means] See: BY NO MEANS. [by a thread] See: HANG BY A THREAD. [by chance] {adv. phr.} Without any cause or reason; by accident; accidentally. * /Tom met Bill by chance./ * /The apple fell by chance on Bobby's head./ [by choice] {adv. phr.} As a result of choosing because of wanting to; freely. * /John helped his father by choice./ * /Mary ate a plum, but not by choice. Her mother told her she must eat it./ [by dint of] {prep.} By the exertion of; by the use of; through. * /By dint of sheer toughness and real courage, he lived through the jungle difficulties and dangers./ * /His success in college was largely by dint of hard study./ [bye] See: BY THE WAY also BY THE BYE. [by ear] {adv. phr.} 1. By sound, without ever reading the printed music of the piece being played. * /The church choir sang the hymns by ear./ 2. Waiting to see what will happen. * /I don't want to plan now; let's just play it by ear./ [by far] {adv. phr.} By a large difference; much. * /His work was better by far than that of any other printer in the city./ * /The old road is prettier, but it is by far the longer way./ Compare: FAR AND AWAY. [by fits and starts] or [jerks] {adv. phr.} With many stops and starts, a little now and a little more later; not all the time; irregularly. * /He had worked on the invention by fits and starts for several years./ * /You will never get anywhere if you study just by fits and starts./ Compare: FROM TIME TO TIME, OFF AND ON. [bygone] See: LET BYGONES BE BYGONES. [by heart] {adv. phr.} By exact memorizing; so well that you remember it; by memory. * /The pupils learned many poems by heart./ * /He knew the records of the major league teams by heart./ [by hook or by crook] {adv. phr.} By honest ways or dishonest in any way necessary. * /The wolf tried to get the little pigs by hook or by crook./ * /The team was determined to win that last game by hook or by crook, and three players were put out of the game for fouling./ [by inches] {adv. phr.} By small or slow degrees; little by little; gradually. * /The river was rising by inches./ * /They got a heavy wooden beam under the barn for a lever, and managed to move it by inches./ * /He was dying by inches./ [by leaps and bounds] {adv. phr.} With long steps; very rapidly. * /Production in the factory was increasing by leaps and bounds./ * /The school enrollment was going up by leaps and bounds./ [by means of] {prep.} By the use of; with the help of. * /The fisherman saved himself by means of a floating log./ * /By means of monthly payments, people can buy more than in the past./ [by mistake] {adv. phr.} As the result of a mistake; through error. * /He picked up the wrong hat by mistake./ [by no means] or [not by any means] also [by no manner of means] or [not by any manner of means] {adv. phr.} Not even a little; certainly not. * /He is by no means bright./ * /"May I stay home from school?" "By no means."/ * /Dick worked on his project Saturday, but he is not finished yet, by any means./ Contrast: BY ALL MEANS. [B.Y.O.] (Abbreviation) {informal} Bring Your Own. Said of a kind of party where the host or hostess does not provide the drinks or food but people ring their own. [B.Y.O.B.] (Abbreviation) {informal} Bring Your Own Bottle. Frequently written on invitations for the kind of party where people bring their own liquor. [by oneself] {adv. phr.} 1. Without any others around; separate from others; alone. * /The house stood by itself on a hill./ * /Tom liked to go walking by himself./ * /Betty felt very sad and lonely by herself./ 2. Without the help of anyone else; by your own work only. * /John built a flying model airplane by himself./ * /Lois cleaned the house all by herself./ [by one's own bootstraps] See: PULL ONE SELF UP BY THE BOOTSTRAPS. [by storm] See: TAKE BY STORM. [by surprise] See: TAKE BY SURPRISE. [by the board] See: GO BY THE BOARD also PASS BY THE BOARD. [by the bootstraps] See: PULL ONESELF UP BY THE BOOTSTRAPS. [by the bye] See: BY THE WAY. [by the dozen] or [by the hundred] or [by the thousand] {adv. phr.} Very many at one time; in great numbers. * /Tommy ate cookies by the down./ Often used in the plural, meaning even larger numbers. * /The ants arrived at the picnic by the hundreds./ * /The enemy attacked the fort by the thousands./ [by the horns] See: TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORNS. [by the hundred] See: BY THE DOZEN. [by the nose] See: LEAD BY THE NOSE. [by the piece] {adv. phr.} Counted one piece at a time, separately for each single piece. * /John bought boxes full of bags of potato chips and sold them by the piece./ * /Mary made potholders and got paid by the piece./ [by the seat of one's pants] See: FLY BY THE SEAT OF ONE'S PANTS. [by the skin of one's teeth] {adv. phr.} By a narrow margin; with no room to spare; barely. * /The drowning man struggled, and I got him to land by the skin of my teeth./ * /She passed English by the skin of her teeth./ Compare: SQUEAK THROUGH, WITHIN AN ACE OF or WITHIN AN INCH OF. [by the sweat of one's brow] {adv. phr.} By hard work; by tiring effort; laboriously. * /Even with modern labor-saving machinery, the farmer makes his living by the sweat of his brow./ [by the thousand] See: BY THE DOZEN. [by the way] also [by the bye] {adv. phr.} Just as some added fact or news; as something else that I think of. - Used to introduce something related to the general subject, or brought to mind by it. * /We shall expect you; by the way, dinner will be at eight./ * /I was reading when the earthquake occurred, and, by the way, it was The Last Days of Pompeii that I was reading./ [by the wayside] See: FALL BY THE WAYSIDE. [by turns] {adv. phr.} First one and then another in a regular way; one substituting for or following another according to a repeated plan. * /On the drive to Chicago, the three men took the wheel by turns./ * /The teachers were on duty by turns./ * /When John had a fever, he felt cold and hot by turns./ Syn.: IN TURN. Compare: TAKE TURNS. [by virtue of] also [in virtue of] {prep.} On the strength of; because of; by reason of. * /By virtue of his high rank and position, the President takes social leadership over almost everyone else./ * /Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food, by virtue of their clearness, toughness, and low cost./ Compare: BY DINT OF. [by way of] {prep.} 1. For the sake or purpose of; as. * /By way of example, he described his own experience./ 2. Through; by a route including; via. * /He went from New York to San Francisco by way of Chicago./ [by word of mouth] {adv. phr.} From person to person by the spoken word; orally. * /The news got around by word of mouth./ * /The message reached him quietly by word of mouth./ C [cahoots] See: IN LEAGUE WITH or IN CAHOOTS WITH. [Cain] See: RAISE CAIN. [cake] See: EAT-ONE'S CAKE AND HAVE IT TOO, PAT-A-CAKE, TAKE THE CAKE. [calculated risk] {n.} An action that may fail but is judged more likely to succeed. * /The sending of troops to the rebellious island was a calculated risk./ [calf love] See: PUPPY LOVE. [call] See: AT CALL, AT ONE'S BECK AND CALL, CLOSE CALL, ON CALL, PORT OF CALL, POT CALLS THE KETTLE BLACK, WITHIN CALL. [call a halt] {v. phr.} To give a command to stop. * /The scouts were tired during the hike, and the scoutmaster called a halt./ * /When the children's play, got too noisy, their mother called a halt./ [call a spade a spade] {v. phr.} To call a person or thing a name that is true but not polite; speak bluntly; use the plainest language. * /A boy took some money from Dick's desk and said he borrowed it, but I told him he stole it; I believe in calling a spade a spade./ [call down] also [dress down] {v.}, {informal} To scold. * /Jim was called down by his teacher for being late to class./ * /Mother called Bob down for walking into the kitchen with muddy boots./ Compare: CALL ON THE CARPET, CHEW OUT, BAWL OUT, READ THE RIOT ACT. [call for] {v.} 1. To come or go to get (someone or something). * /John called for Mary to take her to the dance./ Syn.: PICK UP. 2. To need; require. * /The cake recipe calls for two cups of flour./ * /Success in school calls for much hard study./ [call girl] {n.}, {slang} A prostitute catering to wealthy clientele, especially one who is contacted by telephone for an appointment. * /Rush Street is full of call girls./ [calling down] also [dressing down] {n. phr.}, {informal} A scolding; reprimand. * /The judge gave the boy a calling down for speeding./ [call in question] or [call into question] or [call in doubt] {v. phr.} To say (something) may be a mistake; express doubt about; question. * /Bill called in question Ed's remark that basketball is safer than football./ [call it a day] {v. phr.} To declare that a given day's work has been accomplished and go home; to quit for the day. * /"Let's call it a day," the boss said, "and go out for a drink."/ * /It was nearly midnight, so Mrs. Byron decided to call it a day, and left the party, and went home./ * /The four golfers played nine holes and then called it a day./ Compare: CLOSE UP SHOP. [call it a night] {v. phr.} To declare that an evening party or other activity conducted late in the day is finished. * /I am so tired that I am going to call it a night and go to bed./ [call it quits] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To decide to stop what you are doing; quit. * /When Tom had painted half the garage, he called it quits./ 2. To agree that each side in a fight is satisfied; stop fighting because a wrong has been paid back; say things are even. * /Pete called Tom a bad name, and they fought till Tom gave Pete a bloody nose; then they called it quits./ 3. To cultivate a habit no longer. * /"Yes, I called it quits with cigarettes three years ago."/ [call names] {v. phr.} To use ugly or unkind words when speaking to someone or when talking about someone. - Usually used by or to children. * /Bill got so mad he started calling Frank names./ [call off] {v.} To stop (something planned); quit; cancel. * /When the ice became soft and sloppy, we had to call off the ice-skating party./ * /The baseball game was called off because of rain./ [call on] or [call upon] {v.} 1. To make a call upon; visit. * /Mr. Brown called on an old friend while he was in the city./ 2. To ask for help. * /He called on a friend to give him money for the busfare to his home./ [call one's bluff] {v. phr.}, {informal} To ask someone to prove what he says he can or will do. (Originally from the card game of poker.) * /Tom said he could jump twenty feet and so Dick called his bluff and said "Let's see you do it!"/ [call one's shot] {v. phr.} 1. To tell before firing where a bullet will hit. * /An expert rifleman can call his shot regularly./ * /The wind was strong and John couldn't call his shots./ 2. or [call the turn] To tell in advance the result of something before you do it. * /Mary won three games in a row, just as she said she would. She called her turns well./ * /Nothing ever happens as Tom says it will. He is very poor at calling his turns./ [call on the carpet] {v. phr.}, {informal} To call (a person) before an authority (as a boss or teacher) for a scolding or reprimand. * /The worker was called on the carpet by the boss for sleeping on the job./ * /The principal called Tom on the carpet and warned him to stop coming to school late./ [call the roll] {v. phr.} To read out the names on a certain list, usually in alphabetical order. * /The sergeant called the roll of the newly enlisted volunteers in the army./ [call the shots] {v. phr.}, {informal} To give orders; be in charge; direct; control. * /Bob is a first-rate leader who knows how to call the shots./ * /The quarterback called the shots well, and the team gained twenty yards in five plays./ Syn.: CALL THE TUNE. [call the tune] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be in control; give orders or directions; command. * /Bill was president of the club but Jim was secretary and called the tune./ * /The people supported the mayor, so he could call the tune in city matters./ Syn.: CALL THE SHOTS. [call the turn] See: CALL ONE'S SHOT(2). [call to account] {v. phr.} 1. To ask (someone) to explain why he did something wrong (as breaking a rule). * /The principal called Jim to account after Jim left school early without permission./ 2. To scold (as for wrong conduct); reprimand. * /The father called his son to account for disobeying him./ [call to arms] {v. phr.} To summon into the army. * /During World War II millions of Americans were called to arms to fight for their country./ [call to mind] {v. phr.} To remember; cause to remember. * /Your story calls to mind a similar event that happened to us a few years back./ [call to order] {v. phr.} 1. To open (a meeting) formally. * /The chairman called the committee to order./ * /The president pounded with his gavel to call the convention to order./ 2. To warn not to break the rules of a meeting. * /The judge called the people in the court room to order when they talked too loud./ [call out] {v. phr.} 1. To shout; speak loudly. * /My name was called out several times, but I was unable to hear it./ 2. To summon someone. * /If the rioting continues, the governor will have to call out the National Guard./ [call up] {v.} 1. To make someone think of; bring to mind; remind. * /The picture of the Capitol called up memories of our class trip./ 2. To tell to come (as before a court). * /The district attorney called up three witnesses./ 3. To bring together for a purpose; bring into action. * /Jim called up all his strength, pushed past the players blocking him, and ran for a touchdown./ * /The army called up its reserves when war seemed near./ 4. To call on the telephone. * /She called up a friend just for a chat./ [call upon] See: CALL ON. [calm down] {v. phr.} To become quiet; relax. * /"Calm down, Mr. Smith," the doctor said with a reassuring smile. "You are going to live a long time."/ [camel] See: STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMEL'S BACK at LAST STRAW. [camp] See: BREAK CAMP. [campaign] See: WHISPERING CAMPAIGN. [camp follower] {n.} 1. A man or woman who goes with an army, not to fight but to sell something. * /Nowadays camp followers are not allowed as they were long ago./ 2. A person who goes with a famous or powerful person or group in hope of profit. * /A man who runs for president has many camp followers./ [camp out] {v.} To live, cook, and sleep out of doors (as in a tent). * /We camped out near the river for a week./ [can] See: AS BEST ONE CAN, CATCH AS CATCH CAN. [canary] See: LOOK LIKE THE CAT THAT ATE THE CANARY or LOOK LIKE THE CAT THAT SWALLOWED THE CANARY. [cancel out] {v.} To destroy the effect of; balance or make useless. * /The boy got an "A" in history to cancel out the "C" he got in arithmetic./ * /Our track team won the mile relay to cancel out the other team's advantage in winning the half-mile relay./ * /Tom's hot temper cancels out his skill as a player./ [cancer stick] {n.}, {slang} A cigarette. * /Throw away that cancer stick! Smoking is bad for you!/ [candle] BURN THE CANDLE AT BOTH ENDS, GAME IS NOT WORTH THE CANDLE, HOLD A CANDLE. [canned heat] {n.} Chemicals in a can which burn with a hot, smokeless flame. * /Some people use canned heat to keep food warm./ * /The mountain climbers used canned heat for cooking./ [canned laughter] {n.}, {informal} The sounds of laughter heard on certain television programs that were obviously not recorded in front of a live audience and are played for the benefit of the audience from a stereo track to underscore the funny points. * /"How can there be an audience in this show when it is taking place in the jungle? - Why, it's canned laughter you're hearing."/ [canned music] {n.} Recorded music, as opposed to music played live. * /"Let us go to a real concert, honey," Mike said. "I am tired of all this canned music we've been listening to."/ [canoe] See: PADDLE ONE'S OWN CANOE. [can of worms] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. A complex problem, or complicated situation. * /Let's not get into big city politics - that's a different can of worms./ 2. A very restless, jittery person. * /Joe can't sit still for a minute - he is a can of worms./ [can't help but] {informal} also {formal} [cannot but] {v. phr.} To be forced to; can only; must. * /When the streets are full of melting snow, you can't help but get your shoes wet./ * /When a friend gave Jim a ticket to the game, he couldn't help but go./ * /When a close friend dies, you cannot but feel sad./ Compare: CAN HELP, HAVE TO. [can't make an omelette without breaking (some) eggs] To achieve a certain goal one must sometimes incur damage, experience difficulties, or make sacrifices. - A proverb. * /When we drove across the country, we put a lot of mileage on our car and had a flat tire, but it was a pleasant trip. "Well, you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs," my wife said with a smile./ [can't see the wood for the trees] or [can't see the woods for the trees] or [can't see the forest for the trees] {v. phr.} To be unable to judge or understand the whole because of attention to the parts; criticize small things and not see the value or the aim of the future achievement. * /Teachers sometimes notice language errors and do not see the good ideas in a composition; they cannot see the woods for the trees./ * /The voters defeated a bond issue for the new school because they couldn't see the forest for the trees; they thought of their taxes rather than of their children's education./ * /We should think of children's growth in character and understanding more than of their little faults and misdeeds; some of us can't see the wood for the trees./ [cap] See: FEATHER IN ONE'S CAP, SET ONE'S CAP FOR, PUT ON ONE'S THINKING CAP. [cap the climax] {v. phr.} To exceed what is already a high point of achievement. * /Sam's piano recital was great, but Bill's performance capped the climax./ [card] See: CREDIT CARD, FLASH CARD, HOUSE OF CARDS, IN THE CARDS or ON THE CARDS, LAY ONE'S CARDS ON THE TABLE, PLAY ONE'S CARDS RIGHT, PUT ONE'S CARDS ON THE TABLE, STACK THE CARDS, TRUMP CARD. [cards stacked against one] See: STACK THE CARDS. [card up one's sleeve] {n. phr.}, {informal} Another help, plan, or argument kept back and produced if needed; another way to do something. * /John knew his mother would lend him money if necessary, but he kept that card up his sleeve./ * /Bill always has a card up his sleeve, so when his first plan failed he tried another./ Compare: ACE IN THE HOLE(2). [care] See: COULDN'T CARE LESS, HAVE A CARE, GIVE A HANG or CARE A HANG, TAKE CARE. [carpet] See: CALL ON THE CARPET, MAGIC CARPET, ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET. [car pool] {n.} A group of people who own cars and take turns driving each other to work or on some other regular trip. * /It was John's father's week to drive his own car in the car pool./ [carriage trade] {n.}, {literary} Rich or upper class people. * /The hotel is so expensive that only the carriage trade stays there./ * /The carriage trade buys its clothes at the best stores./ [carrot and stick] {n. phr.} The promise of reward and threat of punishment, both at the same time. * /John's father used the carrot and stick when he talked about his low grades./ [carry] See: CASH-AND-CARRY. [carry a torch] or [carry the torch] {v. phr.} 1. To show great and unchanging loyalty to a cause or a person. * /Although the others gave up fighting for their rights, John continued to carry the torch./ 2. {informal} To be in love, usually without success or return. * /He is carrying a torch for Anna, even though she is in love with someone else./ [carry a tune] {v. phr.} To sing the right notes without catching any false ones. * /Al is a wonderful fellow, but he sure can't carry a tune and his singing is a pain to listen to./ [carry away] {v.} To cause very strong feeling; excite or delight to the loss of cool judgment. * /The music carried her away./ * /He let his anger carry him away./ - Often used in the passive, * /She was carried away by the man's charm./ * /He was carried away by the sight of the flag./ [carry coals to Newcastle] {v. phr.} To do something unnecessary; bring or furnish something of which there is plenty. * /The man who waters his grass after a good rain is carrying coals to Newcastle./ * /Joe was carrying coals to Newcastle when he told the doctor how to cure a cold./ (Newcastle is an English city near many coal mines, and coal is sent out from there to other places.) [carrying charge] {n.} An extra cost added to the price of something bought on weekly or monthly payments. * /The price of the bicycle was $50. Jim bought it for $5.00 a month for ten months plus a carrying charge of $1 a month./ [carry on] {v.} 1. To cause death of; kill. * /Years ago smallpox carried off hundreds of Indians of the Sioux tribe./ Compare: WIPE OUT. 2. To succeed in winning. * /Bob carried off honors in science./ * /Jim carried off two gold medals in the track meet./ 3. To succeed somewhat unexpectedly in. * /The spy planned to deceive the enemy soldiers and carried it off very well./ * /In the class play, Lloyd carried off his part surprisingly well./ [carry --- off one's feet] See: KNOCK OFF ONE'S FEET, SWEEP OFF ONE'S FEET. [carry off the palm] or [bear off the palm] {v. phr.}, {literary} To gain the victory; win. * /John carried off the palm in the tennis championship match./ * /Our army bore off the palm in the battle./ (From the fact that long ago a palm leaf was given to the winner in a game as a sign of victory.) [carry on] {v.} 1. To work at; be busy with; manage. * /Bill and his father carried on a hardware business./ * /Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith carried on a long correspondence with each other./ 2. To keep doing as before; continue. * /After his father died, Bill carried on with the business./ * /The colonel told the soldiers to carry on while he was gone./ * /Though tired and hungry, the Scouts carried on until they reached camp./ Compare: BEAR UP(2), GO ON. 3a. {informal} To behave in a noisy, foolish, and troublesome manner. * /The boys carried on in the swimming pool until the lifeguard ordered them out./ 3b. {informal} To make too great a show of feeling, such as anger, grief, and pain. * /John carried on for ten minutes after he hit his thumb with the hammer./ Compare: TAKE ON(4). 4. {informal} To act in an immoral or scandalous way; act disgracefully. * /The townspeople said that he was carrying on with a neighbor girl./ [carry one's cross] or {literary} [bear one's cross] {v. phr.} To live with pain or trouble; keep on even though you suffer or have trouble. * /Weak ankles are a cross Joe carries while the other boys play basketball./ * /We didn't know the cheerful woman was bearing her cross, a son in prison./ [carry out] {v.} To put into action; follow; execute. * /The generals were determined to carry out their plans to defeat the enemy./ * /John listened carefully and carried out the teacher's instructions./ [carry over] {v.} 1. To save for another time. * /The store had some bathing suits it had carried over from last year./ * /What you learn in school should carry over into adult life./ 2. To transfer (as a figure) from one column, page, or book to another. * /When he added up the figures, he carried over the total into the next year's account book./ 3. To continue in another place. * /The story was carried over to the next page./ [carry the ball] {v. phr.}, {informal} To take the most important or difficult part in an action or business. * /None of the other boys would tell the principal about their breaking the window, and John had to carry the ball./ * /When the going is rough, Fred can always be depended on to carry the ball./ [carry the banner] {v. phr.} To support a cause or an ideal with obvious advocacy. * /Our college is carrying the banner for saving the humpback whale, which is on the list of endangered species./ [carry the day] {v. phr.}, {informal} To win completely; to succeed in getting one's aim accomplished. * /The defense attorney's summary before the jury helped him carry the day./ [carry the torch] See: CARRY A TORCH. [carry the weight of the world on one's shoulders] See: WEIGHT OF THE WORLD ON ONE'S SHOULDERS. [carry through] {v.} 1a. To put into action. * /Mr. Green was not able to carry through his plans for a hike because he broke his leg./ 1b. To do something you have planned; put a plan into action. * /Jean makes good plans but she cannot carry through with any of them./ Compare: GO THROUGH WITH, CARRY OUT. 2. To keep (someone) from failing or stopping; bring through; help. * /When the tire blew out, the rules Jim had learned in driving class carried him through safely./ [carry weight] {n.} To be influential; have significance and/or clout; impress. * /A letter of recommendation from a full professor carries more weight than a letter from an assistant professor./ [cart before the horse (to put)] {n. phr.}, {informal} Things in wrong order; something backwards or mixed up. - An overused expression. Usually used with "put" but sometimes with "get" or "have". * /When the salesman wanted money for goods he hadn't delivered, I told him he was putting the cart before the horse./ * /To get married first and then get a job is getting the cart before the horse./ [cart off] or [cart away] {v.}, {informal} To take away, often with force or with rough handling or behavior. * /The police carted the rioters off to jail./ * /When Bobby wouldn't eat his supper, his mother carted him away to bed./ [carved] or [chiseled] or [inscribed in granite] / [written in stone] {adj. phr.} Holy; unchangeable; noble and of ancient origin. * /You should wear shoes when you come to class, although this is not carved in granite./ * /The Constitution of the United States is so hard to change that one thinks of it as written in stone./ [case] See: BASKET CASE, CIRCUMSTANCES ALTER CASES, COUCH CASE, GET DOWN TO BRASS TACKS also GET DOWN TO CASES, IN ANY CASE, IN CASE or IN THE EVENT, IN CASE OF also IN THE EVENT OF, VANITY CASE. [case in point] {n. phr.} An example that proves something or helps to make something clearer. * /An American can rise from the humblest beginnings to become President. Abraham Lincoln is a case in point./ [case the joint] {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To study the layout of a place one wishes to burglarize. * /The hooded criminals carefully cased the joint before robbing the neighborhood bank./ 2. To familiarize oneself with a potential workplace or vacation spot as a matter of preliminary planning. * /"Hello Fred," he said. "Are you working here now?" "No, not yet," Fred answered. "I am merely casing the joint."/ [cash] See: COLD CASH. [cash-and-carry(1)] {adj.} Selling things for cash money only and letting the customer carry them home, not having the store deliver them; also sold in this way. * /This is a cash-and-carry store only./ * /You can save money at a cash-and-carry sale./ [cash-and-carry(2)] {adv}. With no credit, no time payments, and no deliveries. * /Some stores sell cash-and-carry only./ * /It is cheaper to buy cash-and-carry./ [cash crop] {n.} A crop grown to be sold. * /Cotton is a cash crop in the South./ * /They raise potatoes to eat, but tobacco is their cash crop./ [cash in] {v.} 1. To exchange (as poker chips or bonds) for the value in money. * /He paid the bill by cashing in some bonds./ * /When the card game ended, the players cashed in their chips and went home./ 2. or [cash in one's chips] {slang} To die. * /When the outlaw cashed in his chips, he was buried with his boots on./ * /He was shot through the body and knew he was going to cash in./ [cash in on] {v.}, {informal} To see (a chance) and profit by it; take advantage of (an opportunity or happening). * /Mr. Brown cashed in on people's great interest in camping and sold three hundred tents./ [cash on the barrelhead] {n. phr.}, {informal} Money paid at once; money paid when something is bought. * /Father paid cash on the barrelhead for a new car./ * /Some lawyers want cash on the barrelhead./ Compare: COLD CASH. [cast] or [shed] or [throw light upon] {v. phr.} To explain; illuminate; clarify. * /The letters that were found suddenly cast a new light on the circumstances of Tom's disappearance./ * /Einstein's General Theory of Relativity threw light upon the enigma of our universe./ [cast about] also [cast around] {v.}, {literary} 1. To look everywhere; search. * /The committee was casting about for an experienced teacher to take the retiring principal's place./ 2. To search your mind; try to remember something; try to think of something. * /The teacher cast about for an easy way to explain the lesson./ * /Jane cast around for a good subject for her report./ [cast down] {adj.} Discouraged; sad; unhappy. - Used less often than the reverse form, "downcast". * /Mary was cast down at the news of her uncle's death./ * /Charles felt cast down when he lost the race./ [cast in one's lot with] {formal} See: THROW IN ONE'S LOT WITH. [castle in the air] See: BUILD CASTLES IN THE AIR. [castles in Spain] See: CASTLES IN THE AIR. [cast off] {v.} 1a. or [cast loose] To unfasten; untie; let loose (as a rope holding a boat). * /The captain of the boat cast off the line and we were soon out in open water./ 1b. To untie a rope holding a boat or something suggesting a boat. * /We cast off and set sail at 6 A.M./ 2. To knit the last row of stitches. * /When she had knitted the twentieth row of stitches she cast off./ 3. To say that you do not know (someone) any more; not accept as a relative or friend. * /Mr. Jones cast off his daughter when she married against his wishes./ [cast one's lot with] See: THROW IN ONE'S LOT WITH. [cast out] {v.}, {formal} To force (someone) to go out or away; banish; expel. * /After the scandal, he was cast out of the best society./ Compare: CAST OFF(3). [cast pearls before swine] or [cast one's pearls before swine] {n. phr.}, {literary} To waste good acts or valuable things on someone who won't understand or be thankful for them, just as pigs won't appreciate pearls. - Often used in negative sentences. * /I won't waste good advice on John any more because he never listens to it. I won't cast pearls before swine./ [cast the first stone] {v. phr.}, {literary} To be the first to blame someone, lead accusers against a wrongdoer. * /Jesus said that a person who was without sin could cast the first stone./ * /Although Ben saw the girl cheating, he did not want to cast the first stone./ [cast up] {v.}, {literary} 1. To turn or direct upward; raise. * /The dying missionary cast up his eyes to heaven and prayed./ 2. {archaic} To do sums; do a problem in addition; add. * /Cast up 15, 43, 27, and 18./ * /When John had all the figures, he cast them up./ [cat] See: COPY CAT, CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT, FRAIDY-CAT or FRAID-CAT or SCAREDY CAT OY SCARED-CAT, HOLY CATS, LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG, LOOK LIKE THE CAT THAT ATE THE CANARY, PLAY CAT AND MOUSE WITH, RAIN CATS AND DOGS. [catch] See: EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM, FAIR CATCH, SHOESTRING CATCH. [catch-as-catch-can(1)] {adv. phr.} In a free manner; in any way possible; in the best way you can. * /On moving day everything is packed and we eat meals catch-as-catch-can./ [catch-as-catch-can(2)] {adj. phr.} Using any means or method; unplanned; free. * /Rip van Winkle seems to have led a catch-as-catch-can life./ * /Politics is rather a catch-as-catch-can business./ Compare: HIT-OR-MISS. [catch at] {v.} 1. To try to catch suddenly; grab for. * /The boy on the merry-go-round caught at the brass ring, but did not get it./ 2. To seize quickly; accept mentally or physically. * /The hungry man caught at the sandwich and began to eat./ * /Joe caught at Bill's offer to help./ [catch at a straw] See: GRASP AT STRAWS. [catch cold] {v. phr.} 1. or [take cold] To get a common cold-weather sickness that causes a running nose, sneezing, and sometimes sore throat and fever or other symptoms. * /Don't get your feet wet or you'll catch cold./ 2. {informal} To catch unprepared or not ready for a question or unexpected happening. * /I had not studied my lesson carefully, and the teacher's question caught me cold./ * /The opposing team was big and sure of winning, and they were caught cold by the fast, hard playing of our smaller players./ [catch (someone) dead] {v. phr.}, {informal} To see or hear (someone) in an embarrassing act or place at any time. Used in the negative usually in the passive. * /You won't catch Bill dead taking his sister to the movies./ * /John wouldn't be caught dead in the necktie he got for Christmas./ [catch fire] {v. phr.} 1. To begin to burn. * /When he dropped a match in the leaves, they caught fire./ 2. To become excited. * /The audience caught fire at the speaker's words and began to cheer./ * /His imagination caught fire as he read./ [catch flat-footed] See: FLAT-FOOTED(2). [catch forty winks] See: FORTY WINKS. [catch hold of] {v. phr.} To grasp a person or a thing. * /"I've been trying to catch hold of you all week," John said, "but you were out of town."/ * /The mountain climber successfully caught hold of his friend's hand and thereby saved his life./ [catch it] or [get it] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be scolded or punished. - Usually used of children. * /John knew he would catch it when he came home late for supper./ * /Wow, Johnny! When your mother sees those torn pants, you're going to get it./ Compare: GET WHAT'S COMING TO ONE. Contrast: GIVE IT TO(2). [catch it in the neck] or [get it in the neck] {v. phr.}, {slang} To be blamed or punished. * /Tom got it in the neck because he forgot to close the windows when it rained./ * /Students get it in the neck when they lose library books./ Compare: CATCH IT, GET WHAT'S COMING TO ONE. [catch off balance] {v. phr.} To confront someone with physical force or with a statement or question he or she is not prepared to answer or deal with; to exploit the disadvantage of another. * /The smaller wrestler caught his opponent off balance and managed to throw him on the float in spite of his greater weight and strength./ * /Your question has caught me off balance; please give me some time to think about your problem./ [catch off guard] {v. phr.} To challenge or confront a person at a time of lack of preparedness or sufficient care. * /The suspect was caught off guard by the detective and confessed where he had hidden the stolen car./ [catch on] {v.}, {informal} 1. To understand; learn about. - Often used with "to". * /You'll catch on to the job after you've been here awhile./ * /Don't play any tricks on Joe. When he catches on, he will beat you./ 2. To become popular; be done or used by many people. * /The song caught on and was sung and played everywhere./ 3. To be hired; get a job. * /The ball player caught on with a big league team last year./ [catch one's breath] {v. phr.} 1. To breathe in suddenly with fear or surprise. * /The beauty of the scene made him catch his breath./ Compare: TAKE ONE'S BREATH AWAY. 2a. To rest and get back your normal breathing, as after running. * /After running to the bus stop, we sat down to catch our breath./ 2b. To relax for a moment after any work. * /After the day's work we sat down over coffee to catch our breath./ [catch one's death of] or [take one's death of] {v. phr.}, {informal} To become very ill with (a cold, pneumonia, flu). * /Johnny fell in the icy water and almost took his death of cold./ Sometimes used in the short form "catch your death." * /"Johnny! Come right in here and put your coat and hat on. You'll catch your death!"/ [catch one's eye] {v. phr.} To attract your attention. * /I caught his eye as he moved through the crowd, and waved at him to come over./ * /The dress in the window caught her eye when she passed the store./ [catch red-handed] {v. phr.} /To apprehend a person during the act of committing an illicit or criminal act./ * /Al was caught red-handed at the local store when he was trying to walk out with a new camera he had not paid for./ [catch sight of] {v. phr.} To see suddenly or unexpectedly. * /Allan caught sight of a kingbird in a maple tree./ Contrast: LOSE SIGHT OF. [catch some rays] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} To get tanned while sunbathing. * /Tomorrow I'll go to the beach and try to catch some rays./ [catch some Z's] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} To take a nap, to go to sleep. (Because of the "z" sound resembling snoring.) * /I want to hit the sack and catch some Z's./ [catch-22] {n.}, {informal} From Joseph Heller's novel "Catch-22", set in World War II. 1. A regulation or situation that is self-contradictory or that conflicts with another regulation. In Heller's book it referred to the regulation that flight crews must report for duty unless excused for reasons of insanity, but that any one claiming such an excuse must, by definition, be sane. * /Government rules require workers to expose any wrongdoing in their office, but the Catch-22 prevents them from their doing so, because they are not allowed to disclose any information about their work./ 2. A paradoxical situation. * /The Catch-22 of job-hunting was that the factory wanted to hire only workers who had experience making computers but the only way to get the experience was by working at the computer factory./ [catch up] {v.} 1. To take or pick up suddenly; grab (something). * /She caught up the book from the table and ran out of the room./ 2. To capture or trap (someone) in a situation; concern or interest very much. - Usually used in the passive with "in". * /The Smith family was caught up in the war in Europe and we did not see them again till it was over./ * /We were so caught up in the movie we forgot what time it was./ Compare: MIX UP. 3. To go fast enough or do enough so as not to be behind; overtake; come even. - Often used with "to" or "with". * /Johnny ran hard and tried to catch up to his friends./ * /Mary missed two weeks of school; she must work hard to catch up with her class./ Compare: UP TO. 4. To find out about or get proof to punish or arrest. - Usually used with "with". * /A man told the police where the robbers were hiding, so the police finally caught up with them./ 5. To result in something bad; bring punishment. - Usually used with "with". * /The boy's fighting caught up with him and he was expelled from school./ * /Smoking will catch up with you./ Compare: CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST. 6. To finish; not lose or be behind. - Used with "on" and often in the phrase "get caught up on". * /Frank stayed up late to get caught up on his homework./ * /I have to catch up on my sleep./ * /We caught up on all the latest news when we got back to school and saw our friends again./ Syn.: KEEP UP. [catch with one's pants down] {v. phr.}, {slang} To surprise someone in an embarrassing position or guilty act. * /They thought they could succeed in the robbery, but they got caught with their pants down./ * /When the weather turned hot in May, the drive-in restaurant was caught with its pants down, and ran out of ice cream before noon./ [cat got one's tongue] You are not able or willing to talk because of shyness. Usually used about children or as a question to children. * /Tommy's father asked Tommy if the cat had got his tongue./ * /The little girl had a poem to recite, but the cat got her tongue./ Compare: LOSE ONE'S TONGUE. [cat has nine lives] A cat can move so fast and jump so well that he seems to escape being killed many times. * /We thought our cat would be killed when he fell from the roof of the house. He was not, but he used up one of his nine lives./ [cathouse] {n.}, {slang} A house of ill repute, a house of prostitution. * /Massage parlors are frequently cathouses in disguise./ [cat's meow] or [cat's pajamas] {n.}, {slang} Something very wonderful, special, or good. * /John's new hike is really the cat's meow./ * /Mary's party is going to be the cat's pajamas./ [caught short] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not having enough of something when you need it. * /Mrs. Ford was caught short when the newspaper boy came for his money a day early./ * /The man was caught short of clothes when he had to go on a trip./ [cause eyebrows to raise] {v. phr.} To do something that causes consternation; to shock others. * /When Algernon entered Orchestra Hall barefoot and wearing a woman's wig, he caused eyebrows to raise./ [cause tongues to wag] See: TONGUES TO WAG. [caution] See: THROW CAUTION TO THE WINDS. [cave in] {v.} 1. To fall or collapse inward. * /The mine caved in and crushed three miners./ * /Don't climb on that old roof. It might cave in./ 2. {informal} To weaken and be forced to give up. * /The children begged their father to take them to the circus until he caved in./ * /After the atomic bomb, Japan caved in and the war ceased./ [cease fire] {v.} To give a military command ordering soldiers to stop shooting. * /"Cease fire!" the captain cried, and the shooting stopped./ [cease-fire] {n.} A period of negotiated nonaggression, when the warring parties involved promise not to attack. * /Unfortunately, the cease-fire in Bosnia was broken many times by all parties concerned./ [ceiling] See: HIT THE CEILING or HIT THE ROOF. [cent] See: TWO CENTS, WORTH A CENT. [center] See: FRONT AND CENTER, OFF-CENTER, SHOPPING CENTER. [century] See: TURN OF THE CENTURY. [C.E.O.] {n.} Abbreviation of "Chief Executive Officer." The head of a company, factory, firm, etc. * /We are very proud of the fact that our C.E.O. is a young woman./ [ceremony] See: STAND ON CEREMONY. [certain] See: FOR SURE or FOR CERTAIN. [chain gang] {n.} A group of convicts or slaves in the old South who were chained together. * /Chain gangs are no longer an acceptable way of punishment, according to modern criminologists./ [chain letter] {n.} A letter which each person receiving it is asked to copy and send to several others. * /Most chain letters die out quickly./ [chain-smoke] {v.} To smoke cigarettes or cigars one after another without stopping. * /Mr. Jones is very nervous. He chain-smokes cigars./ [chain smoker] {n.} * /Mr. Jones is a chain smoker./ [chain-smoking] {adj.} or {n.} * /Chain smoking is very dangerous to health./ [chain stores] {n.} A series of stores in different locations, joined together under one ownership and general management. * /The goods in chain stores tend to be more uniform than in independent ones./ [chained to the oars] {adj. phr.} The condition of being forced to do strenuous and unwelcome labor against one's wishes for an extended period of time. * /Teachers in large public schools frequently complain that they feel as if they had been chained to the oars./ [chair] See: MUSICAL CHAIRS. [chalk] See: WALK THE CHALK. [chalk up] {v.}, {informal} 1. To write down as part of a score; record. * /The scorekeeper chalked up one more point for the home team./ 2. To make (a score or part of a score); score. * /The team chalked up another victory./ * /Bob chalked up a home run and two base hits in the game./ * /Mary chalked up good grades this term./ [champ at the bit] {v. phr.} To be eager to begin; be tired of being held back; want to start. * /The horses were champing at the bit, anxious to start racing./ * /As punishment John was kept after school for two hours. He was champing at the bit to go out./ [chance] See: BY CHANCE, FAT CHANCE, STAND A CHANCE, TAKE A CHANCE. [chance it] {v. phr.} To be willing to risk an action whose outcome is uncertain. * /"Should we take the boat out in such stormy weather?" Jim asked. "We can chance it," Tony replied. "We have enough experience."/ [chance on] also [chance upon] {v.} To happen to find or meet; find or meet by accident. * /On our vacation we chanced upon an interesting antique store./ * /Mary dropped her ring in the yard, and Mother chanced on it as she was raking./ Syn.: HAPPEN ON. Compare: RUN INTO. [change] See: RING THE CHANGES. [change color] {v. phr.} 1. To become pale. * /The sight was so horrible that Mary changed color from fear./ * /Bill lost so much blood from the cut that he changed color./ 2. To become pink or red in the face; become flushed; blush. * /Mary changed color when the teacher praised her drawing./ * /Tom got angry at the remark and changed color./ [change hands] {v. phr.} To change or transfer ownership. * /Ever since our apartment building changed hands, things are working a lot better./ [change horses in the middle of a stream] or [change horses in midstream] {v. phr.} To make new plans or choose a new leader in the middle of an important activity. * /When a new President is to be elected during a war, the people may decide not to change horses in the middle of a stream./ [change off] {v.}, {informal} To take turns doing something; alternate. * /John and Bill changed off at riding the bicycle./ * /Bob painted one patch of wall and then he changed off with Tom./ [change of heart] {n. phr.} A change in the way one feels or thinks about a given task, idea or problem to be solved. * /Joan had a change of heart and suddenly broke off her engagement to Tim./ * /Fred got admitted to medical school, but he had a change of heart and decided to go into the Foreign Service instead./ [change of life] {n. phr.} The menopause (primarily in women). * /Women usually undergo a change of life in their forties or fifties./ [change of pace] {n. phr.} A quick change in what you are doing. * /John studied for three hours and then read a comic book for a change of pace./ * /The doctor told the man he needed a change of pace./ [change one's mind] {v. phr.} To alter one's opinion or judgment on a given issue. * /I used to hate Chicago, but as the years passed I gradually changed my mind and now I actually love living here./ [change one's tune] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make a change in your story, statement, or claim; change your way of acting. * /The man said he was innocent, but when they found the stolen money in his pocket he changed his tune./ * /Bob was rude to his teacher, but she threatened to tell the principal and he changed his tune./ Syn.: SING A DIFFERENT TUNE. [change up] See: LET UP(4). [character] See: IN CHARACTER. [charge] See: CARRYING CHARGE, CHARGE OFF(2), IN CHARGE, IN CHARGE OF, TAKE CHARGE. [charge account] {n.} An agreement with a store through which you can buy things and pay for them later. * /Mother bought a new dress on her charge account./ * /Mr. Jones has a charge account at the garage on the corner./ [charge off] {v.} 1. To consider or record as a loss, especially in an account book. * /The store owner charged off all of the last season's stock of suits./ Syn.: WRITE OFF(1). 2. or [charge up] {informal} To accept or remember (something) as a mistake and not worry about it any more. - Often used with "to experience". * /He charged off his mistakes to experience./ Syn.: CHALK UP. Compare: CHARGE TO. [charge something to something] {v.} 1. To place the blame on; make responsible for. * /John failed to win a prize, but he charged it to his lack of experience./ * /The coach charged the loss of the game to the team's disobeying his orders./ 2. To buy something on the credit of. * /Mrs. Smith bought a new pocketbook and charged it to her husband./ * /Mr. White ordered a box of cigars and had it charged to his account./ [charge up] {v. phr.} 1. To submit to a flow of electricity in order to make functional. * /I mustn't forget to charge up my razor before we go on our trip./ 2. To use up all the available credit one has on one's credit card(s). * /"Let's charge dinner on the Master Card," Jane said. "Unfortunately I can't," Jim replied. "All of my credit cards are completely charged up."/ [charge with] {v. phr.} To accuse someone in a court of law. * /The criminal was charged with aggravated kidnapping across a state line./ [charmed life] {n.} A life often saved from danger; a life full of lucky escapes. * /He was in two airplane accidents, but he had a charmed life./ * /During the war a bullet knocked the gun out of his hand, but he had a charmed life./ [chase] See: GIVE CHASE, GO CHASE ONESELF, LEAD A MERRY CHASE. [chase after] See: RUN AFTER. [chase around] See: RUN AROUND. [cheapskate] {n.}, {informal} A selfish or stingy person; a person who will not spend much. - An insulting term. * /None of the girls like to go out on a date with him because he is a cheapskate./ [cheat on someone] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be unfaithful (to one's wife or husband, or to one's sweetheart or fiancee). * /It is rumored that Joe cheats on his wife./ [check] See: BLANK CHECK, CLAIM CHECK, DOUBLE CHECK, IN CHECK, RAIN CHECK, RUBBER CHECK, SALES CHECK. [check in] {v.} 1a. To sign your name (as at a hotel or convention). * /The last guests to reach the hotel checked in at 12 o'clock./ Contrast: CHECK OUT. 1b. {informal} To arrive. * /The friends we had invited did not check in until Saturday./ 2. To receive (something) back and make a record of it. * /The coach checked in the football uniforms at the end of the school year./ * /The students put their books on the library desk, and the librarian checked them in./ [check off] {v.} To put a mark beside (the name of a person or thing on a list) to show that it has been counted. * /The teacher checked off each pupil as he got on the bus./ * /Bill wrote down the names of all the states he could remember, and then he checked them off against the list in his book./ Compare: TICK OFF. [check on someone/thing] or [check up on someone/thing] {v}. To try to find out the truth or rightness of; make sure of; examine; inspect; investigate. * /We checked on Dan's age by getting his birth record./ * /Mrs. Brown said she heard someone downstairs and Mr. Brown went down to check up on it./ * /You can check on your answers at the back of the book./ * /The police are checking up on the man to see if he has a police record./ * /Grandfather went to have the doctor check on his health./ Compare: LOOK INTO, LOOK OVER. [check out] {v.} 1a. To pay your hotel bill and leave. * /The last guests checked out of their rooms in the morning./ Contrast: CHECK IN. 1b. {informal} To go away; leave. * /I hoped our guest would stay but he had to check out before Monday./ Compare: CHECK IN. 2a. To make a list or record of. * /They checked out all the goods in the store./ 2b. To give or lend (something) and make a record of it. * /The boss checked out the tools to the workmen as they came to work./ 2c. To get (something) after a record has been made of it. * /I checked out a book from the library./ 3. {informal} To test (something, like a part of a motor). * /The mechanic checked out the car battery./ * /"He checked out from the motel at nine," said the detective, "then he checked out the air in the car tires and his list of local clients."/ 4. {slang} To die. * /He seemed too young to check out./ [check up] {v.} To find out or try to find out the truth or correctness of something; make sure of something; investigate. * /Mrs. Brown thought she had heard a burglar in the house, so Mr. Brown checked up, but found nobody./ * /Bill thought he had a date with Janie, but phoned her to check up./ [check-up] {n.} A periodic examination by a physician or of some equipment by a mechanic. * /I am overdue for my annual physical check-up./ * /I need to take my car in for a check-up./ [check with] {v. phr.} 1. To consult. * /I want to check with my lawyer before I sign the papers./ 2. To agree with. * /Does my reconciliation of our account check with the bank statement?/ [cheek] See: TURN THE OTHER CHEEK. [cheer] See: BRONX CHEER. [cheer on] {v. phr.} To vociferously encourage a person or a team during a sports event. * /The spectators at the stadium cheered on their home team./ [cheer up] {v.} 1. To feel happy; stop being sad or discouraged; become hopeful, joyous, or glad. * /Jones was sad at losing the business, but he cheered up at the sight of his daughter./ * /Cheer up! The worst is over./ 2. To make cheerful or happy. * /The support of the students cheered up the losing team and they played harder and won./ * /We went to the hospital to cheer up a sick friend./ * /Flowers cheer up a room./ [cheese] See: BIG CHEESE, WHOLE CHEESE. [cheesebox] {n.}, {slang} A small, suburban house built by a land developer available at low cost and resembling the other houses around it. * /They moved to a suburb, but their house is just a cheesebox./ [cheesecake] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} A showing of the legs of an attractive woman or a display of her breasts as in certain magazines known as cheesecake magazines. * /Photographer to model: "Give us some cheesecake in that pose!"/ [cherry farm] {n.}, {slang} A correctional institution of minimal security where the inmates, mostly first offenders, work as farmhands. * /Joe got a light sentence and was sent to a cherry farm for six months./ [chest] See: OFF ONE'S CHEST, ON ONE'S CHEST. [chew] See: BITE OFF MORE THAN ONE CAN CHEW. [chew out] {v.}, {slang} To scold roughly. * /The boy's father chewed him out for staying up late./ * /The coach chews out lazy players./ Syn.: BAWL OUT, CALL ON THE CARPET, HAUL OVER THE COALS. [chew the fat] or [chew the rag] {v. phr.}, {slang} To talk together in an idle, friendly fashion; chat. * /We used to meet after work, and chew the fat over coffee and doughnuts./ * /The old man would chew the rag for hours with anyone who would join him./ [chew the scenery] {v. phr.}, {slang} To act overemotionally in a situation where it is inappropriate; to engage in histrionics. * /I don't know if Joe was sincere about our house, but he sure chewed up the scenery!/ [chicken] See: COUNT ONE'S CHICKENS BEFORE THEY ARE HATCHED, GO TO BED WITH THE CHICKENS, SPRING CHICKEN. [chicken-brained] {adj.} Stupid; narrow-minded; unimaginative. * /I can't understand how a bright woman like Helen can date such a chicken-brained guy as Oliver./ [chicken feed] {n.}, {slang} A very small sum of money. * /John and Bill worked very hard, but they were only paid chicken feed./ * /Mr. Jones is so rich be thinks a thousand dollars is chicken feed./ [chicken-hearted] {adj.} Cowardly; excessively timid. * /"Come on, let's get on that roller coaster," she cried. "Don't be so chicken-hearted."/ See: CHICKEN-LIVERED. [chicken-livered] {adj.}, {slang}, {colloquial} Easily scared; cowardly. * /Joe sure is a chicken-livered guy./ See: CHICKEN-HEARTED. [chicken out] {v. phr.}, {informal} To stop doing something because of fear; to decide not to do something after all even though previously having decided to try it. * /I used to ride a motorcycle on the highway, but I've chickened out./ * /I decided to take flying lessons but just before they started I chickened out./ [chickens come home to roost] {informal} Words or acts come back to cause trouble for a person; something bad you said or did receives punishment; you get the punishment that you deserve. * /Fred's chickens finally came home to roost today. He was late so often that the teacher made him go to the principal./ - Often used in a short form. * /Mary's selfishness will come home to roost some day./ [chicken switch] {n.}, {slang}, {Space English} 1. The emergency eject button used by test pilots in fast and high flying aircraft by means of which they can parachute to safety if the engine fails; later adopted by astronauts in space capsules. * /Don't pull the chicken switch, unless absolutely necessary./ 2. The panic button; a panicky reaction to an unforeseen situation, such as unreasonable or hysterical telephone calls to friends for help. * /Joe pulled the chicken switch on his neighbor when the grease started burning in the kitchen./ [child] See: BURNT CHILD DREADS THE FIRE, WITH CHILD. [children and fools speak the truth] Children and fools say things without thinking; they say what they think or know when grown-ups might not think it was polite or wise to do so. - A proverb. * /"Uncle Willie is too fat," said little Agnes. "Children and fools speak the truth," said her father./ [children should be seen and not heard] A command issued by adults to children ordering them to be quiet and not to interrupt. - A proverb. * /Your children should not argue so loudly. Haven't you taught them that children should be seen and not heard?/ [child's play] {adj.} Easy; requiring no effort. * /Mary's work as a volunteer social worker is so agreeable to her that she thinks of it as child's play./ [chill] See: SPINE-CHILLING. [chime in] {v.} 1. {informal} To join in. * /The whole group chimed in on the chorus./ * /When the argument got hot, John chimed in./ 2. To agree; go well together. - Usually used with "with". * /Dick was happy, and the holiday music chimed in with his feelings./ * /When Father suggested going to the shore for the vacation, the whole family chimed in with the plan./ [chin] See: KEEP ONE'S CHIN UP, STICK ONE'S NECK OUT or STICK ONE'S CHIN OUT, TAKE IT ON THE CHIN, UP TO THE CHIN IN. [china shop] See: BULL IN A CHINA SHOP. [China syndrome] {n.}, {informal} From the title of the movie with Jane Fonda and Jack Lemmon. The possibility that an industrial nuclear reactor might explode, literally affecting the other side of the planet (as if by eating a hole through the earth all the way to China.) * /Antinuclear demonstrators are greatly worried about the China syndrome./ [chip] See: CASH IN ONE'S CHIPS at CASH-IN, IN THE CHIPS. LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY, FISH-AND-CHIPS, WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN. [chip in] or [kick in] {v.}, {informal} To give together with others, contribute. * /The pupils chipped in a dime apiece for the teacher's Christmas present./ * /All the neighbors kicked in to help after the fire./ * /Lee chipped in ten points in the basketball game./ * /Joe didn't say much but chipped in a few words./ [chip off the old block] {n. phr.} A person whose character traits closely resemble those of his parents. * /I hear that Tom plays the violin in the orchestra his father conducts; he sure is a chip off the old block./ [chip on one's shoulder] {n. phr.}, {informal} A quarrelsome nature; readiness to be angered. * /He went through life with a chip on his shoulder./ * /Jim often gets into fights because he goes around with a chip on his shoulder./ [chips] See: WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN. [chisel] or [muscle in on] {v. phr.} To illegitimately and forcefully intrude into someone's traditional sales or professional arena of operation. * /Tim has a good sales territory, but he is always afraid that someone might chisel in on it./ * /Las Vegas casino owners are concerned that the Mafia might muscle in on their territory./ [choice] See: BY CHOICE, FIELDER'S CHOICE. [choke off] {v.} To put a sudden end to; stop abruptly or forcefully. * /It was almost time for the meeting to end, and the presiding officer had to move to choke off debate./ * /The war choked off diamond shipments from overseas./ [choke up] {v.} 1a. To come near losing calmness or self-control from strong feeling; be upset by your feelings. * /When one speaker after another praised John, he choked up and couldn't thank them./ * /When Father tried to tell me how glad he was to see me safe after the accident, he choked up and was unable to speak./ 1b. {informal} To be unable to do well because of excitement or nervousness. * /Bill was a good batter, but in the championship game he choked up and did poorly./ 2. To fill up; become clogged or blocked; become hard to pass through. * /The channel had choked up with sand so that boats couldn't use it./ [choose] See: PICK AND CHOOSE. [chooser] See: BEGGARS CAN'T BE CHOOSERS. [choose up sides] {v. phr.} To form two teams with two captains taking turns choosing players. * /The boys chose up sides for a game of softball./ * /Tom and Joe were the captains. They chose up sides./ [chop] See: LICK ONE'S CHOPS. [chow line] {n.}, {slang} A line of people waiting for food. * /The chow line was already long when John got to the dining hall./ * /The soldiers picked up trays and got into the chow line./ [Christmas] See: FATHER CHRISTMAS. [Christmas card] {n.}, {slang}, {citizen's band radio jargon} A speeding ticket. * /Smokey just gave a Christmas card to the eighteen wheeler we passed./ [Christmas club] {n.} A plan for putting money in the bank to be saved for Christmas shopping. * /John deposits $10 each week in the Christmas club./ * /The woman will get her Christmas club money on December 10./ [chum around with] {v. phr.} 1. To be close friends with someone. * /They have been chumming around with one another for quite some time./ 2. To travel around with someone. * /Jack is planning to chum around with Tim in Europe this summer./ [cigar-store Indian] {n. phr.} A wooden statue of an Indian which in the past was placed in front of a cigar store. * /A cigar store Indian used to mean a cigar store in the same way a barber pole still means a barber shop./ [circle] See: COME FULL CIRCLE, IN A CIRCLE or IN CIRCLES, RUN CIRCLES AROUND also RUN RINGS AROUND. [circulation] See: IN CIRCULATION, OUT OF CIRCULATION. [circumstance] See: UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES also IN THE CIRCUMSTANCES. [circumstances alter cases] {formal} The way things are, or happen, may change the way you are expected to act. * /John's father told him never to touch his gun, but one day when Father was away, John used it to shoot a poisonous snake that came into the yard. Circumstances alter cases./ [circus] See: THREE-RING CIRCUS. [citizen] See: SENIOR CITIZEN. [civil] See: KEEP A CIVIL TONGUE IN ONE'S HEAD. [claim] See: STAKE A CLAIM. [claim check] {n.} A ticket needed to get back something. * /The man at the parking lot gave Mrs. Collins a claim check./ * /The boy put the dry cleaning claim check in his billfold./ * /The man told Mary the pictures would be ready Friday and gave her a claim check./ [clamp down] {v.}, {informal} To put on strict controls; enforce rules or laws. * /After the explosion, police clamped down and let no more visitors inside the monument./ * /The school clamped down on smoking./ * /When the crowds became bigger and wilder, the police clamped down on them and made everyone go home./ [clam up] {v.}, {slang} To refuse to say anything more; stop talking. * /The suspect clammed up, and the police could get no more information out of him./ [class] See: HIGH-CLASS, SECOND CLASS. [clay] See: FEET OF CLAY. [clay pigeon] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. A popular target at practice shooting made of clay and roughly resembling a pigeon; an easy target that doesn't move. * /All he can shoot is a clay pigeon./ 2. A person who, like a clay pigeon in target practice, is immobilized or is in a sensitive position and is therefore easily criticized or otherwise victimized. * /Poor Joe is a clay pigeon./ 3. A task easily accomplished like shooting an immobile clay pigeon. * /The math exam was a clay pigeon./ [clean] See: COME CLEAN, KEEP ONE'S NOSE CLEAN, MAKE A CLEAN BREAST OF, NEW BROOM SWEEPS CLEAN, TAKE TO ONE'S HEELS, also SHOW A CLEAN PAIR OF HEELS. [clean bill of health] {n. phr.} 1. A certificate that a person or animal has no infectious disease. * /The government doctor gave Jones a clean bill of health when he entered the country./ 2. {informal} A report that a person is free of guilt or fault. * /The stranger was suspected in the bank robbery, but the police gave him a clean bill of health./ [clean break] {n. phr.} A complete separation. * /Tom made a clean break with his former girlfriends before marrying Pamela./ [cleaners] See: TO TAKE TO THE CLEANERS. [clean hands] {n. phr.}, {slang} Freedom from guilt or dishonesty; innocence. * /John grew up in a bad neighborhood, but he grew up with clean hands./ * /There was much proof against Bill, but he swore he had clean hands./ [clean out] {v.} 1. {slang} To take everything from; empty; strip. * /George's friends cleaned him out when they were playing cards last night./ * /The sudden demand for paper plates soon cleaned out the stores./ 2. {informal} To get rid of; remove; dismiss. * /The new mayor promised to clean the crooks out of the city government./ [clean slate] {n. phr.} A record of nothing but good conduct, without any errors or bad deeds; past acts that are all good without any bad ones. * /Johnny was sent to the principal for whispering. He had a clean slate so the principal did not punish him./ * /Mary stayed after school for a week, and after that the teacher let her off with a clean slate./ Compare: TURN OVER A NEW LEAF. [clean sweep] {n. phr.} A complete victory. * /Our candidate for the United States Senate made a clean sweep over his opponent./ [clean up] {v. phr.} 1. To wash and make oneself presentable. * /After quitting for the day in the garage, Tim decided to clean up and put on a clean shirt./ 2. To finish; terminate. * /The secretary promised her boss to clean up all the unfinished work before leaving on her Florida vacation./ 3. {informal} To make a large profit. * /The clever investors cleaned up on the stock market last week./ [clean-up] {n.} 1. An act of removing all the dirt from a given set of objects. * /What this filthy room needs is an honest clean-up./ 2. The elimination of pockets of resistance during warfare or a police raid. * /The FBI conducted a clean-up against the drug pushers in our district./ [clear] See: COAST IS CLEAR, IN THE CLEAR, OUT OF THE BLUE or OUT OF A CLEAR SKY or OUT OF A CLEAR BLUE SKY, SEE ONE'S WAY CLEAR, STEER CLEAR OF. [clear-cut] {adj.} Definite; well defined. * /The president's new policy of aggressive action is a clear-cut departure from his old methods of unilateral appeasement./ [clear-eyed] {adj.} Understanding problems or events clearly; being able to tell very well the results of a way of acting. * /Tom is very clear-eyed. He knows he doesn't have much chance of winning the race, but he will try his best./ * /He is a clear-eyed and independent commentator on the news./ [clear one's name] {v. phr.} To prove someone is innocent of a crime or misdeed of which he has been accused. * /The falsely accused rapist has been trying in vain to clear his name./ [clear out] {v.} 1. To take everything out of; empty. * /When Bill was moved to another class he cleared out his desk./ 2. {informal} To leave suddenly; go away; depart. * /The cop told the boys to clear out./ * /Bob cleared out without paying his room rent./ * /Clear out of here! You're bothering me./ Compare: BEAT IT. [clear the air] {v. phr.} To remove angry feelings, misunderstanding, or confusion. * /The President's statement that he would run for office again cleared the air of rumors and guessing./ * /When Bill was angry at Bob, Bob made a joke, and it cleared the air between them./ [clear the decks] {v. phr.} To put everything in rea